HomeMy WebLinkAboutTDC 082018 Agenda PacketPlease note – Meetings are recorded.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2018 at 12:30pm
3rd Floor Conference Room
St. Lucie County Administration Building
2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
1. Call to Order ......................................................................................................................Chris Dzadovsky
2. Roll Call .............................................................................................................................. Tayler Hardison
3. Self-Introductions ..............................................................................................................Chris Dzadovsky
4. Approval of the Minutes from June 13, 2018 ....................................................................Chris Dzadovsky
5. Public Comment… ............................................................................................. ……… Chris Dzadovsky
6. Financial & Web Report .................................................................... Charlotte Bireley & Tayler Hardison
a. May & June 2018 Revenue and P & L Report
b. May & June 2018 Monthly Expenses vs. Revenue Comp Report
c. June & July Website Activity Report
d. June & July Social Media Activity Report
7. Vacation Rentals / AirBnB Tourist Tax Collections… ............... ……… Chris Craft, SLC Tax Collector
8. TDC Member Recognition… ..................................................... ……… Chris Dzadovsky & Linda Bartz
9. How To Do Florida – Episode 909… ................................................................. ……… Charlotte Bireley
10. Other Business ...................................................................................................................Chris Dzadovsky
11. Adjournment ......................................................................................................................Chris Dzadovsky
Wednesday, June 13, 2018 ◊ 12:30 P.M.
Members present:
Commissioner Chris Dzadovsky, St. Lucie County
Mayor Greg Oravec, City of Port St. Lucie
Karen Marrone, Hutchinson Island Plaza Hotel & Suites
Paul Taglieri, St. Lucie Mets
Terissa Aronson, St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce
Commissioner Rufus Alexander, City of Fort Pierce
Michelle MacNichol, Perfect Drive Vacation Rentals
Buzz Smyth, The Inlet Grill
Staff present: Katherine Barbieri, St. Lucie County Attorney
Tayler Hardison, St. Lucie County Tourism
Allison MacDonald, St. Lucie County Tourism
Amanda Thompson, St. Lucie County ERD
Michelle Peterson, St. Lucie County OMB
Robert Delgadillo, St. Lucie County Administration
Also present: Ryan Strickland, Treasure Coast Sports Commission
Rick Hatcher, Treasure Coast Sports Commission
Nick Mimms, City of Fort Pierce
Libby Woodruff, City of Fort Pierce
Caleta Scott, City of Fort Pierce
Brenda Josaphat, City of Fort Pierce
Norren Kruse, Hutchinson Island Plaza Hotel & Suites
Linda James, Guest of Noreen Kruse
Ryan O’Connor, Member of the Public
Commissioner Chris Dzadovsky called the meeting to order at 12:24 PM.
Tayler Hardison called roll.
The guests introduced themselves.
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The minutes from April 11th, 2018 and May 9th, 2018 were approved.
No public comment.
6. Financial & Web Report:
Charlotte Bireley reported that Tourism revenues were $322,895 for the month of April
2018, which was a 15% decrease from revenues of April 2017. She attributed the
decrease to a couple of changes; Easter came earlier this year, Spring Training ended
one week earlier & the majority of the teams here for Vinnyball left earlier. She reported
that Tourism revenues remained up 9.4% year to date (October-April). Other hoteliers in
the room believe that the weather this season, affected their lower occupancy rates ,
which would have also led to the decrease in bed tax re venues.
Michelle MacNichol reported that the impact from PGA Golf Club moving from public to
private has majorly affected Perfect Drive Vacation Rentals in a negative way.
Buzz Smyth inquired on an Airbnb update. Commissioner Dzadovsky explained that the
tax collector has not come to agree on a contract with Airbnb due to a few transparency
issues. Currently, the contract does not allow for any auditing capabilities to make sure
these properties are actually paying the taxes. Buzz asked that the tax colle ctor come
present at one of the future TDC meetings on this.
On the revenues versus expenses report, Commissioner Dzadovsky explained that
these numbers do not reflect our carry forward.
Web Report:
Tayler Hardison went over the web report for the month of May 2018. She noted that
there were no paid campaigns directed to the site during the month of May, but that the
new Share Your St Lucie Campaign had just launched at the beginning of June. She
highlighted the continued increase in web visits and time on site compared to 2017.
Commissioner Dzadovsky inquired about the breakdown of the hits to each individual
webcam. Tayler said she would report back on those numbers at the following meeting,
but that the Fort Pierce Jetty Cam is the most highly viewed .
