HomeMy WebLinkAboutLMS 2018 UpdateDEPARTMENT ST. LUCIE COUNTY MEMORANDUM BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO: Amy Peterson, LMS State Liaison Florida Division of Emergency Management FRANNIE HUTCHINSON Mitigation Planning Unit CHAIR DISTRICT 4 FROM: Ron Parrish, MPA, CFO, EFO Department of Public Safety CHRIS DZADOVSKY DISTRICT 1 DATE: January 16, 2018 RE: 2017 LMS Annual Update LINDA BARTz per 27-9G22 Florida Administrative Code DISTRICT 3 CATHY TOWNSEND Enclosed is the required annual update from St. Lucie County regarding the Local Mitigation DISTRICT 5 Strategy (LMS) plan and working group. This consists of the current list of members, major changes to the LMS plan, and the current list of mitigation measures and projects. Referenced below you will find an explanation of the required elements per 9G-22 Florida Administrative HOWARD N. TIPTON Code: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 1. Current list of members including the chairperson and coordinator, municipalities, public, DAN MCINTYRE and private stakeholders. Accompanying the list is a comprehensive roster of all participants COUNTYATTORNEY involved in the LMS planning process. Additionally, you will find meeting minutes for the Steering Committee/ Working Group for 2017. MAILING ADDRESS 15305 W MIDWAY ROAD 2. The current Project Prioritized List (PPL), otherwise known as the current list of mitigation FORT PIERCE, FL 34945 measures and their estimated costs. PHONE 3. There were no major changes in 2017 to the local hazard risk assessment, critical facilities (772) 462.8100 list, or plan maps occurring in 2017. The total number of repetitive loss properties increased to 254 from 239 in 2016. The LMS was deemed to be in compliance with Federal hazard TDD (772) 462-1428 mitigation planning requirements by FDEM on June 21, 2016, and was adopted by the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners on June 7, 2016. FAX_ 462 2305 Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 772-462-8100, parr ishr@stlucieco.ore. E-MAIL PARRISH R@STLUCI ECO.ORG Cc: Gustavo Vilchez, MBA, MPCP, Emergency Operations Manager Peter Buchwald, Chair, LMS Working Group Frannie Hutchinson, Chair, St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners W EBSITE WWW.STLUCIECO.GOV ST. LUCIE WORKS Florida Division of Emergency Management Florida Administrative Code 27P-22.004 Annual Compliance Form County St. Lucie County Chair Name: Peter Buchwald Jurisdiction & Title: Transportation Planning Organization, Director Address: 466 SW Port St Lucie Blvd, Port St Lucie, FL 34953 Phone (o): 772-462-1593 Phone (c): Email: buchwaldp@stlucieco.org Vice Chair (if applicable) Name: N/A Jurisdiction & Title: Address: Phone (o): Phone (c): Email: EM Coordinator (if applicable) Name: Gustavo Vilchez Jurisdiction & Title: SLC Division of Emergency Management/ Emergency Operations Manager Address: 15305 W Midway Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Phone (o): 772-462-8107 Phone (c): 772-834-9250 Email: vilchezg@stlucieco.org Was your LMS submitted to the State for review within the last 6 months? 0 Yes _❑✓ No If your LMS was submitted in the past 6 months, have there been any changes since the plan was submitted? ❑✓_ Yes r-1 No If Yes or N/A, please complete the following document. If No, your 2713-22 annual update is complete. Page 2 of 4 Florida Division of Emergency Management Florida Administrative Code 27P-22.004 Annual Compliance Form 1. LMS Working Group Is your Working Group membership list attached to this form? Yes ✓❑ No ❑ 2. Hazard Analysis Change Are there any new or removed hazards? Have there been any changes to your LMS Risk Assessment within the last year? Yes ❑ No ❑✓ If yes, attach the changes. 