HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions OFFICE USE ONLY: Qn DATE FILED: ri -�•�O 1% O PERMIT# -5/Z- IRA REVISION FEE: RECEIPT# 1 qO I`1'(-o PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE RECEIVED FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 (772)462-1553 J U L 0 3 2 018 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS ST. Wr-9 County,_Permitting PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: - I DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: ' ODJAUI t) I (� /'44mt�--tn4rAYW 6j6Lfi1LQVjK 0"-- a a,Y-A le (61-6-Dif Aff t\W l fad'* CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: ST. LUCIE CO CERT.#: BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: 1(Xi ADDRESS: Ma Ra )IFE CITY: . I - ilum STATE: SL ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME: rl FAX: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: SLCCC: 9/23/09 Revised 06/30/17 2/8/2018 3900 4008 i jpg(512x384) RECEIVED FEB 3 2018 ST.Lucie CountY►permitting FIEVISIO 1 33 1 1 1 1 1 r- ILE cop-Y- -------------r------- 1 1 21; I 3811 NWE ' 28 (924) 33 B SPAR a BAS 24 (1812 25 13 24 PP-z� GAA (578) 4 3 8 3 18 sIeW�h M& 07) httpJ/www.paslc org/ImageSketches/sketch/3/3900 4008 1.jpg 1/1 RECET\/,--:D FILE COPYnLA JUL 0 n " �18 ST. Lucie County, earmitting MIAMI•DADE MIAMI-DADECOMN7Y o. FRODUCrCONT RO4ssCrIO t f 4p5 Cw 26Street,.R*oni 24Tc DL•P_iRT,,ILZTOFIEGt1IATOR NDECONOMI.CRESOLRCF.S(RER) Miami,Florida 33 175-24 71 H03RD&NDDCODE ADD11'S1ISTRA'iTIONDIy7Si01 T(78G13f52i9t3 F(1St:;>IS-25951 NOTICE O ACCEt)TANTCE(NTOA)_ ;�K�v^miamidadr.onsfnonom� DABD.00r Company,Inc. 12195INW 98fd Avenue llialeah Gardens,M330.18 SCOPE: Ibis NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use o€constnic:itm materials.The dceurnentation submitted has been reviewed and"accepted by.MiamiDadc County RER-]induct Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority:Having Jurisdiction(AHfl. I his 1:0A shall not be valid atter the izxpiration date stated below.The Iiami-Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami Dade County)ant!or the Alll(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assunince purposes.If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner the nam ifictunzr will inertr the expense of such testing and.the AHS may,Immediately revoke,modify,or uspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER rraerves the right to revoke this aeeaptanec,if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Sec-don that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has beendesigned to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity-Hurricane Zone. t.DE_SCRIP.'1I01:79-rncane yI tster27 4lodel82ti18II Steel Secdonat Gara;eDoor.16'� "�V►de vvtih< t>l'ntlnty l to Uptton(UP r36 4 -444 PSIS) A FROVAL DOCUTME`l'T:„Drawing No,.02-21 Rev L,titled"24 GA.Roll Fomtcd Stecl Sectional Garage Door".dated 0911 OP-002 and last revised on OCT 05;2017,sheets l throuith 5 of 5,prepared by Al- f,uv,Dq Corporation.sietted and sealed by Jav>ad Ahmad,P.E.,bearing the Mianii-Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the:Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami Dade County Product Control Section. �3713SiLE.I141PAGTRA1� 7 zigcand-Siuiall'��tistic.=Xmpacl Rcststnnt; LABELING:A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or loge,manufacturing address,modellseries numbe the positive and negative design pressure rating;indicate impact rated if applicable,installation instruction drawing reference number,approval number(NQ A),the applicable test standards;and the statement reading"Miami:Dadc County Product Control Approved'is to be located on the door's side track; bottom angle,or inner surface of a panel. RENEWAL.of this NOA shall be considered aftera.rene,,val application bas been tiled and there has been no change in the applicable buiidingcode negatively aq'ecting the performance of this product. TER}Ill`i iATIQA ofihis-NOA will occur 44 c the capiradoa datc or if there has bcenarevisit onorchange in the materials,use,andfor manuf enure ofthe product or process.Misuseof this.irOA as an endorsement of arty product;for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this WOA.Failure to comply with any section of this SOA shall be cause for termination and removal oF. OA. ADVEMYSENi1:NM The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall Na done in its entirety. INSPECTI01:A copy of this entire NO-&shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its du-m'bttto.s.and shall be available for inspection at the yob site at the request ofthe Building Official. 11'Kts 24OA r)v uses.\(IAr#1�-0304 42aand consists ofthis page I and evidencepaw s E-1,E-2 and E-3,as swell as approval dmumentmentiored above_ The submitted documentation vets rcviewcd.by Ishaq I,Chanda,P.E. X3{94 ho V101SAV nnarn.oaogeautvTrsptratumn=l?a3eq Inlyot4o021 ..", `API?irova!Dater:i3etemtmez td ''111 Page 1 n DAB Door Companv.7nc. NOTICE..OF ACCEPTANCE- EVOLNC E SUBMITTED 1. Evidence submitted in Previous files A. DRANNTNGS 1. Drawing No.02-21,titled`24 GA.Roll Formed Steel Sectional Garage Door',dated 0911012002.with last revision K dated 03;09;2015,sheets I through 5 of 5,prepared by r1l- Farooq Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. B. TESTS''Submitted ander NO.4 011-0414.13" 1, Test Report on Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading and Forced Entry Test per FBC, TAS 202-911.of"DAB.824 Sectional Residential Garage Door'prepared by Hurricane Encineering&.Testing Inc.,Report No.BETI-074200,dated 05102!2007,signed and sealed by Candido F.fent;P.I. 2. 'fest Report on Large.Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 and Cyclic Vind Pressure Test per FBC.TAS 203-94,of"DAB 324 Sectional Residential Garage Door",prepared by Hurricane Engineering&.Testing Inc.,Report No.IM,Tl-11-3204,dated O1i20130.11,sig red and sealed by Candido F.Font,P.E. 3. Teat Report on Tensile Test per ASTM EMS of".Sectional Residential.Door(skin) prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc,Report No.HETI-II-TI00,dated 01121x''-011,signed and seated by Candido R Four,P.E. -Subvtt(ted under 1110.4#05-0218.02" 4. TestlKeporton Large Missile Impact Test and Cyclic Windl`ressureTest,of`Sectional Residential Door with Windo t ;prepared by Hunicanc Engineering Rc Tcstinglnc.,Report No>HETI 03-1328,dated 071IR2003,sited and sealed by Rafael E.D. Soda,P.E. a. Test Report on Uniform Static.Air Pressure Test,of"Sectional Residential Door prepared by .Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc.,Report No.HETI 03-1329,dated 0711512003,signed and sealed by Rafael E.Droz-Seda,P.E. 5. Tes€Report on TensileTest per ASTIO E-8 of"Sectional Residential Door(shin)",prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc,Report No.HETI 03-TO78,dated 10131;2003, signed and serried by Rafael E,Droz-Soda,P.11. "Submitted under VOA 9 03-0110.04" 7. Test report on Salt Spray(Corrosion)Test per ASTM B 117 of a painted G-40 steel panels, prepared by Celolex Corporation,TesstReportNo.258592,dated 08?1711998,signed by W.A. Juekson.P.E. C. G.ALCITLATIONS`Suburitted:under1VO4 n 14-081.4.10" 1. .anchor verification calculations prepared by AI-Farooq Corporation,dated 09P-712014 and 07124t2014.signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. isha41.Chanda,P.E. Product.Control Examiner XOA:10.17-1018.12 Expiration Date-Ju1y'2I,2820 Approval Date,December 14,2017 E-I. DAB Door Loinpany.Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANTUk EVIDENCE SUMUTTHD C. CALCULATION'S(Coot.) "Submftlett under)VO.4#11-0414.127" 1). Anchor-crification calculations prepared by Al-Farooil Corporation,complying with F_B.0 20077,dated 04107/20]l;.signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P-E. 3. Anchor ,ve rifica ti Dr,calculations prepared by A I-F aroeq Corporation,complying writh F-B.C 2007,dated 12119/2008,signed and scaled by Humayoun Farcoq,P.E. "StdWilited under VOA M 09-0128.0211 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. ,Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER) E. NNIATMIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No.13-0717.01,issued w SABIC Innovative Plastics,for their Lexan Sheet Products,approved on 11028/2013 and e_x?iring;on 07/1'7/201S. 2. Notice of Acceptance Nlo.1"311.08,issued to Insulfbam,LLC,for their iusullfbam E\paoded Polystyrene insulation,approved on OSM402014.and expiring on 110'1902017. 1 Notice orAcceptance No.11-0926.07,i.,;suedtoDyplastP.roductsLLC,for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Type Insulation,approved on 11/10,12011 and expiring on 0111WO17. 4. Notice ofAcceptanceNo.11-0926.06,issued to Dyph,;t Products,LLC,fortheir Dyplast ISO-CI Polyisocyanurate insulation,approved on 1111002011 and expiring an 01111020.17. 5. Notice ofAcceptancelTo.10-1129.04,.issued to C-ellotham North America Inc,fortheir Expanded Polystyrene Block insulation,approved on O'Zq4,C0l I and expiring on OV24,12016. "$ubnd1te.,1 undor XOA#05-022302" 6. Test Report on Accelerated Weathering.Using Xenon.Arc Light Apparants'restper ASTM GISSof*4PNICFxuuion.lvfaterial",,preparedb)rHurric-aneEnd necring,&-, Testing,Inc.,Report No-HETI 04-A002 dated 09127x2004,signed and sealed by Rafael.13. Drat-Soda,P.E. T. Test Reports on Tensile Tc,,I-per ASTM D638 of"PVC ExtrusioniNlaterial" prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc.,Report No.HKYI 04-1251,dated I;P-, -signed and scaled kyL Ghia.P.E. S. Test Report on Self-.Ignition Temperature Test,Rate ofBuraTestand Smoke Densitv Test of"REHAU non-foam PVC c.-trusion material".prepared by ETC Laboratories. ReportNo.04-76045019.0,dated 05106/1.004,signed and scaled by J.L.Doldan,P.-E. F. STATFOVIEnS"Subodried miderArOA#14-0914.10" 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 5s'edition(2014)FBC and no financial interest issued by AUarooq Corporation,dated 05113/2014,signed and scaled by Javad Ahmad,P.E. Ishliq 1.cblkndil,P.& Product Control Examiner .NOA No.17-1018.12 r-spiration Date.July Zi,7020 Approval Aute;December 14,2017 r-2 DAB:Door Company.Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE:EVIDENCE SUB 2. New.Evidence submitted. A. DRAWINGS 1. DmNving\o.02-21 Rev L.titled"24 GSA.Roll Formed Steel Sectional Garage Door", dated 0911012002 and last revised on OCT 05,2017,sheets 1 through 5 of 5,prepared by A-I-Farooq Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. Nota:This reN ision consist 03'Leditorial changes to comply with 1 BC 2017. B. CALCULATIONS 1. None C. QUALM ASSLR 110E 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulator}and.Economic Resources(RLR). D. MAT'FRIAL CF.RTIFICATTONS 1. „;lotice of Acceptance Ni ki .17-0221:.06,issued to lnsulfoatn,L LC, or their Insulfoam Expanded PoNstyrene 1'nsulation,expiring on 1112912022. 2. Notice of Accept^r ueeNo.I6-1108.04,issued to Dyplast Products,.LLC,for their Dyplast ISO-CI Polyisocyanurate Insulation,expiring on 0111.1=202,2. 3. .Nedee of Acceptance va.15-1203.04,issued to Ccllo.£oam'North America Inc..for thcir Expanded Polystvrene Blocklnsnlatiou,expiring on 0212141221. 4. \dice of Acceptance No.15-0915.08,issue to SABIC Innovative Plastics,:forthe-ir Lexan Sheet Projucts,expiring cin 03711 712018, E. STATENTFN'TS 1. Statement letter of conformanc•.e to FBC 2014(5'h Mitionj and FBC 2017(61b Fdition), prepared by Al Farooq(corporation,stated 10/05117,signed and sealed by Jazad Ahmad, P.F. F. OTHER L This NOA-revises NOA 4—i]5-0304.01,expo in,07rZ1 r'0. Ishan J.Chanda,RE. Product Castrol Examiner ANOANO, -1013.13 Expirntion Date:July 21,2020 Approval Date:December 14,201 T E-3 't^-1/'x Y-t/+"x tb Or. w'`.,'•,It NOT YQV hOugC J YJ� %1^•:llt"};9.t' +� y� VEV.aTFt,.C NttM It77CE G ��'.• 'ttM UµYt NstH bH[G✓tE-!n M9 Wf NUY ap[ '�".0 Wr@R vll�'£ii M ;C a W,J 0)P. IV, 5/8'S45 � rA5hNC01D AIU�"n f N@Yl 10[IE W51%IIF.G AT'-j (O t+ wNN01fi atI SIFEYF($ia) tD tl ?, le)/,.%3/. SCM nR[LN . trrtl RJt CCHTGA SnAE 7-i/9 x d•R 0J7l'CAW,M EL 1 111111 .. C'"NC[I J IDM iN UAAG "MNGNS Z WA MptFfp C /'� CCNICtt STILLS A z'8 WITIWUT ta'AAi 51C(O (;m) �,x,+: ax.;saut se m¢'7yt'4h r:N `^ +� .wr.T uFr}`wu�- j••"•• o em nTtR«N�ctvE t@rTlaHu.) {AN.