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Product Approval (2)
pFlorida Building Code Online Page 1 of 3 SCIS Home Ib Log In Fuser Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge Stats& acts Publications I FBCStaff I SCIS Site Map I Links I Search bFladda Ifil.Z 1 Product Approval USER:Public User M Product Annroval tdenu>Product or Aoolication Search>Aoolication List>Application D tall T L y FL# L5823-R8 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Custom Windo Systems Inc. Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th venue Ocala,FL 3447 (352)368-692 Ext 245 kpine@cws.cc Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpine@cws.cc ! Technical Representative Jay Lathrop Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave ocala,FL 344 (352)368-692 Ext 291 jlathrop@cws. c I Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Montev rde Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala,FL 344 4 (352)368-69 2 Ext 221 amonteverde cws.cc Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Evaluation Re ort from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Profes ional Engineer ❑ Evaluatio Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Lucas A.Turn r the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-58201 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Ce ifications,Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/21/2020 Validated By Steven M.Uri.h,PE C Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL5823 R8 COI EvalRe ortl55D; df Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDM CSA/101/I.S.2/A440-05 2005 ASTM E1886,02 2002 ASTM E1886-05 2005 ASTM E1996 02 2002 ASTM E1996 05 2005 PA/TAS 201/ 02/203 1994 http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pi_app_dtl.aspx?parani=w EVXQwtDgvMdF6zR4iH... 12/14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 3 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By J .J •J J J J Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Optior D Date Submitted 09/28/2017 Date Validated 09/29/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/02/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Desc iption 5823.1 8100 Vinyl Single Hung 8100 Vinyl Single Hung(Impact) Limits of Use Inst illation.Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes ELSI 23 R8 II CWS-155D, df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Veri ied By: Lucas A.Turner 58201 Impact Resistant:Yes Crei ted by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Eval jation Reports Other:Large Missile,see installation dwgs.for Max.size FLS 23 R8 AE EvalRe ort155D. df and DP.Outer lite in I.G.must be safety glazed when used Cre ted by Independent Third Party:Yes above 30 ft.in HVHZ.Glass complies to ASTM E1300-04. 5823,2 SH-8100 Cont.Hd.&Sill SH'- 100 Cont.Hd.&Sill(double Single Hung),Impact,74 1/8"x 63". Limits of Use Ins llation Instructions I Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL5 23 R8 II CWS-440C,Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Ver fled By: Lucas A.Turner 58201 Impact Resistant;Yes Cre)ted by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Eva uation Reports Other:Max.unit size 72-7/8"x 61-3/4".Outer lite in I.G. FL5 23 R8 AE EvalRe.ort440C. df must be safety glazed when used above 30 ft.in HVHZ. Cre 3ted by Independent Third Party:Yes Glass complies to ASTM E1300-04. 5823.3 SH-8100 Cont.Hd.&Sill SH-0100 Cont.Hd.&Sill(double SIngle Hung),Impact,74 1/8'1 x 72 Limits of Use Ins allation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL 823 R8 II CW -491C. df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Ver fied By:Lucas A.Turner 58201 Impact Resistant:Yes CrE ated by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+67.5/-67.5 Eva uation Reports Other:Large Missile,DP=+/-67.5 psf,Max.size 74-1/8" FL 823 R8 AE EvalReport4 1C. df x 72".Outer lite in I.G.must be safety glazed when Used CrE ated by Independent Third Party:Yes above 30 R.in HVHZ:Glass complies to ASTM E1300-04. 