3. Project Priority List Have there been changes to your Project List within the past year? Have there been any new or removed mitigation measures? (Be sure to include estimated project costs) Yes ❑ No If yes, attach the Project List. Page 3 of 4 Florida Division of Emergency Management Florida Administrative Code 27P-22.004 Annual Compliance Form 4. Critical Facilities List Have there been any changes to your critical facilities list within the past year? Yes ❑ No 571 If yes, attach the updated list. S. Repetitive Loss Properties List Have there been any additions or removals to the repetitive loss properties in any of your jurisdictions within the past year? Yes ✓0 No If yes, attach the updated list. 6. Revisions to Maps Were there any changes to maps included in the LMS within the past year? Yes No ❑✓ If yes, attach the updated map(s). Please email this updated information and all attachments by the last working weekday of January 2018 (Wednesday, January 31, 2018) to your LMS State Liaison, per the enclosed map. Or you may mail your documents to the following address: Florida Division of Emergency Management Attention: Mitigation Planning Unit 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Please contact your liaison with any questions. Thank you in advance. Page 4 of 4 2017 St. Lucie County Local Mitigation Strategy Working Group Last Name WFirst Name Agency . WV Arbore Marianne Concil on Aging of St. Lucie County, marbore@coasl.com Inc. Community Transit Barbieri John Indian River State College Baum Matt St. Lucie County Park & Recreation Berry Evan Indian River State College Blizzard Brian St. Lucie County Fire District Boer Kathryn E. South Florida Water Management District Bouchard Richard St. Lucie County Erosion Control District Brunjes Amy Florida Power & Light Buchwald Peter St. Lucie County Transportation (LMS Chair) Planning Organization Cuti David Daigle Christina gbarbier@irsc.edu baumm@stlucieco.org 772462-2551 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft Pierce, FL 34982 eberry@irsc.edu 3209 Virginia Ave bblizzard@slcfd.org 772-621-3400 kboer@tcrpc.org I772-221-4060 421 SW Camden Ave bouchardr@stlucieco.org Amy.Brunjes@fpl.com buchwaldp@stlucieco.org Fort Pierce Police Department Dcuti@fppd.org City of Port St. Lucie cdaigle@cityofpsl.com 772-462-1710 561-603-8378 772-462-1593 772-467-6830 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft Pierce, FL 34982 1050 SE Brandon Cir 466 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 920 South U.S.-1 Dayan Patrick St. Lucie County ddayanp@stlucieco.org 772-462-1100 2300 Virginia Ave. DeFini Ed St. Lucie County Transporation definie@stlucieco.org 466 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd _ Planning Organization Donahue Sean C. Indian River State College Isdonahue@irsc.edu Gonzalez Roje St. Lucie County Council On Aging ronzalez@coasl.com _ 772-465-5220 1505 Orange Ave i Graham Kim SLC Engineering IGrahamk@stlucieco.org Graham Kimberly St. Lucie County Engineering grahamk@stlucieco.org 772-462-1666 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft Pierce FL 34982 Hammond Matthew St. Lucie County Utilities hammondm@stlucieco.org 772-462-1175 2300 Virginia Ave Helms Patrick Fort Pierce Farms Water Control Patrick.Helms@aecom.com 772-461-5050 14666 Orange Ave District Henderson Glenn Mosquito Control hendersong@stlucieco.org 772-462-2818 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. _ Pierce, FL 34982 Hermoso Dina City of Fort Pierce tanya.morgan@redcross.org Herroso Dina City of Fort Pierce dhermoso@city-ftpierce.com 772-467-3783 100 N. US Hwy #1, Ft Pierce, Johnson Sheritta City of Ft. Pierce sjohnson@city-ftpierce.com 772-708-0065 100 North US HWy #1, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Kiley Edgar Fort Pierce Housing Authority ed.kiley@cfpha.org 772-429-6450 511 Orange Ave 2017 St. Lucie County Local Mitigation Strategy Working Group Klevers Erica Koerner David LaMartina Lindstrom Meagher Atlantic Disaster Management, LLC erica@atlanticdm.com 727-417-5184 Florida Department of Health at St. David. Koerner@ Floridahealth.gov 772-873-4924 Lucie County Kathy South Florida Water Management klamart@sfwmd.gov District Clayton Fort Pierce Utilities Authority clindstrom@fpua.com Scott City of Port St. Lucie Utilities Systems smeagher@cityofpsl.com 772-221-4060 772-344-4035 Mercurio Joseph City of Port St. Lucie Ijmercurio@cityofpsl.com Mincey Terrill St. Lucie County Mosquito Control minceyt@stlucieco.org 772-462-1692 Morgan Tanya Red Cross 7anya.morgan@redcross.org Myers Stephanie SAFER St. Lucie stefanie@unitedagainstpoverty.o 772-462-8543 rg 5150 NW Milner Dr 421 SW Camden Ave 206 S 6th St 900 SE Ogden Ln 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 2520 Orange Ave Newport