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Product Approval
M MIAMI•©%%- N1Ai T-DADE COU\TY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION I f80 SW 26 Street.Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/economy DAB Door Company,Inc. 12195 INY 98"Avenue Hialeah Gardens,FL 33018 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rales and regulations governing the use of construction materials.The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(.AHJ), 'l•his NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the rigbt to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein. and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION:Hurricane Master@ NIode1824/811 Steel Sectional Garage boor 16'-2" Wide with Window Lite Option (DP+36.0,44.0 PSF) APPROVAL DOCUNIENT:Drawing No. 02-21 Rev L.titled"24 GA. Roll Formed Steel Sectional Garage Door",dated 09/10/2002 and last revised on OCT 05,2017, sheets 1 through 5 of 5, prepared by Ai- Farooq Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E.,bearing the Miami-bade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice.of Acceptance number and"expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE LNIPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: A permanent label with the inanufactu er's name or logo;manufacturing address, model/series number,the positive and negative design pressure rating, hidicate impact rated if applicable, installation instruction drawing reference number,approval number(NOA),die applicable test standards, and the statement reading 'Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved' is to be located on the door's side track, bottom angle, or inner.stirface of a panel. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there,has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of.this product. TEPUNIINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement-of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this MOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for tennination and.removal of NOA. ADNrLR'TISEIVIENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Nliami=Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy ofthis entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA#15-0304.01 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1, E-2 and E-3,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ishaq I. Chanda,P.E. NOA P7o.17-1018.12 MIAM�•DADE couNTY Expiration Date: July 21,2020 Approval Date:December 14,2017 l Pace 1 I DAB Door Company.Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. Evidence submitted in previous files A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 02-21,titled"24 GA.Roll Formed Steel Sectional Garage Door", dated 09/10/2002,with last revision K dated 03/09/2015,sheets 1 through 5 of 5,prepared by Al- Farooq Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NDA#11-0414.12" 1. Test Report on Unifonn Static Air Pressure Test,Loading and Forced Entry Test.per FBC, TAS 202-94,of"DAB 824 Sectional Residential Garage Door"prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc.,Report No.BETI-07-4200,dated 05/02/2007, signed and sealed by Candido F. Font,P:F. 2. Test Report on Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 and Cyclic Wind Pressure Test per FBC; TAS 203-94, of"DAB 824 Sectional Residential Garage Door",prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing hic.,Report No.HETI-11-3204;dated 01/20/2011, signed and sealed by Candido F.Font,P.E. 3. Test Report on Tensile Test per ASTM.E8-08 of"Sectional Residential Door(skin)", prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc,Report No.HETI-11-T100, dated 01/21/2011,signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P.E. "Submitted ander NOA #05=0228.02" 4. Test Report on Large Missile Impact Test and Cyclic Wind Pressure Test.of"Sectional Residential Door with Windows",prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc.,Report' -No.HETI 03-1328,dated 07/15/2003,signed and sealed by Rafael E.Droz-Seda,P.E. 5. Test Report on Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, of"Sectional Residential Door"prepared by Hurricane Engineering R Testing Inc.,Report No.HETI 03-1329, dated 07/15/2003, signed and sealed by Rafael E.-Droz-Seda,P.E. 6. Test Report on Tensile Test per ASTM E-8 of"Sectional Residential Door(skin)",prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc, Report No.BEETI 03-T.078,dated 10/31/2003; signed and sealed by Rafael E.Droz-Seda, P.E. "Submitted under NOA#03-0210.04- 7. Test repor=t on Salt Spray(Corrosion)Test per ASTM B 117 of a painted G-40 steel panels, prepared by Celotex Cor-porafion,Test Report No. 2.58,592. dated 08/17/1.998,signed by W. A. Jackson,P.E. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted under NOA #14-0814.10" 1. Anchor verification calculations prepared by A1-Farooq Corporation, dated 09/22/2014 and 07/24/2014,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. eP Ishaq I.Chanda,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1018.12 Expiratian Date: July 21,2020 Approval Date:December 14,2017 E-1 i i DAB Door Companv.Iite. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED ,C. CALCULATIONS (Cont.) "Submitted wider NOA #11-0414.12" 2. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,complying with F.B.0 2007, dated 04/07/2011, signed and sealed by Javad Alunad,P.E. 3. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,complying with F:B.0 2007, dated 12/19.2008, signed and sealed by Humayoun Farooq, P.E. "Submitted under NOA #09-0128.02" D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami=Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 13-0717.01, issued to SABIC Innovative Plastics, for their Lexan Sheet Products,approved on 11/28/2013 and expiring on 07/17/2018. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0311.08, issued to Insulfoam.LLC, for their Insulfoam Expanded Polystyrene Insulation, approved on 08/14/2014 and expiring on 11/29/20 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-0926.07, issued to Dyplast Products, LLC, for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Type Insulation,approved on 11/10/2011 and expiring on 01/11/2017. 4. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-0926.06;issued to Dyplast Products,LLC,for their Dyplast ISO-C 1 Polyisocyanurate Insulation,approved on 11/10/2011 and expiring on 01/11/2017. 5. Notice of Acceptance No. 10-1129.04, issued to Cellofoam North America Inc, for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Insulation, approved on 02/24/2011 and expiring on 02/24/2016. "Submitted under AOA#05-0228.02" 6. Test Report on Accelerated Weathering Using Xenon Arc Light Apparatus Test per ASTM G155 of"PVC Extrusion Material",prepared by Hurricane Engineering& Testing,Ine.,Report No.HETI 04-A002,dated 09/27/2004,signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda,P.E. 7. Test Reports on Tensile Test per ASTM D638 of"PVC Extrusion Material",prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc.,Report No.HETI 04-T251,dated 11/29/2004 signed and sealed by I. Ghia,P.E. S. Test Report on Self-Ignition Temperature Test, Rate of Burn Test and Smoke Density Test of"REHAU non-foam PVC extrusion material",prepared by ETC Laboratories, Report No. 04-761-15019.0, dated 05/06%2004,signed and sealed by J. L. Doldan, P.F. F. STATEMENTS "Submitted'under NOA #14-0814.10" 1. Statement letter of code confonnance to the 51h edition(2014)FBC and no financial interest issued by Al-Farooq Corporation, dated 05/13/2014, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. Ishaq I.Chanda,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1018.12 )Expiration Date:July 21,2020 Approval Date:December 1412017 E-2 I DAB Door Company,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUB 2. New Evidence submitted. A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 02-21 Rev L, titled "24 GA. Roll Formed Steel Sectional Garage Door" dated 09/1012002 and last revised on OCT 05, 2017, sheets 1 through 5 of 5,prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. Note: This revision consist of editorial changes to comply with FBC 2017. B. CALCULATIONS 1. Ione C. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). D. MATEMAL CEWrIF1CATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0221.06, issued to Insulfoam,.LLC, for their Insulfoam Expanded Polystyrene Insulation, expiring on 11/29/2022. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 16-1108.04, issued to Dyplast Products,LLC, for their Dyplast ISO-C1 Polyisocyanurate Insulation, expiring on 01/112022. 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 15-1203.04; issued to Cellofoatn North America Inc, for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Insulation, expiring on 02/24/2021. 4. Notice of Acceptance No. 15-0915.08, issued to SAB1C Innovative Plastics,for their Lexan Sheet Products,expiring on 07/17/2018. E. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2014 (511 Edition) and FBC 2017 (61h Edition), prepared by Al Farooq Corporation, dated 10/05/17,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad; P.E. F. OTHER 1. This NOA revises NOA#15-0304.01, expiring 07/21/20. 1��, 1 . U, ishaq I. Chanda,P.L. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-1018.12 Expiration Date.- July 21,2020 Approval Date:December 14,2017 E-3 �` T-1/Y'%2-1/1'x 1e CA IF"""JF TOP FIXTURE 5-1/2•x 2-3/4•x 0.1- STEEL STEEL CENTER RINSE '�� '7I STEEL PATE'APM ONE 5 1B-18 NSW NUT OPTIONAL DOOR VIEWER A� x 5/R•sus \ y� 10 END'PLC wPI J 30 IRsnLLED AT-RONsLELYrE(srD) /// /-"S-1"10(6)g1.:3J.•SELF DILWHO SCREWS ANIf CENTER smc 7-1/2'X 3-% 071'C-LV.DT CL SFE SNIPET 3 FOR TOP GAAC%ET DPTIONSENO.ROLLER HINGE - P{II CENTER STILES it(6)916 x 5/8'SVS ,(,I L.J YR HOUT D-cLRON SLEEVE(STD. I 'SEE SCM.'A' IIIH 7_I/2"x 2-1/4•x 071• r'IV.MEL CENTS HINGE LOCH I O 1s W/ %3/e•�0 P (i)FI4 ` 10 OURVN Va' 0Pr '•EF '. - , ." U 1 -7-i x x 5 TI .' -- =0- [•rN1FR HNCSTANDARD IAOU ��IOS FINC LGN'ED 5U}BO:i(?r'M90E5) II - ¢ 11�� FASTENED W/(4)fle x 1/2•S.M.S.. _ \� >I I' ¢"�.�� 5/A'uW AB" tr 'iKTOR•t,,'r�G� O,S-0 millG.M.11 SECTION.I•X—8 OR_EfI TI`ON 1 —_-=- YE.15e 0A MV.AIRCRAFT `E ToSr1 wAUGE D004S -7 NCLN.S 0~ f ml g�N zq25 Q_ b 1md E C Y A R 7-.11nn Y 5-5/AY%.OPD'ThK' Y� .'I1 I _ •I _ :Y r `_ ._::_. �'�-�= 1 - Iti ry STEEL FIATS,1-3/6 0.ER�� -- -' _-_ - Mill(3)fm 311. Cts-+.K? -_ -.L_ _- �•.1 SELF DRILLING SCR Ellis ]`� V i .J;I I • I f.._-. _' J_-r_-'••• -- "•P--� G O i 34AC'ET /' BC-RA--C-KE�.. STD.LIT DOOR j LOW HVORD04 'I I l I 1 VII—ILII I lII TLTK r CF J diI S N EY BDOOYJ-/tl % D 1 F-6.12SECDol.5 I0_2 SECrCSY 21 PLATE +'u=L rFJrts_O.C-.�I V�L pI j -U0•0007O'ION 6-] Istev4 mciroS #I-x 3/1-SDS 01 REA'NDT 10 EXCEED S1 DOORMOP, -�G�y—p mRL 5NIDE AT 7 . - I_^J•II.I_i I I iyp3n ye'e 7'-6'S SECTIONS IB• CENTER STILE TH6 PRODUCT 15 RATED FOR TARGE WSSILE IYPACII INSIDE LEVATION BDJO�OCSTCO ENTUCORDN,CC A•JM Trf ftEOVftDK1.3 Cf FLORDA w eI E N 0: CCC, 203, IS-201 5 TAS-2C3 FOR hVYi AFD c1f T' .VLTPNR IR'I STRON]I• , "_ A" EI586-CS!SM Cf095-09 e9-i SECTIONS le•`SEUM 11' OVTSIDE I \ RAISED PANEL-<A(EOSSEO OODR / _ •- ,+„ o°'=.Y e'-]'.2 SECDONS IB 3 SECIORS 21' NANOLE j �\ __"_. GENERAL NOTES e'-C' I-SCCiIOH IB' i iTT05 21' END ST, iDAB DOORS INC. 1.REVS PR3000T FUS EDEN LESA'WED AND FUND TO COMPLY YiITY TIE e•-9":sErnoxs 1' E01rr1eu0rs a THE zm4(sT"EmnON)/]en(6TH E}TCY)neaw W h MCMI.1e - - I I^ur,kC M.FW*L MOM 821/811 VR=E cox lY P`EN0 Nw1 H OCL:Y)/2CI?NE zuNE Oro121 9'-3•-5 SECMS le•R SLCHOx r- I 1 LAI.EAR GUDCS i 40x.Size 1(i-2'X i6'-0-High },u+clmRs SI1�L OC COR ICN nL'SISTA`0,YA•JD As SrOWII ON OCIAE9 i h Ii' JVD TAE 0 a1•N�sn¢ Vrrh W. Lao o t!'0 I n e 'WITH(q 914 z,/e'SUS 1—._.._._ P AYS YOTALLw rrA YExJrs]afINCrRurE.src:lnc'NO uir ro wsE s r s n"ioxs a i rw.rs E,I ': YA1EAx s DE DM.0-M.