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SCIS Site Map { Links Search r b .4Ai Product Approval lr-' ° USER:Public User Pro lwl APlIMI't Ftnnd>1`1.0[120 nr APntitatinn S^nrch>Aon6c10on list>Application Del ill saw FL# FL16107-R10 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Ciopay Building roducts Company Address/Phone/Email 8585 Duke Blvd. Mason,OH 45040 (513)770-6062 mwesterfieid@cl pay.com Authorized Signature Scott Hamilton shamilton@clop y.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Repolt:from a Florida Registered Architect ora Licensed Florida Professio al Engineer Evaluation R'port-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Scott Hamilton the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-63286 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing 3ervices NA,Inc.-QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Gary Pfuehler V, Validation Ch cklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL1 1G 07 RIC C i Certification of Independence of Validation EntiW P PF ehlPr fI07 C I Stn in to)endence of FvaluatioflEntity-Hamilton 1.0424.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 10 3 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E199G 2009 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensedrofessional Engineer or Architect 1 10 . i E :iv 20170809-FSC-DASMA 108 e uiv. df FLIG107 R10 E uiv 20170809-FB -D SMA 1 Iv. df Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/10/2017 Date Validated 08/14/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/16/2017 Date Approved 10/10/2017 Summary of Products Go to Page v� Page 1/3 FL# Model,Number or Name Desc iption 16107.1 01 W6-16 DSIE-1F171:4300, Doubl -skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga. min,;Interior 4301,4310,-HDG,HDGL,HDGF,66, skin 2 ga,min.)Double-Car.(9'2"to 167'wide) 66G,67,67G,68,SP200,SF200, WIND ZODE@ W6 Garage Door SE200,6200,6201,6203 Limits of Use insta Nation Instructions Approved foe use in HVHZ:Yes FL16 07 R1O.II 404724-A„_Rev03 is geed•pd� Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verifi d By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure.+38 PSF/-42 PSF Evalu tion Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16.07 R10 AE CBPC 121212-A.ndf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are Impact- Creak d by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.2 02 W6-16 DSIE-1F171: 4300, Doubl skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; interior 4301,4310;HDG,.HDGL,HDGF,66, skin 2 ga.min.)Double-Car(9'2"to 162"wide) 66G,67,67G,68,SP200,SF200, WIND ODE@ W6 Garage Door SE200,6200,6201,6203 Limits of UseInsta cation Instructions' Approved for use.in HVHZ:No P 1 07 RIO II 1047J4-B-Rev03-s1onecl.pd Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verifi d By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Crea d by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF Evalu tion Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL1607 RIO AE CBPC 121212-A.( requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Creat d by Independent Third Party: No Impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.3 03 W6-16 PAN-217153: 73,75,84A, Steel n(min,25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) 94,42,48,4213,48B,4RST,611ST, WIND ODE@ W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- GDSS,GRSS,ARSS,EDSS ResistOnt Lites Limits of Use Insta lation Instructions Approved fo'r use in HVHZ:Yes FI-161107 R10 II 104710-A-RevO3-sioned.Odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verlfl d By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes 't d by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+36 PSF/-42 PSF Evalu'tion-Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or F 16107 R10 AE CB 1212 2-A. df doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Creat d by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact), 16107.4 04 W6-16 PAN-21`153: 73,75,84A, Steel an;(min.25 ga.)Double-Car(97"to 16'2"wide) 94,42,48;428,48B,4RST,6RST, WIND ODE@ W6 Garage Door GDSS,GR5S,AR5S,E135S Limits of Use Insta lation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL1G1107 RIO II 4171O-B-Rev03-sinned.ndF Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verifi d By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Creat d by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+36 PSF/-42 PSF Evalu tionReports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL1 1 R A= BP 7 717-A. cif requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Creat d by Independent Third Party: No Impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.5 05 W6-16 PAN-21`143:84A,94,98, Steel Fan(min.24 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) 48,488,4F,4RST WIND ODE®W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- ResistE nt Lites Limits of Use Inst ilation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes F 1 i 7 R10 Ii 104753-A-Rev02-sinned.0df Approved for use outside HVHZi Yes Verif ed By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Crea ed by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF EvaI i iation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FLI 107 R10 AE CBPC 121212-A.O0f doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Crea ed by Independent Third Party: No f resistant`(large missile impact), 16107.6 06 W6-16 PAN-2F143: 84A,94,98, Steel Pan(min,24 ga,)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) 48,486,4F,4RST WIN CODE@ W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Inst Ilation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16f07 R10 II.104753-8-Rev02-si ned. df Approved for'.use outside HVHZ,.Yes Verif ed By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Crea ed by independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other'Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load ELnW3_&JQ AF CE�PC 1J-.I?17-A.ndf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Crea ed by Independent Third Party;No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.7 07 W6-18 DSIE-1F171: 4300, Doub a-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.;interior 4301,4310,HDG,HDGL,HDGF,66, skin 7 ga.min.) 16'4"to 18'2"wide WINDCODE@ W6 66G,67,67G,'68,SP200,SF200, Gara a Door with Opitional Impact-Resistant Utes SE200,6200,-6201,6203 Limits of Use Insti illation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FLIC107.IR10 11 104751-A-Rev02-sinned df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Veri ed By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Crea�ed by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF Eval ation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FLt.6107 R10 AE CBPC 121212-A.udf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Crea ed by Independent Third Party: No resistant'(large missile impact). i 16107.8 08 W6-18 DSIE-IF171:4300, Doub a-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; interior 4301,4310, HDG,HDGL,HDGF,66, skin 7 ga.min.)16'4"to 18'2"wide WINDCODE@ W6 66G,67,67G,68,SP200,SF200, Garaa Door SE200,6200,6201,6203 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL,16107 R10 11 104751-B-Rev02-signed odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verif ed By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Crea ed by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16107.1210 AE CBPC 171212-A ndf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Crea ed by Independent Third`Party:No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.9 09 W6-18 DSIU-IF171:9200, Doub a-skin Insulated PUR(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; interior 9201,9203,HDP20,HDPF20, skin 7 ga,mina)16'4"to 18'2"wide WINDCODE@ W6 HDPL20,7200,7201,7203,8200, Gara a Door 8201,8203 Limits of Use Inst ilation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16 07.1210 II Y 777- =Rev02-sirjr e.d odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verif ed By; Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Crea ed by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF EvalL ation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16 07 R10 AE CBPC 121212-A. df doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Ereai ed by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.10 10 W6-18 DSIU-1F171: 9200, Double-skin Insulated POR(exterior skin 27 ga.min.;interior 9201,9203,HDP20,HDPF20, skin 7 ga.min.)16'4"to 18'2"wide WINDCODEO W6 HDPL20,7200,7201,7203,8200, Garale Door 8201,8203 Limits of Use Instc Ilation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16107 RIO i1 104777 -Rev02-signed•ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verif ed By; Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Crea ed by Independent Third Party:No Design pressure:+3R PSF/42 PSF 122valt ation Reports Other:,Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16 07 R10 AE CBPC 121212-A. d1` requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Crea ed by Independent Third Party:No Impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 161'07.1'1 11 W6-18 PAN-21`153: 73,75,84A, Steel an(min..25 ga:)Double-Car(16'4"to 18'2"wide) 94,42,48,428,48B,4RST,6RST, WIND ODE@ W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- GD55,GR53,AR55,ED5S Resist nt Lites Limits of Use Insta lation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes F1,16 .7 RIO iT t 47 ]-A-R v 4-ci ned. df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verifi:d By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Crea ed by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+36 PSF/-42 PSF Evalu ition Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or ELIE 07 RIO AE -BPC 121212-A. dr doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile Impact). 16107.12 12 W6-18 PAN-21`153: 73,75,84A, Steel an(min.25 ga.)Double-Car(16'4"to 187'wide) 94,42;48,428,488,4RST,6RST, WIND ODE@ W6 Garage Door GD5S,GR5S,ARSS,ED5S Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FI I6 07" R10 ii 104761-B-Rev04-sinned orlf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Creatled by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+36 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluiation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load F 6 7 f 0 AE CBPC 121212-A.odf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Creat d by Independent Third Party:Yes impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions, i 16107.13 13 W7-18 PAN-21`143: 84A,94,98, Steel�an(min.24 ga.)16'4"to 18'2"wide WINDCODE@ W7 48,48B,4F,4RST Garag Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites Limits of Use Insta lation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16.07 810 11 104762-Rev02-signed.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verifi d By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+41 PSF/-46 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max..Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FLi6 07 R10 6E CBPC .121212-A.0 doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Crea ed by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact), 16107.14 14 W8-16 DSIE-iF171: HDG, Doubl -skin Insulated(exterior skin 27 ga, min.; interior skin HDGL,4300,4310,4301,66,66G, 27 gamin.)Double Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide)WINDCODE@ 67,67G,'68,6200,6201,6203, W8 G(rage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites SP200,SF200,SE200 Limits of Use Insta lation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes PL16 07 f210 11 104736-Rev03-s1onr d pd Approved for use outside HVHZ.-Yes Verifi d By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant;Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-52 PSF Evalu tion Reports Other:Max,Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FLl 07 R10 AE CBPC 121212-A. cif doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). i 16107.15 15 W8-16 PAN-21`143: 84A,94,98, Steel�an(min.24 ga.)'Double Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) 48,48B,4F,4RST WIND ODE@ W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact- ResistOnt Lites Limits of Use Insta lation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FLI 07 R10 II 104754-Rev02-aigned odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verifi d By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-50 PSF Evalution Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult):'170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16 07 R10 AE CBPC 121212_ A.:�f doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Creat d by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile Impact). i 16107.16 16 WB-18 DSIE-IF171: HDG, Doubl -skin Insulated(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; interior skin HDGL,HDGF,4300,4310,4301, 27 ga min.)Double Car(16'4"to 18'2"wide)WINDCODE@ 66,66G,67,67G,68,6200,6201, 1 G rage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites 6203,SP200,SF200,SE200 Limits of Use Insta lation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16 0 R1 . 17Qg752-Rev03 signed.nd� Approved for use outside HVHZ:,Yes Verifi d By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Creat Rd by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-50 PSF. Evalu tion Reports Other:Max,Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or . FI-1610707 R10 AE CBPC 121212-A.odf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Creat'd by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.17 17 W8-16 DSIU-1F171:9200, Doubl -skin Insulated PUR(exterior skin 27 ga.min.;interior 9201,9203,HDP20,HDPF20, skin 27 ga.min.)Double-Car(912"to 1612"wide) HDPL20,7200,7201,7203,8200, WIND ODE@ W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact- 8201,8203 Resist nt Lites Limits of Use Insta lation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16]07 R10 II 104778-Rev03-siqned pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verifi d By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Creat d by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-52 PSF Evalu tion Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult); 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16107 R10 AE CBPC 121212-A. dfdf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Creat d by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact). 16107:18 18 W8-18'DSIIJ-11`171:9200; Dou le-skin Insulated PUR(exterior skin 27 ga:rilin.;interior 9201,9203,HDP20,HDPF20, skin 27 ga.min.)16'4"to 18'2"wide WINDCODE®W8 HDPL20,7200,7201,7203,8200, Gar ge Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites 8201,8203 Limits of Use Ins tallation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL 6107 R10 11 104779-Rev02-sioned.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Ve ified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Crated by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +46 PSP/-50 PSF EILL luation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or 610 Rl AE CBPC 121212-A.ndf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- ated by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.19 19 W6-16 DSIE-IF471: GD2SP; Dou le-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; Interior GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, skin 27 ga.min.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WI RT W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205,SFfm,MFR68 Limits of Use Insallation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16 07 RIO II 04785-A-Rev 3- i d.Iii( Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Vei ified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes CrE ated by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF EvZ luation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL 6107 R10 AE CBPC 130214-A. df doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Cr ated by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact), 16107.20 20 W6-16 DSIE-iF471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.;interior GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP;AR2SP, ski 27 ga.min.)Double=Car(9'2"to 162"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP,ED21-P,4302, WI DCODEO W6 Garage Door HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, 