Marti St. Lucie County Fire District mnewport@slcfd.org Nicki Capaldo Red Cross nicki.capaldo@redcross.org 2963 W Midway Rd Padrick Mary (Steering Committee Members padrickm@stlucieco.org 772-462-8106 _ 15305 W Midway Rd. Parrish Ron St. Lucie County Department of Public parrishr@stlucieco.org 772-462-8110 15305 W Midway Rd. Safety Revord Josh ST. Lucie County Public Works revordj@stlucieco.org Department Revord Joshua St. Lucie County Engineering revordj@stlucieco.org 772-203-8000 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FI 34982 Sanders Marty St. Lucie County School District marvin.sanders@stlucieschools.o 772-340-7105 4204 Okeechobee Rd rg i — Schmidt Katherine North St. Lucie County Water Control Katherine.Schmidt@aecom.com 561-515-3909 1466 Orange Ave District _ Schwerdt Colt City of Port St. Lucie icschwerdt@cityofpsl.com (772-871-7644 1121 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd Taylor Trevor Florida Forest Service trevor.taylor@freshfromflorida.c om Telle Tracy S. City of Fort Pierce ttelle@city-ftpierce.com 772-462-8543 100 N US Highway 1 Theiss William St. Lucie Village bbtheiss@gmail.com 462-1175 2512 Lightlewood Ln Thompson David ISt. Lucie County Sheriff's Office thompsond@stluciesheriff.com 772-462-7300 4700 W Midway Rd 2017 St. Lucie County Local MOM Mitigation Strategy Working Group Vilchez Gustavo SLC Division of Emergency IMV vilchezg@stlucieco.org 772-462-8107 15305 W Midway Rd., Fort (LMS Management Pierce, FL 34945 Coordinator) Waterman Laura Florida DEM Liason laura.waterman@em.myflorida.c 85-921-9063 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd iom Weber Matthew School Board of St. Lucie County matthew.weber@stlucieschools. o rg Wesloski Diane wesloskid@stlucieco.org I772-462-2376 437 N 7th St West Don St. Lucie County Public Works westd@stlucieco.org 772-462-1485 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Yunas Melissa Florida Forest Service melissa.vunas(ofreshfromFlorida. 772-467-3008 I5520 Peacock Rd St. Lucie County Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Steering Committee Meeting Minutes St. Lucie County Public Safety 15305 West Midway Road Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 January 23rd, 2017 AttPnrlantc- Stefanie Myers, Chair, SAFER St. Lucie, Ron Parrish, St. Lucie County Public Safety Tracy S. Telle, City of Fort Pierce Brian Blizzard, St. Lucie County Fire District Roje Gonzales, St. Lucie County Council on Aging Diana Wesloski, St. Lucie County Housing Katherine Schmidt, North St. Lucie River Water Control District Marty Sanders, St. Lucie County School District David Koerner, Florida Department of Health at St. Lucie County Joe Mercurio, Port St. Lucie Emergency Management Matthew Hammond, St. Lucie County Utilities Colt Schwerdt, City of Port St. Lucie Christina Daigle, Port St. Lucie Public Works Clayton Lindstrom, Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority Eileen Halatyn, Red Cross Melissa Yunas, Florida Forest Service Carly Swartz, Florida Division of Emergency Management (by conference call) Alane Sisilli, City of Port St. Lucie Utilities Rogelio Gonzalez, Council of Aging, St. Lucie County Patrick Dayan, St. Lucie County Public Works Mary Grace Padrick, St. Lucie County Public Safety Robert Worcester, SAFER St. Lucie Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Chair, Ms. Stefanie Myers called the meeting to order at 9:10 A.M., at St. Lucie County Public Safety, 15305 West Midway Road, Ft. Pierce, Florida, 34945. After introductions around the room, Mr. Ron Parrish, Director of St. Lucie County Public Safety, welcomed the Committee members and thanked them for coming. Mr. Parrish spoke about the new St. Lucie County Emergency Management Manager who is slated to start on February 8tn 2017. The new manager, Mr. Gustavo Vilchez, will be the LMS Liaison, and has a master's degree in Disaster Preparation and Management. LMS Steering Committee Meeting January 23, 2017 Page 2 Ms. Myers asked for approval of the minutes of the December meeting. Mr. Marty Sanders of the St. Lucie County School District made the motion to approve. The second was by Mr. Colt Schwerdt of the City of Port St. Lucie. Minutes were approved with the notation that the following changes needed to be made: Ms. Diana Wesloski from St. Lucie County Housing and Mr. Schwerdt be removed from the attendance list as they were not present. Ms. MaryGrace Padrick of St. Lucie County Emergency Management briefed the committee on the scoring procedures used to rank project applications. A discussion was held in reference to the use of 0's in the scoring boxes. Mr. Sanders made the motion to remove the 0's from the score sheets. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schwerdt. The motion was unanimously approved. Mr. Matthew Hammond from St. Lucie County Utilities made the motion that scoring be based on averages and not on totals. The motion was seconded by Ms. Eileen Halatyn from the American Red Cross. The motion was approved with Mr. Joe Mercurio from the City of Port St. Lucie in dissent. A discussion was held on the need for clarification on criteria on the application. Diana Wesloski from St. Lucie County Housing made a motion to form a subcommittee to work on scoring sheets and addressing criteria on them. Chair, Stefanie Myers approved the ad -hoc committee as allowed by the by-laws. Ron Parrish advised that Gustavo Villeches will serve on the committee. Mr. Sanders, Mr. Mercurio and Mr. Patrick Dayan of St. Lucie County Public Works volunteered to serve on the committee. Ms. Wesloski made a motion to accept the current project list with the current scoring procedure in place. Mr. Parrish seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Mr. Parrish and Ms. Myers briefed the group on new HMPG money from Hurricane Hermine that has become available. Mr. Parrish placed a call to Florida Division of Emergency Management Regional Coordinator Ms. Carly Swartz who advised that May 5t" is the submission deadline for tier 1 counties and that tier 3 counties will be taken later on a first come -first served basis. Projects need to be ranked and on a list before being sent in. Ms. Swartz advised that notices for Hurricane Matthew funding will be coming out soon. It was decided that the next meeting will be held on March 29, 2017, 9:00 AM at the St. Lucie County Emergency Operations Center, 15305 W. Midway Rd., Ft. Pierce. Tracy Telle made a motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 AM. St. Lucie County Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Steering Committee Meeting Minutes St. Lucie County Department of Public Safety/ Division of Emergency Management 15305 West Midway Road Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 March 2, 2017 9:00 a.m. Attendants: Stefanie Myers, Chair, SAFER St. Lucie, Ron Parrish, St. Lucie County Public Safety Tracy S. Telle, City of Fort Pierce Joe Mercurio, Port St. Lucie Emergency Management Scott Meagher, Port St. Lucie Utilities Melissa Yunas, Florida Forest Service Patrick Helms, Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District Sean C. Donahue, Indian River State College Katherine Caricchio, North St. Lucie River Water Control District Marty Sanders, St. Lucie County School District Kathy La Martina, South Fla. Water Management District Roje Gonzalez, St. Lucie County Council of Aging Patrick Dayan, St. Lucie County Public Works Brian Blizzard, St. Lucie County Fire District Gustavo Vilchez, St. Lucie County Public Safety/Emergency Management Jennifer Hance, St. Lucie County Housing Christina Daigle, Port St. Lucie Public Works Mary Grace Padrick, St. Lucie County Public Safety Robert Worcester, SAFER St. Lucie The Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Chair, Ms. Stefanie Myers, called the meeting to order at 9:10 A.M., at St. Lucie County Public Safety Emergency Operations Center, 15305 West Midway Road, Ft. Pierce, Florida, 34945. After introductions were made by all, Mr. Ron Parrish, Director of St. Lucie County Public Safety, welcomed the committee members and thanked them for coming. Mr. Parrish introduced Gustavo Vilchez, as the Emergency Operations Manager, and stated that Mr. Vilchez will be the LMS Coordinator for the LMS Committee. Mr. Parrish said Mr. Vilchez came from the Palm Beach County (PBC) Emergency Operations Center (EOC) where he coordinated all mitigation programming for the Division of Emergency Management. Mr. Vilchez has an MBA in Crisis and Emergency Management and holds a Bachelor's degree in Music Therapy. Prior to working for the PBC EOC, Mr. Vilchez worked for the Human Services Department in Broward County and subsequently with the Broward County Emergency Operations Center. 