-oR m... e'�2 F N :o' '.]ITcnOui 1A•.1 sECncxs]1• I 1 -18T x Ea LO^_K Ow DESIGN PRESSURE RATING=+06.0 PSP }A LOM WRATON OICRCACC IS uSTS IN bm..OT Am o+ro woo ONL, o 10'-]•,'S-,MN Ie'If SLCIIG.s]1- . ENCEACH N TRICK •YwFJM3 tvqup].5 BUT TRI..CNBC'10 SlEE./NCTIL SCRExs•TMT L Y>^ 5'IB SECTIONS 21'- CN EACH 3107 OF 000R - 44.0 PSF COVE,NTC CONTADT WITH OTHER DIMMIAR NATrRAS sIKU UELf PIC -�S 5 Y 1G-g•Is E[c1wu4 1e•1 srncx^t' / [ENTER SIaCS [>rJlf'A' MWIIIEUEM OF TnC 2014/1017 rLORUA�0_.R_r k AD0R1E0 STA'-WAps. x'O Y Q OIJTSIDF KFrO'I Of.K 5 THIS PRoxcr AR7ACYAL IS GENERIC AND D:rs NCT MIME ItODRWTION �1' 3 ElCTKtS Ifl-I]YCTxnYS 31' �� SaI CEI-TS ST•ES COIlNCJ1UigN Il'-]-4 SIGMLYs lA'J 5_r01mY5 71 ,Q�� '� pSA W.Oi-S f OF CD.IER STL'S FOR A SITE WEC1=.0 PROACT.La.L'FC WDY Of TXR PRO�ILK AW.OU IT'-I ]S[Cll'nS'le:L,SECTIGK 21 LCCY,BA4 LOCf]I:C SRDNN 1I �� r�i B'-D'TO S'-•0' 2 OF SIRLCNRE RECENNO Rui PA00uCi CAD 5'J G ARCUhO CMb%FOR I >t' ALICRIWE TO III•'4 J"=-�19=-'^ �0'-0=0-11 TIC' I COA'VATOR4•S rI.IFILro-�OVlanv IN WS DREAxvm A.E-0 6E uuLWED SfWAjjLV. a 8 a 1 }� ?3[CTOrIS Ie-[S�CIgxO 11 - PRII'O LOHDED SLIDE BDLT •2'-0'10 1]i-10' 3 - AYO 1D BE ROt'Mfp e'Y flUIDIYFi pIfSW_ ]'Y•4 sYrTCxS Ie, LOGITS 9`iDAY1 0.EOr __ .'-4'10 15'-10- e' Kc�vwAEcc whir cixi�B oiFaGaLf`D 0!1 l SFA'LY VGEL LDGTION T7 9'5 stemas Will SECTIONS 21 C')>K IxU1Y5 -_ - •C RO•apA uYM1'n4 VAC. E 24 IE IFIEF..21 - V8ELN6 TO COUPLY*TN SECTION 1709.92. IS 9 1-CCTOY 16 )S-Ciq 5. Ia'x• } ",21M c �� _ /„1L1rnl` 1j b- I.T 3 3 MNS 18 S SECTIONS 21• r I�: - 1f✓.t.”b eRODucrREVr($ I f T I 1 RanpyLEaRS1M/UAW Il` -. a � _ .�-_ iUY BE3USEOSEf DRWNO SCRExS \�\VCEN4F 1r Ci;s_TCncs(e'9 STEfiOi's 1.' �' �•:. J 'um1A6C.1. IN U.Of 914 x 3/e'9.15 4 scrnox x AU.PL...no 1Z-�01'.7. lu•-u- w__-,-•j Ir-u-ro lE•-lu- ---_ E ' I4 I ucro] e ]]q-a 2' e1PRSIR%m1 Zu COCA W HS DOOR N°cn.5 14'-4.3 SECTIONS - s!CnOa it L�... - - - it ;•.= a I n S. -9 4 SECTIO S ID"S SEC110N5 11'1 _ ♦w-• - _ �, gam;}��7'}�(p� C is' 3 sErnGNs 19'5 SEC G s 2ssEnPJ s 2ssA Y]am ticeu d �- 15'•]']s[nroxs 1v_r M s]�' u'-r 1 srrnoli.e• a srcluns}.. - -- 1 _ —R, --a-9 -tr --tt � �O.T'pn•�i��7y 02-21 Iz o To u•-Io •i�_- -_a1c le'-Y ---.."J vstF fT�,� r_16,s sccTTloFa in.srrn'Ns 2-1 '" oxa WIDTHS DOOR R WIDTxs ��t�]�NhiU1 l6neet 10( 5 1 f I SIF�'3�I FJYS BEN'Or.TI PMIE1.� / O m�• •i- u ) G a'O.C. C D _ i� t '655'x 2-1/•'x 1/.•xT j k+ ! I IQa&YYco p8 —• GLV.SlE[L U.DM RErfNRUN3 1R1b5 I _ i I Q d Q y D DOTIDV OF PANEL TRUSS FASTENED TO —^� 1 a'Hp,�V•qq R 7i carne t LMCRVCO:A i STILES W/TWO ' LL G C !tax SIB'Su.i AVS 70 Fe:O SDLE �DUCl Ri.VDilp I Q•e U I..� W/FOUR)ra x J/a'SCU'`.D SnO S 1 J £= C i Aavrp Na 17E-zf I7 R I 1 � ISpI•RLy mr��''u, u u �\ :6']/ P0P RNETS I .