6205;SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Inskallatiion Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No EL-15107 RIO •ii 104785-B-RevO3-signPc(ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Ver fled,By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Cr atedby Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF Eva uation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load F(J 5107 Rio AE CBPC '130214• df requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Cr ated by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. Go to Page tt9 13 Page 1/3 ' .back Wo t contact us::2 601 Stair Stone Road Tall ss a FL 32399 phone:850.487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 007.2013 State of Florida,::,privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement •Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail adc ress released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to section 455.275 (1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address IF they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to sunply a personal address, Please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to th 2 public.To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. - Product Apiprova�11l Aiccepts: f111i:'' �1 tcr. Credii C rd Safe a :December 12,-,,2012 (revised!8/28/15) Evaluation.Report for Clopay Building:Products Company Sectional Garage f Doors, W6, through W8 Y I have-evafluated 'tf a wind toad door:designs a shown on-the dra-wings listed be{ow. I.have reviewed,the test reports;`wh.ich were•generated by accredited independent laboratories as required by the re evant°Florida Administrative Rule,'the engineering rational: analysis,: and th product,- raw'ings. The;test•. ;reports-are'.listed, below._Assembly testing was conducted by:American Test Lab ;North Carolina.. Component testing was-condo ted i;by HETI:arid ETC. ;For the doors listed.to'Tabl.es'i through 5,,'Sta ic'PressureTests•were 'conducted in accordance with TAS:202-1994, STM-E330-2002 and ANSI/DASMA 108-2005. Missile•Impact-and Cyclic Pressure Tests were conducted "in accordance with TAS 201.4994.and TAS'203-1994 and ASTM E1886---2005-and-ASTM E1.996-2Q09. nd ANSI/DASMA.115-2005, The pressures listed on the drawings are either direct results; f-these-tests or:results.obtained through engineeriing .national analysis based on actual testas.,I have concluded that the door-designs listed below in Ta'btes I Pro-ugh 5 are:in compliance with these.High•Velocity-Hurricane`zone test;.requir meets of the`Florida Building Cod e:'and therefore are qualifled as impact res stant bssemb!16s (large ;missile impact). • !TABLE t: Drawings For doors wit�nufact r' P.oduct'Code MPC PAN F. 5- 104710=A-Rev03; max. door size 16'2`-_,x '1610 '; `+36/=42 PSF (desi-gn load) ) ;10.4761.-A-Rev02, max. door ,8 ze 18'2'" x. 16'0 ';; +36/-42 PSF Cdesi gn load) 'TABLE 2: 'Qra_W 0 for o •_s ly]th Man'Ljf4ctuHncj Product Code 'MPC PA -2F 1047537A-Rev02., :max. door :si-ze 16'2" x-.16'0 '.1; +38/-42 .PS'F (design load) 10476.2-.Rev02•, max. door .size 18'2 x 1610", +4.1/=46 PSF .((design 'oad) 10h754-Rev02; max. door size 16'2.'' x 1'6'0"; +4:6f-50 PSF 1Cdesign .load) TABLE,3: Drawings for doors,'-with MOnOfa t ``c Code (MPC) DSIE-1F17 . 104724--A-Rev03,. max. door size 16'2. x 16'0 +38/-42 PSF (design load) 1047;5].-A-Rev07-;. max:. door size 18'2" x 16-10", , +38/-42 PSF (design load) 104736-Rev03, max. door size 16'2" x .16'.0"; +46/-52 PSF (design load) 1.04752-Rev;03;' max. door size 18 '2 x 16'0"; +46/-50' PsF (design load) TABLE.4: D awin s-for doors with-ManufaCturin P oduct C C SIU"1F17I.. .104777-A Rev02, max-. door size 18'2" x 16'0 '- +38/-42 PsF -(design Toad) 104778-Rev03; `ina'x.. .door size ,16'2." x 16'0"; .+46/-52 PSF ,(design load). 104779-Rev03; max. door `size 18'•2" .x 16'.0"; +46/-50 PSF (design Toad) TA6I,E`5:° w s'' •s-w' h Ma ufact in 'P oduct Code ' MPC UV=, _ . 10443 -Rev02, max.- 'door :size 9'0" x 12"0"; +47/-55 PSF ;(design load) PAGE'1:60-4 FILE: CBPC_.121212-A.3 EVALUATION R[PORT FbkCLOPAI BUILDING,PRO UCTS COMPANY SEcnoi jALGAAAGE DOORS,W6 7-WS i04998-Rey00, max door -size 161.2" x 12'0"; +47/=47 PSF- :(design load) For the doors inTables '6 through 9, Static Pret� �buTests were conducted in accordance with ASTM-E330-2002 an'd ANSI/DSMA 108-2Q05,. The pressures j Listed on .the drawings are either direct'results f,thetests w results obtained through a igihe'ering',rational analysls;based on actual :tests: I have concluded that the,doorde'signs Fisted, below in'Tables,6 hrough'9 are .ln compliance with :thetest;requirements of the Florida Building' Code, TABLE 6: Drawings for d u'"i :oductCode MPC P -7 ,104710 'B-Rev03., max. door size 162' x 16'.0" +36/42 PSF design :load)- , 104761�B-Rev02, max. door size 18'2'' x 16'.0" : x36/-42 'PSF (design load) TABLE 7`: Drawings for do n duct Code: MPC F PAN- ` ';104753-B-RevO2-, ,max. door size 16'2". x 16'0"; +38/42 PSF (design oad) TABLEt3't Drawings"for.doors with Manu'facturioa oduct'COde (MPC) DSIE-_1F171_:. 104724-B-RevO3, ,max. doar "size ,16`2"..x 16. 0 ';; +38/-42 PSF (design 'load) 104751-B-ReV02', max. door size 18`2" x 16'0 ', . X38/-42 PSF (design load) TABLE`9:. Drawl s° o doors with Manuf ict rin P;od ct 'd PARC)-DSIU-1F171: 104777-�B�Rev02, .max. door .size '18'2" x 16'0',',; +38 -42 PSF -(design load) Test-:Reports: ATL=0801,01-12:.