HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of CommencementJOSEPI{ E. SMITH, FrLE # 4467985 CLERK OF THE OR BOOK 4L67 CIRCTJIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY PAGE 29L, Recorded o8/o8/2oL8 L1:34:09 NOTTCE Or COM&ENFE{ENT Pormit N0.Trx Follo Na State of Florida County of 5t. Lucie The undenigned hereby glves notlce that lnrproyementwlll be made to certaln real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Floridt the folbwing informatiofl ls provided in thls Notlce of Commencement. OwnEr Narne Address lnterest ln Name and addr€rs of fee simpie titleholder {if dlfferent from Owne r listed above}: lf the Lessee contract€d lor the improvement: Phofie number: ul<= @L;o +> =o-LOso!Lo-I9ciF=e&4EX 9e3UtYselrOa{H3I*{ *i-eU'AtsP Phone Nurnber: =EU' B;-.Llgat, NamE rnd addressr J o do Expir€tlondateofnoticeofcommencement: (theexplrationdatemaynotbebefarethecomptetloilofEonstructionandlinalpayrnenttothe contraEtor, but will be 1 yea r from the date of recordinB u nless a d'fferent date is specif'ed) " *ARNTNG To owNER: ANy pAyMENTs MADE ByrHE owNER AFTER THE ExptRATloN oF rHEf'loTlcf 0r coMMENCEMENTAREcoNSiOtBED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, FART I, 5ECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES' AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PflOPERTY, A NOTICE Of COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECOftOED AND POSTED Ot'I TI{EJO8 SIIE BEFOEE TfiE FIRST INSPEctIoH.IFYoUINTENoTooBTAINFINANCING,C0NSULTWITHYoURLENDEFoRANATToftNEYBEFoREcoMMENC|NGwoRKoB RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. under penalty of perJury, I declare that I have read the folegoing notice of cQrnrnencement 3nd that the facts stated therein are true to the best of my knowledge and beliet. Lender Name:, ,- - Phone Number: Lender' persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom flotices or other documelts may be served as prouided by Sestlon 713,{3(1llal7., Florida Statutes: Namt:Phone Number:- Address: h.additlon to hlmsetf or herself, Owner dgsignates - --ot to r€Eeive a copy of the Lieno/s Notice as provided fn Section 713,13(1llbf, Florida statutes, Phone number of person or entlty deslgnated h; ownet: Crtherlnel&l8or (wt7?F.n Erplre$ OCI28, 20fE EONDEDTilNUrst rLoRIDalrorrn{,utr {5,gnator/s Tltle/Offj ce) ol Person Persona lly known!.or produced ldentlf ication-' Type of tdentification produced -. AM iired Off icer/Director/Pa rtner/Ma naEer ts'-J-"t-fuffi "f ftfft, P,rblic' itatt ot Florida) iarj"ilro., "t Stamp commlstloned Name of Notary Public)