•^� • �-""""Axon C+ww+pl nGs ' AT 4'O.C. (1)FOR _ -� -� (6)fOR 21'STILES i �O 16•Si1CS , }• 7 - .N o 1/ -.024'SIL PANEL G4 p -CND sua n [•i k I .1ST SECTION (BOTTOM; INTERMEDIATE SFCT10N - SOP SECTION ` j •1 I�i t1�` cQq u�l 0,DOCL SL TALLER U!'AC DT DOOR QSTAIER SO to RRA«noon ViRY R L4J I.Q 1 n j STEEL IP.ACx 9PACREI FASTENED BY'SCHLAGE SECUPJY HAR'DW'ARE' ^ Cl _ .0 WAD LNB tSitH ! t+a x 5/6'5x5 DO x E.x 2-1/Y x PNI,STEEL INSTALLED IN 9,116.0'A.MOLES IN CE21ER STILE C- 6/15'%f-5/5'lAD CCRCW� I G CCR InWC -IY1 57 U.CCNNCCi 10 PN+CLC Nlrll IfV-LY'iNREIJED) /' ilM'u!](5)OR(6)1/16"Iluu im[IS PoSRIONF.r.A'm i nTi Ii MER rrASHER NEAT TYiC A I 1/2'X'-J/<'x:055'TORDED STFC St[DETA ABDIO ONE rFA DRACN4Tj ,I CUED TO^u+a 1:1:_CCUF[o r0 c! STRL Xir,(a)1/'6'POP R.VETS AA'L'RORS AT TItAC�(R_RACXE_T: N b'-' AxJTyERN PPR, • / -7/D'z 2-5/B'x:OaDSTEEL EUGL i!a'da DTn.ER aLT DV'PouFoe• uA:•_ 0.55-.'\ �/ 'J 1 CCMCi i�3C,0.:RD ANO R � WSTANCt�� A)]'DIN.EMBED'MO COn:PE'E(.U'00 Py IDN.) TO r.S.V(a)3/:6'Awm J/IR. 't 2'DIII.EDGE DISTANCE !j ISFT ur.L 3i! -� P07 RNETS i' Lt1 EDC[asT. / I!4 X 5/d'SA'.5. ( t �'I L-1/16 J/n•DI;HSC_SLFSVE..BL)P:Il :'.`+'.�+�D•• _; ( ..1 ' 1.` 1, I. B)I-1/4'MIN.EMBED IMC CONCRETE OR EF: 3LOCK �E-- t I_ 2-I/1'VRI.Ea.E C4STNICC IIa•0 CONCRE? 1.-1/16' —�� I I I — EDCC DIS—.—n1LE0 a1DC% I i LC+rRor Yc_1OOC PSI DCV. "I1` ji1 .-90 GROUT FILLED RDWY t'm a ICOC R51 UIN. i. 1 / iyy Cr_ I I ,11 ( INC Fl11 I$AC'KEI�8 S_E�S.EM 3 FCi SEACOLO 0i e 1111;11�- I i i-1=- I- f--_. .T- (��•I • c.�_ �c[Gnttt J on Dwt.cr vecuro /�1T1ITEM - [I lI iI I �i _ �o` y,?t;,kw''F'- Yui * i S � �. I \1 55 bULI !� :0.$) - •1DW" INTERIOR 510'L 7-•/2'x.DTI'J C StEEL 1 E11 ROLL.NP:C[ h NUT CENTER rt GE..• 1 <%Ol x I-1/D'X 1'(STAN1aRD) ' 1.DI-OTA.11'0-STEEL P.OLIERS(STO.)`• ()'. OF Fj�l�tlr0v�r0 n0—1 ']G -6/;G'A f-/2"(OPi+Tut)_i LA'PUSNNtR 1.e2'O:l Y:•.0'MIfiN ROI lfRS(DPiIDND - JI fA5'IENED TO TR•C% NTCS ) \i '• ^ j LLEO ON FO'.LCR S*:J'i 2.75'CIA x.50'STEEL ROLLERS'D�r10NAQ\ 1OP.•'yV,``N WJ I/--'D x S/6'TRUSS N]. '••.• r1•I LOTTED N.S.L,l=.1w'. [ECTIBN B-B 2.75'Ota.C.50'MT.ON ROLLERS(O'noWl.) W1iH 5'STEL �Cii/CtaDj-\;VVI% hlet 2-1 5.7 i ATOP RAS �� 5/ip'i A-tlf:SCRAM ini:f H07.•I 09 1-I/2•Y 1/�Y 1/a•PeAm. D. �--- 2- 1 5/ HORR.TRACK SUPPORT• FLR WSR 1!EIG-95 U2T0 B r. V 1,Ir! 2-3/1-x 5-1/2-x 3"x.10: 5/16"SLEEVE N+C.ORS CEMER SUPPORT RCCO.ON ODORS Im r a w1 H MTNDUT INSULATION OR MNOCNS, 1 1 V v rCLL T r-1/<"CWO[D!MO uA2oFRr`. [%f;—,0 B-D. _I J -TOP ROL1Eft ORI{QT 011 EACH SCE 3 P_R SRACK-R � A ---JIo FAS.ENEO w/(8)i In%S/E'SUS. `�\ �• • Lf.ORR701 WELDED lT10NDDR Z;ATA.' S[EL SAWtm4E SF01:OEM TO MORD IR4[i \\l /SUl1E Fw5{OkII-0 3T1GVEi 2-1(2'%i-I I�%IS W.STEEL PLATES R-TOO:OEM O.C.Al 1-1/2" O.0 HEX IFJ�C WELDED i0'-1/2"x 1-1/2'x 11 Gh WGLZ \; T--/ A- ) nRSr AT 3'D. RES Ar v'O.C. ! L5 Sl SOiEHS A NUiS. { FISTENEC TO TgpCK •L_ _ CONNECTCD TC FIAG 9RAb;T 4� \ W/1/6-16 Y 3/<'901T /•'��'� N-sRACKE7 _ D 55.03.i ATMs -�_! HORII_17VC!LENGTH.DT'EN:rTG ND(RR PLUS:? A;ID to SPRwG$RM d,lY rIIIK (2)1/<-20 x 5/8'BOLT B NUT, C ' I LDW HEJJIROD.DOOR — j)- 14 W GaLv,FEE_TRACK NORZCNT'Ri EVM -x.09*FD..ED STEEL -/USIGL'.PF:P•1-/ S>`/ 0pa 2dOa �C GL2NLNf EDTO NrDSD NRCS.1.1 (2)3/Ip- or nns 2• SECTION A-A Av. .. N8 STEEL TDP ROLLER DOOR T FCR .�_ LL 2 OEC I ORCLOEI.T LOv:nEA0P000 ODOR DnODR I •SECTION HDCHiS j BRACKET PL/lEUEN:S Om H]RRGr.Tti FD':T .I DO`.R I Q.5 5.12. 1!2'x•-1/:x.OSn"LORui:O c1ELl I NFA iSf;7170 3RC aiY.STN' E1 92 I 83 B1 65 '66 B7 58 -_• /OLUT(1 TO'ILES AND FASTExED TO I 6'-0' 18'i 18'18'18"N/A f'TO 2'11-7 i' - RTI^.1L STILE$MTM I I I / 23' 4<• 36" 67" POP RNTS 1 6'-6'I?7'16'18"21'N/A 1_70_2'11-]/<'} }_- }<' 1 S6' 67' c' / I / 27' 3<' 5' 50' n7' 21"21.21'N A I'TO 2'11-3<' a - o -'-5/16'D_rC'11:0 Rld 18'18' i'TO 2'11-7/A' p7' 3<• 50' 67' 78-r/<' I qty'•1 i N—O/STEEL POLLC0.5 • - - �',- - - 3' � DA.Y M. - 2.S'...I..7a• ac 56' 67' '76-iii' C 9'-0''21'Id'.fE'18•.21.1'TO ell 1-J/3' i W 1<DO-x: }^ •-5'-CTIONS AHL NUh15-4'W WREN AT THF.BOITOIA m I... �•,� / _1/<'Siu �!:_' r I , FOR DOORS NCRE THAN 8 1.HIGH,USE ACDRIGN/.L TRACK BRACKETS AT 10-0.:. ^\•`/, NT.04 RISU:AT105'S 7 m I I PRODUC IHEymm _ S E x F4E x 3.7'x C9O' -a •9i+PAll✓Flrnn:,l S-31,c-EC BRAC FIS ; 1Wdial COJr NA,L.Fiw:<. I OQ=1- rso-2s o r-;sctruvz+z p z-3�Ic w:n f n.usrr_2R PE. I I I i� � honyLna8u.L7-C Z �11 E oo�r'. N.DA./IB-ItOSA< _- I ,)�• , TO iFKN w,nl / njheb�l< � Cj y1 I 1 D-e i I I!),)n-Ptux TS r< aTs 1 •E u 1•-..,___""--'m•cn:ero,o ri°Ar 1 m �. f J_. DEx9ry a 1.03 PCE 11 Ii.,try, % �: 611LR l4xlr naern CuuyY C Z u•• j N.O.A/15-12001 DRF Pluil lOUA rT�DEn—a-r-oaz Kr•Cj { -' ;T A,.) u C4 GLV.StEE_ n dam-j '+FJC:LR wn•CES PAr[NEO IQ �'_ N'/(6)7 11 1 5/8'S.IS I 1 c G W:1.024'r%E FOR•/ED=E.—EL I ! CPl.T n:C DU.m 0-10 • I_,I 1 1 W. I III _ [p[p 40 ME.-I 39 sl M PFNEP•AND 9AKED-0!: PD LMER P—M TOP CD 7 'TRACK CONFGURARON 1 .-I p V APPUED TO B]Tn&3-. OF STEEL II I� I 9 LT,E E'S n tom•~� ' I II a_'- f_I I kI. i •' � _T- VERTICAL LIFT HIGH TFT STANDARD LIFT LOW 1-EADRODII I_ l I IDOJBIE TRACK 17 GA.G49.SEUL AVAJ NZI�TRACK OPTION v< swc.xr ./11:III1�.:A o '- O/ Sin•sus `�)p�.p:M,r•a/%,. I( jI TO 02 _EE 54-ET SEE S _FT 5 .=�:• •' T _-`•��,E!•9 i SECTION A-A ' •, '�.'•,A' A•`\�:. n0 OZ SEE SNER 2 r09 LOEAT'0:1 \1$S, jl 02—21 OF R=TTORCiNG TRUSSES `, nt•!r,L 6{`i \`TILIIL:111L' /M_ E♦ y d K 1• rFCRv D STEEL SELF ORIL11 G SCBE yl..-". p0 X 1 SLVLncRaP w%oomtca"'S �'I OR OR..—uans OZ F 4 Ar.d•.D.e. uV111 RELY 1ZLL RcnmRCEVCM 1/2'y 1-3/+'z O 'I. �� ;i: -•� 1/I'.OA IN SNL.S .291 DJ.LAG SCREWS A7 S'i510!.!ENDS ,WOOD BUCY.. 18•INON ENDS L.J) / Q' C AND t5.D.C.VAr. I11 IK ,AND 15 O.C.ua%. J/ �F �STEELP AINPTEP OO S R04 CE UBBER Y(5-IDFPING"/ SRU==.R tY'SifVCPU:G 'QZ ,bso.. , T-- .