(8/15/12), ATL-0$13.01-12 ( 0/9/12);.ATL-'1015,0.142. (11/.3/12),:ATL-11.13.01-12R :(2/18/1'3), ATL-110:7,01-12 (11/20/12), ATL.- 1023.:01-12 (11/1:3/12);.ATL-1009.01.1ZR:(11 20/12), ATL-0827,01-12 (10/9/12), ATL 012 .01-14 (9/3/2014)1 ATL 012,1.:01-15 (2/6/2015)..These reports document compliance,with the TAS tes ing,standards and are signed and sealed by David Johnson, FL PE .61915. Product-:Descri "tion for doors with C N-2 153: These;doors consist of 2" thick steel pan 'sections with min; 25 'g'a. (0,019",)-skins, The steel:skin is at least G40 D S' per. A8TM-A651 Th6 rnaxirrium section height is 21". These doors rraybave optional impact- Resistant Glazing.-OptionalImpact-Resistant.Glazing is:a one-Piece ;injection- rn,oided front frame sand glazing. The-following models are,at least,structurally equivalent'to the tested door:i84A, 94, 98, 73, '75, 1500, 190,.4RST, 4F, 4R5'F, .6RST 6RSF, 48,;48B, 42,'4213, 55 55S, 'GD5S :'GD`5SV; GRSS; GR5SV, AR5S, AR5SV, 'ED5S, ED'SSV. Not,,a'ii models'may be ho'wn on a given drawing. Product ;Descri ion for doori MPC PAW2FJJ3,, These doors consist of'2" thick.steel pan sections with min. 24 ga. (0-.022") skins. The' steel skin is at least-GOD S per ASTM A653:,The max'i:mum section height is:21';. These doors lay have optional Impacty- Resistant Glazing,: 'Optional Impact-Resistant Gazing is a one-piece injection- 'molded front frame and glazing. The following odels are,eat least structurally PAGE 2 or 4 FILE: CBPc 12.:1212-A,'3 EVALUA1'loN REPORT FOR CLOPAY BUILDING'PRo000T5 COMPANY SEc'rIo .AL GARAGE DoORS,W6-.W8 equiv.alentto the`tested door: 84A, 94,'98; 411T; 4F,-48,, 48B. Not all Models may be shown 616 a given drawing. P oduct'Descri tion:for doors&ith MPC'DSIE-1F17-1: Thes".e.doors consist'of 2" double-skin'in _Mated'sections:with anEPS.core lam nated'to both skins; Both inndr and .outer kips are mrn,.'27:ga. (0:'016") G40,DDS-per ASTM A553..The maximU*M secti n height Is::2i". These doors may. have aptlonal Impact-Resistant Glazing (IM). Optional Impact-Reslsiant Glazing (IM) is aone-piece injection=molded fr htframe.and glazing. The following models are,at least'tructurally equivalent;to the aested door: 4300, '4MI—4310;.,HDG,-HDGL,,H,DGF, 66,.:66G,:67, , 7G; '68, 6200, .6201, .6.203:, SP200,'SF200';,SE200. Not:all 'models may b-ehown on a 'given drawing. i �Produ'ct Descri tion for doo's w' h MPC DSIU- F171:. These eonslst of 2" double-`skin insulated sections,with polyurethane insulation'foamed in plane betwe rn both skins: Broth inner and outer,skins,are min. '27 ga. ,(0,016") 640 DDS per ASTM A653..The maximum .section heig, s 2 ". These`doors may have.o tional Impact=Resistant Glazing. ,Optional;Impact-Resistant Glazing is,a one�pi,e a`10jection=molded front frame and:�glazi.ng. Th;e following_models are:atleast tructurally equivalent tothe tested door. HDP20, HDPF20,. HDPL20`, 72001 201, 7203, 82001 820 ., 8203, 9200, 9201; 9203. Not all :models:may be sho non a given drawing. Product Description for doors i C W-189 ': These doors.consist of:2.13/16" custom wood door:se`ctions with hemlock."ralls-and stiles a.nd decorative,,claddin ;and.overla:ys. The maximum section heightis-2�8". These doors may have o �tion'al Impact-Resistant Glazing. poti.onai Impact=Resistant Glazing is certified] minated glass as detailed on the individual drawings; The'following models are at'least structurally eguival,ont to the'tested.door, ,CR800, MUM- CH900, .CRDn :rl Not,all models..may:be. shown-on a ,given.drawing. IM act Resistant Glazing:(IM)':. The optional:impact resistant glazing is n :injection-molded polycarbonate,front.frame:an`d glazing,{GE;LE AN�'SLX2432T) Jhat'is an approved C1 plastic in accordance withtesting required by FB.0-B 2612. -Approval based,on review of the following test HETI 06-A002 ASTM G155; .HCTI-06-T566 AS 7M,D638 (before); HETI:-06-7634 ASTM: D6.38 (after. . ETC-06-1.02,4-1749:6.0 AS ;M b2843, -ASTM D635,,:ASTM P192 q._ The drawing(s) cited, above are an expli it.part of this:evaluation report. The text of this 'report does not.attempt to add ess;all design.details and;relies on :th;e illustrations a,nd .text of these drawings s well. PAGE 3 or 4 FILE: CBPC_121212-A.3' EvALUATION REPORT FOR CLOPAY BUILDING PRODUCTS COMPANY SCCTIOLL GARAG*t:DOORS,W6-W8 Jambs, lintels, sills or other structural el ments; -required: o prepare ct t openings 8're not covered,'The design of the s pporting structural elements shall be the responsibillty.of the professional o record-for the building or structure and in raccordahce with turr6ritbuilding codes for the loads listed on ;the�d.eawing(s).referL-nced,dbove. Inst,61lati.On requirements per the 'releva ,t Florida Admlhiklrative-'Rule, including attachments, are retailed on the dra *)ng(s) listed above. Installation must be irl' accordance with manufacturer's ,InE tallation instructions and must be as.shown on the drawings) listed above. T e manufacturer's licensed Aesigh,professlona) Fisted`on the drawing(s) h sreviewed the.attachm"eht ;details and installation requirements. f.Signature: 0 ......p IV /4;N r NO 632 6 rr Z ,oan Scott P.. Florida P. E. Noi 63286 13 'STATE F C).0 Date: 0 R 0 A PAGr-.