HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationACE NPPEICAnEE MO 171031 BE COI9IPCETED FUR ArrE[E. t lCfrj i O BE ACCEP i ED Date: + I _ Permi. Number: Building Permilc Application Pranning antf ueve,opment services auf7#ing anu Lose rregu,ation uivision L.sDl7 virginia Avenue, rart rierce F6 su-VsL rRone: (i.L)4B1-1773 Fax: C:omme,Cial Rebidenddl PERM I APPEIL—A l lul9 FUR: T% SIduct fri-iR1 drcpbOA, click nriuvv at the end of line PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: no0ress:C[[AQ JQZ� - , L - S,�Q •_ Lesal Description: Cil _ I �-C Property Tax ID #: 071A 0 ��i { Lot No. Site Plan IYarne: Block No, Pro;��t IG�rn�: b=T3 .cRn Frvrnt M. -VIZ: Rirnt Side: Left Side: DETAILED DE5CRIPTION OF WORK: Replace AC, exact change out`wiitrt ton, SEER, �t KW AC unit 0031951 RUC:I ION INFURIOIATION: 111o.,z=vrk tortvrrmcd aricle, this permit - check all apply: OFIVAC 7M-.3 I.MK ❑Ga3PiNing _Shutters QWindows/Doors EleMric 0 Pieffl6in6 1:14rii-Mcm Generator O Roof Roof pitch 10121 by. FT OT Contraction: S Ft. of First Floor: "I Cos. of Cons.ruc.ion: r Udlides: Sewer E1SepLic Building Peight: uw19ER7CE55EE: I CONTRACTTOR: {dame "� IQaTe; Dennis Zacek Address: Company: ARS American Resiuendal Services Ci.y: a-- . +mak ti � . _ SLaLe'a. ,ddress: La000 O5 P[wy tip Lode: rax: City: V.P. So -OR �Tatc: FL Ed 3 Plsone no. -k .'q - Zip Code: 32960 Fax: j E-IGlail: Phone No. 772 794-r 2 r i l Fill in fee simple Tile Holder on next page ( if different — E -Mail: from the Owner listen aBovef male or Coomy Eieen�e: CMC1249753 Ir value OT construction is $zbUU or rnare, o RCCORDED 1Vativv vT Carrimaneernent i, re-eire7. SUPPLEMEM IHC L.UIQ51 Rug lI lul9 MER Mw iNFORMIA I OR: DESIGNER/ EN GIN EER: Not Applicable M10RIGAGE COMIPAIGr: Mot Applicaule (Game: Name: Address: Aiaaress: City: Mate: City: Jtaie: Lip: PRone: Lip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: - Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable _ Mame: Mame: mddres}: mddress: City: City. Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify that; -.v :.v, -R C. instaliatian RP5 comRleneea prior to the 13'e..nce Or. perrmit. 3t. Cucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the -permit holder to build the subject structure wnicrl L 111 conflict witrlam a p6551. Flvmc -11e.3 AS3ocl.,tion reit,, Dyi.- .� er a. nt ev.eno31R.,t Tor rc.,trct or proPiEt �eeii structure. Please consult wit your Rome owners Association an review your tleeG for any restrictions wfllcfl may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work zccortlance -iM the approves plans, rile Florida 9uilaing Coles ans at. iucie County Amen'aments. TFIe tollo ming Building Perrmit Pplicution3..rc c..ciiipt tronl ana=rgaing o rah �oncsrrenc, f:eCie-: rooR1 Auitiens, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessorq uses to another non-residential use vvAnIVIR13 10 0vv14En: Tour iallure to Recort7 a wocice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice Cf C-Vmmencement must be rucurded and pzzitzd un th-. J'obsite berore tMe rirst inspection. IT you inientl to ouEain financing_ consuls with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording your Norio of Commencement. �4 _ mignature of O er/ ressee/Agent r Contro r/CicenZe Rvle.r STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Cu01G 1 v Or Stliiw The forgoing instrument Was acknowledged betore me ; The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me tmi; aa aa, or _ . SS4_---_— do'y ay miso tlay or '-o AL By t Elnnts. aceR t Denn:- Za {IC _ paray.. oeRn edg' I� a of person a now in& } } signature o a Pu i - tate of Florida) gnaterc noP Blie c or Fioriao } Personahy Known OR ProDucea Isentincation Personally Known X OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced I,pr; of lacntirle..tivn Proi!faeea Commission Ro. (meal) Com.�.ission No. ibei-A COLEEN SLILLIVAN ' �4. COLEEN SULLIVAN Revised 07/15/2014Mr Cul01ro X IR 2C MY CQMMISSiON GGo71535 211 tREVI=EW cvcREVIEWS FRONT NS VEG VE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW UAIL COMPLETE INITIALS I Ris cornSinadon qualiTles Tor a Feueral Energy ETTicierlc, tai 4rtaix ..n.m placed in service between Feb 17,2009 and Dec 31, 2016. Certificate of Product Ratinas AHRI Certifled Reverence NumBer : 201163981 Dale : 07-27-2018 Model Status : Active AHRI Type: RCU-A-CB 3edes : PERFvRMANZE 16 AC vutaoor unit Eran'u Name: ►.ARRIER Outdoor Unit Model Number jCondenser or Single Packayej : z4APE624A'030' Indoor Unit Model Number jEvaporator and/or Air Handier) : FV4CNF00zG Rion : All iAK, At, AR, r¢, CA, w, C s. 15C. CE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MU, Ma, Illi i, NC, ND, NE, NRI, Nu, NIM, NV, NY, OR, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, vvT, 0.5, Tc..3orioz) Region Mote: Central air conuitioners manuiactured prior to January 1, 2015 are eligible to be Installed in ail regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016 central air conditioners ran only be installed in regi=(s) far -hich they meal the acg*1orl..l effi�Ln-1 ragairemont. The manufacturer of this CARRIER product is responsi le For ure rating or uFls system comMnation. Rated as Follows in accordance wiRl the latest edition of ANSIIr►RRI n0)z4-0 wim Htitienua 1 anti 2, refformance Rating eT Om:tary Air-CondiGoming 8, AirS_rae Fl. -t Pump Egeiprnont ...-,d -object 6 reuny aeemam, 5, ARRI-:pem3ore0, independent, third party leatlng. C-11mg Cap-Mty (P z) - bin -W6 er RIyR 5tayo (9517), Stant : 23400 SEER: 16,00 EER (R[) - Simgla or Fltgfl Staau (95t-) : 13,170 T"Activ." Model St.tu= ore these th.t am AHRI CerlifieeU.m Program P�ntdp_mt ,m eorrQntly producing AND moiling or offering for gala, OR;--..-.. models that are bo.mg marketed but are not yet being produced.'Production Stopped- Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant s no lona_r prodeming BUT is still Celling or aff.ring for a.I.. qhs 5h.1 awDr37—riunigd lar --S Imoicarp an rrr:pluntay re -rate The new ou s shed rat -r o is shown alerc wirn inti orarlrius 6 a. -.'.S) ratino 0ISGERImei[ AHRI does nal end.rse the preduet(m) IL -;ed ...;him Ca..lfivow and makes no ropreaenr. 16no. vrarra.alas or go.r.nteos .s N, .nd .saom.a n. rezporueEilry tie the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of am; kind _ri_Ing =ut -f the u__ ■7 p■rfo in -new ■f the prudpctrs), rrr th■ onaor,.raeo .huraaorl or oar. limxa an leis e.nlu—Tc. e=rdr,.e ratings orw vallu only For m—Isamu wrmgoratrur s Its—In Ulu diructuq at.—._hridlc.ct..-;.■rg, TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certiticato and Its went■ds _r- pc.pd■tapl products of AHRI_ Thi: C■rttfl—t■ _hail .nl; be used fur Individual, p■raun.l g. -.d ..o„mtcna.l rarerenca porp.sos. r is unruntss aI tnis Certificate may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced: copied; disseminated; ent.:ed Int. ...mpater database:.r.the—ime utilized, in ,any I.— or m,.nncr or by ..Fry means, c-eep: for .ha w_r'm I.,dlado..l personal and Confidential reference. AIR-CONDRFONING, HEATINa, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION -REPRInER..:oR III........ The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridifectury.org. cllsk on -Verify Certificate' link -e rrrmke hf, brrler ..-.d onar th...HRI Carolled Refcr..nt. namallr an. Inc a...o on nnicn tore—rrin—te WE-- Moon, =hieh Is listed _hove, and the C=rtifl—t■ Nw„ T?hi�h s= listed _t bolters rignt. urcv I amiti,ontildoning, Meadng, ane Rerrlgeradon Insr:lime CERTIFICATE NO.: 131771677193214247 A .. �, M4k�� ^!amus it cr. Ins allaon Work (iii} 3's/-31Uri 2800 US High .oy 1, Vera Bach, FL,.2svv Aareri■an R■� Id�.entia! Somme of florid., In:. Ef.ensu 1r CI91Ci2xs7.3. CAC045676, CFC1428263 E -t Sl -rt D.I. /AaJ Ea; Completion Dales Corporate Customer R.I-tuna (866) 803 tla"s CUSTOMER EMAt! .wane.. OCITY' TE -Z T >rO�e r !:Oral ■lien T rya .L.YOUR HVAC SYSTEM ri rnanC i•r�nR DESIGN Rev, -.0 SIZE TY,E • ' r SIZE - `TYPE a -1-r-. P SIZE _ TYPE / A EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY T 6' _ r EFFICIERC, G _a Z2/ *i __. / ` ;Zo $ $ 8 A/d - $ -711.9 _ X10! - 8 z $ $ SUBTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL $ l Zk SUBT�AL Mi�NTHLY ES .' S MONTHLY EST • 5 MONTHLY EST " $ CUSTOM INITIAL'. CUSTOMER lNITIAC3 CU5TOMER I IAC5 - W.rr.nty(t-1y Parra Labor _H. Yrarranty:-_ _ Q Pas Labor �Cenrpb�or Warranty Parts Labs. U -La _01-1-t t Exch.:g.r Heat Ex�hang.r �0-Compressor � Heal Exchanger rUnlvaa viharw,.v numu, ail ;-rdn-dies are Tram the manufacturer. SPECIFICS OF • 5E[t�iEDOPTION: ❑1 2 03 owc-Tharp❑ UV Light �Z$Dia-nne. i R�e�w� ❑ Hum ddier econ ed Dr -1n nn _ �LiletrmeEqulpmh❑ C. L.g :Java. Kit 15 Dehumidifier f' p XS.end laelot.en P -d;; (Pon & R-0 0 outdoor Unit Pad Liquid Tit. Conduit J9 Main Drain Safety Switch 15 Flue Venting Start Kit Jn 5. 1 N.- Cennaatlana iZ Ductwark Connections" 13 Conned to 70TsIC � j$ ! - rA Refrige afie iR existing plenam ❑ Support Attic Equipment i%- T v o CAC iefrigeiafi f�uct Modilicatiwn_ �Svp�ly 136n■ro1 r 1. , ���1• d-iPAYMENT O New laReconnect eeepe Nees ❑ R.eom.gt ❑ New Duct System o O N �J Rofrig.rarlt P:po Cour 0 Rutam rounon, ❑ No Dazt Wo.k ❑ � H CHECK# g3Ex Expansion Valve e ❑ Now ❑ Reconnect ❑ Foul Piping p CREDIT CARD iLAST 4#..1 � FfT-.lot-TypeN/qi Mootrenit:� e!2 ❑El.ciricalvrring io ExistingE3PCO Mocf;Cvnnvui 1: Home service Plan - EXP APPROVAL Seetdcal ❑PCO 1 Term 1364 days] • u FINANCING' Cornfvrt Gaaranl.. ;0 Hem. Prh leoii..n Goarente. 2 -i -Dour Service Guarantee 0 10Vv- Unconditional Money -Back Guarantee Pa,. -,t opt. -r, .--Iable with -proved credit NOTES •^ARS is n.i -oponaible for prvcrisiing oact—It . cu germs and Condilion.� on the back of this document for details, • W,;ttc-c-.lomor.o:ho, �atim. .'11 be ebmined b.f„ro beginning any ordonaoen additional or extended work. • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUEJECT TO THE-v..�I• ..Ra CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER r,58, FLORIDA STATUTES. • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: This Is a home solieitatt_n o.l_, -.-.d if you de not -..rrt the good., or-wrrices, you may eoneel tnIs agreement By providing written native to the.-vilwr in person, By telegram, or by moll. This noU%= ma. -It indicate tfiat you do not want the goods or s■. -love and m;; -t be deli:erbd or pe..t arked b.faft Idnlght of she third ba.-.iijeso day oHQr you sign this agreement. If you cancel this agreem_eT, the -.Ilwr wro- net keep all ar p•.rt of any eazh do .n p..ymonL Sao the reverse side hereof for an explanation of this right • I acknowledge that my right to cancel has been explained to me o.all, and 7and-ithent-an1..g my right to wn.el, I .�;th.nz= the penormance of the work, subject to all terms and conditions set forth on the �eversa side hirmut plan any t— open ovmpleh�n. Nonce To Owner - Do not sign this home improvement contract 'n blank. You are _Aided to a ow nit -1 Ih� trite yea ergs, p it to protect your legal rights. Thio home improvement contract may contain a m=rig_ r vlhorwPu. a mot o lien an yeas pmperty the could be forec i o= o nut �_,. Be ell previarenr eft ventre bvfv,o yo ig ;. • •� CUSTOMER 6tGNATURE COMPANY REPRE5c .,:'•'e 05.-11111!!n �IaMTrRe eJ� r .:eca ....... ..... Molinari- Zoern_r. L!_C -1 "jilt. m■■rrev. ,.rxur;'a i i ivr+ e4�.0 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lacie County Property Appraiser -- All rights rserved. J:ta AUZI.-vas, Parcel ID: Aewell-t 4: Mai. ID: use type: cityf-ounty: O..ner3hip Ronald D Seelin6er Harbarn S Scchnpr 2905 Gm -% DR rort PlerCe, FL X498 L Legal Description GROVE S: D LOT 3 (1.07 AC) (OR 1230-292) [urrenL varves jusviwarRet value: 5189,600 A.. v33ci3 V..1ec: 3189,600 exemptions; $50,500 IF-F151C valve 3139.100 Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Corrector's Orricc 0 E)vwnleaa i KIM Ie.- ta::; p-pavi: PDF 0 Property Identification =905 GROVE DR 2420-810-0003-000-4 27943 ,4 SOS 0100 R5.4 Sain: Lade Cou.-.1y I Ozal areas Finished/Under Air �SFI: 2.899 0.7.c: A..R (ar): 4,418 Land Size (acres): 1.01 grana size (nR): 46,6e9.:. This information is believed to be correct at this time but it is subject to change and is not warranted C Copyright zZ;f-o saint Lucie County rroperty Appraiser till rignts reservet7.