-D.o LL z o f Soca c \\/j �\I�f 90rOM sEAI OPTIONc ANI�1 Fby�F•�'��Ilrlin i OPTION 'A' 1J OPTION 'P' WOOD-BUCK CONNEC71014 TO WOOD SUBSTRATE'C'NOOO;SP_CIFICGRAVEN SG-0.55 MINN.) ElgreLw OlN��j ' m o TA'E AN;m A,oN Au-[+1Y'SRDPM Autr,^v10A5 xyG SYP wDOD DUCK ARVCxUOR A t-.. L. C Nr;n 70'AOS:STRUCTURES.IF T-ESE METNOOS ARE FOLIOVIM NO ADDIiONAL CALCtUV3NS/DESR:N a ro I. ML BC ftC0]'RED FDR DESIGN OF WRAGC:OCR ANCNO.RAGE. A '• FOR DOOR REPLACEVENT APPLICA71ONS WTM NO CNC%AER OF RECORD.IKSALLATTJV MOC VER:DCO AVD APPROVED BY MC 0L•LCIVG OFMUL UPON INSCEGIIOV I AVCn09 C113 SIR ANCMD'4 91RUCTDFE 11110 Sv_AZI11 EDGE D'T, n L7 a'p J/9 c0 :L%Bf LCD'LOADSB• ] �`J �' s STEEL STRLCTURE BY GTeii79 1 3/B•DIMBOLT Df Irv!' LCONC. t /]`I B' 2-" UPPCAF THE IUFC5E0 1pfi-Y 1-5/5' UUSI S `3/d'.Po'.f.s!ett Df POw HSI CIX+C U:SGRLxD-i �B+[OOP Sv6t[N S(B $LEVE ALl BT IIIPSOnSI (MI,. 1 oz./ \ CC%CRCfC!'�•JOCO 1'5 111. m .• _ / a/ \` 0UC-90 GROUT FlLL[D 6LOCK1 f2m 2C00 PS AVN. 5/15'DD.35 j S a WOOD BUCK.CONNECTON To MASONRY \ ATN wA91ER b nvi _ Q PNSSI:RL IRCAIC.11 Z]5 IY�WOOII AAIM^WNI;A 5W:1 RT ANCNORrD 10 CROIPEO REIAFCFCED WSDI:RT NOCK w'ALL OR CP-.CC. ' I/'-UIIPA:O!:B!'ElCO'vdTM SPA'14G OF :Y O.C.mo GPAU"FRLED E.M.sK wµy.-Nx-1/.m!..EVEM D.0 A!!.'10G(I f•9 GdICRC:E.NM 1-3/.•Am,.ENBCO I-1. y$-1/x-%It GA k•'2� 2-1/2•UIu.EDGE DISTANCC I t-5)r,� ); �I-I/r; --crx�.REEL 14" /K'TA PER EY POWEII m 11 5FAC113 OF ' `. /Ii' .04ttD' Lr fR1ED&O:N WF!L,WGN 1-1/Z"IAh.E"EED \ r Ix GA CAL".STECIy ,]"O.0 v!TO]000 P91 CB2CRCTC,mM 1-]/.'rrly.P'BEO 4�LLp 1/16"%i-1/2' --�I fUi OPl{:fCTS't]':ONG ` 2-,/6"y I'y,E3'vWFDGE DSTMttNI1. t \f '� A AT!.9'O.C.ABD COOft0PNC. n F gpiT TO TCPACK=Ut[c a 1/8-CCtIR"oY'ELCO'OR 41 1 Y n C.wx. '� AT A,O.0 TO CCtrt.MLLE V x1 1/B•L:i Ef'IM'mM SPti'llG Py RJ/ nJ' W J \� „Wi(EC•u..�(kyL/BS NQS NJ. I .. 33'ar.wm yy;n w rin.RfTr.vnM)-i/)'vw ru5[:. /E)SPOT wELM AT FACN SIDE ��'�• 7 J'vIV.ED.E OISTANCE ^DVT I•I!nU9 AN^.r TR•^v PM [„'R+^K •nrvCirt AUScr 1a.M itl WOOD 93:CY I AQd•me 51Ef.E GT T'irn5M s.Au•:c arI 'In/M..• c• vEUK 15"OIL EDAPSCO4RZEY-141t/KDr9[OASD x-,/ MIDGADP,, NS!LCL =�LONDTEFE ANO R�Lm 3/L7.`6 1111111/j i�� ��i•-,-�� i'_TERN47C TRACK INSTALI ATION r^`: PREPARATION OF JAA!BS BY OTTERS /� i�'.'SCO-r1.'Sp'•Ny r FOR NEW'.O.NSTRUDDGN ENG14-IR OF RECORD OR ARCBRECT R VERT-( 'r I ADCOWCT P SUFPoR:ING SIR"CT"R[TO 5ucp0Ri LOADS IUF0SE0 u. DSS2 .. =' Er DOOR SYSTEM. ' FOR 000R PEPLAr.EUDI:N RE:POnf SUMNGS WTI,no v4c:;UR C- RE, OR.. rRECORD,DOOR INSTALLAToj—EE PM.10 U+D APPRS ,C)"c OFFICUd UPON INS?'C19!: ` tY' D TE DF .UWVUu C2:ERIOlf-)LOAS PER AV3=10.10' if 52 PSFJ/1-xyt LSF OR!Ft. V�3 ... '•r^; 02-27 WPIVDu ur,Erooac->LCAO PER:AeB-na15•,K.•PEgn-Jxs L5F P.•n. ^'`lON9�.�, • 'm`c,40! -. t PLASTZ COMPLIES WITH C --BC DOOR PME� CHAPTER 26 OF 24 Ck{.C24)STEEL NIN. SEE EVIDENCE PAGE 0 f ....... '.T44 'N 30 JS X 3/4-WS 21 3/4' '—.0 1I�FID ENDSLAX. .176 omm D.c 0 a R FRA INTERIOR FRAM Sus o ci It.,, R;=717: MECE INJECTION MCID TVC ONE PIECE IMECTION 'i �ff )*-cl (4)f8 X 3/-- 1-0 1-3/8'RnV WDS 3 6-1/2-OC V- 79 m'113L W11ATAV,%1ST'Cl' 101tJMV-M LE-1 HOA 05-0415,09 A E- 0 0 1 ..M DEEP 0 1 s/:v'v INSIDE ELEVATION- PROUUCrMCVfgW C 1-5/8'FRX'EIDS RAISED PANEL EMBOSSED DOOR WITH OnONA--WINDOWS A.'o S.C.VAX 9-1/2 WINDO. U-,CS CAN BE 14 ANY 'OCQ15II IN DOOR SM101 fu,46 I x U7 WE, I/is x Ve Ws M0.INDS M. AND 4-1/2''0:0. iff; Elas -i/t 6' ST.- EXTERIOR O2-2