-4 OF 4 FILE: CBPC'_i2i212-A.3 A r 'CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' RAISED PANEL E14BOSS DOORS SKEET; REVISIONS MODELS24 GA 25 GA 1 24 GA MODELS 25 GA IV. N0.1 ZONE: I DATE: I ECN NO. APPVD: DESCRIPTION CLOPAYte4A, 9473, 75 76, 75L98 CLOPAY 'GALLERY' GD5S, GR5S I -5 GA ------ 1 OF 4 RE03 G PANEL OPTION. TT IDEAL 4-RST I 6RS7 2RST 4F HOLMES 'ARTISTRY, AR5S 48, 48B 142, 42B IDEAL 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' ED5S ONE STANDARD INTERMEDIATE STILE B,�iWEEN EACH EMBOSS LOCATION. ATTACHED %1.1/TOG-L-LOC (TOP & BTM)AND SHORT L ON G FLUSH SHORT PANEL URETHANE ADHESPJE (ALONG CENTER). D -CLASSIC" SHORT PANEL DESIGN SHOWN. GALLERY SHORT PANEL AND "CLASSIC" D r--A LONG_PANEL ALSO APPROVED. SEE TABLES BELOW FOR DETAILS. IIIIN OPTIONAL GLAZING MAY BE STANDARD OR EXTRA STILES MAY BE STANDARD (SHORT PANEL) OR IMPACT RESISTANT GLAZING. ONLY SHORT COMMERCIAL (LONG PANEL). SEE TABLES BELOW. GLAZING 15 APPROVED. SEE SECTION 3-13 ON SHEET TWO FOR DETAILS..(GLAZING SHOWN IN GLAZING SHOWN Iry Top SECTION. INTERMEDIATE SECTION.) VIEW -B- (SEE SHEET THREE).H REE). El A G --------a VIEW "C- (SEE SHEET THREE). 16 GA. END STILES ATTACHED TO p 44� z 1 Q u DOOR SKIN WITH PATENTED c m I TOG-L-LOC SYSTEM (TOP. BOTTOM & --------- I;wvf-I c It 11 111 It III I it I Il I I CENILr?). AHALHtU lU I U 11 fit 11 11 It It BOTTOM RAIL WITH PATENTED TOG-L-LOC SYSTEM. TWO POINT LOCKING INTO TRACK. (2) LHR TOP BRACKETS USED AS A OPTIONAL OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK POSITION. I INNER BOTTOM BRACKET. :AX. DOOR WIDTH 16*-2" IN'INSIDE ELEVATIONS (1) 3-IN ROLLER CARRIER (P/N 0120394) USED WITH 3- TRACK. SNAP LATCH ENGAGES LOCATION OF OPTIONAL VENTS, TOTAL VENT OPENINGS: 60 IN' PER VEHICLE. ONTO VERTICAL TRACK. END DOOR HEIGHT h OF ONE SNAP LATCH ON STILE. UP TO 7'0' SECTIONS SLIDE BOLT LOCK EACH SIDE OF DOOR. 4 'CLASSIC*RAISED PANEL E.3OSS FORS 'CARRIAGE HOUSE'RAISED , ENGAGES INTO B 7'3' TO 8'9' 5 SHORT PANEL I LON'PANEL PANEL E.BOSS DUORS END -t OUTSIDE TICAL TRACK. 6 9'0' TO 10'6' �(.OF IxTERn S r T4 SHORT PANEL DOOR VIDTH sl!LEs DOOR WIDTH !N-,'CRCVL STTIDLESI[NME,CT r 1.Or I.TrAK ONE LOCK ON HANDI-E. LOCK BAR 10'9' TO 12'3'1 7 PER SECTION) l:PFR SECTICN)j(PCR SECT I-) ODOR VIOTH . STILE EACH SIDE OF OUTSIDE T (PER SECTION) 1�6' TO 14'0'1 8 a!1'21 1 1 DOOR. ENO ENGAGES IN TO 15'9-1 9 L4 3 KEYED STILE. TRACK ON 10,01112 11,10, 4 TO 16 2� HANDLE. EACH SIDE !ZTI�Ll 13117 5 115-TO 1 3 1 4 10*2'TO 31-4-1 N/A 10 14'0*70 15'EO' SEE NOTE E-Dw REGARDING EXTRA 11'6.7 14.6-1 5 OF DOOR. KAArEiTION HEIGHT, 21' ll 26-0-TO 16'2- 7 STILES[j�L LENG PANEL DOORS. 1-18,70 161al 1 7 INSIDE SLIDE BOL INSIDE HANDLE m - — LOCK OPTION, Oul CK WITH OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK WITH EXTRA STILES FOR LONG-PANEL MODELS. SNAPLATCHLOCK OPTION. LOCK BAR LOCKING, ADOIROISAL 18 G&COW%00AL INIERM-STttES REOUARED AS NOTED ON ,,%%t,I-V HAM/4 I'e THE LES ASOr, 0 ....... THESE C wERCu,L CENTER STa.ES ARE ATrACHEDLvOPOLNT eETWEM 1�.E cFN •&I- EMSTING RESI'ENTxL CENTER SnLES.COMVERCfL CENTER SULES ARE THIS DOOR MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE DESIGN LOADS FOR THE ACHED WIT % ATTK TOG-L-LOC(TOP&SOTTOW)OR 3/16-POP RNETS ULTIMATE WIND SPEEDS LISTED SELOIN ACCORDING 70 THE FLORIDA No :63 8OR.(,) NEE7 mETAL SCREWS. BUILDING CODE OR THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING COD-- (BASED ON 3 ASCE?-10) FOR THE FOLLCINING CONOITIONS: 1)ENCLOSED IIANUF CTURING PRODUCT CODE GUILDING, 2) DOOR HAS,2.OF'.'.ID7H IN GUILMNG'S END ZONE, 3) SHORT PANEL, PAN-22753 ANY ROOF SLOPE.AND 4) TESTING IN ACCORDANCE VIJTfl DESIGN LOADS: +36.0 P.S.F. & -42.0 P.S.F. LONG PANEL: PAN-22756 cr ANSI/DA VA 108. SITE-SPECIFIC CALCULATIONS SY A QUALIFIED EST LOADS: +54-0 S.F- -63.0 P.S.F. PART NO.: NIA IN'll IF -4fj DESIG14 PROFESSIONAL MAY DIFFER. A Duke Boulcmd VINDLOAD RATING Masai,Td.", �.OH 45040 USA ULTIMATE WIND z1flopEly " 513-770-4200 SPEED(MPH) 155 160 170 180 195 ........., I I 1 .0 6011,9 PndtlS CO.K�y F..Na 513-770-4253 W6 DP30T % .00 *.015 DESCRIPTION: 2"STEEL PAN DOORS 16*211; (SEE TABLE FOR MCDELS) EXPOSURE B.C, D 31 C. 1) 2.c III C B 000 ±.005 CATEGORY SN"',0....... ' - - - - .1 1 1 1 - .0000 :k.00 I DRAWN BY: SH JDATE:)DESIGN ENGINEER: SCOTT HAMILTON, P.E. MDeq,...EAN ROOF HEIGHT 25' 15' a5l 15, 30' U.T..SIMed 1/2* CHECKED BY: S.-i JDA:IE: 11/20/IISHEET 1 OF 4 ISIZE J-) FLORIDA LICENSE No. 63286 DPIENSIONS ARE IN i.%,cHEs-D%AiG. NO.: 104710-A/B j VER: IBC 4 3 2 FLOlU,-Dla00&/A\3 PRODUCT APPROVAL 16107 'CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' RAISED PANEL EI4BOSS DOORS SHEET' REVISIONS MODELS 24 GA 25 GA 25 GA 24 GA MODELS 25 GA 2 OF 4 I I REV. NO. ZONE: DATE: ECN NO. APPVD: DESCRIPTION CLOPAY 64A, 94 73, 75 76, 75L 98 CL13PA.Y 'GALLERY' GD5S, GR5S 0.3 — — — 'SH I SEE REVISION HISTORY ON SHEET ONE. IDEAL 4RSTfiRST 2RST 4FH13 LMES 'ARTISTRY, AR5S HOLMIES 48, 48B 42, 423 -- — IDEAL 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' I ED5S D SHORT LONG FLUSH SHORT PANEL D IMPACT—RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION: STANDARD ASSEMBLY CONSTRUCTION TSOLID DOORS (NO GING)`OR DOORS WITH OPTIONAL IMPACT—RESISTANT GLAZING ARE OPTIONAL DSB OR i/8'ACYRLIC LITES AVAILABLE. OPTIONAL ACRYLIC GLAZING IS • 'IMPACT—RESISTANT. OPTIONAL INJECTION—IJOLCED POLYCARBONATE FRONT FRAME AND PLASKOLITE OPTIX OR LUCITE CP APPROVED CC2 PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH IBC/FBC GLAZING IS GE LEXAN SLX24327, AN APPROVED CC2 PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2606. IEC/FBC 2606 AND AN APPROVED Cl PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH FBC 2612. THE ENTIRE DOOR ASSEMBLY INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE 'WITH THIS SECTION MEETS THE THE ENTIRE DOOR ASSEMBLY INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS SECTION MEETS THE VAND LOAD REOUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE OR INTERNATIONAL BUILDING WIND LOAD REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE BUT DOES NOT MEET THE IM?ACT RESISTANT REQUIREMENT FOR WINDBORNE DEBRIS CODE AND IS LARGE—AND SMALL—}MISSILE IMPACT RESISTANT. REGIONS (REF. CHAPTER 16 FEC/IBC). SECTION B-B (IMPACT—RESISTANT GLAZING OPTION) SECTION B=B (NON—IMPACT RESISTANT GLAZING OPTION C DETAIL'D' C FRONT FRAME WITH U.V. COATING ON OUTSIDE SURFACE. NOTE THAT FRONT FRAME IS NARROWER THAN "0 AIL 'D'-------` IMPACT-RESISTANT FRAME. 