Social Update:
Tayler Hardison went over the social media update for the month of May 2018. She
reminded the TDC that since no paid social m edia campaigns were performed this
month, there was a direct change in the data reflected on Facebook in terms of reach
and engagement. Tayler went over the current data analytics from the first week of the
Share Your St Lucie campaign, which was encouraging local residents to enter to win &
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share for surfing lessons for two. At the current time, the campaign had re ceived 300
clicks and had reached 8,300 people.
7. History of Tourism Capital Funding Projects
Charlotte Bireley went over the history of the tourist tax and how it was established. She
then went over the allocation of each of the five cents. On slide 4, she explained the
detailed breakdown of each division of the cents, 73.5% goes to the Mets stadium in
Port St. Lucie, 20% goes to Tourism Marketing and 6.5% goes to capital facilities in Fort
Mayor Oravec requested a copy of the debt service schedule of Mets Stadium and to be
copied on any ongoing discussions of the current status the Mets renovations.
Commissioner Dzadovsky agreed to keep the Mayor updated on all of these requests.
Mayor Oravec also proposed the idea that the 33% of the 5 th cent not have
geographical contraints, but be awarded based on merit and ROI, while Commissioner
Dzadovsky argued forward the City of Fort Pierce is already only getting such a small
amount of the funds. Mayor Oravec began to argue that the Mets Stadium doesn’t stop
at Midway Road and its impact positively affects the entire county, not just Port St. Lucie
and believes that the City is being boxed out of other opportunities for tourism projects
such as a museum or an art gallery on the river. He then requested to the see the
numbers on the impact of the Mets in the County. Commissioner Dzadovsky requested
that the Mayor bring forward any appeals of moving Mets Stadium elsewhere, to the
board. Buzz Smyth added that he feels a majority of the people in Port St. Lucie do not
travel north of Midway Road, they go to Martin County, Palm Beach and Jensen Beach.
He added that people who stay in PSL rarely know that their beach is in St. Lucie
County and Fort Pierce and this is an issue that Fort Pierce continues to struggle with
and a perception that they are trying to change. Ms. Bireley ended the presentation with
information on the fund balance that remains in the 33% of the 5th cent. She added that
the $135,000 earmarked for the Airport Entranceway project has already been deducted
from the balance.
8. Zora Neale Hurston Dust Tracks Heritage Trail
Libby Woodruff began the presentation with an overview of the Zora Neal Hurston Dust
Tracks Heritage Trail & how it began in Fort Pierce in 2003. She discussed the different
stops on the trail and the numerous guided tours done for large groups over the past
years. Then Caleta Scott reported on the rising international exposure of Zora & how
Fort Pierce should really capitalize on it. With the new buzz on Zora’s new book release
this year, Fort Pierce has been added to the national tour for her new book “Barracoon”.
The City is planning on hosting an event to celebrate her memory & new published book
at this stop on the tour. The City of Fort Pierce is asking the TDC for funds to improve
the current condition of the trail markers along the stops on the trail, as well as adding
two new kiosks. The total of this project will be 31,388.23; however, they are requesting
a grant of $20,000 from the TDC and will match the funds for the remaining balance.
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Michelle MacNichol motioned the grant request be brought to the BOCC.
Commissioner Alexander seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
9. FY 2019 Proposed Budget
Charlotte Bireley began the proposed 2018/2019 budget presentation. She gave an
overview of what to expect financially for the upcoming fiscal year; a conservative
revenue forecast, reduced expenses, data driven decisions & a tighter budget. She
went over Tourism’s Reserves Policy of maintaining a reserve amount equal to 3 -4
months of tourist tax revenue. In the new proposed budget, some line items with
significant changes include; the reduction of Software Support (due to the elimination of
the Visit St. Lucie mobile app), Printing, and Promotional Entertainment. Charlotte
explained that now that we have an additional staff member focusing on public relations
activities, the costs related to promotional activities & entrainment are justified for a
decrease. She explained that Travel costs will increase slightly due Tourism’s presence
in New York for three Mets Games next summer. Regarding the explanation of the
reduction of promotional advertising account, Charlotte explained that the tou rism office
is currently in discussions with Indian River County, Martin County & Visit Florida in
effort to create a Treasure Coast Brand. It’s not confirmed, but Visit Florida has
indicated earmarking a large amount of funding dollars towards the project, which will
benefit all and more than make up for the reduction in the promotional advertising line
item. The next slide showed the last 5 years of Actual TDT Revenues versus Expenses.
Charlotte explained that Tourism had been operating in a budget deficit and that more
funds will need to be placed in reserves for the upcoming budget year.
Commissioner Alexander motioned the 2018/2019 budget be brought to the BOCC.
Michelle McNichol seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
10. FY 2019 Treasure Coast Sports Commissioner Contract Modifications
Rick Hatcher distributed a flyer to the group, which covered the contract modifications
for the upcoming fiscal year. He went over the current status of sports in St. Lucie
County. He reported that there were over 146 games the previous weekend at
Lawnwood field alone.
11. Tourism Activity Update
St. Lucie ERD
Amanda Thompson reported that the St. Lucie ERD put on 99 guided hike programs
this past season with over 1100 people who participated.
St. Lucie Tourism
Allison MacDonald went over the Tourism Showcase that took place on May 20th. She
estimated that over 1300 people were in attendance.
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12. Other Business
Buzz Smyth mentioned his upcoming event at the Cau seway Cove Marina for Father’s
Day. He also brought forward the water taxi idea that will connect the local marinas to
downtown Fort Pierce for tourists. Commissioner Alexander requested that Buzz
bring this officially to the Fort Pierce City Commission.
13. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:12 PM.
TDC May 2018 Variance
P & L Report Actual Budget Budget
Bed Tax Revenue $54,095 $51,600 5%
Carry Forward 37,486$ 37,486$ 0%
Interest 42$ 42.00$ 0%
Total Revenue 91,623$ 89,128$ 3%
Direct Expenses
Salaries/Benefits 17,333$ 17,395$ 0%
Other Contract Services 4,570$ 5,000$ -9%
Software Support 9,572$ 2,500$ 283%
Travel 315$ 708$ -56%
Communications 39$ 150$ -74%
Postage 94$ 750$ -88%
Printing 35$ 1,458$ -98%
Promotional Items 1,979$ 333$ 494%
Promotional Entertainment 779$ 1,308$ -40%
Office Supplies 320$ 125$ 156%
Dues 5$ 333$ -99%
Training & Seminars -$ 167$ 0%
Aid 9,500$ 9,500$ 0%
G & A 5,155$ 5,155$ 0%
Materials Center -$ 83$ -100%
Promotional Advertising 8,542$ 18,750$ -54%
Equipment -$ -$ 0%
Tax Collector 1,218$ 1,218$ 0%
Total Direct Expenses 59,455$ 64,933$ -8%
Net Income 32,168$ 35%
TDC June 2018 Variance
P & L Report Actual Budget Budget
Bed Tax Revenue 54,947$ $45,150 22%
Carry Forward 37,486$ 37,486$ 0%
Interest 42$ 42.00$ 0%
Total Revenue 92,475$ 82,678$ 12%
Direct Expenses
Salaries/Benefits 13,997$ 17,395$ -20%
Other Contract Services 3,400$ 5,000$ -32%
Software Support 210$ 2,500$ -92%
Travel 873$ 708$ 23%
Communications 8$ 150$ -94%
Postage 403$ 750$ -46%
Printing 1,116$ 1,458$ -23%
Promotional Items 73$ 333$ -78%
Promotional Entertainment 518$ 1,308$ -60%
Office Supplies 360$ 125$ 188%
Dues 1,214$ 333$ 265%
Training & Seminars -$ 167$ -100%
Aid 9,500$ 9,500$ 0%
G & A 5,155$ 5,155$ 0%
Materials Center 232$ 83$ 179%
Promotional Advertising 8,369$ 18,750$ -55%
Equipment -$ -$ 0%
Tax Collector 1,218$ 1,218$ 0%
Total Direct Expenses 46,647$ 64,933$ -28%
Net Income 45,828$ 50%
TDC Year to Date 17/18 YTD as of
06/2018 Annual Variance
P & L Report Actuals Budget Budget
Bed Tax Revenue $677,010 $645,000 5%
Carry Forward $337,374 $449,830 -25%
Interest 378 $500 -24%
Total Revenue $1,014,762 $1,095,330 -7%
Direct Expenses
Salaries/Benefits $152,848 $208,742 -27%
Other Contract Services $47,410 $60,000 -21%
Software Support $17,079 $30,000 -43%
Travel $7,368 $8,500 -13%
Communications $434 $1,800 -76%
Postage $8,139 $9,000 -10%
Printing $30,584 $17,500 75%
Promotional Items $4,615 $4,000 15%
Promotional Entertainment $8,217 $17,000 -52%
Office Supplies $2,002 $1,500 33%
Dues $4,609 $4,000 15%
Training & Seminars $285 $2,000 -86%
Aid $186,000 $215,000 -13%
G & A $46,371 $61,868 -25%
Materials Center $670 $1,000 -33%
Promotional Advertising $117,553 $225,000 0%
Equipment $0 $0 0%
Tax Collector $10,962 $14,616 -25%
Total Direct Expenses $645,146 $881,526
Net income $369,616 36.42%
FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018
Revenue/Expenses Revenue/Expenses Revenue/Expenses Revenue/Expenses
Oct 36,505/26,241 Oct 38,190/68,910 Oct $49,813/$89,284 Oct $56,433/$97,941
Nov 40,217/69,602 Nov 45,677/35,981 Nov $48,793/$34,578 Nov $56,787/$52,810
Dec 50,417/38,845 Dec 60,421/37,675 Dec $53,209/$63,456 Dec $65,393.05/$83,381
Jan 74,046/104,150 Jan 84,832/66,124 Jan $79,044/$87,085 Jan $91,095/$84,624
Feb 97,234/43,806 Feb 96,839/91,967 Feb $96,610/$78,371 Feb $108,100/$75,697
Mar 109,221/51,665 Mar 115,858/58,382 Mar $115,320/$65,749 Mar $125581/$65,506
Apr 59,760/47,839 Apr 57,049/56,421 Apr $75,166/$94,748 Apr $64,579.02/$79,084
May 45,070/44,247 May 48,445/39,469 May $56,693/ $67,053 May $54,095/$59,455
Jun 42,301/45,680 Jun 49,530/52,614 Jun $50,181/$75,735 Jun $54,947/$46,647
Jul 46,827/40,112 Jul 53,175/73,314 Jul $55,335/$56,966 Jul
Aug 44,255/25,105 Aug 46,295/35,178 Aug $48,667/$50,119 Aug
Sep 34,153/46,309 Sep 41,906.41/78,244 Sep $55,749/$70,288 Sep
TOTAL 680,005/583,614 TOTAL 738,211/706,209 TOTAL $784,680/$833,563 TOTAL $674,010.07/$645,145
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Visits 13,532 12,169 12,262 9,722 10,803 9,011 13,935 11,949 29,025 10,765 9,538 10,217 152,928
Bounce Rate 57%57%51%51%55%57%70%73%70%64%47%46%61%
Average Time 1:45%1:43%2:00 1:28 1:37 1:36 1:10 1:07 1:12 1:45 3:25 3:08 1:32
New Visits 61%62%66%72%70%69%73%73%62%72%63%64%67%
Social Sessions 292 276 264 879 492 302 659 2,740 4,263 2,450 1,500 1,719 15836
Mobile Usage 32%34%37%41%40%39%32%47%51%55%48%48%42%
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Total
Visits 11,974 12,256 12,882 14,038 18,994 18,836 20,376 109,356
Bounce Rate 31%24%20%17%18%21%22%22%
Average Time 2:51 3:13 3:20 5:12 5:12 3:26 3:05 3:45
New Visits 85%81%80%80%81%83%83%82%
Social Sessions 1819 478 360 332 336 2843 4476 10644
Mobile Usage 56%56%52%48%55%65%68%57%
Jul-18 Top 5 States
1. Florida 69%
Jun-18 2. Georgia 3%
3. New York 2%
4.Texas 2%
5.New Jersey 2%
Organic Search: Users who searched for something that led them to the site
Direct: Users who typed in the URL or had a bookedmarked page
Referral: Users who clicked on a link to the site via source site
Social: A user who visited our website via a social platform
Other: Paid marketing that directed users to the website (i.e. SEM)
June/July 2018 Web Report
Social Media Activity
June/July 2018
July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Totals
New Likes 72 163 138 131 70 85 391 188 153 92 77 370 493 18,229
Total Reach 33,218 122,154 27,027 259649 99837 228233 81849 42867 55848 26091 21098 201551 119396 1,318,818
Post Engagement 4,063 11,562 3,697 7,542 3,772 5,156 12,342 5,097 2,792 2,696 2,143 7,668 15,504 84,034
Video Views 16,734 35,269 11,105 33,278 22,387 59,481 34,580 12,301 2,002 2,318 1,293 28,621 28,694 288,063
Engagement 1,952 1,970 3,039 1,250 1,310 2,615 1,990 1,499 1,581 1,478 1,355 1,906 1,362 23,307
New Followers 55 205 95 111 56 80 159 120 400 36 37 64 59 2223
Mentions 152 136 122 110 104 64 58 73 50 76 44 82 63 1134
New Followers 75 38 66 25 55 98 25 40 34 31 34 49 20 1,864
Impressions 47,800 121,000 44,800 58,800 39,000 73,000 50,700 35,500 56,300 138,000 66,300 54,600 77,900 863,700
Profile Visits 1,163 1,744 1,161 1,109 1,219 1,901 1,322 824 1,268 1,314 1,434 1,237 1,256 16,952
Reach/Impressions Number of how many people viewed our posts
Enagagement Likes/favorites, comments and/or shares
New Follower A new user that can see all Visit St. Lucie posts on their feed
Tweet A status posted on Twitter via text, photo or video in 140 characters
Mention Someone tagged @VisitStLucie in their own post
Page Likes Someone on Facebook has liked the Visit St. Lucie page
2017 2018