HomeMy WebLinkAboutbuilding permit ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Uate: 06/z6/2018 Permit Number: s i� Building Permit Application Ylunniny un29 Ueve/opmd it SeTVICea t31 ilMity Ona(.0(2le Heyt7117617n Uivi.;V" L.il70 Vie y;,,u Avenue,FOIr Ke,ce FL 14Y8L Phone: (//L)46L-155j FaA: (//L)4bL-15/8 uUmmercial Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: 10 SEkitA Tit,m drop6ox, diUK arrow at tFiu etid of Ihm PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: AdBrez,.�: 2971 FIDDLEWOOD CIR Legal oeacription: SAVANNA CLUB-PLAT TWO-BILK 18 LOT 29 (OR 1769-2536) Property I aA 10#* 3425-702-0186-000-6 Lo. a� Site Plan Name: SAVANNA CLUB BIc ' Project I9ame: Martin A Paolino bet5acRs Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED uESCRIFILIU V uF W.uRK AL CRAMuE uO I- CIRE FuR OKI= A H EN 3 TON 14 SEER NUTONE PACKAGE UNIT PIRED3612 i u Rw REA I ER CONSTRUCTION INFORMATtQN'_ itiona War to orme under t i� permit—check all apply: RIF1VAC _Gas Tank Gas Piping _ShuttersQ Windows/D 11 Electric El Plumbing 05prinkler. E Generator IJ Rout E Total Sq. Ft of Construction: S Ft.of First Floor: Co.,t of Contraction:$ 2145.00 utilities:]Sewer Septic Building Heigl OLU.AIER/LESSEE: CON I RACTUR. IGameMarlin A Paoli= Name: DEKEK POWELL Address:2971 FIDDLEWOOD CIRCLE Company: AIROME C7330 G AID F1EAI City: PORT SAINT LUCIE State:FL Address: /30 5E 5ACERIQU ROAD Lip Code: 34952 Fax: City: 51 UAK I Phone No.772-878-5711 Zip Code: 34yyf Fax: E-Mail: Phone No. //L-518-zj/11 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: AIRC)MEwu[IMGLYAFluu.i✓uR from the Owner listed above) State or County License: GACi81/azb If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION 'LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIvNER/EN.INEER: _Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HuLDER: _Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Nut Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Lip: Phone: OWNER]CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:Application ia Me,e5y niaae to obtain a permit to ac;the wurR and imtallatim,as;naicatea. I certity that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St.Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the.abjact.r.actory which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or pronil5it.ocn structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In%vn.idcration of the granting oT tni.reyae.teE permit,I'ao MEmSy agree tnat I will,in all m.pect._peertorm the work in accor'oance witn the app,o,,ed plan.,the Flariaa 6oilaing Coae.aria St. Cacie Lounty Amendment.. i he following boilding permit applicatio .are e„empt from m.aerguing a tali roncurmn._y review: room aaaitiun. accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must Be recorded and posted on the joBsite before the first inspeLtion. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney 6eture commencing worR or recording our Notice of Commencement. Signature of Owner/Ce..ee/Contractor a.Agent tar Owner Signature of Contractor/License Holder STATE OF FL STATE OF FLORID,,^ COUNTY OF ,� COUNTY OF "/ r l he ur ing instrument was acknowledged before me i ha forgoin g iI i.troment wa.acRriawlcagca 6'ctore rile tni. day oT A-L-Y6y this]2 day of 20 1%,� by Name of per.on _naking.tatement Dame of person flaking statement Personally Known N­z OR Produced Identification Personally Rnuwn • (OR Produced Identificadon I ype of Identification i ype of Identification PrudacE'a Produced (Signatore of Motar y Pa61ic-State of Florida) (Signature of -State of Florida) ;; > E Com i ! ASRLt nn E 6tETF:ANF� ! Commission N •- AS�� M BEf,(7 •' #M 1nu • IS�IOIQ rr FFyv21 EXPIRES July Z2,Zu19 tJ0 r,a7 8J >EXpf►� wr E8- rz� a REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE GROVE wulG I ER KEvIEw REviEvv REvIEvv REvIEvv REvIEvv REvIEw DAlt RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev.8/2/17 aq CERTIFIE ,' I add �Wood Ceffifficate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number:7615287 Date:08-01-208 Model Status:Active AHRI Type:SP-A Series:NUTONE P7RE SERIES Outdoor Unit Brand Name:MU i ONE Outdoor Unit Mosel Number �uon'aenser or Single Package):P7RE-036K Region: All(AK,AL,AR,AZ,CA,Cu,CT,DC,DE,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IA,iA,KS,KY,LA,MA,MD,ICE,MI,MN,MO,MS, MT,NC,ND,NE,NH,NJ,NM,NV,NY,OR,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,SD,TN,TX,UT,VA,VT,WA,WV,WI,WY,U.S. Territories) Rx�yiv-Mate: um,tral air conditiuner3 manufactured p,for to JanoaF y 1,2015 are eligible to be installed in all regions until Jane 30,2016.Beginning July 1,2016 central air conditioners can only be installea in region(s)for which they mast the regional efficiency regtiiiemcnt. TMa manetactorer of this NOTONE pr.doat is rm.Ponai6le tar the rating of this system combination. Rates as follows in accordance wiut the rarest edition of RNSUxARI 21 urz4U wkR Addenda i arw 2,Perrormance Rating or unitai yy Air-C:ondRiuni"y&Aij-Source Heat Pomp Equipment and bo5ject to eating accuracy by AHRI-Sponsored,independent,third party testing: Cucliny Capacity(Az)-Siityle ur Riyh Stays(95F),btah:35000 SEER:14.00 EER(A2)-Single or High Stage(95F) :11.00 T"Active"Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale;OR new motieis tnat are Dew' marketed but are not yet being produced."Production Stopped"Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program PaMcipan,is no longer producing o0 i is^to selling or offering for sale. c all liivuiojltdlv Mlldtu. I tit:liew ijublibried raunu u WILH LH L)F15VlUU5ll.e.VVM0Jraunu. ;. DIaC[AlfilER AnRI Does not enoo.se die p.-oauctt,i listea on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no responsibility for, the protiuci(si listen on tRis certlncate.ARRI e;zpressl,disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s),or the unautnorizea alteration oT Data listea on finis Certincate.Certified ratings are valid onl,for models and configurations listed in the Directory at www.allrlalrectory.o.-g, g rERIYIa AND CDnDIr o to ` i Dls CeRln 0 Itsc cate an s contents a;a proprietary products or AHHI.This Certificate shall only be used for individual,personal and conntienual reverence purposes.r nc contents oT inis Certificate me,not,in whole or in part,be reproduced;copied;disseminated; emerea into a computer Database;or otne...:ae utilized,is an,corm or manner or b,an,means,except for the user's individual, low U personal anti conntiemial reverence. AiR-Culivlii0nlivti.Rt.nii t CERHFICArEvEnirl%ASIUM &nntrtlGERArIDRIRsiiro r Me imormation Tor ine model cites or,this cerliTlccte man be vcriried at www.ahirldirectory.org.click on"Verify Certificate"link b�fifer i_\fie, ana enter me ARRi Certinea Reverence Number aria in.D..t.on anion ine certificate was issued, wnicn is listen above,ana time Certiucate No.,wnicn i-liatea at bottom right. 02018Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: f3177599a�'o�rravui