HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions OFFICE USE ONLY: ld V-14 DATE FILED: PERMIT# O�O" o43 REVISION FEE: �S•�� RECEIPT# 61,Y03072 PLANNING&DEVELOP ENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGUL TION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIAVENUE FORT PIERCE, L34982-5652 (772)46 -1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILD NG PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION z LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 4804 EVERGREEN AVENUE,FORT PIERCE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: INSTALLING JA TAYLOR ROOFING 5V CRIMP METAL PANEL ROOF OVER 30#FELT UNDERLAYMENT INSTEAD OF SHINGLES CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: CCC1325895 ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: 23018 BUSINESS NAME: J.A.TAYLOR ROOFING INC QUALIFIERS NAME: KYLE WHITE ADDRESS: 302 MELTON DRIVE CITY: FORT PIERCE STATE: FL ZIP: 34982 PHONE (DAYTIME): 772-466-4040 FAX: 772-468-8397 OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: EMMA&THOMAS EFFEND ADDRESS: 4804 EVERGREEN AVE CITY: FORT PIERCE STATE: F L ZIP: 34947 PHONE(DAYTIME: 772-464-7802 FAX: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: N/A ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: SLCCC: 9/23/09 Revised 06/30/17 amRh w I ION ZJ BCiS Homo Cog In User Registration ;E Hot Topla I Submit Surcharge S is&facts Publications f11C Staff �' DC15 Site Map ' Links Search richrN - Pr6d sd Approval ' USER! ^A F SF Product Approval Meda>.Product or Aoplira Ion SeaFch>Ariolication List>Applicatl n Detail • FL# FL14645-R I , � if -y •1,s41 i Application Type Revision RECEIVED Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved JUL 13 1019 Comments' Permitting DePartment St, Archived Lucie COUn ;(�. t, ProductManufacturer Metal Sale Manufacturing Corporation j Address/Phone/Email 545 South 3rd Street,Suite 200 Louisville, KY 40202 (502)855 4300 dstermerCe metalsales.us.com Authorized Signature. David Ster lier dstermer@ metalsales.us.com Technical Representative Atldress/Phone/Email Quality Assurance;Representative 111111119aw LJN V I Address Phone Email W LE Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roo ng Cornpliance<Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 0 Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida`;Engineer or-Architect Naoie'Wh'o'developed the•Bala Sock lingam Evaluation•Report Florida License PE-62240 Quality Assurance-Entity Keystone ertifications,Inc. Quality AsSurance Contract Expiration Date 12/27/20 6 Validated By Yoosef La i,P.E. l+!1 Validal ion Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate,oPindependence F 14645 3 COI Ce ifiteInde a dente df Referenced-Standard and Year(o.'f@tandard) EtandarYear FM 4470 2012 TAS 125 2003 UL 1897 2012 UL 580 2006 _ r 6 Equivalence�ofProduct Standards 157,LUGIE C�tIIdYY Certified By BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED Sections from,the Code- FOR CO CE EVIEWED BY ATE PLANS AND PERi MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE Produft'Approval Mdhod Method Iption D Date 50niffted 09/09/201 A Ll t Oate-Validated' 09/14/201 bate.Penclinq FBCApproval 09115/201 . babe',ApproVdd 12j12/201 I Summa rVof Products FL 'M odeil,110umber or,Name Pescription 14645.1` 2 5'Corrugated Min.26 ga.,21.33" roof wide coverage through fastened of panel . over min. 19/32"thick plywood deck. Umits,of Use; Installation Instructions Approved4or usdJn'hVHZ:Na:. FL14645.R3 11 EvaluationRel2ortC218 I.pdf ,ApOfdv4d:f6r uge:outsidq HVHZ:,Yes, Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 impact itesistant:N/A: Created by Independent Third Party:Yes De,sign pressure,-+N/A/6S6'iO- Evaluation Reports .dther:,U-Oiift'load bi262.3psf,at fastener spacing of 361'o.c. FL14645 R3 AE Evaluation ReportC21 8Z l,pd and 86.1 at fastenerspacling of Created by Independent Third Party:Yes psf 14645.21 15V-Crlmp Min.26 ga.,24 wide through fastened roof panel over min. 119/32"thick plywood deck with fasteners through panel flat. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use'In IjVHZt No EL14645 R3 II Eva uationReportC2182 2.pdf Approved foruseoutsidie HVHZi Yes Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 'impact ResistaI tr N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure.+N/A/-149.6, Evaluation Reports th-6 Uplift of 64.5�psfat fastener spaclng'of 24"o.c., EL14645 R3 AE.EvaluationReportC2182 2,pd if at, sit,ener�spaclnq,of.166--,ox.:,tfnd 149.6 psf at Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 'fastener spacing of S2"o.c;: SV-Crimp Min.26 ga.,24"wide through fastened roof panel over min. 119/32"thick plywood deck with fasteners through panel rib. ;Winifto'f,Use Installation Instructions A' FL R3 11 FvaluatlonReportC2182 3.pd pprdved for�use In HV"Z:l No .Approved proved for,use outside HVH!i,Yes Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Impact Resistant:, I N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design-Pressure.+N/V-;,1§6:7�� Evaluation Reports O#her Uplift 40�,6f.41.6 1�psf at,*,fastener spacing of 36"o.c., FL14645 R3 AE Evalu t ongepoftC2182 3,Dd psf at faiienenspaciq4`bf and 1,961715,psf at Created by Independent Third Party:Yes fOstdri#e spacing:of ox. t J4645A Min.26 ga.,24"wide through fastened roof panel over min. 15132"thick plywood deck or 7/16"thick OSB with fasteners through panel rib. Limits oc'use Installation Instructions Approved f4br.use in HVHZ-.'No, FL14645 R3 11 EvaluationReportC2182 4.od Approved for use,out,sid'e'H'-V'-HZ.,Yes: Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Impact Resist**.N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 'Design Pressure:+N/A`/;-172.5 Evaluation Reports 'Other:Uplift load 91"30.0 psf at fastener spacing of 36"o.c. FL14645 R3 AE EvaluationReportC2182 4-Vdf ana:i)12:5,ps6t--fdstendr"spacing of,6"-o.c. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Nom.0.032"thick,36"wide,aluminum through fastened roof 5 Aiumindrn:Classlc,Rlb ro 1 1panel over min. 15/32"thick plywood deck or 7/16"thick OSB. Linilits ofi)se, Installation Instructions App df L14645 R3 11 Ey luaflonRepgrtCZ18Z 5,odf rqKe, �cfr 4sgf, No F Approv6d,for:ds6=VHV,Yes Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Impact Reslitan b,N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes besi§'rf Pressure*+N/A/420 Evaluation Reports Othdr:�Uplift load,of 30 psf at fastener spacing of'36"o.c.and FL14645 R3 AE EvaluationRepor-tC2182 5,pd Ti6 p Created by Independent Third Party:Yes psf fastener spacing of 6.1';o.c� 44645.6 Aluminum Vertical Seam Orn.0.032"thick, 16"wide,aluminum standing seam roof 3anel over min. 15/32"thick plywood deck or 7/16"thick OSB. imiis:of tise Installation Instructions -A00roVO for',,u;sq In HY,HZ:,No FL14645 R3 11 EvaluationReportC2182 &yd Approved for use outsidle'HVHZe Yes; Verified By:Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 ;i4j) 4#Res�istaqt::N A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure,.+N/A/97.0.5 Evaluation Reports i,qth4r.,qp 'di ,p piftJopo�qu4j-.6 pjeah'dip_spacing acing of 36"`ox.,71.0 r s`a rt32 j`• 1 c - tic 3H ' • j 3 f k j � X Ste. x c � � .t;,�TM-y; of �•... �, h .. r t� _ 4EMALUATIQNREPO T OF METAL SALES MANUFACTURIN CORPORATION F /ry i }., �J 1 • 2�A ' fi Y^" /S `26 RI GA.5 C MPP EL' FLORIDA B.,UILDCODE, . 6 EDITION 2 ING T ( 017) FLORIDA PRODUCT AP ROVAL ' 14645.3-R3 - r ' % � ' t. z ROOFING METAL ROOFIN • P h 3 { �£ :f 7 ;` Prepared For �, r MetalSalesManufacturing.' orporation 545 South 3rd,Street;Su to 200 Lotusville KY 40202' z ' 'i'eleploner`'(502)855- 300 Fax (502)855-4200 r �� S.t § iv_ r,r y fl 1 fit• biz �P S ' .t ' t s i f •� i.-' zy repared By: t t 1 t i - . r Baia Sockaliiigam,Ph .,P.E. F.or.A( -Professional Engin er#62240 h 1-1,16'N,Lansing"Ave.,S flte+C ' { %,,Tulgio OK 74106 3 Telephone.,(918):492-5,992 366-15 3 • y a 3 3 .� Yl. M This report consists of 5 , EvaluationReport(3 Pages in' uding cover)' ' �e�tteti��r�es Installation Details(1 age) °♦�`' gOCKgL/N�'i,� ♦ �,Q' .*'GE N S'-.U'1, $ �y w .� 62240 No S C ]K • 1 k �t � it y% � OF '" STATE 441 � Report No: C2182.3 _ Date: 9.9,17 '',,`tis,.0`p R!o ° ALS > y I 4 t •, 'r Cat}§ "' t z '°xz a FL 14645.3-R3 C2182-3 9.9.17 7 Page 2 of 3 Manufacturer: ;1VIetal,Sales Manufacturing Co oration Product:Naim- 5-V`Crimp Panel'Description; 24"wide coverage with;(S) 1/2' high ribs Materials:: Min ;2'6 ga., 50.ksi steel. Gal anized coated steel (ASTM A653) or Galvalume:coated steel(AST � A792) or painted steel(ASTM A755). Deck:Description: Min. 19132"-plywood or min. o" thick wood plank (min SG of 0.42) ;for new and.existing construct ons. Designed by others and installed as,per F13C 2017 Deck Attachment: :8d x.25"long ring shank nails r#8 x 2" long wood screws @ 6"o.c. (Minimum) in:the fi"eld and a 4" ox.at edt es. Designed as per FBC 2017. 'New'Underlayinent: Minimum underlay ment as per FBC 2017 Section 1507.4.5.1. "Required for.new construction and optional for reroofing construction. Existing Underlayment: '.One;layer.of asphalt:shingles over one layer of#30 felt. For reroofing (OFtonal) construction only. Slope: 1%2:.12 or greater in accordance with FBC 2017 Section 1507.4.2. Requires applied-Jap:sealant for roof slopes less than 3:12. Design Uplift Pressure: 41.6 psf'@ fastener spacing of 6"o.c. (Factor of!Safety=2), 74 8 psf'@;fastener spacing of 6" o.c. 1"9675 psf @ fastener spacing of 8"o.c. Fasteners<Patterft Type: #9 16";or.#10=14 hex head wo d screws with sealed washer. Fastener 'shall be of sufficient length to penetrate through the deck a minimum of 3/8". M panel pends @ 6" o e._across panel width At iritef nediate @ 12`1 o:c.across panel width Test Standards: Roof assembly tested in accordance with TAS 125-03 `Standard Requirements for Metal Roofing Systems'. Code Compliance; The"product described herein has demonstrated compliance with FBC 21017-Sec ion 1507.4. Product Limitations; I3esrgn wind loads shall be delermined for each project in accordance with FBG 2017 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design. The maximum support spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded. This evaluation report is not applicable in High Velocity FL 14645.3-R3 C2182-3 9.9.17 Page 3 of 3 Hurricane Zone. Fire classi cation is not within scope of this Evaluation Report. Refer to FBC 2017 Section 1505 and current ,appro.'Ved. roofing:materials-di ectory or ASTM E108/UL790 report from an accredited.laboratory f r fire ratings of this product. Supporting Documents:: TAS 1'25 Test Reports Farabaugh.Engineering and TeE ting Inc ;Pr6jectN0.'T[81'-0,Reportin Date 7/21/05 (Tests#1 &2) ProjectNo.7240-09,Reportin Date 9/22/09 -Architectural Testing,Inc.—West Palm Beach,FL (Formerly Hurricane Test Labo tory,LLC) Proi_ectNQ>0103-0712-09,Rep arting Date 9/l/09 r E%iSriNG SHINGLES. SL' 2 .EE DETAIL SEE DETAIL 1: NEW.UNDERIAYMENT` FASTENER AT PANEL Ft Ai. SV.-CRIMP" (REQUIRED.ONLY FOR REOUIRED FOR PANEL (OPTIONAL) ^ --,.:. (PANEL OVERLAP) NEW CONSTRUCTION) ENDS OjVLY, i B G UNDERLAYMENT :P� ANEL FASTENER PER' ALLOWABLE EXISTIN "MINIMUM ATTACHMENPt (OPTIONAL) PRESSURE TABLE ON THIS SHEEP. 8i{ x 2 5`LDNG RING SHANK NAIL 1011! .x 2-""LONG WOOD SCREWS SPACED`.8 6°0 C 1N THE HELP. MIN.;2X_ WOOD 0AFTER/J0IW7/ 4" O.C..AT PLYWOOD EDGES' TRUSS AT MAX. 24" O.C. .l TYPICAL PANEL 'INSTALLATION X�-:SECTION i rCl N. �'tsna o #s=i6:oR #10-14=WOODSCREWS ALLOWABLE' UPLIFT PRESSURE 6",N�1 WITH SELF,SEALING'WASHER''AT, a .01 NEW UNDERLAYMENT' MAXIMUM•SPACING,OF'36'"0.C. FASTENER PRESSURE M�j op (REQUIRED ONLY,FOR SPACING (P.SF) 7a NEW CONSTRUCTION) _ {IN) I-En o 5V-CRIMP' 36 41.6 EXISTING SHINGLES MIN 26 GA. ,(OPTIONAL) 16 74,8 Ci Lo 8 196.75 gg EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT PLYWOOD IL (OPTIONAL) 19/32- THICK (MIN.) GENERAL NOTES.' ¢ $ DETAIL 1 1. ARCHITECTURAL ROOF PANEL HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE t1 a8$ FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FBC). z 2. ROOF PANELS SHALL BE MIN. 26 GA. (t = 0.0169`). EFFECTIVE COVERING 1 WIDTH OF PANEL - 24`. #9-16 OR 010-14 WOODSCREWS 3, THE ROOF PANELS SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER SHEATHING & STRUCTURE AS n WITH SELF SEALING WASHER AT SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING. NEW UNDERLAYMENTD.C. MAXIMUM SPACING OF 36" 4. REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS SHALL BE DETERMINED FOR EACH PROJECT. THIS N ' {REQUIRED ONLY FOR i'-�_~ � NEW CDNSTRUCTION) PANEL SYSTEM MAY NOT BE INSTALLED WHEN THE REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS g -. _ i� ............ �: ARE GREATER THAN THE ALLOWABLE WIND LOADS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAW NG. SY-CRIMP =moi.; 5. ALL FASTENERS MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DRAWING &THE FLORIDA EXISTING SHINGLES MIN 28 GAI'~ BUILDING CODE. IF A DIFFERENCE OCCURS BETWEEN THE MINIMUM (OPTIONAL) _i REQUIREMENTS OF THIS DRAWING &THE CODE, THE CODE SHALL CONTROL 6, RAFTERS/JOISTS/TRUSSES MUST BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND MND LOADS AS REQUIRED FOR EACH APPLICATION AND ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. r,_Zz, -1 EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT1 PLYWOOD (OPTIONAL) 19/32" THICK (MIN.) ='/j 2s2 0. DETAIL 2 `` << 1 o t f� 'Planning,&Developmentsennces REVIEW COMMENTS Building 4 Code Reggladon Division 2300-Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce'FL.'34982 Phone:(772)462-2172 Fax:(772)462.6443 Page 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Address: 4804 Evergreen Ave Owner(s): Emma J Effend/Thomas L Effend City/State/Zip: Fort Pierce, FI 34947 Parcel#: 2406-502-0084-000/5 Jurisdiction: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Zoning: RS-4 Lot#: 9 Block: APPLICATION INFORMATION Permit Number: 1806-0459 Stories: Automatic Sprinkler System? No Permit Type: ROOF-FIBERGLASS SHINGLE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name: Kyle White Fax Number: 772-468-8397 Business Name: J A Taylor Roofing Inc Business Addr:; 302 Melton Dr Email: Nadine@Jataylorroofing.Co m City I State I Zip: Ft Pierce, FI 34982 i REVIEWS AND COMMENTS Review Tyoe Status Reviewed By Date Started Date Completed Date Released PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW INCOMPLETE Dave Johnson 7/9/2018 7/9/2018 Comment: PRODUCT APPROVAL SUBMITTED FOR MET L ROOF NOTES DECK SLOPE OF 2:12 OR GREATER. 7/9/2018 Comment: COMMENTS EMAILED TO CONTRACTOR I �.