HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number: • Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Plumbing PROPOSED IMPROVEME CATIO. Address: 5761 SPANISH RIVER RD FORT PIERCE, FL 34951 Legal Description: PORTOFINO SHORES -PHASE THREE Property Tax IDN: 1312-503-0091-000-9 Site Plan Name: Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: -ION OF WORK: Right Side: Left Side: REPLACEMENT OF 50 GALLON ELECTRIC WATER HEATER CO HVAC LJ Gas Tank UGas Piping Electric 0 Plumbing []Sprinklers Total Sq. Ft of Construction: _ Cost of Construction: $ 1,600 Name WILLIE HARRIS Address: 5761 SPANISH RIVER RD 0 Lot No. 295 Block No. Shutters ❑ Windows/Doors Generator Roof = Roof pitch ScI�Ft.� of First Floor: _ Utilities: —Sewer Septic City: FORT PIERCE State:FL Zip Code: 34951 Fax: Phone No. 772-940-3127 E -Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Building Height: Name: RICHARD BASSOFF Company: ADMIRAL PLUMBING SERVICES, LLC Address: 2895 JUPITER PARK DR #700 City: JUPITER State: FL Zip Code: 33458 Fax: 561-744-7101 Phone No. 561-746-1180 E -Mail: PERMITTING@THEADMIRALPLUMBER.COM State or County License: CFC 1426115 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement rSUPPLEM DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult er or an attorney before commencingwork or recordingur tice of Commenceme Owner Sigpbffe of Owner/ Lessee/ContZOL�7"7 Signature of Contractor/Lice old STATE OF FLO DA � STATE OF FL IDA COUNTYOF hCOUNTY OF l The�forrgping instru(ttent was acknowledged before me th/is�'Ri9dayof JLAIW 2012'by The forgWg instrument was acknowledged before me this2nda�y�of JLAAI 4 iii-C.�m �.�(.f S wIP—t' n �/200�leby ' W4w'o.1' (i Sri k ]t C` Name of perso making statement Name of person making statement Personally Known � OR Produced Identification Personally Known c OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Type of Identification Produced Produced /� �r '/ , (Si ature of Notary Public- State of Florida) (Sign a of Notary Public- State of Florida ) Commissi NoteryPublicStateoflil�REll) WF�ie amen My Commission GG 133382 �aw exP'm. aenonort Commission oi.cstem h fest ye�Warren - My Commission G6133392 FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS V A I EA TURTLE MANGROVE LDATE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW ED Rev.8/2/17 Michelle Franklin, CFA — Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser --All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: Parcel ID: Account #: Map ID: Use Type: Zoning: City/County: Ownership Willie C Harris 5761 Spanish River Rd Fon Pierce, FL 34951 Legal Description PORTOFINO SHORES -PHASE THREE- (PB 4340) LOT 295 (OR 2836- 2377) Current Values Just/MarketValue: $154,700 Assessed Value: $89,433 Exemptions: $89.433 Taxable Value: $0 Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office 17 Download TRIM for this parcel: Download PDF 17 5761 Spanish River RD 1312-503-0091-000-9 155150 13112N 0100 PUD Saint Lucie County Total Areas Finished/Under Air (SF): 2,103 Gross Area (SF): 2,721 Land Size (acres): 0.24 Land Size (SF): 10,454 This information is believed to be correct at this time but it is subject to change and is not warranted. U' Copyright 2018 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. I ❑ Day Work Adm i/Lal ❑Night Work ❑ Weekend Work Plumbing Services, LLC ❑ Holiday Work www.theadmiralplumber.com 2895 Jupiter Park Dr. Ste. 700 Jupiter, Florida 33458 License No. CFC1426115 (772) 879-9240 (561) 746-1180 (772) 286-1888 Date ?