HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL ADPL M1LE IM FAUST BE COMPLEM FOR APPLICAMON TO BE ACME g� Date. ' Permi t Number. fox 01,r'�3 i RECE 17 Building Permit Appikation AUG 0 7 2098 Marling agd izv ebpmentSeaires Building and Ccde Regutadon MvWon Permitting Department 233 Virginia Avenue,Fort-Piera:e FLAN �C i e County, FL Phone_R72)4621553 Pic:(M)4621578 Commercial es!R PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: TO OL-d from dropbox, crick affow at ft end of Jim ;address: '� W\-r-t._ e'er St Lucie 34952 legal Description. pmt of 3414-MI-1701- -Sparhah Lis One Property Tax ID : Lot No, Site Flan Name: Block No- Preject Name: } Setbacks Front ick-- Right 51de:- Left Side: DembNon of mobile honle -fvtod'?tiS 9 RU, i 7O➢ A clitioncai ixor;to be oe ormed under this permit—check. a tD apply: 0HVAC Gas Tank leas Piping shutters �Windows/Doors Electric .Plumbing LjSprinkiers Generator O Roof Total Sq.,Ft of Const%xffion: Sq.FL of First.Floor: Cost of Construction.$ '� --c utifities j+Sewer L.�.'1 Septic Bu!K+:<g Hei k: M Tp�, a0,)wPJI JL3��F Dawe : Cdr� v r e€. : . c�"a. { it!'a�I e9 mfim Name. Matthew Lyle ane Address:800$SOU S t S 402 company-.Wynrw Development Corporason atr wart S.Lug StaterAddress, BODO South US 1,Sate 402 �6 fie-X952 FZx-772-8 4 .;Port St L State:i=L Phone p4o.77247 15 Zip Code:349M F=772-87"224 i=r6�9ia9:��9 r phone tlioo 772-878-5513 3-5523 li a 's3t�a�R+e°r[i 1e on next page(ir'f diffieaerat.' E-- Nm.sue :if82m the.ow&w h e br ) Stere oii County License: CCC U value W construction is$250D or more,a RECORDED Notice of Comm.encement is required. i I DN LIEN LAA At IN FORMA711ON: D E 5#6NIGi EER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: �NotApplicable Nam,e., Name: Address: Address: City: State: city: State: Zip: Phone: Zip; Phone- FEE 53MPLES8 HGLDI.lao Not Applicable S®MMMS COMPANY., --LNotApplicable Name: Nae: Address: Address: city: city: Zip; Phone: zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installaiaion.has commenced prior to the issuance of a"permit St Luci