�SfECI d NICK tipOt ebER ',"�.•. � ! Q a 3 SttNtWNa LOC "„•"�"'^..� r .�`+` -..w`^"2'. � .'y'- .. _.�.,�y f,� (g�'A fa of d 7 r • N rA1.'J.� kUTEN N1iLG w x " V ', wtENO l0Aat0 s?,1pG q@1T(DOTId 615tH 7 )AstrlrcR wJ i+)l la%1 Jz NIH.IOCk 0,04 OGtlrtr D TO tiCCTpN fOng 71C+f3FNn ! g �yA Gtr° r �[��- �`f' ty@'�r' ii+i,'1 '.r ; , •' ., •3-'-ra; 't.:.. PF M. V... . .Wd L, I �I p € 1 1 ,�.r+nrr-1:.�tiwL:+�✓inWwt7 ♦4.M„MV � rW,ti' '� w^ �.. � �, ut m K.Deno ' ✓ `!r- l m w �a .- - • w t. SS'Ctl ru1F.1 1F_14 X Gtl.r[0 , t....i. W91H(9)! % uitncii�r RftACKBI ,..,� Ir ! ( 31[1,l:lrT MOR// Low N11ow ' Ek 4 l+ +A1 L^..'^.,.. ,.i+ r•!It+ ..?I U.u.."��IU I G"r F a e a@Nsrrs cr w�I � D'x aMo ttotW vknrA I # P t .••w•• `T �'TE '"••-• ((J>0•aaE Ar 7.OR im, [b'Ch7tW.HUSH 1'A.C' MtH(+)014; JI.'6D8 OPTIC AFtA NaT TG pCE[D 170 60.W, y,1k b1 NOOU GM'ii bt'9.011µ.�'w I,� r .sfC •: ^= ?...... :` "" is 2 .-.@@ON TASIPD A=OamNMc i,ml L+C NW Dr hGM1�R I Q� [d r^Sv Cpam.7111: Ik11&PROOI1Gt t5 NAhO tC+p lNit"Q Md49tE IUPAbf { " v o a,r ry �� �j�Sl(7 LEVA1'I0N nau@wa cx TAs s@s us,wY U ns ]ro +m uG 9 0 iz 7 a aPcRq „la y,x(,fiiu iiRAMCD PANEL WHOS3£D GOOD; G. t "` MIS PR 1. 710t4i INY ifIIYl BCSGMCD AT7tl tCSCED Ca 2DUP1V AtYN 7NG e-e +„ncryio1{"TG r 5.cucy,�� stu[ OAU 2 90R5 TNG 1 Ixb+uRwtNrs c+'tlrc srou(atH talnnt/wn(cro[Da?av1 tu�u ' 9 e a1c -z1 Hu Oc000 abet@r Hndp!62a/A11 suwvn@ aWC Iv..WUNp Nz++VItaPAtY 16+IP1CIM 7Ar[ T), M E e e L 0 1 [R.it iWi G+ROYB F 10 10 2 x 16 9 H 9t1 x N+Gt700.M Yut4 9C cONR M AMS1M7..i g=AS'••rtwfl tw GC7tit5 � e S htG toff 6CF? lfW 3+at51u1LR ON END sLLL ���W Ur V/ndOw Cilry q t10n ,q1D Aa'7y1W.W PD1 WtAO'S Ats7 G gg,,P[CfiFD CuRtIMSNT IB N3E �D- A'g'"j. t9{kr�5 Ieitr_,rrs G k51tRJA uWA t6;tAYaNa I1?I{, tFi GR lUtxD I 3 l fi t oclii' u 18T K.bW CW;k C'.Vl -Y dA 1410 tMddJ.1gM i!RW.L45s.K us4a 6N 4CA N M MC-41%1Hr0*Nxi Q,.K iG�0 ,'�uc�i i��ss"'� � ��t+@AD[e of '�U�+GN�E55i�N�,Fha1'{NG M!n�+` a, y�y a�ua,N@ ttui MDr ur>ttU fa Ea✓unAl,scr7 nw ,y§ y§fy}y�yyy 0 /� 61 1%'F+]h s UN CFUI sWE Sir Lr}gH ra'.:...,.,.wN mti, CpuG tNCP'[WitAC1 WpH OIMN WZAfWA Mm C'0 �" 6[NfN 5uCE6 A 'w• rSOUritu7]RS OP YrIC ZDI I/Y017 Pit1kM PIOa CaOF p KWI.7FA 5SA'+Y!!p5 a MIDI uevaD�ocK /" a �I Cf^, f iCc,45 0 y! 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PLASTIC/mm ROULR8 +tE^ i A 0 1 iB r9 1B 7i 7 ?y11-5 1•]Cr J/ 45 Se 87 1.09'WA x 60' )e, 1 11 •-SCDTOtiS AFC NUN9EF:L S1AR) C Al THC D0770,U 1➢ ,+ */ 44 dA.X 4-1/4'Sinr Y j t7N,'WRS UORC 11U4 It R.rWl,USE A➢O om TiNCK UWKETS R t➢ 0.4. , c I 1 }a -'C„✓ COMM IN7JlA1M77*l. 8 � •••_ "0' NCVixiJt roil _ i 0'X 2.iff x S.5'X. 4twdC. i411M VVaeLA 7 p S,CCL'1RLOK OKWKt,7A -d C.& Ess i allc'Tral rawAw jA.'.n.j A .. 6Tx19rr x➢rtr kif'QI„;eow�rlt➢rc tw.DK amK {''' - N�OA$I6-t11b,D# , {()1J#•EU,iS h e^u+s. ,yxmyAp57x � `- / :'I I' s tom' erg^{ • 0•i M4•��yJg� H➢e. la-t9O5➢. � .. r -�. r � . NpA 1r7-0191.08 ( 11111<a _ W-4024ML t➢RYE➢VM PAN'" ➢IU.WY{P OLNtiTt fG�#➢ .,.L....�..C..,.(.•,1._ 1+ j i ' li�`R p E ..........•.................._k:4,ti,IL➢B:AiTKTff v [Y�n i WITH rYIiHER Aho EARCO-ON ACK CQNFIGURnT H P➢LY:ICfi rtiNRb 7➢e CaLT .� it ..�. ,EP TO RDni:r<OLS 4t Ritp. I '+ 'i • {a YEHfICL`L.LI�S NiSld_3,lES S7f:Nf�ERR1:FS 14�.-. Q2� x alp /'ix G,C¢4uAv,51 ALAI d.EU f'1'HACK OPTit)NS �.{{Pf111 t'1`ii g fw* W 4 14 X 5,/R'SY5 M1; �r y iVII-I��, j ,'{��� „PDiSOM SEK LY1KCIS �- ! •iY'”I$ � ?b ErO"�A'a flog eEMON A-•AOZ-21 1.rHW 2 FOR WA701 �'{;!(�{,KAL. .......... IVA.. WµAGRP w/ A DA At 0 Arx"KEWWT ,At 10 xc4wo r vw!$ A-3 16, »...1...,.. �"""=»M."-� &r. :Aar yytFyy J --47� am�L:l t DOAid iic , (VI000 sprom mm so-d-55 Voll 0 ;��-OP MX AT"Iflt1l Vom 10 w'080 roi 61"Nmor.==Ouohm No AmywtK CALOVYWil ,gw lH M=14,t APK0104 WM M 413 MAMPMCOM i$MTWAWM PAT Dt YERIMEO ml, fwmr DoLm'm Orton U00A MKIMON, C IGlTS` CCECr wptrw By E3 0 -�Fl, WZ Al Or 0W. rJ040 PSI kiN "I,*ary L llB9D-WM"hNEmfo-4 TO MASON fWjjQqRqVJ011,0 SJKL WIl 2A 14 OA, t wu lad.x x CA, 04 R Oil I t3r Lot xclazI ext OC aAp kfa mro -q4 MAW i,ig UR uxt MY, 40 PREPAwn OF-jm,,UA�y Men MA NEW po"STRUMM 0 olf Ix 4 !top tw Put xwo-006,x u"/a 201 UI to It 02-21 PLASTIC 11,11PLES WMI CHAPTER 1.N F60 jvtY EVIDENCE PAGE it -1/m,ml.WAVER IJ41 rr, "+'0,13.'MAX, ONE I'l 41441"LlwN Jz M U D- [13 [13 ... ....... lilt 144' ICA-I 1111 X"ORDWC §; 0 "Whuct cytgm It WWO PANEL EMBOSSED OOOR WITH OPPI ONAL WNDOWS WINDOW LITES CAN OE MANY LOCATION IN DOOR SWIM A*SWI OC A. fRO11 E)lM tl A, as t1. r sea sit EXMIJOR w I ft Ol, Darn rxrm is vu 4,0*$qQ A., 02-21 low POL11, ---N , I NqZi RR W Building Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O.Box 230 Valrico,FL 33595 Phone 813.659.99197 J UL 0 3 2018 Florida Boardfes, dLr- ars Certifip Au ho'(II �. ST, Lucie County, Permitting Pi-oduct Evaluation Report i Date: Product Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Category ODL/Westem Reflections ODL/Western Reflections Exterior Exterior Door 215 East Roosevelt,Ave. "Impact Resistant" Doors Components Zeeland,MI 49464 Severe Weather®Doorglass Phone-616.748.5437 Assembly for Glazing up to a TO x 8'0 Single Panel Scope. Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants,Inc.&Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.(System ID#1998)for ODL/Western Reflections,based on Rule Chapter No.61 G20-3,Method 1 D of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Community Affairs-Florida Building Commission. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations. 1.This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code(FBC)structural requirements excluding the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone"(HVHZ). 2.When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level"D"and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E1996 and FBC Section 1609.1.2.2. 3.This product is approved for use as a substitute doorglass assembly in conjunction with a glazed steel or fiberglass side hinged swing door and/or fixed sidelite possessing a comparable current Florida Statewide product approval. 4. The design pressure(DP)rating shall be the lesser of the DP rating shown on sheet 1 of Drawing No.FL-14935.2 or the DP rating shown in the glazed steel or fiberglass side hinged swing door or fixed sidelite approval being used. 5.The door panel and lite opening size shall not exceed the sizes shown in Drawing No. FL-14935.2 or in the glazed steel or fiberglass side hinged swing door or fixed sidelite approval being used. 6.This product has been tested in the door and/or sidelite panels as specified on sheets 5,6&7 of Drawing No.FL-14935.2. Substitution into a similar product maybe approved for use by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. In all cases,the glazed steel or fiberglass door and/or sidelite used must possess a comparable current Florida Statewide product approval. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. Test Standard Testing Laboratory Signed by TEL 01310304 ASTM E330-02,ASTM E1886-05/1996-06 Testing Evaluation Lab.,Inc. Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. TEL 01310320 ASTM E330-02,ASTM E1886-05/1996-06 Testing Evaluation Lab.,Inc. Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. TEL 01310197 ASTM E330-02,ASTM E1886-05/1996-06 Testing Evaluation Lab.,Inc. Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. TEL 01310446 ASTM E330-02,ASTM E1886-05/1996-06 Testing Evaluation Lab.,Inc. Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E., 2. Drawing No. Prepared by Signed&Sealed by No.FL-14935.2 RW Building Consultants,Inc.(CA#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 3. Miami-Dade NOA No. Materials Testing 14-0423.17 Saflex PVB Interlayer(Eastman Chemical Company) �3�tyttaFp� 4. Quality Assurance � �� f Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation and Management ��„� Institute,certifying that ODL/Westem Reflections is manufacturing products a'' Q 6 within a quality assurance program that complies with ISO/IEC 17020 and Guide 53. _ r r , d ¢: aJ Q Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. a"0e�i A C��%%" FL PE No.2/5/20 5 PF 1624 Sheet 1 of 1 Inte rtek :� Architeciural Testing E6494.01-113-11-RO ACOUSTICAL PERFORMANCE TEST REPORT ASTM E90 Rendered to: ODLJNC. Type: Insulating Glass Unit Size:24-1/411 by 66-1/4" (Options A,B,F and H) Size: 23-7/811 by 65-3/411 (Options C,D,E,and G) Summary of Test Results Data File No. Description STC 01T.0 Series/Model: Severe Weather Blind IG with aluminum frame with 13649UIA 1.-5116" IG (3/8" Jaminated exterior, 1511611 air space, 1/8" tempered 39 30 interior),Glass temperature 75°F Series/Model: Severe Weather Decorative IG with aluminum frame with E6494.OIB I" IG (3/8" laminated exterior, 3/161' air space, 118" decorative center, 37 30 3/16"air space; 1/8"tempered exterior),Glass temperature 75°F 136494.01C Senes/Model:Dual glazed I simulated divided light with plastic frame with 30 26 314"IG(1/8"tempered, 1/2" airspace,1/8"tempered) E6494.01D Series/Model. Dual glazed exterior grille with plastic frame with 1/2" IG 26 25 (1/8"tempered,1/4"airspace, 1/8"tempered) Series/Model:Decorative IG with plastic frame with P IG (1/8" tempered E6494.01E exterior; 5/16" air space, 1/8" decorative center, 5116" air space, 31 25 1/8"tempered exterior) E6494.01F Series/Model. Dual glazed 1-Lite with plastic frame with 112" IG (1/8"tempered.1/4"airspace,1/8"tempered) 26 25 E6494.01G Series/Model: Dual glazed grilles between glass with plastic frame with I"IG(1/8"tempered,3/4"airspace, 1/8"tempered) 30 24 E6494.011-i Series/Model: Dual glazed 1-Lite with plastic frame with I" JG (1/8"tempered,3/4"airspace,1/8"tempered) 28 23 Reference should be made to Intertek-ATI Report No. E6494.01-113-1.1 for complete test specimen description. This page alone is not a complete report.Flanking limit tests and. reference specimen tests are available upon request. 13.0 Derry Court ]Tp- 717,764.77(00 York, PA 17406 www,archtest.com www.intertek.com/building 7 1, 717.76474129 Building Value Into Building Products' 215 East Roosevelt Ave.,Zeeland, Ml 49464 800.253.3900 www.odl.com GENERAL I�ft7TESTO SPECl1=lEf2 x This Specification Sec#roil ttas(aeen preparetl fu as"stst design profess+ona#s to profierly specrfyrngrtgtass vre4v panel inserts ay ODL;tnc for.swrngrrfg Side l frngetl E�ctertor C7oors(SHED) CDL afsg ofFers a stmrlairspecrficatron fQr glass vrevrr panels only without fhe frame Add#ett herelrt to prefect or office mas#er Specrficaftons it fo[IoVvs guide[iri2s estatlrshed,by fhe Construction Specrficat+ons Insfittfe(GSIj,and#herefore txray be used with mos#` master Specification sys#etas with minor editing text beiaw is nota complete Section but is rather tritendedta be added to the apprctpnafe locations to fhe applicable pnmaryDty W Moor Sections�for the Project rn order to properly specify glass view pallet inserts ODL glass view pane#ltserts are approprta#e for use rn#lush face or embossed°hotlow'rrre#al,�n+ood antf fiberglass doors lnserf feat in the Arficles as indica#ed an d.selectappropnate options to Wiest Projec#specific requirements Edit carefully fo suit projec#requue bents M drfy as necessary ani#rietete ferns that are not applicable Verify that referenced Sect+on titles are correct (T+#les ref;renced'are based on Cil Masterloormat} This Section assurraes Etre project lUlanuai will contain complete Diu 01 documents_Close eoorduaatron with Div Cr1 ' Sections is regtrred if ate Project Ntanvai does=nof cort#ain the folfiawtng topicsor sect►ons adclttronal information should be incfudetl tinderthe appropna#e articles Product Substitu#ron Pr11 ocetlurss(ifsubstttufio rs are tri be allowed} Submt#tafi Pr©cedures Product#Opttois - Produc#Sforage and l=landltng Reclutrements - Cleaning}knd Wase!t/lanagem�nt r t:loseout Procedures Closeout Subtxtrffals, . _ - Verify Section true m erences below coordrhate with Sections issued fortfiie Protect Tttie Sectrort rs wrij. tten as a closediU.ropnetary specification using ADL lnc y products .Notes to the spotdi r ars Q "sj. des►gr as and appear as gray boxes'and should be deleted from finafi copy or 'changed to non pnnhng#enc#style 2 