HomeMy WebLinkAboutbuilding permit AEE APP[ICASEE II9rO 100b i BE CORIP[ETEO FOR APP[IW i ION 10 BE ACCEP i ED Date: Permit Number: Building Permit Applicadon vianning anff Development cervices euiaaing ana Cove Regulation uivision z.07 virginia Avenue,Port Pierce Ft i4SB1 PRone:(i iz]'FOL-1]7i Fax: (11z)zF3z-A7i$ Commercial Re.Aential FERMI I APPCILA I IuIQ FOR: Tu Seluct from dri,pbC;A, dick arru., at the -und of lin-0 fill' . PRuPu5Eu IMPRuvEIVIERi CUL-AHON: A00ress: c�Oyu" N. 14wLi � 1f joa C Legal Description: N-1 133 'f af) i otxA:L tdQC1h 4-/QA Property Tax ID N: MY-Le61- 01o6- 000'S` Lot No. Sitc Plan 19arnc: Block No. P.v�eci M.rmc: betI5.eR. From &CR: Ribfft Ji0c: CcT[SiOc: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace mC, exact Change Out with tun, ///SEr_m, _X__. KW AC unit LONS I ROL I IUN INN-URIVIA I ION: itiona wor to e e orme under t is permit—rheek P apply, �nvAC Gas ianR Gas Pip:ng Inzlfluricr. Q wi�.tlo.:�T�ovr9 Elet'iric 0 Plum5ing UbprinRiers 1:1 Generaio.- Ravi Rvvr Pilch i oial�,q. Fi or Construction: a Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction:5 c9 c'S0� Utilities. Sewer Septic Building Height: uvvMER/1E55EE: CON I RAL I OR: Marne 6r-rirC1 �joF5 ZoG�r Dame: Danni�ZPuak AdUrc3.: 0.S /�w C Company: AIRS American Residential Services City: - Ff pie)-C-e _ Slate: —F_ Address: Zip Code: 3q9 4g-�-__ Fax: city: vero eeacR ,Fare:FC Phone Igo. '/'7a W toV Lip Cone: FP..: r rl r94-9r83 E-Mail, Phone No. 772 794-72OLi Fill in fee simFIe Title Holder on next page;if different E-Mail: C_ L'w'k c' Cr) from the Owner listed above] State or County license: �I01�iz�aros h value of construction Is$z_ZU or more,a REiunoED Moxice or Commencement is requires. 5UPPEEM1tIQ IAE uuM51 RG_L I IUM dtN LAW 11VURIOIA I lulu: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: x Not Applicable MURIGAGt COM PAR T: ROt Applicable Name: Name: Atlttress: Asaress: City: Mate: City: state: Lip: rhone: Lip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: - Not Applicable Name: ivame: Address: ,address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I.edify rRar nv-orR or E.-..rallarivn Rai eor17n7encea prior to tRu i„eoneo via permit. St.Lucie Count makes no representation that is granting a t,ermit will authorize the ermit holder to build the subject structure -Rich f.,in coFifl:cr.:Im arix appl.eoale rioTc awned A.,3ecrarioR i'efe3_a,lo.,OF..nd coTen.nt�tti..t FR.l F..tF.0 or pr niSit AacFt structure.Please consult with your Rome owners Association and review your'ueeO for any restrictions wRicR may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance witR the approve'a pians,tRe Florlaa Sullaing Loges and at.Eucie wunty AmenRments. i ne Toilo-ing auilaing permit application.F.Fc c..empr TFe...011913cFgein6 a Tell voRceF.cne, Fv-ie-:Foorm dinitia147, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Tour failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result In your paying twice for irmprovzmZ-t3 to your property.A Nut= of C—Wmmzricement mu3t be recorded and posted on the;obsite before the first inspeEtion. If you intend t6 obtain financing_ consult with lender or an attorney before cc;mmenciFig work ur recurding your Notice of Commencement. Signature of O er/Eessee/rtgent sfsnar��e or C�-tr.. /acan,e rieln�. STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA CC)0iq i r OF stt-d. COUR I T OF sit,:. 1 no faVins lmtren,cnt.a,..emaw.leasca 6erorc n,c The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me mis May or .:flPr. / c17 rf k oy TRis4idL May or 1212t, r ,A L'r__'oy 13—mis Zacvk Cimmi:Zewk (N of r per., cRno-lodui TliggaLure of Nota P blic-State of Florida) (!