HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of CommencementJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4460703 OR BOOK E 1139, Recorded 07/20/2018 08:35-052 Al r-11WAR MERWIiT NUNIBUR; The undersigned hereby gives notice dint improvement %vitt be made to certain real property, and in accordance vAth Chapter 713, Mofida Sta.Wtes, die following infor+tiation is provided in this tdatice of Commenc:entent.� 'ho � b5q 0 j ,SIV �•yTI r _I "' • .__ .'!' y ,ft. {.the{ 1p i streat ;treatadcInss, t ! f.t..0 " FO.1 I No.: fTo-PLer 6• GWERAL 1 { b. 1"tor�tln aron�r, P ` I e, Name aunt addrm arra fmp1c 1I(Wh cr(lfdlfi►cW (MM Oma listed ab -9): d. a. C®ta° n.CrQP's KAM,. ®'Donnell Impact Windows & Storm Protection Conbracior's a : 6402 SE Federal Ivry, Stuart FL 34997 b.Phoae bcc 772-406-0200 L. Nmq 5. SU (t f a�llc�u, a spy of eh+ �yaye� hood is adacb�j/ and addrass; b. f%nu os mbcr. e Arrmual orbaed: 6, a. LENDER'S NANMt - � / t ondces address: b. Phone numban 7. parsom within the Stgto of Florida desipatcd by Owner upon whom aotim or other d==mft may Ix served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Slatutes: a, Name and addrass; b, Phone r"aorboM of icsixosud pz = S. a, In addition to himself or hecaelf, Owner designates of to receive a copy of the Lianor's Notice as provided is Section 713.13 (1) (b}, Florida Statutes. b. Phonu rAember of ¢ease" ar anthy dmlptakd by ownw 9, Expiration date of notice of cemant (the expiration date will be l year from the date of recording Wen a diSarmt data is specified): 20® "Y-404�- ?rag, t6 (Signature of Oilier or , or is or La4na s (Print Name and Provide Signatory s TifJelomce) Authorized �0M earMiireentor/?4rtnorftd=agex) State of F 1®i' d "— County of ( The foregoing instrument was acimowledged before me this + I dsy of r. tr �lt S as lel, B �1 by (name of parson (authority,, ..e,g, ofeer, =tee, attorney in fact) for SELP (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Uwm or Produced Identification Type ofidentiflcadon Produced T Ajjd#I, AMY ZWiRD9629O4 . r �• ; Notary Public • Sta(ga tur tsry Public) • ' • = Commission # FF (Print, Type, or mtnisaiened Namo ofNotary Public) My Comm. Expires Bonded through Nation Rev. 10-15-12