HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application To: Permit Division St Lucie County Building Page 2 of 4 2018-08-13 15:10:54(GMT) 17722063146 From: Holly Kulinski Au APP41GAe..E INFO MUST BE COiti1PLETEU FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED /1 .0 Fermit:Nu t L Wo Date. 0luild ng Permit Apiji. ati n AUG 13 2018 p1griningancl-Development5ervfces Pei l'11IttIng Department Suil4ing and:Gode.Re.g.ulution Division a County, FL 2300 irginiaAuerzue;FprtPrerce.Ft 34982 Commercial R is f Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax.(772)462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR.: Mechanical 'BUSED'�;Vl#�`RC3L�t*u�l,Icf�T��CP+TON.. -- k pa a dd«ss: , - Legal Description: I. � �.� Lot N.a•� . Property Tax:0#: — .29 s } D 1:.3 `� Site.Plan Name: Biock'No.. Project Namez Setbacks Front Back: Right.Side: Left Side:: -W -E Rfl UN 3 l \ 1 ..Ito. i 1 e+s i <ZipI►-t L0 i*h ti Ct7NSTl�IlC�`I�� lllil=�'ftJ1�lA`ft�N,� Aitiona.l Work to.. a er orme, un ert is permit c ec a appy: tAC LJ Gas,Tank Gas Piping: _Shutters. a Windows/Doors F,I'ectric a.PlumbingSprinklers, Oh enerator .a Roof F--1 :Roof pitch. Total Sq.Ft of Gonstructio.n: Sq.Ft.of First.Floor: Cost of Construction;.$�. : .( c> T Utilities:0Sewer aseptic Building Height: ���I� �ESSaT�• CC�NT'RA T� ,{.. - {� /+ R s Name a Name, ! `c, Y,,i 0-. 1 -CIYIN Address:. Company: 9. . .ay: ,t4 a�_ 5tateY`i _ Address 1, S?feiy"—L— Zip Code �6 �� Fax- Gty - �:�.,kX, Slates Phone No. �- � " 32 A Zip Code. Fax:L�rl E-Mail: Phone No:""'t. n c f �. Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(1f•different f-Mala from-the. tilted above) State or ty.LicenSe 1� 11 value of construction is$2500 or more,a'RECORDED Notice.of Commencement is required. To: Permit Division St Lucie County Building Page 3 of 4 2018-08-13 15:10:54GM � T) 17722063146 From: Holly Kulinski sJ �LVtALSTR C1"Itl # " + PlFatATtO #, t k.�E�iC#tiERIEN61NEER� � x.:Nat AppiicableMORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Address-.__ Address: tx qty State., City: „ t •. #,:.ips _ A.lone Zilx:_ P Mori FEE SIMPLE E T1 f$E.l9C E E3E�: pt:Applicable 13ONDI>MP CO1 PANYe �v, .loot 401,icabte Name;-—. Name Address: �� . ___ _ Address _ Zip Phone.,_______— Zip: Phone. _ C3 1€4$ER;prONTRACTOR AFF16VIT'i App licatlim is.herebV maderiO obtain a t ermlt to do:thework and in.Siaflation as indicated. i certifythat no:work or irlsralfation hiss conirnencjgd prior to the Isskrareee:a€:rl.:pern.it. St.:Lucie Count,. mattes no representation that Is•granting a permit will autharizethe ermit.holder to btjiid.the.subject structure: which is to con ict w ith any,applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylows-or aria:covenants that rlidy restrict or prohibit.sut;Ys strkttt#tre.:i�iease ernsisit vtrfh your Home.Owners fi�sst�cratlon;;rnd review ycsur..deed for any reslri?dons vrhich may arspfy In cons'ideratign,of the granting o€this requested permit;f do hereby agr that i will,.in all respects,perform the work in accordancewith.the:approvecf.plans,the Florida Building:Codes and St,Lucie County.Amendments. The following building permit appilcattions are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review:room additions, acce.siary structures,swfimrriirig pools,,fences,walls,.signs,screen roorns and accessory uses to another njon-yesi, entj I use WARNING liNG i O OWNER:`dour failaure to record a Ali voo of tolls tepeement may r0sult in your paying twice for improvements to your property.A Notice of Crrrrmrrrlencerment must:be:recorded,and posted:ori the jobsite. ,before the far t it}speiwtlari..lf you irrterrd io Obtailr fie arlc ng,.+ of SulC Fth lender:.or ar attorney be pre Commendna work or reci'ardin your Notice of Comrnencement, I Signature o caner/Le sWIContractor as Agent for Owner Signatrire o€Contractor/License:Holds STATE FPLO121t1 SiA"�E`4�F FLORIDA, C 81I.I f4( P C6�9�NTY�31"� _�' �__�..1Q . The forgoing Instr,Rrner t was-acknowledged ledged before me The fs going Instrument was,a cknowiedged,before me AA ills:day o,. +3 �4 L{1��j .uY this _ day;9� cal 2( T �-�•--'�--`---•"- 0-.,tea„- 1�, .`�.,-�..�-L,...�..,.,__..._:.�....,_..� � -_,1.,...4 -�@'4(��c`"� � )i �� # 3t�'t:�•,,,d..:.. �� , '• flame of#� rs ro.mafcur staten�eilt Mame o€psis sr�al ii�g statement . . �;.A rsonally Koown ._C)ti Produced itienti�fcatibn t?erKotlaily Known 41i Produced icieniifi�atfo.n.— pe Q€lrl tfication iype.of'Idertitl' a#lon ' duced Producer) - ` I k'k 1 lY _� . nature:of N ty,Publ c>Stott of Florida} : {S'inn.attire. €Nota ,f?ublic:State s?f 1 lti>lda} W missi4n'€vs, (seal} I Commission U0, :_, ` � ti {Seal} REVIEWS FRONT T ZC'NfNG SUPERVISOR PLANS ` VEGETATION � SEATURTLE MANGROVE OUNTEIt REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED To: Permit Division St Lucie County Building Page 4 of 4 2018-08-13 15:10:54(GMT) 17722063146 From: Holly Kulinski a*sMR[Ts.,»YNlAR':`n "`....�•, xMp,� wwvY r�erximKT�a94gpggyiiXN V!F•4ReW T'aW'"e .:.t. ,N E ficienc. taxell, Gredtt when �^ Ths cambil�atian qualifte&for a federal Ener9Y �`• JY .placed in service between Feb.17:,2009 end Dec 3.1', .fl16. Y, f � {yy� �s � [ �a o. tip K•'�" '' {t :'. TPA ri- Rin&e. ;rv?` 'f r te*d e �'A',;;,ti�„ sT'd".�°"94�3�''S+Yn��.ra t�'�ac'°'."�ti�'u'7w`.`v.'s51'%r aC^r�a7zii�'P3S+i+^t�9"'""�.. •.A7?nY�bS'r"*tg�+�s_;YB "i<l,:tWCe. .... .. v{1i'A�..;#91% '"+Re�b4SS.*'�t'iS�d�.',SkM7.dR�•`. . AHRI.Certified Reference Number;201295245 Oate.:6f3-93-2018 Model Status:Active. t 4. OId.AHRI Reference Nurnber;7943714 AHRI Type:.RCU-A-CB . Outdoor Unit Brand Name!RHEEM. ' `. 4lr#door.Unit Madel'Number (Condenseror Single Paokage.)'.RA1660AJ.1. Indoor Unit Model Number.(Evaporator and/or-Air H.andfer)::RFI t T6024STAN s r<. Region, Ail(AK,AL,AR,AZ,CA,.CO,CT,DC,DE,FL,OA:Flt,JD,!L,t&..IN,K5,KY-LA,MA.MD,ME,MI,MN,MO.,MS; hI ,NC,.ND..NE,.NH,,NJ,NM,NV,NY;.QHr OK,'(OR;.PA,R!,SC,SD,TN,77X,UT,VA,VT,V+fA;'NV,WI,WY;'U,S. j TerritoHes) } s Region Note! Centrai airconddioners'manufactured prior to January.1,2015 are eligible to be installed in all,region's f' untfi.June 30,201.6.1eginning July 1,201.5 Gentrai air-conditionerscan.only be installed in'region(s):for which they rneet.tiie regional efficiency regulrement; - The manu(acti}rerof ibis RFIEENI product is respgnslhJ$fq t a ahpg o[th�;syst cam � n _ 3 f f Rated{s fol%'vfj fn accordance��Itt ihe.tatest elution of ANSUAyRf 2201 40 w1ih.AtJden�a,7 aryd Perform nee Fsrzfrng of Unlf�ry ' .'i Alr Cotldlhcntng'&1#ir:Sotirce ileal Fgmp Equfpmen#and subject ko tdttng accuracy by AhRI stlansored independent,third pally tt troy Cooling Capacity(A2);-,Single or High Stage(3IF),.btuf?'Sa000 t .SEE E : J _ _ 1 g ' "Active"'Model Status,are those-thatari AHRI'Csrtifcation'Proraoi'Parti6pant IS currenti producing AND'scilin or offerin for sale;012newmodets that are being, madceted'b{dargno ettsein 9 yp 9 g g I y, 0 proCuoed.Production Stopped"Modal Status ace those that ar[.AHRI.Certification:firogram Participant is no longerproduc;ng'f3UT is sutl selling or'offering forsale. Rafings that are c 2m qnin.dQy.WA ndicMa an(nv uhta re-rate. iha new ipblishad rating Irn hoaw ,aloft with[he b v ous ':e,.WAS ratio .vbxSCM .pm :u!>,�lucW4,*'wN+Ymew, +e?'NM.�' KaiRM�RRm?a�aw .eAv pISCLAlMER AHRI does not endorse the product(.%)listed on this Certificate and makes no.representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumcs'no.responsibility for, the product(%)listed owthis Certificate.AHRi''expressly disctaimsail liability for'd6hiages of,®uy.kfnd arising out of the use or pertormance.of Rhe product(sj,oribe unauthorized alterailon of'dtlta listed On this Certificate.Certtfied'ratings are valid.only for models:and configurations listed in the directory at'su%t�ti nr+ri<ffTti c++[,{Nrg- TERMS AND CONDITIONS y This Certificate and its.contents areproprietsary products.of AHRI.This Cet(ificate.shelf onlybe used.for.tgdivldual.necsonal,and � F uri[ridcntlgl Ic[c[ence.putpvsra.Ttie_cornen[s urtnls Get ri[aj.nu[,In wnole*or in pan„ue reproouceq;OOptelt;.alSsef[ltna[ed; r' . entered inin.a'cdmputer:database;or othorwise utillzed jn:any form or manner any means,except:for the.users individual, personal and contidentlalreference. ;.,itt•Ci7FftFdTiva d,;f[UTINr,. g CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION. a rr art,urrt;iien e is <ttL' ' y t The information for the.model.cited on this ceWficale.can be yeritiec"at:sJ [v'sshrt�E etory,:Urp;click on Vas Sty r nrtrttcnto Imi[ `• and enterthe AHRI Certified Reference Numl[er.andahe drite nn which She crrdrycare Was Issued, _ ..... U 1 r\01 ;fa which is.11sted above,and the:Ceri38cato No„whlah is listed at bo[tom right. "- ` 7 1317dGf61232i1S4307 201:$Air-Condltfonjng,Heating,and RefrigeratTon'iltstitute ERS IFICAT E.NO