1 Mr. Vilchez thanked everyone for being here and stated he was happy to be chosen as the Emergency Operations Manager for the St. Lucie County Department of Public Safety. He looks forward to working with everyone. He said his background is in Emergency Management and Human Services. At the PBC EOC, Mr. Vilchez conducted the role of Mitigation Coordinator and Plan Reviewer/Coordinator for all hazard plans within the Division. Previously to that, he served as the Training and Exercise Coordinator, as well as WebEOC and SharePoint Administrator. In Broward County, he worked as liaison to the municipalities and community based organizations, as well as, Continuity of Operations/Government Coordinator. Mr. Parrish stated the LMS is an extremely important program and we were fortunate to have the LMS Plan adopted on June 6, 2016 which, was a little late, but, without that being in place, the impacts that we have had, as in Hurricane Matthew, probably would not have seen any FEMA funding without an approved plan. He stated the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) is a big part of the LMS process and he realized we often forget the requirements on meeting the criteria in obtaining HMGP funds. As such, it is important that the committee meets on a regular basis, not only to meet HMGP criteria, but to assess and update projects selected in the Project Prioritized List (PPL). Mr. Vilchez asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Melissa Yunas, Florida Division of Forestry, made a motion to approve the minutes, with the change (deleting Colt Schwerdt, City of Port St. Lucie, from the attendants list) of the LMS Steering Committee meeting held January 23, 2017, at St. Lucie County Public Safety, 15305 West Midway Road, Fort Pierce, Florida, 34945. This was seconded by Ron Parrish, St. Lucie County Public Safety. The motion was carried out. Mr. Vilchez stated HMGP funding for Hurricane Hermine and Hurricane Matthew have been opened for over two weeks. He wanted to remind everyone the State and FEMA requires an LMS working group that approves the PPL. He said when the grant is awarded, the State becomes the administrator of the grant and St. Lucie County LMS Partners would become the Sub -grantee. Mr. Vilchez explained under Hurricane Matthew, St. Lucie County qualified for Tier One funding and has been allotted $297,114.92 with a deadline for application of June 9, 2017. He said, St. Lucie County will be in competition with other counties for Tier Two and Tier Three funding. Mr. Vilchez informed the committee all this information can be found at floridadisaster.org/mitigation. The funding ability and the amount that has been allotted for the county and the HMPG application can be found on this website. The window is 90 days after the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) to submit the applications. He asked the LMS Committee to provide him a copy of the application being submitted to the state; that way he can track the application when processed by the state. 2 Mr. Vilchez stated he wanted to remind everyone, this is the perfect time to submit mitigation enhancements to buildings impacted by Hurricanes Matthew and Hermine, if agencies submitted project worksheets for Public Assistance grant funding to the State and FEMA. State and FEMA can assign 406 Mitigation Funding to projects if retrofitting can be implemented in the reparation process of public buildings. If anyone has submitted project worksheets with the opportunities to do any mitigation or retrofitting to the building, FEMA can assign an extra amount of money from Section 406 Funding. Mr. Vilchez explained the HMGP funding process to all and stated that the State will request from the LMS Working Group a list of recommended projects to receive HMGP funding, as well as a letter of support from the Chair of the LMS Working Group. He said the best projects to recommend are the ones that are "shovel ready". You can submit project applications by hard copies (3 copies) or electronically to the