HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationACC APPEIC`ABLE II+9FO MOST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 1 f Permit Iqumber: F 4i tsailaing Permit Application l.3DQ V.ry,,,�o R4c.,vr, turf Y�c, r� hL 14'Jlfl YI1oFle: Il /LJ SEL-1S5j Fw,.: i//LJ SSL-1�/ti COrrlmef CidI Residential PERM I I APPCILA I IUIV FOR: To Select from dmpbOA, click arrow at the and of lige PRuPu5EL) IICIFRjOvEIOIEI9 I COLA I`ION:: f �j Legal Description: [ ProperEy Tax ID H: _ - EOE Mo. y Site Plan Name: Block IEo Project Name: "` Setbacks Front Back: Rig,ht Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace AC, exact change out with tc;m, k�A SEER, '? KW AC snit CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to brrertormed un er t is perms. —check a appy: HVAC 0 Gas Tank ❑_Gas Piping_ Shutters ❑ Windows/Doors Electric 0 Plumbing, ❑Sprinklers In Generator Roof Roof pitch Total S4. Ft of Construction:SFt. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ _ l t( GEilides:,)ewer peptic 6uilaing ReigRt: OW N ERILE55EE: CONTRACTOR: n.mc `".-ffi:Name: Bennis zaceR Company: mR5 Mmerican Resi6ential Services Address:' �11_% - •, City:i� 1' ^f� ,)tate: N6Gress: 4353 OS F1.y i cip;:oae: k1 LA Fax: ` Cay: ue�o Beach State: FL PRone No. - Zip Code: 32960 Fax: E -Mail: Phone No, 114 rye -►cg Pill in fee simple t isle holder on next page ( If different c-IOlail: t firom tRe owner 1610 Wsv.c) State or County License: CMC1249753 IT :olec oT cvn3te0[t1vM is $7560 wr mvrc, a RECORDE13 Nvdre of Commencement is required. 5uPPhEMt1q IHC LUMS I RuL1 luM VEM Mw IIaFuRRIA I IUM: GINEER: x Not Applica lvame: Address: City: Mate: cip• Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Not Applic—ablc Name: Address: City: Zip: Phone: IVIORiGA►uE COlvlrAIMT: r__.. MOO Applicable Dame: A00ress: City: state: cip: Fhone: BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Dame: Address: City: Zip: Phone: I'erffify that no .CPR Firi .tellation Roy .mmmvriev0 prier t� tRe i.-saonce or a permit. 3t. fucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the -permit holder to build the sub;ect structure wmirn i, in eo..rlict.itR int pplie,.olo Remo 07 ..e,s Association rues, D,laws or and covenants tRat may restrict or proniDit such structure. Ytease consult witn your Home owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accoraance witR the approves plans, the Floriaa Suilaing Cafes antl st. Eucie County AmenOments. I R� tolls ;:,,5 6aHN% paFrnit opplication.- are a--empt from anaergoing a Tuh concurrency review: room aaGitions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessor7 uses to another non-residential use yviimMINZ5 r V OWNER: rour failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvement3 to your property. A Nuti4l of C:,mmZncement must be recorded and postea on tRe;oasite Before the first inspection. if you intend to obtain financing_ consult with lender or an attorney befored commencing work or recording your NoticE of Commanctiment. { signature or O er/ Eessee/rtgent bigri,.tar. of Coritrad&jLlcensd RolDer STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY UF sit- i. The torgal% I ­trtlmcnt —r acRmv-I=5scd o�tore -c this t Day or A%J 1. ' r e'u II -try me or per.on Donnis Zetwk State of Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COOIQ i T OF $1 tum The forgoinis instrument wms orRnQrIeasoa hatorc mc tRis f9A may of z5 by Arno r person z—.k Personally Known ^ OR ProDuceu IDenthication Personally Known x OR Proae«a laentihtotion Type of identification Produced i ype cr hientincation Protlucel3 Commission no. �,m-4k [seal) CoRrril—ion No.C'�{D-k" � (seal) COL.EEN SULLIVAN •: COFL& N auLUVMN Revised 07/15/1201 MY COMMISSION p G0471535 = mY CORIM15sivN x 0131]r 1335 sok = sprue 09, zOZ1 REVIEWS FRO PLANS URTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW UAIt COMPLETE INITIALS Certificate of Product Ratings AFIRI Cartif.ed Rcrartinaa Nzmbar : 9543116 Mite : Or -24-2018 Model States : Aeti:e ARRI type. RCU-A-CB 5w. -oz COMFOR 1 14 AC Oetdwor Unit BF�Nd N -me : CARRIER Oet&ur Unit Mmdul Nember (Cenden=e. up Si;:;gle P--ek.ge) ' 24ACC436A`030' Indoor Onit model Number (E-.-penstep andfep Air Ha .dlep) . FB4CNF736L Region : Southeast and North (AL, AR, DC; DE, FC: GA, HI, KY, CR, MD, 105, NU, OK SC, I N, i X, VA, AK, CO, CT, ID, IC, IA. IN, K5: MA, ME, MI, MN, MO. MT. NO. NE, NH, Ni. NY, OR, DR. PA, RI, SO, UT, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY, Q,S. Territories, Raglan Mate: Control air eendiliertom m-nefaeteped prim.- to JaFieary 1, 20,5 are eligible to be in-lallvd in -II xgiano until Ja.-.e 30, 2016 Beginning July 1 2016 central oir cond'lioners can only be installed in regi— (e) for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The pri—IfT.cterap or thio CARRIER ppode.t i= peoporrclble few the F-tira of thi= =rctmm oa.r+66Rlian. R.ted as t.11Crrs in .ocard.m.o with the Iat.st adidan of ANSMAHRI 210/240 with Addondr, 1 and 2, Paflonn..nca Rating of Uni-z;-y Air -Conditioning & Air -Source Heal Pump Equipment and subject to rating accurawy by Al7Rl-sFvnsorcu, Independent, third party testing: C�liny Cap.ulty jA21 - Single or High Stage 195F,, btuh : 33000 SEER: 14.00 EER (A2) - Single or High Stage (9517) : 12.00 r"ncrive" IRoo.l . 0tas ar. Inas. R.; an r 11Rl Cenincat on Program Participant is curre4y producing .,ND selling or offering far sale; OR new models that are being marketed bet ape net yet being predeved'Predz.li.n Slopped' Model Slate; .po those Ih..t .n AHRI C.niGaat;en Program Panicipa,,: is no longo, prod.; ng BUT is still selling or offering for sale. Rallnys that era: accompenieo by WAS indltsttr an ^volunNry re -rake. The nraw published rtina is shown:rfono with 1hct ortiv;ous fi.o. WASP rating. DISCLAIMER . Iifl o.as nor cnaarse me proaoct(s) i.sted on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the prodmet(s) IL -ted en this Cerdfi..:e. AHRI c-pressly dlnl.im; .11 II.bIIi-.y for d...,,.,g— of arty kind arising o.: a. �,. mac .r perfonn.nco.: lno proaa.rls), or me, unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid onl; fop models and configep=ti■n= li=t■d L- the airs—ry ..Ilrt.ire,.xury..rg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Nook This C.rdfi—tv.ed iw co.-,:.ne .re proprrewry pleCnum oT..RRI. -is e.rmaca,. shall only .a oxo for in,.lriao.i, personal ono confid■nti=1 p_fepe7:w pepp=_— Thin —atewt5 of thi_ Cartifiwte m.- net, in -hal. up in part, ba reppedeeed; ■ei fed; dissernl.-.ated; .nt.reo int.. car,rpur.r a.t ONW, .r cllerwlse utilized, In any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's Individual, person -1 .nd eenfid.nLI-I mferen=e. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, cER–sPlo..:C 1aR & REFRIGERATION INSTIME The Inf.nwatlen far the model cited an thl-- aurlifical. can be trifled .t anddb.eta:ysrg, cl6k an 'V.rlfy C.ra&;A.- link and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, whi.h Is 113:.d.11151., ono t..e rre,w6.a.e..a.. Ricin is leteo .t Mu rn ngn: 02018AIrcCeneitlanl..g, Hazai..g, ane ReT.-igaration Irhtitate f CERTIFICATE NO.: 1317690190105024 -au Michelle Franklin; CFA -- Saint Lucie County Proper y- Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Properly Idendficccadon Site Addres s. rarcet 1v: AC,uunt 4 wrap 115. u,G 1jF- z-oning CaJ Coe -t, vvttnership Lf :dr Callm:; 88 16m ST Wcst Ba'uylon. NY 117-04 Legal Description RIVER PARK -UNIT s- BLK 2j LOTS (MAP j4 22S) (OR 412 -IDD 1) [OR 3809-=0-1;3809-=06---,;)9[z, 16;5y Current Value3 J:.5Vmz;;-kd Vulee 388,300 Assessed Value: 688,500 C..v pt;ona. 30 Taxable Value: 688.500 taxes ter this parcei- SLC Ta. Celleetvt'. Offee G Do.rynlo..d-1 KIM Ior phis Y..accl' Duwnlu..d PDF IO 204 RIOMAR DR 3419 -515 -e09*: -one -8 42162 3422S 0100 Rs -4 Saint Lucie County Total Areas F1r.LnvU7Unay. Air (aF) 1,580 Gross Arca (SF): 1+' Lana size [acr=s): ow L..i.d Sfzc (SF): 8,800 t nis information is oenevea to 0. ea-owt of u:: tarp net it in zel3;vvt is on--sv R. -.i3 :a .-.at Cep,risnt Nils sw:Rt Leew Cnant, 1':. perl� Appra--v. All rl ,nts ruse: va