5823.4 SH-8100 Vinyl Single Hung Oriel SH-P100 Vinyl Single Hung Oriel Window w.HD FMR,5 HI sas . Limits of Use Ins allation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL 82 R8 11 CWS-2 E.PDF Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Ve ified By: Lucas A.Turner 58201 Impact Resistant:Yes Cr ated by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+70/-70 Ev !uation Reports Other:Large Missile,52"x 96"w/5 HI sash,+/-70 psf. FLS823 R8 AE EvalReDOrt295E.Ddf FLANGE ONLY.Outer lite in I.G.must be safety glazed when Cr ated by Independent Third Party:Yes used above 30 ft.in HVHZ,Glass complies to ASTM E1300- 04. Back �N.Lt Contact Us:;2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahas Phone;BSO-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Florid ::Privacy Statement::A ssibility tat mens::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-rr all address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mall to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional a ail.If you have any questions„please contact 850.487.1395."Pursuant to section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed un Jer chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address If they have one.The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can Ire made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,plea;e click here. Product Approval Accepts: http://www.floridabuilding.org/pI-/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=w EVXQwtDgvMdF6zR4iH... 12/14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 3 Credit Car Safe http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=w EVXQwtDgvMdF6zR4iH... 12/14/2017 1239 Jabara Ave. UNER North Port,FL 34288 J ENGINEERING & J Ph. 941-380-1574) CONSULTING,INC. FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 155D August 28,2017 Product Description: Series 8100 PVC Single Hung,Large Mis ile Impact,53 1/8"x 76"unit size at up to+/-67.5 PS.F,36"x 62"unit size at up to+67.5/-75 PSF,7/8"I sulating Glass consisting of 1/8 Annealed or Tempered outboard lite —Air—5/16 Laminated(1/8 nn-.090PVB-1/8Arm)inboard lite Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems,Inc. 1900 SW 44°i ve,Ocala,FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above-list d product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005(4). This product c mplies with the requirements of the 6`h Edition(2017)Florida Building Code including the High Velocit Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report,prepared by Lucas A.Turner,P.E.,at 1239 J bara Ave.,North Port,FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-155D,signed and sealed by Lu as A.Turner,P.E. 3) Test ReportN.CTL-210-3668-1,4A,-2,,-2A,3669-1,-1 ,-2,and 2A,by National Certified Testing Laboratories,Orlando,FL,signed and sealed by erard J.Ferrara,with testing performed: TAS 201,202,203 1994,ASTM E 1886, 19 6 2002/2005,and AAMA A440 2005 4) Supplemental Calcs.to support CWS-1551),signed and ealed by Lucas A.Turner,RE; Installation: Units must be installed according to approval doe ment CWS-1551). Limitations of Use: This product: o May be used in.O/X configuration in sizes,design press res,and with max.glass DLO heights as shown in CWS-155D O Is impact resistant and does not require the use of shutte s 9 May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone 0 Requires 7/8"Insulating Glass consisting of 1/8 Anneal d or Tempered outboard lite(Tempered required above 30 ft in HVHZ) —Air—5/16 Laminated(1/8Ann-.090PVB-1/8Ann)inboard lite o Requires,Kuraray(Dupont)PVB Interlayer per Miami- ade N.O.A. 16-11117.021 I . ® Requires Quanex(Mikron)white rigid PVC framing pe Miami-Dade N.O.A. 17-0206:1.01 t I have evaluated the materials in these NOAs and find that hey comply with the requirements of the 66`Ed.(2017)Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have,nor do I intend o acquire,nor will I acquire,a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufa turing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have,nor do I intend to acq ire,nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval'process o this product. � tS1 ila9llllJ LUCKS r N 58201 8/28/2017 Turner 2. 