HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLE'TED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED l-\r+n.UdLC.Permit Number: Burilding Permit Application P I o n n i n g o n d Dev elopm e nt Se rvi ce s Building and Code Regulotion Division 2j00 Virginia Avenue, Fort f>ierce FL 34982 Phone: (172\ 462-L553 f:ax (772\ 462-1578 Commercial Residentia I xx i pEnvrr APPLTcATIoN FoR:Electrical i lPROPOSED IM PROVEM ENT LOCATION : Address: 142 SE Lucero Dr Port St Lucie, Fl 34983 loo:l l-,tp<rri^tl^^. River Park Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: 341 9-550-01 29-000-5 Lot No.6 Block No. Prolect Name: Setbacks Front Back:Rioht (idc.Left Side: l ne\^/ AC CONSTRUCTIIf, N I N FORMATION : itional worl< to ormed under rs perml a p ply: T V HVAC E I e ctric bas I anK Plumbing -l^lbas Hrprng Sh utte rs Windows/Doors tr sprinkters l_l G"r,"r.to,.l_l noot I] Roorpitcr Total Sq. Ft of Construction:\fl Ft nt Frrat Flnnr'-Y ''' Cost of Construction: S 16:t9 00 Utilities: l-lr"*.rr. E t"*Building Height: COlrlTt{ACTOR: Name: Kent Blosser Address: 142 SE= Lucero Comoanv: Blosser Electric City: Port St Lucie State:Address: PO Box 7305 ZiP Code: 34983 Fax:City: Port St Lucie p hone 116. 708-323-5498 7in caAo. 34985 Fa x: 5-1y r11. johnsondaleb@gmail.com phone 116. 772-337-0055 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) E-Mail : nrblosser@gmail.com I State or Countv License: EC13001570 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace AHU & condenser electric for OWN ER/LESSEE: N3ms Dale & Piltricia Johnson lf value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencernent is required. trl5tate:r L SU PPLEM EI\TAL COI\STR U CTION LI E I\J LAW I N FO R MATI ON : FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicabte Name: AddfeSS:po Box 7305 BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable DESIGNER/ENGtNEER: N a m e: Date & patricia Johnson _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name: Kenr Btosser _ Not Applicable Ad d f gSS: 142 SE Lucero Dr pod Sr Lucie, Ft 34983 AddfeSS: 142 sE Lucero City: Porr sr rucre State:City: Porr st Lucie State:Phone Signatu of Owner/ Lessee/Contractor as ngent for. O*ner.Signat STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Qprroroa 5t' Lucie Countv makes n th.t ::,glllting^a permit wil permit hotder to build the subiect structurewhich is in conflict with a me Owners lrsiociation rule d covehjnts that may restrict cjr prohibit suchstructure Please consult own-ers Assoiiatio;;;;';e; ioiin-y'l"rtrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested,pernrit, I do hereby agree that lwill, in all respects, perform the workin accordance with the approved prans, the Frorida Building codes and st. Lucie countv Amendments. of Contractor/icense Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Fronda The forgoing instrument was acknowledged betfore me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before methis 25th day of .r,ry zo i8 bv this 2srh day of Jrrv zo i8 bv Name of person making statement Personally Known xx OR produced ldentification Type of ldentification Prod u ced Name of person making statement Personally Known xx OR produced ldentification Type of ldentification Produced MANGROVE REVIEW Rev.8/2117 (Signature of Notary Commission No of Ff6ttuErF nELLEX Commissidn # GG 68535 My Comrnission Exoires reortlEPV o I ,20,1 (Signatu re of NotairtrT.J sion #'GG 5853b My Commisglorr Lxorres Jebruorv{tRQHoz r REVIEWS FRONT COU NTER ZONING SUPEI]VISOR REVIEW I NTVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW