HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4439994 OR BOOK 4136 PAGE 2252, Recorded 05/24/2018 03:33:30 PM AFTER RECORDING-RETURN T0: I PERMIT NI.VBER:' I , NOTICE OF CO MENCEME T The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real pro icrty,and in accordance with Chapter 713- Florida Statutes,the follo+%ing information is provided in this Notice of Commenceme t. 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY f Legal description or the properly&street address,if avails In)TAN FOLIO NO: 2420-802-0083-000-3 SUBDIVISION Merdweather Park BLOCK4 TRACT LOT13&14 BLDG ['N1IT MERRIWEATHER PARK S/D BLK 4 LOT 13 AND N 36.25 FT OF LOT 14-LESS E5 FT-(0.27 AC)(OR 3460-1406) :,GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF 1\IPROVEMENT: 3. OWNER INFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION IFTHE LESSEE CON'TRALTED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT: , a Name and address.Barbara Lindsay,2805 S 27th Street,Ft.Pierce,FL 34981 o b Interest in property: e Name and address offee simple titleholder(if di0brcnl from Omicr listed abort) W a. a,CONTRACTOR'S NA\IE: Storm Tight Windows,Inc. y� L'ontraasx'saddress 500 SW 12th Avenue,Deerfield Beach,FL 33442 b.Phonc nnsnba 561-420-0271 W U- = aC S. SVRET3'lit`applicable.a copy ofthe payment bond isattachedl ~ LU Q C) V Y a Name and address: V H h Phanenumher c AmMiltorbond �y W NJ�� G a.LENDEWSNAMEt, — D W m Lrnd+•r'saddrexs b Phone number C3 O O Ca OIn - 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by O++'ncr upon whom notices or ott cr documents may he served as provided byu u 1 C3 , ^1 Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Stattnes: W= ¢ V t\J W a Name and addreiscc b Phone numbers of designated persons: y ~C5 S.a.In addition to himself ,or herself,(honer designates of to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Seollon 713.13 f 1)(b),Florida Statutes. b Phone rumba o(peison of entity designated by OAnc, 9. Expiration date ornotice of commencement(the expiration date will be I year frog i the date of recording unless a dillerent date is specified):_,20_ WARNING TOOWNF.RPAYMENTS MADE RY'•liE OWNER AFTER T"F.EXPIRATION OF THF. OT[CE OF COhSMENCEMF;NT ARE CONSIDERED iM 'R PA17JENT I) ) R CHAPTER 713 PART] SF N 713. 3 FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING•W[CE FOR V L'N'rS TO Youg PROPERTY (TI•F.O ti E \t :. RECORDED AND POSTFD ON THE JOB SITE BF]FORE TfIL FIR5T rNSPE TION IF Y U INTEND TO 013TAIN FINANCING. SULT WITH YU R LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECO tDING YOIJR NOTICLCOMNIENCEME\T. [� (Signature of Owuer or Lessee,or Oher s essee's (Pri t Nanle and larovide Signaory Authnrized Ofcer/Direc(nr/Partnewana 's'fide/ ffice) slate of C ICJc-do County o&—raA1xACC � The foregoin,(g instrument was acknowledgedtaelore me this Jay of + ,20 i as (name of person) �7 (type of null ioriq-,...e.g.oliicer,trustee,attomcy in fact for (name of party onbehalfofwhom instrument was executed) r -� Personally Known_or Produced Identification—Z Type of ldentiticatiun oduced OT 00. Notary PuDI c State of Floras ignaturc ofNotary Publrc) Jennifer Dubren not Type. Stamp Commissioned Name ofNatary Public) [f. , My Comm ssion GG t 797004?a;�o� Expires 01128/2022Re1 -I: