HomeMy WebLinkAboutbuilding permit ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Pei mit Nomuer: Building Permit Application Planning and uevelopmenr services Building and Code Revulatlon Division 230 vTT&M A vcnuC,r•OPt FM.I FL 34JSL Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax:(772)462-1578 Commercial Residential x PrRIVII I APPLICATION FOR: To 5eiecut Crum aril uk;R II at tnto twnd-vf iinc Address: 18 /V4 MACK Cho ; Ux1VN Legal Deazurlptlon: - PropertyTax lD#s 3215-801-0009-000-1 Lot No. 2 site Plan name: Block No. 1 Prv)elt Name: nT TOVANNT - Setbacks Front BaCR: Right Side: Batt sides Install power to 3 shutters cv„trolled by remote. shutters installed Ay Foldiiig shutters rolding Shutters permit # sLC 1807-0541 c '. i orta wor o r orme un er s perm -c ec a app r: (IHVA,L Gas Tank UGas Piping Shutters Windows/Doors Ljelectric 0 Plumbing LiSprinklera Generator Roof i otal Sq.Ft of Construction: S .Ft.or First Hoor: Cost of Construction:$ 18 0 0 Udlitles:12 sewer 0 Septic Budding Height: ROBER ll1CilUVHNN I Name: JAMES IS, W1LL1,RMS Dame_, Address: 18704 MACH ONE DKivt� _ Company: AKL1LVbTON ELECTRIC t.ity: PORT ST LUC1t� state: FL Aadress: 3251 st; ulAIE HWY zip code: 34987 Fax: City: STUART StatJ8!O zI Co77 de: s4997 Fax: / /z-z87 Phone No. 508-31 /-4_n /0 P r-Mail: Phone No./ /2-287-1353 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail:gregg@�L 1 ingzonelectrlcifrom tFie Owne, listed above) state or County License: KC13007767 if value of constractwn Is$zwu or more,a ReCuRDO Notice of t ummancemil Is reyyiraa. DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _Not Applicable MORTGAGE✓COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Lip: Phvric: FEE SIMPLE TITLE BOLDER: _Nut Applicable BONDING v-OMPANy: not RNplkciblC Dame: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the Issuance of a permit. st.[ucie County makes no represei�Cation that is granting a permit will authorize the ermit holde{to build the subject.,trurture which Is In conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or anycovenantb that may repict or prohibit Bach structure.Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any re.,trictlona wnlCf9 may appiy. In unsideradon of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that i will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. i he following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a tad coi,currency mvi-nr:room additions, acceaQv�yy atrUCEarea,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-i—cAtientlal use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your propeRy.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the joGslte Buture tRu first inspection: if yvu intend to oGtain financing,consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or revording Vour Nutit.e of Comm encem nt. t s _Signature of owner/Lessee/Agent &I—ghd u of Conti a urflicen.e o der STATE OF FLORIDA STAT F FLORIDA COUNTY OF COUNTY OF MARTIN The forgoing Instrument was acknowledged before me i he forgoing instrument way acknowledged before me this—day of . 20 by this_L` or U 20 18 by A. JAMES K WILLiams (Name of person acknowledging) (Name of person acRnavvledgii--s) (Signature of Notary Public-State of Florida) signature Eary Public-State of Florian Personally Known OR Produced Identification P;araunally Known x um Proaacea Idinalficadon Type of Identification Produced Type of Identification Produced �i1O ; GR6iiG n q!33 Commission No. (Seal) cummis.ion �'�'b""�"•- ��'111�riir�i PIIpi1C• tatCommission N GGBo.�Uea th,oayh Rationa Kevised 07/15/2014 REVIEWS rRUNT ZONING SUPERvIbUR PLANS VEGETATION SEATO i CE MANGROVE COUNTER REviEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REvIEW DATE irUMPEETE INITIAES v i i I LT 1 = � . I ZIP i 1 DIGIOVAN191 BOB co o ..o_ nZW&JR1 Castle '18704 Mach One Dr m o Aero Acres impact wi"duw4 M '' w "' gI Port Sain[Lucie, FL 3498i FACTORY DIRECT SINCE 1969 E;ect,izai Contractor:a, ,'A, . 0 rno„e#: Fax#: r,oject: a CA � LZcation:��� `' 1 `I�L�� C71-' L bAiz,tL„g Service Feede, SL c: 1� C-A- Existing ra„'cl Size: v Mau,beaker Size: O V Number of ts,eakers: Existing Loads q 1 S Sq.Ft.X 3 Wattl'ye, sq.ft............................ watts _ ,vl,pliance cir.(Wi:)u0 watts each.................... `LO-u-O watts Laundry cir.go lwu Watts each...................... waus Range(,8 kw................................................. watts L;shwasher and di.,Ye.al L 1500 watts each.... fSZN watts iwicrowave @ 20OU Warts............................. fl)-(jtiy watts Water heater L 4..)k W................................ Lt S-U watts 1 ankless water heate,.................................. wattb L)ryc. L 5 kw........................................... 9—b'SU watts ( r efr:gerator @ 1.)0 W atrs ........................ 5 (1 h watts _buinrcom 1 () 1500 Warts .......................... watts t Sp,inkier Pump .,._ L S-U V watts Otnc, �v u, Y'w.r� �'�(N waltz watts Q Otne, watts S„D total -1 fir Watts lvew Loads Poolp,.,,,F............................................... watts Poollight................................................. watts Heat1,u„,p............................................... watts Ch1o,LL,e generator...................................... watts Ai, blower................................................ watts Boatlift.................................................... watts Othca S��. watts Othc, ................ watts Othe, ................ watts Total Watts First 1 u Kw @ 100%............................................. watts Remahae, @ 40%................................................... watts A/C heat @ 100%.................................................... L watts iotal watts GL-S Divided by z40 volts= Z 5 Amps Prep.,ad by: Late: T:\bld\bldg_tu,mS\New Applicatirna\Fu.ms\Elcetrioal Lvad ueiculationzAac 1014/2M 1, v a 'T 1� 02/2,il?012 11 :14 #1112 P.008/O10 r Operators (120V ,.- 6011Z AC - :. -Diametef- E30m�ff (2.5 in.) = y� -tntegfatua radii) 6.ak esn for Ofis s 1.fi b.n� �„ 1 --Hectuonic limit setting -3 feet of Motur cable RCSFk Approved 27 r aq,, -FCC Approved 3 -IP 44 Ratt!d Sl'Tying WeIgnt T 12 fb; 0. ts fAtn�S 1Gt Et SlAaitcn Run 1,1T>� ib./l9I„► (rpm) - (rotation x;rne) zuQ6060 O3tJ 160 14 285 -- — Av�r6�61 �1J � 1� X.0 3 Minutes 4 3&4 3.T; 3 minuWs �a�6( 62 80 1100. 14 4_10 3.8 __.3 4 -xxu volt operate,5 are avakib+e as a sPcr:iai oreer. -All Sim+a i zuv-hDHz/.kC Mparators come stan'aa,rl%,ith a 6r,ilt in electric brake.nnr9);mit swiP6�11. I UY f7rf WesT Nf Etii Bvu6:k`ls' L7evc.io„merttSewlc�=l3�,,,,,tR,en( 7 3- Offk al.Pernmccord 4�Eoi1: � -- D?/)1l2D12 11 :14� 8i1�•l. 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Then::vJifl et-: RSi$nr i eeiJ7CJ6 tiT7,tt 0,a i,Ot:.n to tnr7Che r.;nr "t it y�IIiCJ Del , 1nrf1{ 1L7(19Ci tr,rtli ;]nC'fi,L rT is f�(}FiK�'rno.`nt GtFrri MA. wit ink sola r;rn;i to a rn r e oul.)l,pole., 'Irxrbl,�, whirj).�wrj1r}is[Amb l'gift,motn(r. 1U u br�A otoPs P-'i it I'Md,}n riiraz�,i-,.';l`.,iapre(µ6.,fur P,f_`.t.(r rm t1 in i.Aittol''S 1,:,t,dti bacK m MmirirT tMmugl,thel1r,r' iricrt.�s\\�trhe,W Inc,Uri. 3ath Oppwahr: Rrrp rt�i'�(i,ln if)oppm ht!dirrst.5r.ii1.,iat,tar'fi.tr,Fa priwFl1. i PctsSihl= r;�U{@hTi:When S'hurn(1)Ir;-w rim a i:41;Chr-,r i cil.rij-\Nrll brgil t rt-inning in illr,::Ct on i.An,;;,3i.P.CI1es ,trirQsv 1hr 1 N41 wm Dpmv-...}t'a1 Mn Same;(7C.rr 16;,e li i iin,e swlirl)(P--)l^(1r r,C!C1,LSn,tfmo'inolt_,r wiil(3PM' I:w In Me cmppmsl1A C'li"nrtinn. r iris + %A,7v mu rar mrmt::id iile em,F.ffs FpC1i he?rary r\4ri nj)y'a will)'i;1r SIli U I R I r!3�!�rF.FcrI7CB('[]IP9��cror,irgl. , 3. . T nz yi t;m nsmitCMj mi C1OFEs,=!)nrl-cttr..ei('ir,�? thr,c-.-ap mikirm1n;ml,i,;;)nadef!f Rt lt: (t1F1�:�rl om volfeg6('SOV).Ag.n Iggoit the xit rd\a lg1 l4 dr..,iagL'c1 �.,Ibtiurt:1Jsr:.m:IMN' to b1iUr_p-iori;inS;t"in rR C .R7r,.,f.Oian(llnCf mPlif Site s,.Pals. D,,rlrsl uar.- y ctLa,icSn, t a'liOi,t`:,µAir;Tr,._i mac). c,+-,n..ir11 , mr-'r.:`+IMU Com-rol SyeCan:are drssiynod:o mrnpj'y krjM)tl,r=tee :was i;., is rlit'arha n„d ac=UrF rellabie ope:f.ilbn 5t iiiaYnrii:(td �y:iiCIT 3. i��R;xaitl71l�r1ec.FO for r ,wa h)Sle irFtiiit 1pk�S,mlrl the Sf\4Ii.114farranty. wt m T fmP; \ ! i-R•' R$'i UflcrllSvrrrkc;h VV? f\4ntER VMrn5jj+g Wt 'r 6h%^, Miurnsw,^ran1 ' I nsimal FMffirinr C,,rimalthr GRID Ground Motor P11 ing i 11 evS n -��i�-, ; �• f i -rs-T - ,,,roe �; ,,^n�'.PECT � iFICCoFxfi:R>~T rwrr.i 4Ut W1 i FryVncH; Ns t � � till' -- HOf �niggt,• I/[i,t7t , kRt4QF4n;r.GT IBM— li