State. Ms. Myers asked if anyone has already submitted anything to the State. No one in attendance had submitted a project at this time. Mr. Parrish asked Marty Sanders if the School Board was ready to submit any projects. Mr. Sanders stated the School Board could get ready. Ms. Telle stated the City of Fort Pierce has projects ready. Mr. Vilchez stated if you can submit your projects sooner, the better the chances are to obtain HMGP funds. He explained how the State process works. He said St. Lucie County qualified for Tier One Funding under Hurricane Matthew. If the other counties do not have projects ready to go, then the State will open up those funds from the other counties, to nearby counties, and that's what is called Tier Two and so forth. Tier three funding is eventually opened to the entire state once Tier two funding is complete. Mr. Vilchez stated St. Lucie County did not qualify for Tier One or Tier Two Funding for Hurricane Hermine, but St. Lucie County did qualify for Tier Three funding. He said this could work in St. Lucie County's favor. If a project does not get all of the HMPG funding needed, the State may be able to say there's left over monies from Tier Two funding and from Tier Three funding from Hurricane Hermine. The total allotted to the state for Hurricane Hermine is six point eight ($6.8) million. Ms. Myers stated the Committee needed to vote on the approval of the PPL again. Mr. Parrish and Ms. Myers explained that the last meeting was not announced in a press release or made available to the public. Today's meeting was announced properly and as such, a vote made today would be considered as being official in abiding by federal and state mitigation criteria. Ms. Myers asked for a motion to be made. The motion was made by Mr. Patrick Dayan. This was seconded by Mr. Ron Parrish. The motion was carried out of approving the PPL. Mr. Ron Parrish made a motion to adjourn. This was seconded by Mr. Patrick Dayan. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM. 3 St. Lucie County Local Mitigation Strategy Project Prioritized List 1 113.8 SLCSB2016-1 School Board School District Office Bldg, Flood Proofing $2,600,000.00 2 99.3 SLCUT2016-1 St. Lucie County Lakewood Park Lift Station Generator $50,000.00 3 83.6 SLCUT2016-2 St. Lucie County Backup Generator at Main Lift Station #1 $50,000.00 4 82.7 SLCUT2016-9 St. Lucie County Backup Generator and Well at HEW WTP $50,000.00 5 80.9 SLCUT2016-8 St. Lucie County Bryn Mawr Master Lift Station Upgrade $220,000.00 6 80.4 SLCUT2016-3 St. Lucie County Emergency Generator at Master Pump Station #2 $148,564.00 6 80.4 SLCUT2016-5 St. Lucie County Emergency Generator at Master Pump Station 44 $130,734.00 8 80.0 SLCUT2016-4 St. Lucie County Emergency Generator at Master Pump Station #3 $137,416.00 9 79.1 SLCUT2016-6 St. Lucie County Emergency Generator at Master Pump Station #5 $95,376.00 9 79.1 SLCUT2016-7 St. Lucie County Emergency Generator at Master Pump Station #6 $109,934.00 11 78.0 PSL2016-23 City of Port St. Lucie Prima Vista Basin Improvements $1,894,000.00 12 77.6 COFP2016-2 City of Ft. Pierce 17th Street Reconstruction $1,500,000.00 13 76.9 SLCFD2016-1 Fire District Rebuild Fire Station 5 $2,400,000.00 14 76.8 PSL2016-17 City of Port St. Lucie Lansdowne Basin Improvements $250,000.00 15 76.7 NSLRWCD2016-6 North St. Lucie Water Control District Gordy Structure Shaft & Telemetry $250,000.00 16 76.3 PSL2016-5 City of Port St. Lucie Calmoso Basin Improvements $265,000.00 17 76.0 PSL2016-8 City of Port St. Lucie Elkcam Basin Improvements $1,503,000.00 17 76.0 PSL2016-9 City of Port St. Lucie Elkcam-Kingsway Basin Improvements $276,000.00 17 76.0 PSL2016-13 City of Port St. Lucie Kingsway Basin Improvements $1,020,000.00 20 75.8 PSL2016-16 City of Port St. Lucie Lansdowne Basin Improvements $826,000.00 20 75.8 PSL2016-18 City of Port St. Lucie Manth-Walters Basin Improvements $600,000.00 20 75.8 PSL2016-25 City of Port St. Lucie Streamlet Basin Improvements $523,000.00 20 75.8 PSL2016-26 City of Port St. Lucie Thanksgiving/Academy Basin Improvements $1,570,487.00 24 75.3 NSLRWCD2016-5 North St. Lucie Water Control District Ten Mile Creek Fitting Structure $187,500.00 25 75.0 PSL2016-1 City of Port St. Lucie A04/A07 Basin Improvements $9,596,592.00 26 74.8 PSL2016-4 City of Port St. Lucie Atlantis -Walters Basin Improvements $937,000.00 27 74.5 PSL2016-6 City of Port St. Lucie Crosspoint Basin Improvements $2,204,000.00 28 74.3 PSL2016-15 City of Port St. Lucie Lakehurst -Prima Vista Basin Improvements $5,049,000.00 28 74.3 PSL2016-19 City of Port St. Lucie Monterrey/Cameo Basin Improvements $12,035,164.00 28 74.3 PSL2016-20 City of Port St. Lucie Oakridge/Kingsway Basin Improvements $7,373,000.00 31 74.0 PSL2016-7 City of Port St. Lucie Elkcam Basin Improvements $5,880,000.00 31 74.0 PSL2016-11 City of Port St. Lucie Harborview Basin Improvements $507,000.00 31 74.0 PSL2016-24 City of Port St. Lucie Sagamore Basin Improvements $1,540,000.00 34 73.8 NSLRWCD2016-2 North St. Lucie Water Control District C-71/Ten Mile Creek General Clearing & Grading $70,000.00 34 73.8 PSL2016-12 City of Port St. Lucie Harborview Basin Improvements $472,000.00 34 73.8 PSL2016-14 City of Port St. Lucie Lakehurst Basin Improvements $2,132,000.00 34 73.8 PSL2016-21 City of Port St. Lucie Ocean Breeze 1 Basin Improvements $3,655,000.00 34 73.8 PSL2016-22 City of Port St. Lucie Ocean Breeze 2 Basin Improvements $2,124,000.00 39 73.5 PSL2016-2 JCity of Port St. Lucie JA15/A21 Basin Improvements $20,639,772.00 St. Lucie County Local Mitigation Strategy Project Prioritized List 40 Scorep. 73.3 PSL2016-3 pp City of Port St. Lucie on A1617 Basin Improvements cost (95M $8,760,816.00 41 73.1 FPUA2016-4 Ft. Pierce Utility Authority Water Plant Electrical Feed $69,000.00 42 71.5 PSL2016-10 City of Port St. Lucie Evergreen -Atlantis -Walters Basin Improvements $703,000.00 43 71.0 PSL2016-27 City of Port St. Lucie Wildfire Mitigation $300,000.00 44 70.9 SLCPW2016-7 St. Lucie County Public Works San Lucie Plaza Project $12,500,000.00 45 70.4 SLCPW2016-9 St. Lucie County Public Works Sunland Gardens Stormwater Scope $25,000.00 46 70.2 FPUA2016-1 Ft. Pierce Utility Authority Force Main Protection- Indian River Lagoon $250,000.00 47 70.0 COFP2016-5 City of Ft. Pierce Six (6) four wheel drive vehicles $185,000.00 47 70.0 NSLRWCD2016-3 North St. Lucie Water Control District C-53 Enhance Flood Protection $150,000.00 47 70.0 NSLRWCD2016-4 North St. Lucie Water Control District C-33Enhance Flood Protection $85,000.00 50 69.1 FPFWCD2016-1 Ft. Oierce Farms Water Control District Canal 1 / Taylor Creek $250,000.00 51 68.9 NSLRWCD2016-1 North St. Lucie Water Control District C-22 Drainage and Flood Protection $1,000,000.00 52 66.2 SLCPW2016-1 St. Lucie County Public Works Stormwater Master Plan fro Carlton Road $500,000.00 53 64.2 FPUA2016-3 Ft. Pierce Utility Authority Wastewater Plant Diffuser Pipe $250,000.00 54 63.8 PSLUT2016-1 Port St. Lucie Utilites Storm Shutter on Prinevill Water Treatment Plant $350,000.00 55 63.6 COFP2016-4 City of Ft. Pierce Moores Creek Linear Park Phase II $9,300,000.00 56 62.2 SLCPW2016-10 St. Lucie County Public Works 7th Street Canal Basic $2,000,000.00 57 61.6 COFP2016-1 City of Ft. Pierce Stormwater Master Plan $185,000.00 58 61.1 SLCPW2016-6 St. Lucie County Public Works Flood attenuation and water quality Improvement $6,250,000.00 59 60.7 SLCPW2016-2 St. Lucie County Public Works Final Phase of Paradise Park $2,500,000.00 59 60.7 SLCPW2016-5 St. Lucie County Public Works Canal NO. 54 at Orange west of Pulitzer $1,000,000.00 61 58.9 FPUA2016-2 Ft. Pierce Utility Authority S. Hutchinson Island Wastewater Plant $81,000,000.00 62 58.7 SLCPW2016-3 St. Lucie County Public Works Phase 3 - East Street - Indian River Estates Drainage $250,000.00 63 58.4 COFP2016-3 City of Ft. Pierce Mayflower Canal $1,800,000.00 64 57.8 SLCPW2016-4 St. Lucie County Public Works Merritt Ditch Improvement $250,000.00 65 54.7 SLCPW2016-8 St. Lucie County Public Works Harmony Heights Storm Water Quality $15,000,000.00 St. Lucie County 2017 Repetitive Loss Properties Repetitive St. Lucie City of City of Town of Grand Loss County Fort Pierce Port St. St. Lucie Total Properties Lucie Village for St. Lucie County and Associated Jurisdictions Community 120285 120286 120287 120288 No. Repetitive Total -121 Total - 120 Total - 9 Total - 4 254 Loss Residential Residential Residential Residential Properties — 117 — 112 — 9 —4 Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial -4 -8 -0 -0