�ignaterc at Not..y Pa6I - atc of Fi..riaaKli ] Personally Rnown - 'vR Producedu identification Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Type of lacntitic.tlon Produced i,pe or Rl.ridncation Pr cineci'I Commission NJFM2019 _ 1 ADERBY Commi��ion Irv. FF2zo93o :P, 7a r (Seal)BETH pERr9f , R1Y CoiGIMIS51a,11 q FFu0930 ` �7 rr�'m1o11 Pp a 3q EXPIKE5 Apd!ta.jU1I � EXPIRE3Ait fa,zu1 REVIEVva FROIVI LUM11Z aGPERviaoR P17111a vEGETAii0N aEA 10KIEt MAIQGROvE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVI1vv RIMIEW uA r E COivIPLETE INITIALS maul CERTIFIEU' Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Refar.nee Nomb.r 9474297 Ootc:08-02-2018 Moacl 5t.ta3:Acti.e AHRI Tyra.RCO-A-CB 5.ria:.COMF13R 1 14 AC Dalaver Omit Brans Rape CARRIER Detdeer Unit Model Nepber (Condoner or 51n5le P.ok.t a):24ACU430A'030' Irideer Unit Model Number(E.apopater amdloi:Air Handler):1`84CNFOAC Region soutneast ane Morth(A[.AR.Or, DE.FL,tjA,HI,KY,LA,MD,M5 NC OK,SC.TN.TX.VA,AK,CO.CT.ID,IL, IA,IN.K5 MA.ME.MI MN.MID MT,NO.NE,NH,NJ,NY,OH OR,PA RI,SO,UT,VT.WA,WV,VIA,WY,0.5. Territories, Region Mote Central a:r oonditiumefe p.mefoclured prier 1.Jan-z.ry 1,2015 ore eligible to be installed in all fegiaFio anttl Jane 30,2016.Beginning Jely 1,2016 o.ntrel air tioridit mars can only be installed in rayiom.$)for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The p.Fier.cturer or tills CARRIER prodeM I_m-p�mslble top tn.ratima of tfli:a,ote-eopsimauan Rated Tollovrs in.ctmfd.m—;ifi the latest edition of ANSIIAHRI 2101240 with Addenda 1 a„d 2,Perfonn.m� RA g of Onit.1 r Air-Conditioning&Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject r9 rating accuracy 4y AMMI-sponsored,,ndepenuent,tfTfa party testhiy. Cooling Capacity(A2)-Single or High Stage(95F1,btuh:28200 SEER:14.00 EER(AZ)-sirr wic or Rich Stag.(95F) :12.00 1- coa-Mosel St-ma.ra,ho o.Rat an-RRI Coronoarion Program F.niopanl a corrtndy pro°°dng—19 oerling or wraring Fur sale,oR new mo°cls Inar are acing rn.rk.ted but.r■cot;.t being'roduced'Production 51.Irped'Model Stale--...Ih.-that an AHRI Cart fieetien P-g...rn P.rtieipant is me longer producing BUT is sIJI galling or offering for sale Fgting.%ih�a arm==rn"nieu Fly WAS inuir*v gn invcl;miary re-rale The new pibi shed rat r; is shown afor+a wilw.the previous d a WAS)rating DISCLAIMER ,, „• mRl°pea nvr ennorm urc proaar.µ7,lure.on.RR tT,.i„wrc an manes nu,ep,ee.nnitions,wa,ranei.n ur go.rant..n as to,and asset,as no responsibility for. the Frodect(=)listed.a this Cvrtifleete.AHRI e-;;mssl;disclaims all li.bility Ier damage--of any kind.rising not of the use ar pvrfenn.ace of th.produm(y,or:hw unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate.Certiled ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the dlrccmry a:�..hridiro.ro:y.or�,. TCRm5 NO CaNDITioRS Th z Cemiflv.;e .nd Its eentena art propriamry prods—of AHRL This C.,dfl=w shall only be aged for f..dl:l.a.f,personal ano _- confidential rercrence purposes The contents of this Certificate may not In whole or in part be reproduced;copied;disseminated; an:ar—in'-.conrpea:r oaelaase;yr wrrrrse opium,Ir.any ma"ur manner or my any mans,errcepL-Me es.r's inurvr■cal, pnrenal a:d wafld.ntlal rebrnee. AIR-CONDITIONING,HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION .Her"iMER Mum IR77rTQTC The irrf-uratloe for the model cited_n this wrtlflwt_-e b■!erifled at—. hrldir■ct.,.■rg,CJL-k on"V.rif,-Cuptifia-W link p4...o RC LfC t !!CF ane cme,Inc nRRi Cardricu Reference Nombe,ane the date on which the certificate was Issued, which i:listed abov.,and the Certifivat.No-which IS listed:.1 bo—:Ighti - cDZOJaAirConaixioning,R.aung,ane Rorrigarerien Insliret. CERTIFICATE NO.: '7cm.uZzo Miclleile FranRl;n, CFA-- Saint Cade Cuunty PmpertyAppraiser--All eights mvservA. Property Identification Site Address: 5055 N HIGHWAY A 1A,Oz mpaml lu: 1414-601-0105-000-5 Account Pr: 7282 map iu. 14.14N U.c l y yc: 0400 zoning: Cit'Zoa.ty; SM.71.L=w1v Cannty ownership I otal Areas Roger G G W.-..dboi..(LF ES U) Arlene P Grandbois ELF c.5 i 1 r inisneWunaer Aip(sr): 5055 N A I A 91OzL Gros.A�cw 5F : Fo7-.Pig zc-FL 34949 ) Lan'u Size nacres): Le&ol Description L..na J:Zo(sF): BRYN mAWic C;CFAN TOWERS BGILungU C UNIT 102 FOR IA2-291: 3987-320) Current values JllsulvlarKet vaiue: 51_=,900 Aa.caaca Vwlllc: 3101,825 exemptions $50,000 I«;;wD1E Valee- 351,825 Taxes for this parcel- SLL tax Zoiiectoes Orrice G IJwWawaa 1 Kim Ie. tniz r«.-eel: D.wnlv..a PDF0 ln: la.TerR7.tbr1 iu uclic�ca tv l7c EoRccl ui Iji10 iiTic blli ii is subject to change and is not warranted. Q CRpyribl�l ZO18 Sa:r�,Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved.