1.{inleae otlifrwieo noiodanly plaited eoeemeats ,;(Sttppiied:by Cllari[) 5Et•s,Set b/8' {rapt or*�{h
pre sha{ri tieraon., sot 23 in':81ock 3 of yeltati;eop markod PSIA 66f3
2.AU Lot diinensiona.OW are per plot'.unless NttittEi}12t1tER fSTJtTES fD=iotrnd b/B" Iran Rebor
otheegilsa:eholk+t F F.EaFinishedfi*or EtgYatw
'ocoordin to the lnt lbareot der !rood t�tias
3..FIo underground uttirttes or improvements *etc g P X—X X�Chain-tint r ne
located unless other#Ise sbOO os reearOsd in ptal•.9oak !8 4 e
4. Td1s s+te ivies*ilhrn Road tnseronee tttrtt oases to t4A through 118 ��"P bit-it Fonts
of the Pu6tro Ratords of , 0--t)-e4+ d fence
264 X Ibpt* 12tt1C42ON Doted 2-16-i2 �=iP1 lranslormer Pod
b.°F:tood Lone sMrAm hereon is on interpreEot+on St Luclt.Caunty. F:;larldo.` PL>sNbe}ite as plotted
br the surr°eyar and is-
provided of o seitrtesy k ddius o1'eurYe
The ltoad :ions should be verttisd 'by a C'4e9sth ol.d
determinbitan esencyCurve
gs 6 ear op,shape hereon ore besed on tha last + 'tasured' £
line at t.al':I2 os txing t{41 6r Db" E COMC •Caaarete:
C P.Cons la Pod
occordcny.lo the Ptat desCtibed hereoe � ter ter.: '
7 PU 0 E 'dsnotes P+rpffc Utititiea and droina r Pola
Ease�rrnt ys Ut;tity 8a:
8. the aeCurody of lhtsyeurrey ls'.;premised;on th" - tea. 1_t " .
' ex acted useol the aott+a TAe..e ectgd;use. - 8�tr•"�fight;cr lkay
purpose of ills surrey`is nnrtgage Ilnpncing
Accuracy K;i toot m tittD tee!'ar better
8 Addit+ons or Wlettans to thWegrvey no oy
other than lfi0 sigMng s-0yor,;i s prohibited
Of ttrlt'ten cansegt
l \ ,per lJrfy f
�rU l
TA d
4 r ✓4ik
1pl \ r �.baJ �G`4
dehRiVi6r.Drive C.er t t f iad_ o 6 °'Suck, Jr ith dt tt S Buck ;'
sctit eo t`=3D' A�antic Land Resi ns a� bl c ybt`,aldp r a m�c«pony
OATEi i0 jt 9 1 at the.Traasura Coast t 6TJ ' -
+f .;'�6+t��arM satM sir+ tierar sw�da st weT +terry„,at y t 1 INprrfl rho>Nr*an rtroe e�M meet!
i>itA }:, \JC . t:salms AxiOrars a}EI it(sped m ogisut wawrwsnts iarsn to trir riate.•acts
PO Box142iJensan;i3each Ft_34gS8 eurnvBeets,IheptahO,T�chntert Stoaamda rr;d�eer 61-fy
_ �t3'i6-0$57. '. �tiptrial`oom 17f2}s9s�428D naitsaoorrnr,t:attne�+
DAiE: iiEYlSittsaCl"1QSr;pl: b"".re.'ror
- :Cesaro lr '.�x«� esxaser .ti N a�IT
- Nor vAuovYlrMOiRIV�NrIxENriGtTEDEIEctRt)t1iG .,,'p: '
LAST f IEL6;DATE:10'18,1$ sicuurtml:xriax+i ,ttuiatstctxoxresii`. .