HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FIVE # 4457646 OR BOOK 4156 PAGE 1762, Recorded 07/13/2018 01:10:08 PM A17ERRECOM1NO-RFMN tM RECEIVED PF]tADTNUhiBER: . JUL 2, 6 :018 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT c-r. Lucie County, Permitting The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Cixple'r , Florida Statutes,the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. t,DESCRnmoN/OFPROPERTY(Legal /desaipdonofrhepropoly&street address,ifavaaoble)TAX FOLIO N •7�J�'S 8� Oz2^O DD0s SUBDIVISION�/2o�,(�L /S� D40CIf "' TRAL7 .�. LOT _BLDG UNfl��V 231 Two PI c.2C !s[es C4 3V9.02- L GFNERALDESCRIP'f10N OPL11PROVE61W11. & gQO� 3. OWNER INFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION IFTI[E LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPRI)MIENTr _ iNmea�d addms /S oP Slee, C' �feRcC h.bvemtinpmpmy �4�N�/h l�F /y� a Nomeaad addrcaoffea uoyla tidoholder('[diff lfiorD Oaaer lined a6ove):T�O�l�Pr�QL (S[.L°S C�� 1.a.CONTRACTOR'S N�AjI�E:��OIZ BL/NP UND^elQ��f2�C[�111,) G�S, Cana"'3address: 7SJOr St f"Df/�N k1uQd�v_�hPhanealmtc: / 574 581S- S.SURL7Y(fappliwbte,aa Wdthepaymenluad. . n Nameazd address (�. �. b Plnmraaobec a Armani arbond:T 6.a.LENDER'S NAME: L,M.e.addresc h Phone—bc. 7.Persons within the State ofFlorida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes; _ a.Nam M addrrsc h Phone cu.b-ofdestj;—d W-- S.R In addition to himself or hersaIC Omer designates of to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(IA).Florida Statutes. b.Phone exnnberofp—m try de9gna dbyOuner. _ N 9.Expiration date ofnotice ofcommencement(the expiration date may not be before the completion ofconstruction and final payment to the contractor,but will be I year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified): WARNING TO OWNER'ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OP THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMEIJT WING IMPRVPER PAYMHNTS UNDER CHAPTER 713.PART 1.SECTION 713.13.FlARa3A STATlT1ES.AND CAN RESP T M YOUR PAYING TW[CE FOR IMPROVEMT•77TS_TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMFT.7CEMENT MUST RE RECORDED AND POST77)ON'[ I3 SOB STTE BEFORRTHE FIRST INSPECTION.IF YOU INlMM TO OBTAIN FINANCENG.CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNRY BP,f O COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NO=OF COMMENCr- Under penalty of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing notice efcommencemelt and that the facts stated therein are true to of ray knowledge and belieL ` h�t�1c s elr� (1g.. 1 Le wneror a e, r r ces or Lessees (Print Nanal and ¢ � Providfice) AutbDhuIO(icer/Dirmlor/Partner/Managcr) ��q� DEBORAH& STdO State of YcL O 12 f1J j9 Coearkslotul GO 115296 ErpkesJune15,2021 County of ,7 r-I!�CC f •""•aFWIWT?awaPgn-M— The oregoing instrument was/�acknowledged before me this_day of JLAQ .20 /7 by , Ic!i�l i�(,IYT C as 1 `_ (name ofperson) (type ofauthority,...e.g.off Ler,trustee,attorney in fact) for \ho C" . (name ofpaky on beh�alfal'ofrshominstrument was executed) Pesanally Known!or Produced Identification_ Type ofidcntificalion nerd NOtan_- (Signatu o No ublic) (Print, e,orS o ncd=cofNotary blic) Rr.taal-t I(s.Remrd� STATE OF FLORIDA =L ST,LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TR AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORI I AL JO EPH .S T ,CLERK SPLIty Clerk Date --MI-L3 1018