2017-08-30 * Lucas A. Turner,P.E. 15:59+20:00 -33: STATE OF U FL PE#58201 fi 0Rk•,. U �ER 1239 Jabara Ave. J J J J North Port,FL 3429 ENGINEERING & Ph. 941-380-1574 CONSULTING,INC. FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 440C September 7,2017 Product Description: Series 8100 PVC Single Hung Wind w,Large Missile Impact, Continuous Head and Sill, twin configuration with integral mullion, 72 7/8"x 613/4"unit size (35 3/4" max.single unit width), 74 1/8".x 63"flange size, 1/8(Ann. or Tempered)—Air—1/8- .090PVB-1/8 glass Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 40 Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above-listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6`h Edition(2017)Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed a outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report,prepared by Lucas A.Turner,P.E., at 1 39 Jabara Ave.,North Port,FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-440:C,signed and sealed b .Lucas A. Turner,P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3574-1,-lA,-2,-2A,-3,- A,-4,4A,National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL signed and seale by Gerard J. Ferrara,P.E. a. Testing Performed: TAS 201/202/203 1994 including large missile impact at midspan of integral.mullion. AAMA/WD14 CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-05. ASTM E1886/1996-02/05 including large missile ind.Zone 4 Missile Level D impact at midspan of integral mullion 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-440C, igned and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approv,1 document CWS-440C. Limitations of Use: This product: © May be used in twin unit configuration O/X—integ al.mullion—O/X with continuous head and sill in sizes up to 72 7/8"x 613/4"unit si a(35 3/4" max. single unit width), or 74 1/8"x 63"flange size,with max. glass daylight ieights of 26 13/16"on the fixed panel and 26 7/8"on the sash ® Achieves a max. design pressure of+67.5/-70 psf a Is impact resistant and does not require the use of s utters o May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone © Requires 1/8 outboard (Annealed or Tempered,mut be.Tempered:above 3Oft when,used in HVHZ.)—Air— 1/8Ann-.090PVB-l/8Ann glass minimum Lucas " Pagel of 2 L ��f� No 5s2t3 •ifi%'� 9/07/2017 Turner Lucas A. Turner,P.E. 2017-09-16 P� STATE 4u FL PE#58201 09:25+20:00 "'�,°.�`�;• �OR�O P��j pyi10 NA 4Q "% J J J J J J Limitations of Use, cont'd: • Requires Kuraray(Dupont)PVB Interlayer per Mia i-Dade NOA 16-1117.027, • Requires Quanex(Mikron)white rigid PVC framing per Miami-Dade NOA 17-0206.10, I Have evaluated the interlayer and framing materials in the Dupont and Quanex NOAs listed above and find that they comply with the requireents of the 6th Ed. (2017)Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have,nor do I int nd to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any co pany manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have nor do I intend to acquire,nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in t e testing or approval process of this product. Page 2 of 2 9/07/2017 Lucas A. Turner,P.E. FL PE#5 8201 J JUR �ER J 1239 Jabara Ave. North Pot, FL 34288 J ENGINEERING & Ph. 941-380-1574 CONSULTING,INC. FBPE C.O.A. 429779 Evaluation Report 491C September 7, 2017 Product Description: Series 8100 PVC Single Hung Wind w,Large Missile Impact, Continuous Head and Sill,twin configuration.with integral ullion, 74 1/8"x 72"unit size (3,6 3/8" max. single unit width), 75 3/8"x 73 1/4"flange s' e,with 1/8 (Aran or Temp)—Air— 1/.8-.090PVB-1/8 glass Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems,Inc. 1900 SVV 44th Ave, Ocala,FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the abov -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). his product complies with the requirements of the 6"'Edition(2017)Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report,prepared by Lucas A.Turner,P.E.,at 1"39 Jabara Ave.,North Port,FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-491 C, signed and sealed b Lucas A.Turner,P.E. 3) Test Report NCTL-21.0-3621-1, 4A, -2,-2A,Natio�al Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando,FL, signed and sealed by Gerard J.Ferrara P.E. a. Testing Performed: TAS 201/202/203 1994 including impact at midspan of integral mullion. AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101(I.S.2/A440-05. ASTM E188611996- 05, including impact at midspan of integral mullion 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-491 C, igned and sealed by Lucas A.Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS-491C. Limitations of Use: This product: o May be used in twin unit configuration O/X`—integral mullion—O/X with continuous head and sill in sizes up to 74 1/8"x 72"unit size (36 3/8"max. single unit width), 75 3/8"x.73 1/4"flange size,with max. glass dayli 3,ht.heights of 31 15/16"on the fixed panel and 32" on the sash o Achieves a max. design pressure of+67.5/-67.5 ps o Is impact resistant and does not require the use of s utters o May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone o Requires 1/8 outboard(Annealed or Tempered,Tempered required above 30 ft in HVHZ) —Air— l/8Ann-.090PVB-1/8Ann glass minimum ' ,`�Sgl319 fll)1t� Lucas ��` "°° $201 •"�� z� Page 1 of 2Turner r r 9/07/2017 9; sYA7 of =w,; Lucas A.Turner,P.E. 2017-09-16 1-0 . �� -moo FL PE#58201 09:27+20:00 ',s+fis-4 0 �C. , N :, N •� �,. 1i1811 lul�� J J •J •J J Limitations.of Use, cont'd: • Requires Kuraray(Dupont)PVB Interlayer per Mia i-Dade NOA 16-1117.02, o Requires Quanex(Mikron)white rigid PVC framing per-Miami-Dade NOA 17-0206.10, I have evaluated the interlayer and framing materia s in these Kuraray(Dupont) and Quanex(Mikron)NOAs and find that they comply ith the requirements of the 60'Ed. (2017)Florida Building Code for use in this product Certification of Independence: I do not have,nor do I in nd to acquire,nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any co pany manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not hav ,nor do.I intend to acquire,nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in t1 a testing or approval process of this product. Page 2 of 2 9/07/2017 Lucas A. Turner,P.E. FL PE#5 8201 - � j���� 1239 Jabara Ave. 4� ,,North Port,FL 34288 J ENGINEERING& Ph. 941-380-1574 CONSULTING,INC. FBPE C.O.A.429779 Evaluation Report 295E September 7,20175 Product Description: Series 8100 PVC Single Hung,Large Missile Impact,52"x 96"unit size Oriel configuration at+/-70 PSF Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems,Inc. 1900 SW 44" ve,Ocala;FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above-list d product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005(4). This productmplies with the requirements of the 6h Edition(2017)Florida Building Code including the High Velocit Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report,prepared by Lucas A.Turner,P.E.,at 1239 J abara Ave.,North Port,FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-295.E,signed and sealed by Lucas A.Turner,P.E.. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3946-05 and-5A,by National ertified Testing Laboratories,Orlando, FL,TAS testing signed and sealed by Gerard J.Ferrara,:vith testing performed: TAS 90 201/202/203-94,ASTM E 1.886-05,ASTM E 1.996-05/0 ,and AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-295E,signe and sealed by Lucas A.Turner,P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval doe ment CWS-295E. Limitations of Use: This product: 0 May be used in O/X Oriel configuration in sizes up to 5 "x 96"unit size at+/-70 PSF,with max. glass DLO heights as shown in CWS-295E 0 Is impact resistant and does not require the use of shutte s 0 May be used in the.High Velocity Hurricane Zone 0 Requires 7/8"Insulating Glass consisting of, in the Fixei I Lite:3/16 Ann.or Temp. outboard (Tempered required above 30 ft in HVHZ) —Air—7/16 Laminated(3/16Ann-.090SGP- 3/16Ann).,In the Sash: 1/8 Ann.or Temp.outboard lit (Tempered required above 30 ft-in HVHZ) —Air—5/16 Laminated(l/8Ann-.090PVB-1/8 nn) 0 Requires in Sash Kuraray(Dupont)PVB Interlayer per iami-Dade N.O.A. 16-1117.021 0 Requires in Fixed Kuraray(Dupont)SentryGlas Interla er per Miami-Dade N.O.A. 14-0916.111 0 Requires Quanex(Mikron)white rigid PVC framing per Miami-Dade N.O.A. 17-0206.101 t I have evaluated the interlayer and framing materials in thdse Dupont and Quanex NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6u'Ed. (2017)Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have,nor do I intend o acquire,nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufa turing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have,nor do I intend to acquire,nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. 0tj%J1 11711jr", T� �. �� Lucas No 58201 9/07/201.7 Turner = c Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 2017-09-16y:, STAT �F FL PE#58201 09:23+20:00 • `�'� 0�6` IG,�. NAe5 ,,,� t GENERALNO7ES: <::��INGLE HUNG - LARGE MISSILE IMPACT 1.THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED WINDOWSYSTEMS (SHOWN w/DIFFERENT OPTIONS) TO COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE(FBC),CURRENT 1900 SW 44TH AVE. EDITION INCLUDING THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ)AND 1900 S 34474 IS RATED FOR WIND ZONE4 MISSILE LEVEL D IMPACT USEAS DEFINED OCAONWA,FLORIDAFLORC IN ASTM E 1996 PER THE FBC: S4318 2.GLAZING OPTIONS:(SEE SHEET 2) OVERALL FLANGE WIDTH 8100 Pvc 53 116"MAX.UNIT WIDTH OVERALL F�LANGE WIDTH 3.CONFIGURATIONS:"O/X". SINGLE:HUNG 4.DESIGN PRESSURE RATING: IMPACT 015/16 -NEGATIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON,TESTED PRESSURE AND GLASS DLO GLASS TABLES ASTM E-1300-04e01109.. MAX UNIT WIDTH -POSITIVE DESIGN LOADS.BASED ON,TESTED PRESSURE,WATER Q Z 3 <Z3. 31 i3lia" INFILTRATION TEST P p p.w O �w 0 0 ASTM E-1300-04801109. Z w wz--I 0 < w MA�ERALI I GtAAss DLO 5.ANCHORAGE:THE 33 1/3%STRESS INCREASE HAS NOT BEEN USED o I-w z 0 m:5 m FLANGE __ _ IN THE DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCT.SEE SHEET 6 FOR ANCHOR Z Z x m<�F-w ZI O �o HEIGHT I I -_ DETAILS.WINDLOAD DURATION FACTOR Cd=1OI-0 z.6 WAS USED FOR W000 0 O 0 1 (L in o O ANCHOR CALCULATIONS. 0 z-co 3 F-0 to G AS36 63 1WOVERALL I -r I' z O Z V(n z 0 V DLO I I' 6.PRODUCT APPROVED FOR IMPACT RESISTANCE THE IMPACT SWEEP P:-'�O 0 Mo- MAX. z 76"MA I I 'FLANGE' LOCKS ARE INTENDED TO BE LEFT UNLATCHED DURING NORMAL } O 1=F- MAX. I I UNIT HEIGHT B O B 2Z OPERATION BUT MUST ENGAGED PRIOR TO EXPOSURE TO �> HEIGHT 62" DLO HURRICANE WINDS AND FLYING DEBRIS. w Ow w O O w 3 w K z- UN 7 7.ALL FRAMES AND VENTS FULLY WELDED.SMALL JOINT SEAM SEALANT p w I � a s w} 6 HEIGHT I I USED AT FIXED MEETING RAIL AND JAMB. 37 611 I I C I 8.SERIES JMODEL DESIGNATION'SH-8100. �1tOREW!!!�i $ABH I 8 class 30 1i• 9.THE DESIGNATION X AND 0 STAND FOR THE FOLLOWING: ;y....... HEIGHT D DLO SMAX X=OPERABLE SASH,O=FIXED SASH jOp•,��OENSR'•pti1�y 6 HEIGHT GLASS v No 58201 'y 71 I I 10.SECTION CALLOUTS APPLY TO ALL ELEVATIONS IN A SIMILAR 4 � i I I DLO LOCATION, 11.EXTERNAL WEEP SLOT=114"x 1-114"LOCATED 4"FROM BOTH ENDS. t'-13'• STATE OF :41Z C, _ A EEP-,O DOWS:nVFR36"x6 „ S !!!1l111litittt,` 4631026 GLASS DLO GLASS DLO ` 9911116• 31 5116• LucasTurne MAX.SASH WIDTH MAX SASH WIDTH r 2017-09-22 9/22/2017 11:38-04:00 LUCAS A.TURNER,P.E. FL PE#58201 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT.FL 34288 PH.941-380-1574 SHEET DESCRIPTION: DESIGN PRESSURE GENERAL NOTES AND LOCATION MAX. UNIT SIZE RATING IMPACT RATING ELEVATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PSF DRAWN BY. . DATE: GENERAL NOTES&ELEVATIONS.....1 N 53-1/8"x 76" +/-6 - ADE 06/10/08 GLAZING DETAILS...............................2 HVHZ +/-67.5 PS DWG 0., EV.: SECTION VIEWS&ALT.FRAME........3 LARGE MISSILE IMPACT CWS-155 D EXTRUSIONS SCHEDULE&.NOTES..........5 36"x 62" +65/-75 