/I& _ � 171633 Cust# 17)90 1.5% Interest (18% per annum) Charged On Balances Over 30 Days. $25 Return Check Charge. NAME NAME I,, ,-� � 0`Yr�S O 0 a L a ADDRESS / / S / ADDRESS /'✓G C r A 6 CITU STATE ZIP cny STATE ZIP c% r_ —� 3 H5 ry e HOME PHON WORKPHONE HOME PHONE WORKPHONE Checklist. lie/ f %t. 4�a ee- L ❑ Water heater 1 Q r t ❑Gas r2CJ . C ❑ Electric ` ❑ Toilets - Dye Test r Y G ❑ Faucets 1 Q ❑ DrainsO�- ❑ Offer BioClean ❑ Garbage Disposal ❑ Service Agreement O Recommendations: L� 4, O it/ % &CP O ❑ I hereby ag to0ave Admiral Plum ng complete the work described above for the price of regardless of the time It takes to complete the work. r Signature X Email ❑ I hereby agree to have Admiral Plumbing snake the above described drain fors for the first hour and $ for every hour thereafter. Signature X Email SERVICE GUARANTEED FOR ONCE IN 30 DAYS MONDAYTHROUGH FRIDAY DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. NO GUARANTEE ON CLOGGED DRAINS. Admiral is not liable for any claims for damages to the plumbing system on above Admiral is not liable for water damage due to clogged drains or broken pipes. job premises, as a result of labor to any deteriorated, broken ror improperly installed plumbing on said premises. [—r' '`. 6"Q101 -421r'-7 Service Technician: C Signature: X I hereby acknowledge the satisfactory completion of the above described work Arrival Time: Finished Time: Type of Payment. SERVICE on ❑ Cash ❑ Bill t �L EXTRAS DISCOUNT/DEDUCTIBLE TR QRh qou ❑ Credit Card SUB -TOTAL # Jox goux gusiitess SALES TAX Auth# Exp. TOTAL oo rjl� 1.5% Interest (18% per annum) Charged On Balances Over 30 Days. $25 Return Check Charge. Residontial Electric a Water proleaetonal Claasfa Water Heaters The new degree of comfort' Professional Classic® electric water heaters are engineered for longer life - resistored heating elements and premium grade anode rod Efficiency •.90-.93UEF • Isolated tank design reduces conductive heat loss • Resistored copper upper element and resistored Lifeguard'" stainless steel lower element to prolong anode rod and tank life Performance • FHR: 45 - 67 gallons, based on gallon capacity • Recovery: 21 GPH at a 90" F rise System Sentinel (Available on selected models) • Exclusive diagnostic system with glowing LEDs that verify heating element operation. LEDs pin point the exact location of functioning or non- functioning heating elements Longer Life • Premium grade anode rod provides long-lasting tank protection Features • Electric junction box located above heating elements for easy installation • Over -temperature protector cuts off power in excess temperature situations • Automatic thermostat keeps water at desired temperature Plus... • Rheentglae tank lining resists corrosion and prolongs tank life • EverKleen"' self cleaning device fights harmful sediment build-up with a high -velocity spiraling water stream — helps operating efficiency by saving energy, money and improving tank life • Enhanced -flow brass drain valve • Temperature and pressure relief valve included • HUD certified for manufactured housing and modular construction • Low lead compliant Warranty, • 6 -Year limited tank and parts warranty' • With ProtectionPlus" the 6 -year limited tank warranty becomes 10 -year 'See Residential Warranty certificate for complete information Units meet or exceed ANSI requirements and have been tested according to the AHRI Operations Manuel and D.O.E. procedures. Units meet or exceed the energy efficiency requirements of NAECA. ASHRAE standard ee. ICC Code and all stale energy efficiency performance criteria. Professional Classic 19.9 to 55 -Gallon Capacities 240 Volt AC/Single Phase Double and Single Element Models Electric A.'RII:r:I; Ro See specifications chart on back. PRINTED IN USA O V 18"FORM NO, PROE RN N Ray. 8 a Professional Classic® Specifications Residential Electric ,,•^^,,, Water Professional Classic Water Healers 1k14aen Emory Factor Ont rauxI fluoun cap* c11y UmNU un Oapwonan W Ewx9y (WEIroWvaoals t Symem $ordeal optional Add ECl to Me and of the model number System sanneal not available on aln9le elomant modal., evatiaMe on dual element models only. Smit. Sentinel not available In moon of 5 kW on 203 v models •• wala motor uni9nPp19Pa 10 asul, eW all bw*w1'.1. nodal vm wale fl. • Hellas NrruaMd m111 Maakad 240 vat AC.