Optional sterns requiring selec€ion by t#ie specifier are enclosed"'thin brackets,e g jExtenarj #rite torj Make appropiafe selections and delete othersinctudirg the krackets#hemselves fiterns requiring addtronafi+nformation are enclosed within bracketed srngte'Gurllemots e g <Insert other rnanufacturersat destred� � 3 Revue.heavier and footer t€ sort projectloff ce requirements Electroc-Versions of this specification utilize autorrtatrc paragraph_numbering based ori Microsoft niWord style format#rng Ta adjust feuefis of paragraj7hs,assign appropriate style and numbering wrii automa#icaily adjust When edi#tngts corrtpte#e delete all text onrthrs coyer page;including the jsage break,#o remove this page from the document 08 10 13 Page 1 of 11 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS SECTION 08 10 13- DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Select doortype+n hich view panel inserts will be`installed from'fast threeoptrons+n paragraph below Boors a e often 6mbo_' to app,ear like stile and rai--f-d , oors _._.. p ---�. 1. Framed glass view panel inserts for installation in [insulated steel] [wood] [fiberglass] doors.[ Provide the following accessories:] 4 Reta+n the.Tastopt+on m paragraph above rf retaining any of the accessone"s rn following subparagraphs ] __._ _w____ __�_ ___ __. _ _- _.. �. ..__. —___ ILL a. [External grilles.] b. [Between-glass grilles.] C. [Between-glass blinds.] B. Related Requirements: i Retain paragraph below if specifying basic glassinstallation procedures aril miscellaneous materials in Div fl8 f .Section_'GtIING Retain option in paragraph below if specifying glass for view panel inserts in the,same Section as the frames (preferred Delete option in'paragrapli betovr`if-simply"specifyirg general glass installation in-'Div fl8 S'ecfion ^GLAZIftG 1. Div. 08 Section "GLAZING'for[installation requirements for] glass in view panel inserts in doors. 1.02 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: Coordinate cutout requirements with manufacturers of doors and glass view panel inserts. 1.03 ACTION SUBMITTALS Retain one of the following options +f despred '' � ' A. Samples for Initial Selection: [Manufacturer's charts] [Actual frame sections, 6 inches long,] showing available frame colors, textures, and profiles. B. Samples for Verification:- Retam belovn for samples of frame members ' 1. Frames for light openings, 6 inches long, for each material, type, and finish required. {.Retafqrsahples of frame corner construction Retain option to include a sample of specified glass mounted .t in the corner sample 2. Corner sections of frames for light openings, approximately 8 by 10 inches, [with specified glass] in specified frame finish. 08 10 13 Page 2 of 11 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS 1.04 WARRANTY A. Standard Warranty: Furnish manufacturer's standard warranty as follows: 1. Glass View Insert Frame: Lifetime. 2. Glass View Insert Panel Seals: 20 years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2-PRODUCTS - 2.01 GLASS VIEW PANEL PERFORMANCE CRITERIA i3elow is the tVAFS':=NorthArnencan Fenestration StandardtSpecifcationtor windows,doors and skylights A. Provide glass view panel inserts complying with AAMANVDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440. Refain desired option frorfi:choiees below Minimum gateway PerfarmancaClasses withcorrelating Performance Grades-In psf are Grade k5 psf for R Class(commonly used�n one arid'_two family dwgllings) Grade'25 psf,for LC Glass(commonly used for low acid mid-i7se mult[family dwellings and other 001 in where largersizes and higher loading requirements are expected) Gradetb psf for CW Glass(commonly used in tow and mid-rise buildings where larger �zes higher.loading. :Fi 'regwrerrients;limits on=teftection and heavier,use are expected} = :� Grade�l0 psf for the A1�F Class(comrronly.used in high Ilse and mid rise buildings to meet iiicreased•loading� , requirements and limits yon def>,ection and m buildings where frequent and ezctreme use of the fenestration 1. Minimum Performance Class and Grade: [R] [LC] [CW] [AW]. t Optional performance grades may tie specified in each class{except AW)above#li'e minimum gateway requirement t $ in increments of 5 psf,iap to a maximum of 10Q psf There is no max►mum Performance Grade for AW products , , :Verify availability with 000 2. Optional Performance Grade: [501[60] [<insert other] Retain below ifi specifying Severe Weatherstyle frames with glass view panel inserts in hiirncane prone coas#a1 '`4 legions�Retain basic'optron for most buildings except#hose essential facili6esz required by code to have For°Protects which must comply with Fionda 8ililding Code retain laskoptron below x l 13 Windborne-Debris-Impact-Resistance Performance: Provide [exterior glazing}which complies with [basic] [enhanced]-protection testing requirements in ASTM E1996 for [Wind Zone 1] [Wind Zone 2] [Wind Zone 3] [Wind Zone 4]when tested per ASTM E1886[and TAS 202 and 201/203]. Retain one or both of the fcsllowmg'subparagra�hs'p sa ed on door_location in the Project 1. Large-Missile Impact: For glass view panel inserts in doors located within 30 feet of grade. 2. Small-Missile Impact: For glass view panel inserts in doors located more than 30 feet above grade. C. Water Penetration: No water penetration through glass view panel inserts when tested as follows: For water=penetration tests;AAMA 501;sta#es that-static-a'rr pressure differenfiat of z0 percenf of wind loan design,° f pressure provides satisfactory performance m most parts of the U S Locations w,9re;high win@s and heavy rains -occur simultaneously requrre higher test pressure d►fferences ASTM E331 de€atilt pressure dfferentraf fs 2 8,6 . , Ibf/sq fE S Static-air pressure c]ifferenfial ofi 1".57 Ibflsq fi in first option equivalenf to a 25 mph wind is ASNRAE 901 minimum 6 24 Ibflsq ft air pressure doe[ential to second option sequFvalent z a Q-mQh wind M �� 08 10 13 Page 3 of 11 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS 1. Test Pressure Differential: [1.57 Ibf/sq.ft.] [6.24 Ibf/sq.ft.] Normally retarn below{mastcommon m ethod) it rrvotves applyrng wa#er to the otitdaar€ate afwrndows siorefrorits, and dons srmciltaneouely w►th�static air pressure at the outdanr fat: hrgYrer that-the pressure at the tndaor . 2. Static Pressure Test Method: ASTM E 331. __T tECC anti AS# RAEIIESNA 90'.1 require that al[fenestration be certrfrpd and tapeled uy manufacturer foe energy y tiperfarmanc ,based�n"ratrngs'es#abirs}red by NF)tC 1lerrfy requtremerts of auf#rantres havrng:junsdlction„"__ ._' D. Energy Performance: Certify and label energy performance for glass view panel inserts per NFRC as follows: Select frorrr aptrans,below based on Projet is cfimate zone`;Optrorrs betaw'i rn aider are for Climate Zones:b&Marrne 1. Thermal Transmittance (U-Factor): U-factor of not more than [0.45] [0.50] [0.60] [0.75] [1.2] Btu/sq.ft. x h x deg F per NFRC 100. Retern first+optEon beI- €or maximuirr alloviab[e an-leakage rate based on RSHRAE 90 2 requ+cements it, ad, Eng lesser#�akage,_venfy specified systern�cornpiy-Daors are afto�ved 1 i)cfmisq:it _ �Statscarr pressure tlrfferentiat of 1 STfbf7sq�ft rn secand dptrart equivalent fa a 25-mph�rutnd rs ASf-iRRE 1�0'f �, rnrntrrtui�6 24 Ibflsq ft_air pressure t3tfferenttal to thtrd>o}�ftat� s`�qutvatent to a 5€f mph wind � y��„,�`�� 2. Air Infiltration: Maximum air leakage through glass view panel inserts of[1.0] [<insert value>] cfm/sq.ft. of fixed wall area as determined per ASTM E 283 at a static-air-pressure differential of[1.57 Ibf/sq.ft.] [6.24 Ibf/sq. ft.] 2.02 GLASS VIEW PANEL INSERT FRAMES Setac#desired frame renes frorn aptrons below - _._ A. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide [Standard Traditional] [Evolve Traditional] [Severe Weather] Series Framed View Panel Inserts by ODL, Inc. or a comparable product by[, but not limited to,] one of the following: Verify other rnanrrfaeturers have a comparable product before retaining below 1. <Insert other manufacturers if desired> B. Substitution Limitations: [Not permitted.] [Comply with provisions of Div. 01 Section "SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES."] Chari betonshows avertable textures and colors for each frame series Select optrons m foltowmg subparagraphs to r _ Setect€rarne renes=l'rorrr avertable optrons telaurr ¥ 08 10 13 Page 4 of 11 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS - SO a— SfandarztTradUonal 3f - �� _: - ESvtve7"�adrtronal; Severe'�eather Etat X - = _ S,faridard Tradrtronal frames wrth a��radrtronat profiiie are-dr=:srgned fqrrreet basrc market needs at an econornicat - C. Standard Traditional Frames: Injection-molded resin with texture to resemble wood, suitable for staining or painting. ySel'ect frame matertat from avarfab{e ap#ions below JSee chart above for auarlable options v__ _..�.__.� ��....`�_. __.__._.___.� 1. Material,.Texture and Color: [FiberPRO Oak.] [HP White.] 2. Profile: Traditional. Evolve Trattrtrona{frames wrfh a trad►tranat,profile provrde.supenar ngtdr#y and eliminates btathersar-ne squ2eze out, �and3reduces scalloping';corner flare anis warprrg D. Evolve Traditional Frames: Injection-molded resin with texture to resemble wood, suitable for staining or painting. Select frame mater►a[from available options below See chart above#or available optro�s 1. Material, Texture and Color: [FiberPRO Oak.] [FiberPRO White.] [HP White.] 2. Profile: Traditional. Severe lltreather metal frarees with a flat prafi{e are designed for use rn coastal areas where wind borne debns asci hurricanes are possible; E. Severe Weather Frames: Extruded aluminum. 1. Material, Texture and Color: ASTM B 221 aluminum of alloy and temper recommended by manufacturer for type of use and finish indicated; smooth texture,.powder-coat finish. white color. 2. Profile: Flat. 2.03 GLASS VIEW PANEL INSERT GLAZING R.f C3DL affersthe followrngYyprcat 1G rnrtsrzes _cul!ides rn 22 by 64 inch and 20 by 64 incEr saes `4Ha{f lrtes rn 22-liy 36 inch and 24 by 36rnch saes }if ftt{y specifying lG unr#s rr Dry D$Sectror GLAZING 'retain paragraph below and rnave remaining paragraphs.n �f�thrsArticle to thaf Section.. v w,_.__ A. Insulating Glass Units:As specified in Div. 08 Section""GLAZING." a If fully spectfyrng glass and:frames in the same Sec#ron{preferred)'detete paragraph above and retain appraprra#e ;paragraphs rn the remaincferofthrsAr#rcle 08 10 13 Page 5 of 11 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS B. Clear Annealed Float Glass: ASTM C 1036,Type I, Quality-Q3, Class 1. rtorrtnorI#eGypeaiaerorerSaRw fl # cfandard Tradrfronal and Evolve Tradrtsonal `_ �rarnes_Re#arn Gondr#rorr A op#ron for urcoafed'.glass Re#am Candrtron;C op#ton for Loin E coated glass .w�` ..._, C. Clear Heat-Treated Float Glass:ASTM C 1048; Type I; Quality-Q3; Class 1; Kind FT; Condition [A] [C]. Retarn paragraph and subparagraphs 6elotnrfor 1t and one rnch IGunrts tVITH©tITBETWEEN GLASS OLINDS D. Insulating Glass Unit(IGU): Factory-assembled units consisting of sealed lites of glass separated by a dehydrated interspace, qualified according to ASTM E 2190,:and complying with other requirements specified. Retarn first aptrorr rn paragrapYr belowfor'M/2 rnc7a IG uns#S fZetarn second option rn paragraph below for 1 inch!G 4units - 1. Overall IGU Thickness: Nominal [1/2] [one] inch thick units constructed of inboard and outboard lites as follows. 2. Outboard Lite: 3 mm clear uncoated tempered glass. Retarn paragraph above rf r ncoat6 1GU rs desrred: 'Retarn-paragraph belaw-rf Low F coated IGtt rs desrred-and selerit desrred eoat►ng subparagraph t 3. Outboard Lite: 3 mm clear tempered glass with the following ASTM C1376, passive solar Low-E coating on No. 2 surface. Select and retasn one desrred cod#rng from subparagraphs below delefe unused stab paragrap57 hs Fuli_daorlr#es are usually sputter coafedsaft cod#process :Half idea andsrrtall!rtes are usraally pyro(y#ac hard coat .process;Chart Ere(ovrrisfor1/2 inch�tnsfswr#h if=289 rr►c1a spacer COMMODITY IN ORDER BEST TO LEAST 0.289 INCH INTERSPACE Window 7.4 Interspace is Air unless otherwise Vis Trans Vis Ref! U Value SHGC ID Numbers indicated 1047 15600 AGC CS40 2 Clearw195°l°Argon 0.30 0.40 72°5 l2°!° 2026 2001 Cardinal 270 2 +Clear 0.37 0.38 70% 12% 1032 15500 AGC CS73 2 Clean 0.41 0:65 74%Q 17°,6 2001 2001 Clear+Clear 0-53 G-78 82% 15°l° Chart belovi rs for viae rnch unrts wifh 0 760-snc#r spacer Values for t�758 rich spacerare t�rrttrally tiae�ame COMMODITY IN ORDER BEST TO LEAST 0-750 INCH INTERSPACE Window 7.4 Interspace is Air unless otherwise LI-Value SHGC Vis Trans Vis Ref! 3 ID Numbers indicated (Tv ) (RYj5) 1047 15500 AGC CS40 2 +Clearwl 95%Argon 0.26 0.39 72% 12% 2026 2001 Cardinal 270 2 +Clear 0.31 0.37 70% 12%° 1032 15500 AGC CS73 2 Clear 0:35 0.65 74% 17%° 2001 2001 Clear+Clear 0.49 0.78 82% 15% Cod#rng paragraphs b- 1--- Irste f rn order from t rghert lawsr performarfce Below perftrtns bef#erdue to Argon gas rrt jnterspace Wrtl Arr rn fr►#erspace(not avarlablerorrt OfDL}rtuvutd 08 10 13 Page 6 of 11 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS a. Vacuum Deposition.(Sputter)Coating: ComfortSelect®40 by AGC Glass North America. 77 b. Vacuum Deposition (Sputter)Coating: 270 by Cardinal IG Company. C. Pyrolytic Coating: ComfortSelect®73 by AGC Glass North America. 4. IGU Spacer: Intercept®warm-edge U-channel spacer in [0.289] [0.758] inch thickness. Refam paragraph above far,;rectangular frames Retain first aptron in paragraph above#or�/2anch`f G amts:Retain_ second aptron in paragrapk�above#ar 1�rzch 1G'r�nite _ - (ir aFR# F�1'f#Rik E� Retain patagraph belov�farround tap and analframes Retain firs#option In paragraph betiuu far 112 In I unrts 5. IGU Spacer: Duraseal® laminated warm-edge spacer in [0.250] [0.750] inch thickness. Retain fast option betow for mast IGU typi?s Retain second iecfng AGG GornfortSeleetU 4(3 Low E coa#ing 6. Interspace Gas: [Air.] [(5%Argon, 5 percent Air.] 7. Inboard Lite: 3 mm clear uncoated tempered glass. i Retain paragraph and subparagraphs belov�rfor 1 1116 inch!G amts WITFI BETUVEEI�I Gt.ASS 8L71VD5 ' E. Insulating Glass Unit(IGU)With Internal Between-Glass Blinds:Factory-assembled units consisting of sealed lites of glass separated by a dehydrated interspace with adjustable blinds in interspace, qualified according to ASTM E 2190, and complying with other requirements specified. 1. Overall IGU Thickness: Nominal 1-1/16 inch thick units constructed of inboard and outboard lites as follows. 2. Outboard Lite: 3 mm clear uncoated tempered glass. . 'Refakrr paragraph above if uncoated CGU is;desired� _ Retain paragraph beCov�rif Lav{r i=+coated 1Gll is desired and select desrred coating subparagraph 4` _ --,�_ _.�___ 3. Outboard Lite: 3 mm clear tempered glass with the following ASTM C1376, passive solar Low-E coating[s]. Chart below ms for 1=1116,noh amts Nrith Q 8'7 3{}inch 081013 Page 7 of 11 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS B-G BLINDS IN ORDER BEST TO LEAST 0.813 INCH`INTERSPACE Window 7.4 Interspace is Air unless othepvlse Vis Trans Vis Refl U-Value SHGC ID Numbers indicated (TI&) (PI&) 2154 2159 Cardinal 366 2 +189 4 0.24 0.27 63°t° 11% 2164 2159 Cardinal 340 2 +189 4 0.24 0.17 38% 13% 2011 2159 Cardinal 272 2 +189 4 0.25 0.41 70% 11% 2154 2001 Cardinal 366 2 +Clear 0.31 0.28 65°J° 2164 2001 Cardinal 340 2 +Clear 0.31 0.18 39% 13% 2026 2159 Cardinal:270 2 +189 4 0.31 0-37 69% 12% 2026 2001 Cardinal 270 2 +Clear 032 0.37 70°l0 12°I° 2011 2001 Cardinal 272 2 +Clear 0.32 0.42 72% 11 go 2001 2001 Clear+Clear 0.49 0.78 820/c 15°l0 Coating pa-agrap{is be{ow are{tsted to order from[tgher to tov�rer performance Cardura{coatrng op#loris tir outbgard „�It#e No��surface may tie rased a{ane or to combtnatton:wrtlt Ca�drnal r89 coating for tntzoard{{te�No 4,sur#ace�`_ _, a. Vacuum Deposition (Sputter) Coating: 272 by Cardinal IG Company. b. Vacuum Deposition (Sputter) Coating: 366 by Cardinal IG Company. .Y C. Vacuum Deposition (Sputter) Coating: 340 by Cardinal IG Company. d. Vacuum Deposition (Sputter) Coating: 270 by Cardinal IG Company. 4. IGU Spacer: Intercept®warm-edge U-channel spacer in 0.813 inch thickness. 5. Interspace Gas: Air. 6. Inboard Lite: 3 mm clear uncoated tempered glass. E@etarn paragraph above tf:ancoatec{rnboard irte iseslred: 7. Inboard Lite: 3 mm clear tempered glass with the following Low-E coating. a. Vacuum Deposition (Sputter) Coating:ASTM C1376, passive solar Low-E reflective-coated vision glass; i89 by Cardinal IG Company on No. 4 surface. Refatn below for Severe W therfrarnes tiNi7HOl17 BETiIVEEN GLASS$LiNDS _. v____ _ �._ _ _____ F. Laminated Insulating Glass Unit(IGU): Factory-assembled units consisting of sealed lites of windborne-debris-impact-resistant glass separated by a dehydrated interspace, qualified according to ASTM E 2190, and complying with other requirements specified. 1. Overall IGU Thickness: Nominal 1.2 inch thick units constructed of inboard and outboard lites as follows. 2. Outboard Lite: 3 mm clear uncoated annealed glass laminated to 3 mm clear uncoated annealed glass with a clear 0.090 PVB interlayer. Refatn paragraph abaue tf uncoa#ed IGi1{s destred Retain paragraph be{ow tf tow E coated_{Gt1 is destred 08 10 13 Page 8 of 11 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS Chart bel6wis for 4_2.1neh`units with 0.!09 Inch spacer SW IN ORDER BEST TO LEAST 0.509 INCH INTERSPACE Window 7.4 Interspace is Air unless otherwise Vis Trans Vis Refl U-Value SHGC ID Numbers indicated MIS) 2086 2001 Clear/Clear Lam+Clear 0.47 0.68 80% 1:5% 21151 20011 Cardinal 180 (2)/Clear Lam+Clear 0.47 0:57 75% 1 %° 3. Outboard Lite: 3 mm clear annealed glass with Cardinal 180 Low E coating on the No. 2 surface laminated to 3 mm clear uncoated annealed glass with a clear 0.090 PVB interlayer. 4. IGU Spacer: Intercept®warm-edge U-channel spacer in 0.509 inch thickness. 5. Interspace Gas: Air. 6. Inboard Lite: 3 mm clear uncoated tempered glass. l R&bin below for Severe Weather frames WITH BETWEEN GLASS BLINDS G. Laminated Insulating Glass Unit(IGU)With Internal Between-Glass Blinds: Factory- assembled units consisting of sealed lites of glass separated by a dehydrated interspace with adjustable blinds in interspace, qualified according to ASTM E 2190, and complying with other requirements specified. 