HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application gUL AppLWM E l ",uST[fig COMPLETED FOR APP ' "TO BE ACCEPTRI 0 Date E Cc R IV E D Cc ' ED � Win Permit Application AUG 0 3 2018 -' Planning a �t� eRt&—VdM Building and�e Beagaltadaaa� Won Permitting 'Department ViaginiaaAvenue,FFsaat'PlerceFL34� S • ie County,, Phone-.�2)462-15153 Face(772) 157 Commercial Y� FL ILICATION FOR: To SeledfroM dray, dak W at ft end of lblz- L-C)CAT Address: VA-k ��c�, o��\Ps�rt s#.Lucie-34952 ]L l�ga oa�o l saf 3414-501-'1701-t� -Sparish 1LaX9s CM E Proper Tax ID Lot No. Site Plan{Name: Bloch No_ Proect Vie: } ^�Setbacks Front � ck--r R t Sidor- E�Sime: IDE i sED 0.3y.d'b..�R'9-1;0�J� 0v- �l�'ll�0Rd: j i DemblYdon of mobile ho ac d►ttonat%,voi is co a Dertormesi under this permit—chectc all tna apply: HVAC Gas Tank Gas Piplaa� _Shaalters �Windows/Doors Elestnc C3 Plumbing LjSprinklers 0 Generator Rosh Totts Sq.Ft of Coasts Glom Sq.Ft of Furst Floor: I Cost of Conastucoon:$ wr'o Suer peptic B.sildirg Height- 0 v ei t:C;' uli?E 1,z;?�C E: CON7 PA -30-R: t mamilhwm SLmim camomfim Name: Matthew Lyle Wpne Address:SOOD,%tAb US S 1,Siffle 402 Company,"Mm Denlopvmi Cwporaftn may, Port St Lum StateoFl- Address:80DO South US 2,Suite 402 mala Code.34952 Fax-772-878432,24 ;Cary,PodSt Lzme 5#ate:ft_ Phone N0.772-9713 Zip Cove: 34952 F .772-a7"224 E-Mail:3WOm�(LICOM phone No. 7724r/8-55ii— Fill nes%&amiTCftlP-HaMeren nodpagm(NdfiffereW E-Meth mw0wjmisbm=n *wn the Ownw hs abme) State or Cmmty l lcense: of value of comrucdon is$zsw or more,a RrzconvEla ivatice of commencement is required. C l 91 UPM€ �' INFOR c{AT1 1 = 60NEERs blot Applicable MORTGAGE COMPAW: �hoot Applicable Name: Name: Adds ess• Address: City: Stwte: ltv. State: 7jp: Phone: Zip:: Phone: 1 FEE SRMPLE TUTU HGLD iRo r Not Applicable SONDWNG COMPANY; jpt Applicable Marne: Name: Address.- Address: city: City: zix -Phone: Zip: Phone. I<certWy that no work or installation.has commenced prior to the issuance of a.permit St Lucie Cour�t�makes no repr tarion that isgrantinga p it wig audwrize$he�errrai>c holder to bull d e s> aject stsa�c re which is:n.coarllict wwany appi"icable Hoine CE�1lners Assocdaden rules,bylaws oranr3�venants that may seri rict,or prohibit such structcrm PWase consult mft your home yrs Assoclatiotn and revie v your gleed for any restrictions Whidh.rmay apply. Inconsideration of the grant ofthis m ted permit,I do hereW agree that j will,in all respects,perform the�erork in accordance WO the approved Marrs,the Florida Wilding Codes and St*Lude ODunty Amendments. The following building pem. t applications are exempt from undergoing a full corrcurrercy revfqw.room adcritions, amessosy structures,svmmmling pools,fences,walls,signs,so-am rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use 1pa-Ong for improvements to your property.A fotice of Commencement must be recorded and erste on the jobsjte bef=ore the first inspections If you intend to obtain financing,consult vvith lender or an attorney before commend.g walt or recalff-ding your l lotice of Commencement. 48namire of i7t�ar�,�'��/.t� �igna€Ure of�ntractmrJUoerase Holder' R AT FLOMDA STATE OF FLORODA rhe fo Ing•irWrument was admotWedged before ire Therforgoing.insimment wras ad'm mledged re me this S,_,day of Zia aEry *ft j qday of`�rS.A-�� ,20 ....Ys bV' �It�uzs=nrLyf=vi.�rrrc: reaur:ecraryaavyr�a:a #nameof P n acknoeutedga'rhiarr of ra acov�rledgi i` sure-of Notartr P.taEilec-State of da rida.. I PersonalkKnow 08 Produced Identification Personally Known X 6ZrCouced-Ideofiffcaiion Type.of identrfcabon Peoducec Twe of Identification Produced Commission Foca. Comm .�•r ek;• - aEE alb MY COMMiSO GEE * + MY COMMISSION p FF 187647 =+ - 04€ EXPIRES:Febiury 23,2019 ,• %flf�;;.•' 8onded Thru Notary Public Undsnvrifers - Re dU7f. F,r 8onded Thru Notary Public Undsryafterms PIF-VIEWS FROAffl ZONING SUPERVWR PLANS vEzwmnom S a wRTi°E mAli GRovE DATA COMPLY lF3.lTbAi.S