&n9b plass M'1NiWoe )sw *S lmd 4503• Null apps WW bra healxg m r,o115. •theading elements of different watla9H Mean Nose Mown em lemanded by son. mambomants, they =at Be .poelflcally re4umtsm. •Sbgb OMriK+il,notlal.1able on voccl mla 1,8000W m ). SUIM11Wa-1' 1b, ''.i modol rumba. • Spwiol Walg Opaau -A bnlod lana d spocal wog o mom am maimet. Cawll bclmy b once ale av4Mnlly. • Aa moOtls Nuypol,W), role baps. Remw4y=450OW A2A GPH EAa11p4500W le: -21GM 2.42x90' R.oaakulym,Uwd We borax) .14500 .11 awm,44 Uwe mnuHsriwft eoluunrl. HOT WATER 6 CONNECTION 1YCO RELIEF VALVE CONNE CONNECTION AN00 ROD DIA METER T� WATER CONNECTIONS ALL 3/4" N.P.T. Inkeapegw ifs POtly Of Conf/n SprogressaldpoOd impovmrml, liheem reserves thenghr to make changes withoutratite. Rheem Water Heating • 1115 Nortllmeadow Parkway. Suite 100 Roswell, Georgia 30076 • www.rheem.com PRMM W U.SA OU18 WP FORM W. ME AN N Ree. A DESCRIPTION FEATURES ROUGHING W DIMENSIONSISHOWN W INCHES) ENERGY INFO. T 1 P E XOMWAL MLLOH CAMmn' RUED OeION oAPACaI' MODEL NUMBER BET PmatH Roos "A RECOyEm IN "A. WF Tull HEIBHT A HENHTTO WATER com , 0 pIMIETPA c APPRO. 140,01. wu 1410114 Matter FACI01 NER T611 W 27 PROE3072RH951 4e 21 47-1/2 50.3/8 19.1/4 92 0.92 Ten 40 W PROE40 T2 RH95' 55 21 60-364 61.5/8 18.1/4 108 o.W Tan 50 45 PROESO 72 RHOS' 63 21 SB -519 81-&e W-1/4 121 0.93 Tao 55 W PROESS 72 RR941 72 21 57 59-Y4 22-114 128 0.92 MeO. 30 27 MOE30 W RH95- 45 21 37 -IM 40-1R 20.1/4 92 0.90 F3ed. 40 38 PROM W RHOS' W 21 4&1/4 50-1R 20.1/4 106 0.93 Mab I Be 1 45 1 PROESO M2 RH951 62 21 48 50-12 23 132 0.93 Shen 19.9 PME20 S2 PH 21 31.1/2 31.12 I1 62 San 28 25 PROE28 as RH95 45 21 30 31-1/8 23 95 0.92 Shoo 30 27 PROEM S2 RH95 S^ 21 W-1/6 32 19-Y4 95 0.92 SnM 38 33 PROE36 S2 RH95 31 -IM 33 24-1/4 118 0.92 Sal 38 35 PflOF'3B S2 RH95 It" j4] 31-1/2 >2-YB 23 108 0.92 Sbon 47 43 PROE47 S2 R1495 32 34 261/4 149 0.93 1k14aen Emory Factor Ont rauxI fluoun cap* c11y UmNU un Oapwonan W Ewx9y (WEIroWvaoals t Symem $ordeal optional Add ECl to Me and of the model number System sanneal not available on aln9le elomant modal., evatiaMe on dual element models only. Smit. Sentinel not available In moon of 5 kW on 203 v models •• wala motor uni9nPp19Pa 10 asul, eW all bw*w1'.1. nodal vm wale fl. • Hellas NrruaMd m111 Maakad 240 vat AC.&n9b plass M'1NiWoe )sw *S lmd 4503• Null apps WW bra healxg m r,o115. •theading elements of different watla9H Mean Nose Mown em lemanded by son. mambomants, they =at Be .poelflcally re4umtsm. •Sbgb OMriK+il,notlal.1able on voccl mla 1,8000W m ). SUIM11Wa-1' 1b, ''.i modol rumba. • Spwiol Walg Opaau -A bnlod lana d spocal wog o mom am maimet. Cawll bclmy b once ale av4Mnlly. • Aa moOtls Nuypol,W), role baps. Remw4y=450OW A2A GPH EAa11p4500W le: -21GM 2.42x90' R.oaakulym,Uwd We borax) .14500 .11 awm,44 Uwe mnuHsriwft eoluunrl. HOT WATER 6 CONNECTION 1YCO RELIEF VALVE CONNE CONNECTION AN00 ROD DIA METER T� WATER CONNECTIONS ALL 3/4" N.P.T. Inkeapegw ifs POtly Of Conf/n SprogressaldpoOd impovmrml, liheem reserves thenghr to make changes withoutratite. Rheem Water Heating • 1115 Nortllmeadow Parkway. Suite 100 Roswell, Georgia 30076 • www.rheem.com PRMM W U.SA OU18 WP FORM W. ME AN N Ree. A