PSF SHEET SCALE: INSTALLATION DETAILS.....................6 HVHZ +Q7.5/-75 P 1:1 1 OF 6 L 718'OVERALL INSULATED GLASS - - - _ 718"OVERALL INSULATED GLASS - --, _ __ Ly(SM11N1t ®t •�j 118"ANNEALED 118"ANNEALED -'WINDOW.SYSTEMS - 1900 SW 44TH AVE. 7116"AIRSPACE 7/16"AIRSPACE OCALA,FLORIDA 34474 W WW.CWS.CC 5116"LAMINATED GLASS 5116"LAMINATED GLASS 116"ANNEALED 118"ANNEALED 8100 PVC .090"PVB INTERLAYER BY DUPONT .09V PVB INTERLAYER BY DUPONT SINGLE HUNG 118'ANNEALED 1!B"ANNEALED IMPACT QUANEX DURASEAL QUANEX DURASEAL IG SPACER IG SPACER 18 PURFECT GLAZE"H"OR SIKAFLEX 552 18 PURFECT GLAZE"H"OR SIKAFLEX 552 Q z ?; <Z 3r � F i3W OW.50 W W Op 0 1 112"GLASS BITE 112'GLASS BITE O LL F W }~ ?� Z Z M<WWOO ' 38 36 U U 02diE6d O Z-j?Z!-OUJ W OBD=tAOWfA a ?te�ap �O�y O .W t1K ax2. 5 GLASS TYPE A a a ��a� GLASS FIX D LITEPE R SASH LITE ttt`tttDREIN���h No 58201 7/8"OVERALL INSULATED GLASS 718"OVERALL INSULATED GLASS 118"TEMPERED 1/8"TEMPERED = 7116"AIRSPACE 7116"AIRSPACE +9�•..�TATEF —5116"LAMINATED GLASS - -—-S/M"-LAMINATED-GLAS ,,�P�S'•.C Q\�` 118"ANNEALED 118"ANNEALED �f�htpl/tµPtt .090"PVB INTERLAYER BY DUPONT .090'PVB INTERLAYER BY DUPONT ` 1/8"ANNEALED 118"ANNEALED y QUANEX DURASEAL QUANEX DURASEAL ` IG SPACER IG SPACER 16 PURFECT GLAZE"H"OR SIKAFLEX 552 18 PURFECT GLAZE"H"OR SIKAFLEX 552 9/22/2017 LUCASP.E. FL PE#58201 1 1/2"GLASS BITE 112"GLASS BITE S 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT,FL 34288 38 38 PH.941380.1574 SHEET DESCRIPTION: a D GLAZING DETAILS DRAWN BY: - DATE: ADE fb 06/10/08 DWOtC. REV.: GLASS TYPE B SETTING BLOCKS PER FBC 2411,3.3.1 CWS-155 D GLASS TYPE B SASH LITE SCALE- SHEET FIXED LITE 1;1 2 OF 6 0 INTERIOR - WINDOW SYSTEMS- 3 21 19 10 39 11 21 1 3 1900SW44THAVE. OCALA,FLORIDA 34474 WWW.CWS.CC 4, 8100 PVC 441 SINGLE HUNG IMPACT 46Dz � <F- ❑WO WOO 21 12 20 26 p Z_""S p 3 $ �m SECTION VIEW B-B z Z=.���w p o • U Uv1F-zD-I-rna NOTE:LEFT SIDE SHOWS FIXED SECTION VIEW, ❑ z—j-?r❑❑ RIGHT SIDE SHOWS SASH SECTION VIEW. o z U U z p LL 0 30 Y ~--U-mooz flo 12W p w 9 w 38 z 10 O-i vn F- a 31 29 O W~� W=x>.a a t D. ��W 5 7 INTERIOR 4 '%`P?1OREtV 32 6 ',�•�y rG��o ��JV��•�GEks •:'P 48 No 58201 y�4 19 X90; STATE OF :�4 9 13 r���+lll/O111T1�, 12 14 9 - 25 Q 4 I 15 z� 0 9/22/2017 LUCAS CTURNER,P.E. 4D FL PE#58201 0 0 0 1e 1239 JABARA AVE. 2 -- NORTH PORT,FL 34288 PH.941-380.1574 41 SHEET DESCRIPTION: SECTION VIEW C-C SECTION VIEW A-A SECTION VIEWS ALTERNATE FIN FRAME SWEEP LOCK REQUIRED NO SWEEP LOCKS ALLOWED FOR SIZES OVER 36"X 62". DRAWN BY: DATE: FOR UNITS 36'x 62"AND UNDER. ADE 06/10/08 DWG p: REV.: ITEMS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY: CWS 155 D LE: SCASHEET 22,27-28,33-37,43-45 1:2 L 3 OF 6 PARTS LIST FRAME CORNER ITEM PART If DESCRIPTION MATERIAL VENDOR3 CONSTRUCTION 116"--{ __ _ 1 1.6031 Frame Head,Fig,Sinle Hung PVC MIKRON I - - --- WINDOW gy$TEP9S 2 1.6031 Frame Sill,Fig,Single Hung PVC MIKRON 1 klq `23I1fi` 1900SW44THAVE. 3 1.6031 Frame Jamb,Fig,Single Hung PVC MIKRON 2 OCALA,FLORIDA 34474 4 H-1836 Alum.Fixed Meet Rail ALUMINUM KEYMARK 3 WWW.CWS.CC 5 S-6063 Fixed Rail Cow PVC MIKRON 11116" 11516•6 K6027 Sash To Rail PVC MIKRON ' ' 1116• lrts° CORNER WELD 8100 PVC 7 H-1497 Reinforcement forSTR ALUMINUM KEYMARK o (ALLSIDES) SIRIGLE I"IUVlIG 8 1+6028 Sash Bottom Rail PVC MIKRON .1:6 9 H-1699 Reinforcement for SBR ALUMINUM KEYMARK IMPACT 10 H•6004,Sash Side.Rail PVC MIKRON PVC FRAME FLANGE-6031 PVC SASH BTM.RAIL-6028 PVC SASH TOP RAIL-6027 11 S-1498 Reinforcement for SSR ALUMINUM KEYMARK a z <Z0 0 12 S-6064 Gtazin Bead PVC MIKRON ~ ❑w 0 ¢w o w Z w J❑ Z 13 P-3116 Keeper,Svee Lack ZINC SULLIVAN 31fEf--I 2 o Q w- O 3 14 P-3541 #8 x 112",Pan Head,Tek STEEL FASTENAL I Z Z= Q Cc15 P-4632 Suee Lock ZINC SULLIVAN 1 112" O O r O 6 a=OF� 16 P-4633 Barre(Fastener STEEL FASTENAL 13ns^ O 0 O�Z I-•ur D. FIXED MEETING 17 Block&Tackle Balance STEEL CALDWELL 21/6• to 4 SCREWED TOGETHER WITH Z 00:) uj Z U DUTERFRAME Q H Z lo O tL V 18 Purfect,Glaze"H,or.Sikaflex552 SILICONE HENKEL/SIKA 1116" 1:e > -p O x O z 19 Sash SEESHEET2 GLASS CARDINAL 9116" 1 51s^ 21/6" ill 6" F _ ZO C6 20 Fixed SEE SHEET 2 GLASS CARDINAL 1/16• I w OLL M LU m o w(0�u 21 P-3429 WsIp.,0.270 x 0.187 back FinSeal NYLON ULTRAFAS 11 a ?