1. Overall IGU Thickness: Nominal 1.5 inch thick units constructed of inboard and outboard lites as follows. 2. Outboard Lite: 3 mm clear uncoated annealed glass laminated to 3 mm clear uncoated annealed glass with a clear 0.090 PVB interlayer. !Retam paragraph above if uncoated!GU is'ded .Ret" paragraph below if Low E coated IGU 1s desued Chart bhcfi_'units,wifh Q813�nch spacer .___.. :; _- ! SW+BLINDS IN ORDER BEST TO LEAST 0.813 INCH INTERSPACE '! Window 7.4 Interspace is Air unless otherwise Vis Trans Vis Refi %i ID Numbers indicated U Value SHGC (T.,i-.) 20861 2001 Clear/Clear Lam+Clear 0.47 0.68 80% 15% 21161 20011 Cardinal 180 (2)/Clear Lam+Clear 0.48 0.57 75% 15% 3. Outboard Lite: 3 mm clear annealed glass with Cardinal 180 Low-E coating on the No. 2 surface laminated to 3 mm clear uncoated annealed glass with a clear 0.090 PVB interlayer. 4. IGU Spacer: Intercept®warm-edge U-channel spacer in 0.750 inch thickness. 5. Interspace Gas: Air. 6. Inboard Lite: 3 mm clear uncoated tempered glass. 2.04 GLASS VIEW PANEL ACCESSORIES A. External Grilles: Injection-molded resin with texture to resemble wood, suitable for staining or painting. 1. Linear Member Size: 5/8 inch wide in manufacturer's standard thickness. 2. Material, Texture and Color: [FiberPRO Oak.] [HP White.] 3. Profile: Traditional. 4. Color: [Oak.] [White.] 08 10 13 Page 9 of 11 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS 'ueveral pattern vpfons are avatlabe Refan ftrst option befow itintl�cafing pattern on door:elevation drawtpgs Re#er �._._ to m�ntifacfwer's tiferature far graphics`of ava�table patiterns and insert selecfetl pattern numkier belowv� __w_��._x 5. Pattern: [As indicated on Drawings.] <insert manufacturer's pattern number> B. Between-Glass Grilles: Extruded aluminum. CEiart beta�ir showsavailable fekiures and colors fol each'gnll renes Se(efjaftons to follo,nng subparagrap#�s to su►t Pra�ect; - a o m GRILLE QPTiOrIS m c Jq Standard;(GBG} X X X X ` flits&Craffs(ACGBG} X ]_ [,�Prarie Style 4Pitul ,_ ` Ptatie Style(PIta1}' '- X CQntauiett(CGBG} X 1. Linear Member Size: [5/8] [7/8] [11/16] inch wide in manufacturer's standard thickness. 2. Material and Texture: ASTM B 221 aluminum of alloy and temper recommended by manufacturer for type of use and finish indicated; smooth texture. 3. Profile:[Flat.] [Contoured.] 4. Color:[White.] [fan.] [Champagne.] [Bronze.] Seuerai pattern options are:�ava�lable Retain first opfion below rf ind�catrng paftern on door�levaf�on drawings Refer `to manufacturer's literature for-:graphics:of available patfems and�nsertsetectei pa#terr number below:: 5. . Pattern: [As indicated on Drawings.] <insert manufacturer's pattern number> Re€a�n below with appropriefe glass#hickbess above�#retalnmg between C. Between-Glass Blinds: Manufacturer's standard horizontal louver blinds with side edges captured in privacy channels. 1. Slats: Aluminum; alloy and temper recommended by producer for type of use and finish indicated;with crowned profile and radius corners. a. Width: 14.8 mm. b. Thickness: Not less than 0.008 inch. C. Spacing: 12 mm. d. Finish: Ionized antistatic, dust-repellent, baked polyester finish . 2. Lift Cords: Manufacturer's standard braided cord. 3. Ladders: Manufacturer's standard braided cord, evenly spaced to prevent long- term slat sag. 4. Manual Lift/Tilt Mechanism: Single-control mechanism with enclosed worm-gear mechanism and linkage rod that adjusts ladder tilt and raises blinds with variable- position cord lock allowing user-selected positioning within full operating range of blind. 5. Color: [White.] [Tan.] D. Fasteners and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant, nonstaining, nonbleeding fasteners and accessories compatible with adjacent materials. 08 10 13 Page 10 of 12 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS Retain first ap#ion below for Standard Senes frames Retain second option for Evolve Series frames Refatn thirtl op#ion teiow for Severe,Weather frames 1. Provide matching [profiled] [auto-aligning] [flat] screw covers. 2.05 FABRICATION A. Glass View Panel Inserts: Comply with manufacturer's written installation instructions and recommendations and approved submittals. 1. Cut and trim openings for glass view panel inserts-through doors in [factory] [field]. 2. [Factory] [Field] install glass view panel inserts in prepared openings.Trim openings with frames as indicated. 3. Install glass to comply with applicable requirements in Div. 08 Section "GLAZING." a. Install using [sealant glazing (wet)] [tape glazing (dry)] method. 4. Install perimeter joint sealants as specified in Div. 07 Section "JOINT SEALANTS"to produce weathertight installation. 2.06 SHOP FINISHING Delete paragraph ow.if retaining fieltl finishing option below _ _ _.� A. Factory-Finished Doors: Finish glass view panel inserts indicated to receive [transparent] [opaque]finish in shop to match doors. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.01 GLASS VIEW PANEL INSERT INSTALLATION A. Comply with panel and door manufacturer's written installation instructions and recommendations and approved submittals. i`D'elete ara ra h below if retatniri' facto ffnshin o tion aIbove.Retain.or edit-Secuon t'tle belo w to corms and P g P 9. rY.< g P �. - P .with Section specify+ng clesired`finish De{ete+f frame f%nish as supplied as acceptable B. Field-Finished Doors: Field finish [doors and] glass view panel insert frames indicated to receive [transparent] [opaque]finish to match doors, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Finish as specified in Div. 09 Section ["EXTERIOR PAINTING."] ["INTERIOR PAINTING.'] ["STAINING AND TRANSPARENT FINISHING."] 3.02 ADJUSTING A. After doors are installed, adjust horizontal louver blinds to operate free of binding or malfunction through full operating ranges. END OF SECTION 08 10 13 08 10 13 Page 11 of 11 DOOR VIEW PANEL INSERTS