125 OPTIONAL DECORATIVE 223 \ MULTIPURPOSE HIGH BOND TAPE •�� SNAP—IN INSERT. (BETWEEN.FRAME AND FACADE). _ 5 DECORATIVE FRONT FACADE. � - cLazlNc, 1 MOLDED INSIDE o:ea� lSTRUCTURAL SILICONE SEALANT LITE RETAINER. (BETWEEN STEEL SKIN AND FRAIAE). (10 SC" PAN HEAD SCREW E). (10 SCREWS PER LITE). IMPACT RESISTANT ONE—PIECE INJECTION POLYSTYRENE RETAINER FASTENED TO FRAME WITH 640LDE0 GE LEXA,N (10)B8 x 3/4'PAN HEAD MACHINE SCREWS, B B SLX2432T FRONT FRAME L-GLAZING. IMPACT—RESISTANT ASSEMBLY DETAILS STANDARD ASSEMBLY DETAILS DRAWING 104710-A DRAWING 104710-9 HAM/CT I—IV 4.0 8 * MANUFACTURING.PRODUCT CODE SHORT PANEL: PAN-21153 .fl 1� /6 DESIGN LOADS: +36.0 P.S.F. & —42.0 P.S.F. LONG PANEL: PAN-21156 ��� PART NO.: N/A STA E OF <U TEST LOADS: +54.0 P.S.F. Pt —63.0 P.S.F. A Onless stot<a Osnerwlse 8585 Duke Boule,rd 4ANDLOAD RATING '0•• 'C �� _ClOpay M�sron, ON 45040 USA %T�;'•C p p 9 P,:��,� TOLERANCES.. reL 513-770-4&10 6 D P 3 C T �ONA � .00 - =•.015 DESCRIPTION: 2'STEEL PAN DOORS 316'2`!7 (SEE TABLE FOR.MODELS) .000.= :.005 DESIGN ENGINEER; — 0000 = :.ODI_ _DRAWN BY: SH DATE: 11/19/1 SCALE: N75 DWG.R SCOTT HA!.ENGI P.E. Degrees ' :1/` CHECKED EIY: SH DATE: 11/20/1 SHEET 2 OF 4 SIZE 1J FLORIDA LICENSE No. 63286 au` s10uS`ARc r�a6+Es. D'NG. NO:: 104710—A/9 VER: I2C 4 3 2 1 -CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS SHEET' REVISIONS MODELS .24 GA 25 GA '25 CA 24 GA MODELS 25 GA _ 3 OF 4 IREV. NO.1 ZONE: I DATE: ECN N0, APPVD. DESCRIPTION CLOPAY 84A, 94 73, 75 76, 75L-1 98 CLOPAY"GALLERY' GOSS, GR5S :03 - - - SH I SEE REVISION.HISTORY ON SHEET ONE, IDEAL 4RST 6RST 2RST 4F HOLMES 'ARTISTRY' AR5S - - HOLI4ES 48,48B 42.-42B -- -- IDEAL-CARRIAGE HOUSE' ED5S D SHORT LONG FLUSH SHORT PANEL --I 1--2" THICK D HORIZONTAL(TOP)JAMB JAMB TO SUPPORTING STRUCTURE ATTACHMENT (2) 12 GA GLV.STEEL TOP ROLLER (NO LOAD FR'LM DOOR) NOTES;. - - 25 GA. (0,019" tdlN. THICK) _ 1. ALL THE LOAD FROM THE DOOR IS TRANSFERRED TO THE TRACK AND THEN FROM THE TRACK TO DDS.STEEL,EXTERIOR SKIN - BRACKETS (2-1/2" x 5-3/6°), EACH THE 2.6 VERTICAL SYP(GRADE T)2 OR BETTER)JAIJBS.NO LOAD FROM THE DOOR IS BRACKET ATTACHED 1V/(4) 914x5/8" SHEET WITH G-40 GALVANIZING, t ,TRANSFERRED 70 THE HORIZONTAL(TOP)JAMB. BAKED-ON PRIMER MOA ,J METAL'SCREWS. AWLISTABLE SLIDE ATTACHED r 2.EACH VERTICAL JAMB SEES A i4AXIMUM.DESIGN LOAD OF.+288 LB& -336 LB.PER LINEAR TOP BRACKET TO WITH FOOT OF,tALtB. BAKED-ON POLYESTER PAINTED (2) 1/4"xl/2" BOLTS 3. ALL JAMB FASTENERS MAY BE(BUT ARE HOT R°OURED TO BE)COUNTERSUNK TO PROVIDE A TOP COAT APPLIED TO BOTH AND NUTS PER.BRACKET_ FASTENER FLUSH MOUNTING SURFACE SIDES OF STEEL SKIN. TYPE 4.A t/J STRESS INCREASE FOR WIND LOAD WAS NQ(USED IN THE CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE ,LOADS FOR ANCHORS AND FASTENERS FOR STEEL,CONCRETE AND.MASONRY. MA; O.C. C, JOINTS SHIP LAP 14 GA. MIN. GALV- ROLLER HINGE. EACH 2.6 VERTICAL JAMB ` #144/8" SHEET METAL.AND(2) 1/4"x3/4" SELF TAPPING SCREWS. SEE 4"—I VIEW "B". 4-1/4" LONE 4" T-STRUT PER SECTION. (SEE VIEW "0") EACH T-STRUT ATTACHED AT EACH 2x6 BE U TO SUPPORTING TIE SF T TUR ATTACH\TENT VI 'J "D" HINGE LOCATION WITH (2) 1/4"x3/4" SELF (NOT TO BE USED FOR ATTACHMENT OF TRACK ANGLE TO 2x6 VERTICAL JAMBS OR SUPPORTING STRUCTURE) 4"TALL TAPER STRUT. TAPING SCREWS. MAXIMUM 0.057" MIN. GALV. STEEL. ON-CENTER 50 KSI. MIN. DISTANCE STEEL BETIYEEN 1VASHERS BUILDING TYPE FASTENER TYPE FASTENERS°RECUSED? BLOCK I '- - i c`: 1-1 4 IAIN. IJ E AP ON C NCR T ,,H R 7- 1"OD 3000 PSI MIN. ON RETE t 4-x t MIN. EMBED TAPCON CONCRETE ANCHOR - 8-1/4" 1"0.0. FAl B2000 PSI MIN CQNCREIF 3S-X 1-3/4--MIN. EMBED 1YEJ-IT ANKR 7ITE'SLEEVE ANCHOR _ INCLUDED Per MAN. R i - 4'- IN - W -IT ANKR TITE SLEEVE N 4" IN U AM YsG5 1 RRY(ASTM ARA A t- T T R 17-3/4" FIRST(BOTTOM)ANCHOR STARTING AT NO MORE THAN HALF OF THE MAXIMUM ON-CENTER DISTANCE.HIGHEST ANCHOR INSTALLED ; AT LEAST AS MGH AS THE DOOR OPENING.CLOPAv MINIMUM DOES'NOT E SUPPLY JAWS ER OF.AINC R AND 12 GA-1dIN. GALV. STEEL BOTTOM BRACKET b11N1.V.UtA DISTANCE BE7IYEEN CENTER OF,A4CHOR AND EDGE OF CONCRETE BLOCK.2-1/2", EXCLUDING STUCCO THICKNESS. ATTACHED WITH (2) #14x5/8" SHEET METAL SCREWS. ALUMINUM EXTRUSION &VINYL WEATHERSTRIP. '[.HAIyJi� 814x5/8" SHEET METAL SCREWS SECTION 'A-A.(SIDE VIEW) `�•`,SG�\C E AI S', � 0 k .2 . 