—(L O�m 22 P-4638 #8 x 2-112 PH Mod.Truss,T e A,7EK 2 STEEL FASTENAL w aw 23 #10 x 1 1/2"Panhead SMS STEEL FASTENAL 2 PVC SASH SIDE RAIL-6004 FIXED RAIL-1635 D. -n a 24 cree Catch STEEL FASTENAL PVC FRAME FIN 6048 25 S-6014 SPVCMIKRON 26 S-6013 Screen Support PVC MIKRON :VPS•��OENSF•;Py 27 P-4051 #8 x 1 1/4"Ph Fh TEK,WhL ZINC FASTENAL No 58201 1 5116 9118` 28 P-3748 #6 x 0.625"Quad Fh 7EK,Wht. ZINC FASTENAL � 1 ve"•1 29 P-3783 Impact,Lack STEEL INTERLOCK 4 1/2"� 1 11/s^•{ 5 5116^ 30 P-4069 Impact Keeper STEEL INTERLOCK J1LI� I 9 STATE OF ."W 31 P-47B4 vd Head TEK,Whl STEEL FASTENAL I76" 045 I 1/16° 32 P-3218 Screen Frame ALUMINUM ALLMETAL NA 33 P-3321 Screen Corner Ke PVC SASH STOP-6025 PLASTIC M&M PVC SCREEN CATCH-6013 PVC FIXED RAIL COVR-6063 PVC SCREEN SUPPORT-6014 ���•hngn....... 34 P-3228 Screen Spline RUBBER DAPA 35 P-3581 Screen Cloth VINYL WIER 36 P-3033 Screen Spring STEEL HURLEY [41 P-3029 Screen PuUTab STEEL HURLEY ye„ F•- P-3352 Set BIk 85 Dur.118"x5/8"x2! RUBBER FRANK LOWE 3t4° 311" 114" I 9/22/2017 FL PE 4 68201 P-3768 #8 x518 Phil Pan Zinc ZINC FASTENAL 3/ifi" P-4479 Wee cover PLASTIC M&M r 11 15116'I .! 1116" 1^ 7 71L- 12 LUCAS A.TURNER,P.E. P-3113 ScrewSu ort RUBBER TEAM v1s• I� ^ 1239 JA ARA AVE, P-6025 Sash Stop PVC MIKRON REINF.S.B.R.M.S.R.-1496 REINF.BTM RAIL-1699 REINF.TOP RAIL-1497 PVC GLAZING BEAD-6064 NORTH PORT,FL 34288 P-3059 Sash Cam PLASTIC M&M PH.941-380-1574 44 1 P-3295 Take Oulcup STEEL SUMMIT SHEET DESCRIPTION: 45 P-3342 Seam Sealer SILICONE SCHNEE BOM AND EXTRUSIONS 46 P-3752 Hofs Plo PLASTIC M&M 1/2^ 47 1.6048 Frame Head,FIN,Sin ie Hun PVC MIKRON 3/16• DRAWN BY: DATE: 48 P-4959 Ws .,0.420 x0.187 back NYLON ULTRAFAB LO -3• '{ 4t ADE 06/10/08 OWGtt; ` REV.: SCREW SUPPORT-3113CVifS-155 D NOTE:ALL EXTRUSIONS ARE ALUMINUM 6063-T6 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SCALE: SHEET 1:2 40F6 15"MAX.O.C.(fYP.) -- - - `---- --' WINDOW SYSTEMS s°MAX(TYPJ 4•MAX.(TYP.) 8•MAX.O.C.(fYP.) OCA , 44TH AVE. 6"MAX(TYP.} 4"MAK(fYP.) FF OCALAFLORIDA 34474 - ANCHOR AT MIDS4"MAX(TYP.) 9"MAX.O.C.(TYP.) WWWCWS.CC -- PAN (rvPJ - 4•MAX.(TYP.) 6"MAX(TYP.) 6"MAX(TYP.) 8100 PVC SINGLE HUNG 14" O MAX.D.G. I O I liwPACT MAX.O.C. pYP•) I (NP) - - 1. j�.•. 10 93116° O MAX.O.C. O Q z Z I MAX O.C. (fYP.) z w J 13 <I w-.❑w _�MTG RAIL (TYP.) w Z o' �.F-Z F �.. I-WI-six 4"(TY P.) -_E MTG RAIL Z Z 0<1-, w Cl nP) X I V ` 4"( 0' arxOrpa i X 4"(rra.)Jr L[--- X i I Z❑ Z3=)-Z I - X I zd 1-?w200-z Ev z 4 4 4 a o��>o:D D. wzLL cc z 0 0..X ANCHOR LAYOUT-(FLANGE) ANCHOR LAYOUT-(FIN) ANCHORLAYOUT-(FLANGE) ANCHOR LAYOUT-fFIN) cd w a xBra SIZES OVER 36"x62" SIZES OVER 36"x62' SIZES 36"x WAND UNDER SIZES 36°x62"AND UNDER p :�t No 58201 ••��` cv� �a5 NOTES: �'rhillurr11ti1� 1.INSTALL ONE ANCHOR AT EACH INSTALLATION LOCATION.SILL ANCHOR SPACING SAME AS HEAD, 2.SHIM AS REQ AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR USING LOAD BEARING SHIMS. MAX.ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE 1/4 USE SHIMS WHERE SPACE GREATER THAN 1116"IS PRESENT. LOAD BEARING SHIMS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF HIGH DENSITY PLASTIC OR BETTER.WOOD SHIMS ARE NOT ALLOWED, `1 3.ANCHOR TYPE,SIZE,SPACING AND EMBEDMENT SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THESE DRAWINGS,SEE TABLE 1,SHEET 6. 9/22/2017 4.ALL INSTALLATION ANCHORS MUST BE MADE OF OR PROTECTED WITH A CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL OR COATING. DISSIMILAR METALS OR MATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH PRESSURE TREATED WOOD MUST LUCAS A.TURNER,P.E. BE PROTECTED TO PREVENT REACTION. FL PE#58201 1239 JABARA AVE. 5.INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS,AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM NORTH PORT,FL 34288 SPECIFIED IN TABLE 1,SHEET 6. PH.941-380-1574 6.ANCHOR EMBEDMENT TO SUBSTRATE SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO. FOR CONCRETEICMU OPENINGS,EMBEDMENT SHALL BE.13EYOND WOOD BU ,. CKSIF USED,INTO SUBSTRATE, SHEET DESCRIPTION: INSTALLATIONS TO SOLID CONCRETE OR GROUT-FILLED CMU MAY INCLUDE BUT DO NOT REQUIRE 1X WOOD BUCKS BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND THE SUBSTRATE. ANCHOR SCHEDULE AND INSTALLATIONS TO HOLLOW CMU REQUIRE THE USE OF 1X BUCKS BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND SUBSTRATE. NOTES 7.A MINIMUM CENTER-TO-CENTER SPACING SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN ALL FASTENERS:3"FOR MASONRY,1"FOR WOOD AND METAL. DRAW SSY DATE: S.WOOD OR MASONRY OPENINGS,BUCKS AND BUCK FASTENERS SHALL BE PROPERLY DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD AND INSTALLED TO TRANSFER WIND LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE. ADEM 06/10/08 SUBSTRATES SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN IN TABLEI,SHEET 6. CONCRETE AND MASONRY SUBSTRATES MAY NOT BE CRACKED. TW-Go- REV.: CWS=15& D 9.SEALING AND FLASHING STRATEGIES FOR OVERALL WATER RESISTANCE OF INSTALLATION SHALL BE DONE BY OTHERS FOLLOWING THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: SCALE: SHEET FMA/AAMA 100(FIN WINDOWS),FMA/AAMA 200(FLANGE WINDOWS), FMA/WDMA 250(BOX WINDOWS),FMAIAAMAIWDMA300(EXTERIOR DOORS) 1:25 5 OF 6 MIN.EMBEDMENT __ _ _ _ _ __ VIYVIalI,�® •(/nl" - TYPICAL HEADANCHORAGE - SEE TABLE I SUBSTRATE 114°tSEALANT ABLE OTHERS1 MIN.EDGEDIST. SUBSTRATE WINDOW SYSTEMS MIN.EDGE DIST, 1900 SW 44TH AVE. SEE TABLE 1 SEE TABLE 1 BY OTHERS SEE TABLE 1 WWW. FLORIDA 34474 SUBSTRATE BY OTHERS 114"MAX.SHIM WWW.CWS.CG SEE TABLE 1 EDGE DIST. 16 MIN.EMBEDMENTTABLEI PERIMETER SEALANT SEE TABLE I 8100 PVC .BYINSTALLER —+� INSTALLATION ANC INSIDE AND OUT SEE TABLE I SINGLE HUNG SEALANT BEHIND SEE TABLE 1AE� IMPACT FLANGE BY INSTALLER II��1/4"MAX.SHIM Q Z O <ZO PERIMETER SEALANT Z W J p Q w O W SEALANT BY INSTALLER w Z O z w_Z F ER INSIDEAND OUT 0 N W Z O�� .OUT INSTALLATION ANCHOR z Z 2<D_w O O HIND BEE TABLE 1 00 OU w O-C]D<,F�a INSTALLATION ANCHOR FLANGE BYINSTALLER SEALANT BEHIND O Z—m Z Z F-Orn SEE TABLE 1 FIN BY INSTALLER Q 00 uj Z>U— B HORIZONTAL SECTION C HORIZONTAL SECTION F.—a 2 O Q w Z 6 TYPICAL JAMB ANCHORAGE 6 TYPICAL FIN ANCHORAGE lu--U�Z HEAD AND SILL SIMILAR FOR FIN INSTALLAflON F _ r>�:Q W Qm 0 wa)w CC LL y W Q J tl1 f- z— a p wt=-O .xx�� 1/4°MAX SHIM ~ CL D-y �NOREby` i SEALANT FLANGE BYINSTALLER Cl . PERIMETER SEALANT - J�; �•-°'ZF�. BYINSTALLER MIN.EMBEDMENT No 58201 SEE TABLE 1 ��. INSIDEANDOUT 131. STATE OF :�(11` SUBSTRATE FAB CE BY OTHERS IN.EDGE-0I 5� R i E TABLE 1 A VERTICAL SECTION 6 TYPICALSILLANCHORAGE X� TABLE 1:APPROVED INSTALLATION FASTENERS O 9/22/2017 FRAME TYPESUBSTRATETVPE ANCHOR TYPE - MIN.EMBEDMENT MIN.EDGE DIST. LUCAS A.TURNER,P.E. FL PE it 58201 FLANGE CONCRETE(2.0 KSI MIN.) 3116"ITW TAPCON 1-112" 1-1/8" PERIMETER SEALANT 1239 JABARA AVE. FLANGE 2" BY INSTALLER NORTH PORT,FL 34288 FLANGE CONCRETE(2.85 KSI MIN:) 3116"ELCO ULTRACON 1" •1�� ,WIDE AND OUT /-D---, HORIZONTAL SECTION PH.941-380-1574 FLANGE - 6 BOX FRAME INSTALLATION SHEET DESC`TIo 3/16"TTN TAPCON HEAD AND SILL SIMILAR FOR BOX INSTALLATION FLANGE 2X MIN.SOUTHERN PINE(G=0.55) OR ELCO ULTRACON 13/8" 718" INSTALLATION DETAILS FLANGE 2X MIN.SOUTHERN PINE(G=0.55) 910 WOOD SCREW 1318" 718" FLANGE REMOVAL NOTE:PARTIALLY OR FULLY REMOVING THE FLANGE, DRAWN BY: DATE: 16 GAUGE(0.060")MIN.STEEL STUD 410-16 HILT[KWIK-FLEXOR ITW FULL THREAD UP TO AND INCLUDING A BOX-FRAME APPLICATION IS ACCEPTABLE PROVIDED: ADE 06/10/08 FLANGE (33 KSI YIELD MIN) TEKS SELF-DRILLING SCREW THRU O.D60"7116" MIN.1/4"FILLET OF CONSTRUCTION-GRADE ADHESIVE CAULK IS APPLIED DWGIP REV.: 1/8"ALUM.(6063-TS MIN.)OR 910 GRADE 5 SELF TAPPING! FULL THREAD INSIDE AND OUT,FULL PERIMETER,BYINSTALLER. FLANGE 7116" CWS-155 D 118"STEEL(33 KSI MIN.) DRILLING SCREW T}iRU 0.125" -PRODUCT ANCHORAGE IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS AS FIN 2X MIN.SOUTHERN PINE(G=0.55) #8 WOOD SCREW 1.1/2" 7116" SHOWN FOR FLANGE WINDOWS. SCALE: SHEET 1:2 6 OF 6 i6