0 No6 8MANUFASORiCTURING PANEL: PANU2Ft53E0 0' LONG PANEL: PAN-21`756 1/4"z3/4" SELF DESIGN LOADS: +36.0 P.S-F: & -42.0 P.S.F- z O. TAPPING SCREWS. TEST LOADS: +54-0 P:S F. & -63.0 P.S.F. PART'NO.: N/A 'STA GA. ENO HINGES 18'GA {MIN;I INTERMEDIATE HINGE Unless S;cted Otne verse —(�'O a 8585 Duke Boul"ord WINDLOAD RATING YIEv�"g' v�19 TOLERANCES a-e —u p y .Naso+„014:050,USA Sei.ho,513-770-4600 �,�6 D 3 S T .0= 2.031 Bull6q Prof ds CwIp2lp• Fos 1'o.513-770-41iaS .00 = :L.0 15 DESCRIPTION: 2”STEEL PAN DOORS 16'2"%-/ (SEE TABLE FOR MOOECS) DESIGN ENGINEER: .coo = :t.0050000 r 2.001- DRAWN--BY: -Sri DATE: n/te/1 SCALE: NTS DWG.R Degrees -_1/2' CHECKED BY: 'SH DATE: 1 1/20/12 SHEET 3 OF 4 SIZE .1J SCOTT HAMILTON, P.E. Urd—Eteted Oteerwtse - FLORIDA LICENSE No. 6J 86. OWENSIOXS AR-_IN INCHES.DViG. NO.: 104710-A/e VER:18C 3 2 FLOGODA p ODMC T APPROVALS 116107 4 3 '2 ) 1 'CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS SHEET- REVISIONS MODELS 24.GA "25 GA .25 GA 24 GA MODELS 25 GA 4 OF 4 REV. N0, ZONE: DATE: ECN N0. APPVD: DESCRIPTION CL'OPAY 84A, 94 73,-75 76, 75L 96 CLOPAY 'GALLERY' GD5S, GR5S 03 — — 'SH SEE REVISION HISTORY ON SHEET ONE. IDEAL 4RST' .6RST 2RST 4F HDLNES 'ARTISTRY' AR5S -HOLMES 48, 48B 42, 42B -- -- IDEAL 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' fDSS D SHORT LONG FLUSH SHORT PANEL D HORIZONTAL TRACK SUPPORT BY DOOR INSTALLER(TO SU17). ,NOTE;TRACK CONFIGURATION ABOVE'HE .DOOR COUNTERBALANCE SYSTEl.1 JAMB CONFIGURATION DOOR OPENING ODES NOT AFFECT THE DOOR DOORS UP TO 800 LBS. WIND LOAD.RATING OF THIS DOOR.. r - HEIGHT "L" 13 GA GALV.STEEL FLAG BRACKET ATTACHED TO •• I-DOOR OVERLAP (EACH SIDE)—{ IFF..-- STOP tJOULDING'SY DOOR INSTALLER(TO SUIT}. JAMB YnTH (3)5/15"X 1-5/8"LAG SCREWS 7'- - 76" I J AND TO"TRACK WITH (2} 1 J4"RIVETS. ., 2x6 SYP WOOD JAMB.SEE I 76 GA GALV. STEEL END STILE. 7'-6" 'JAMS PREPARATION NOTE•. 18 G:..'.GN:V, STEEL DOUBLE END STILE. 2 TRACK CONFICURATION .i 8'-0"1 " 'DOORS UP TO 800 LBS, ''� '-6" 94- 9-0- <" - ••' 20 GA.MIN.GALV.STEEL INTERM,.STILE. _ w ,AS ROD:SPACING NTE t4`O.C. I 9'- "t _ 18 CA.CALV. STEEL INTER. _ 2-1/2`X 12 GA GALV..STEEL 0 9 " TRACK BRACKETS FASTENED TO J HINGE FASTENED TO CENTER a, 63" 7 CALV.STEEL TRACK. 10'-0"I - STILE tV/(4)EACH#'14x5/8" 10'-6-11 - WOOD JAMBS WITH 5/6"X-1-5/8- SHEET METAL SCREWS. n TRACK THICKNESS:0,083"• 11'-0"1 4" LAG SCREWS NOT TO EXCEED 14" 50" 11--6" 0" ON-CEN7£R.MIN. OF (9) LAG 7/16-I.D. ROUND SCREWS RECURRED PER JAMS. PUSH NUT ee •L• 12-O 1 2"•CALV.STEEL TRACK FASTENED TO FASTENER. i 12'-6"14 " 38" TYP.2-1/2 X 12 GA GALV. 13'-0"14 " 12 CA CALV STEEL TRACK BRACKETS 14 GA.GALV_STEEL ROLLER HINGES FASTENED TO END STILES%V/(4)EACH§74z5/8- .�. z 'STEEL TRACK BRACKETS, 13'-6•'1 4" V;ITH EITHER(2) 1/4"DIA RNE75 OR SHEET META' SCREWS ANO(2) 1/4'SELF TAPPING SCREWS PER END HINGE C a 24` 5/16'X 7-5/8"LAG SCREWPER i<' TRACK BRACKET. TRACK BRACKET. 1 •_0- 2"DIA. 7-1/2"LONG STEM, 10 SALL STEEL ROLLER W�H STEEL OR NYLON TIRE. 1 -6" 10" 16-0-1184"1 SECTION C—C 3-1/2" LHR BRACKET(2-1/2"x 5-3/4"x 12GA) .PREPARATION OF JAMBS BY OTHERS. ATTACHED W9TH (2) 1/4"x 3/4"SELF TAPPING -'- -- - SCREIVS.NOTE THAT LHR 3.RACKETS ARE ALSO -- - - -_- - -" - USED WITH "DOUBLE_END STILE"AS SHOWN IN 3" R I(" ATI N ,NOTE: TRACK CONFIGURATION ABOVE THE `20NE B-3 SHEET L R 1 DOOR OPENING DOES NOT AFFECT THE JAMB CONFIGURATION DOUBLE TRACK S AN OVER. WIND LOAD RATING OF THIS DOOR, DOORS 80 LBS AND OVER LOW HEADROOPA OPTION "CENTER OVER REQUIRED FOR (AVAIL.FOR BOTH 2"AND 3"TRACK) DOORS OVER 8'INCH. OOUEL£HORIZONTAL I"F TRACK. jj .. .. 1"DOOR OVERLAP (EACH SIDE) 2x6 SYP WOOD JAMB.SEE STOP MOULDING BY DOOR INSTALLER(TO SUIT). p 3"OALV.TAPERED STEEL TRACK AND ANGLE TRACK - "JAMS PREPARATION NOTE". - 96 ^A CALV, STEEL END STILE. U THICKNESS 0,101 ANGLE.THICKNESS:0.080 - HOR120MTVa.TR:.CK ,. ::.' 16 GA CALV.STEEL DOUBLE END STILE. MIN.ANGLE DIMENSIONS,3-1/4"y 2-7/8". SUPPORT BY DOOR 20$A PAN.GALV.STEEL INTERV STILE. VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL TRACK 14"hW(LVUM SPACING INSTALLER(TO-SUIT). 18 GA. CALV.STEEL INTER. J-1/4"z 2-7/8"MW. x 0.080"TAPERED / HINGE FASTENED TO CENTER JUNCTION.TWO 1/4'BOLTS }{— FROM LAST MOUNTING �J NUTS'.FOR EACH TRACK, �( SLOT TO TRACK JUNCTION ANGLE.SEE WG 8CL7 MOUNTING BELO./1,, STILE W/(4)EACH x'14%5/8" = I 7/1D. UND SHEET METAL SCREWS. t PUSH NUT c ADDITIONAL MOUNTING SLOTS FASTENER. SPACED AT 12"CENTERS, 0 0.101"THICK 3"GALV.STEEL TRACK FASTENED- i<GA GAL V. STEEL ROLLER HINGES FASTENED TO END 'TO TAPERED ANGLE.TRACK ATTACHED, STILES W(4) EACH$14x5/8"•SHEET METAL SCREWS `� ��{ HAfvj/�T���� _ �12"ON CENTER TAPERED ANGLEWITHAONE I tJCUyTINGOSLOT. (2) 1/4"SELF TAPPING SCREWS PER END". GE. 56' .� w 3"DIA 8-1/2"LONG STEM-BALL BEARING STEEL ROLLER. i N£.Y"TRACK BOLT AND NUT AT EACHSECTION C— RANUFAC7URING PRODUCT CODE • z 34" PREPAP.Ai10N OF JAA16S BY OTHERS. SHORT PANEL:PANU T COD MOUNTING SLOT LOCATION. ONG PANEL• PAN-2F7 DESIGN LOADS +36.0 P.S.F. & -42.0 P.S.F. q -O; 'S L3 VS o TEST LOADS 54.0 P.S.F. & -63.0 P.S.F. PART NO.: N/A 'r1 91• STATE OF : DOOR VERTICAL Unless Stated.Ot e,W.se _C�opay 8585 Duke BoVlevccd W,INDLOAD RATING ��.••� .•<C!� ,22' HEIGHT TRACK lENG7H TOLERANCES are Mcson,ON 45040 US;. �� T^ l T _2_-.0_ .0 -:031 BV36ng.&aidds Car„urtf Fdx No.SIS-7 0 44853 D r b 4` % 10• 9'- 96` ”" O751tl' 1-5/1 WG SCREW SPACED A7 THE SAME ,O0 .1,015 DESCRIPTION: 2" STEEL PAN ODORS 16'2'17 SEE TABLE FOR d10DELS �A7lIf i1l�A t -0 / " DISTANCES AS THE TRACK BOLTS CLE 3-1/2", 10`,22:34", ,.00 3.005 ( ' 132 _ _ _ 46. ETC.). ADDITIONAL WG SCREWS LOCATED AT IS%28`.& •0000 _ f.001 DRAWN BY: SH DATE: 11/19/1 SCALE- INTS DWG. :.3--1/2" 14-O 156- Degrees t t 2 DESIGN ENGINEER: 6_0 180 40"FROM BOTTOM. TWO LAG SCR WS ALSO LOCATED ABOVE q / CHECKED BY: SH DATE; 11/20%1 SHEET 4'OF.4 ISIZE SCOTT HAMILTON, P.E. "-T - %LRTICAL/HORIZONTAL TRACK JUNCTION. Vn:e 51dted Otherwise - FLORIDA LICENSE N6 63 8G IDIMENSIONS ARE IV INCHES.DWG. NO.:' 10471 O—A/B VER: IBC 4 3 2 FLOOMA PIRRODUCT app ROW W 16107