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Submit Surcharge i Stats lk Facts i Publications€ FaC Staff, eas Site Mep Links �_ Seamh � t?> re Product Approval - USER:P6btli:User odtact Aoorovai Menu>Product or/iooiication Search>,Application List>Application Date][ r FL# FL14104-RIS Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved 4 Comments Archived j I 4 Product.Manufacturer JELD-WEN �ddress/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd Klamath Falls,,OR 97601 (800)535-3936 fbcl@jeld-wen:corn Authorized Signature Jason Kantola fbcl@3eld-wen.com w iTechnicai Representative JELp-WEN Corporate Customer Service iAddress/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd, Klamath Ealls OR 97601 (800)S35-3936. customerserviceagents@field-wen:com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone"/Emall. i iCategory Windows Subcategory Single Hung �Coiripliance Method Certification Mark or Listing 1 Certification Agency American Architectural Manufacturers.Association l Validated By American Architectural Manufacturers Assdciatioh i Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/l.S.2/A440 2008 i Equivalence.of Product.Standards j Certified.By s i I Product Approval..Method Method 1 Option A 1 Date Submitted 07/06/2017 Date Validated 07/13/2017 Date Pending FBCApproval Date Approved 07/15/2017 I i C i I SUmmary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 14104.1 Builders Vinyl(V-2500) Tilt Single Hung 48"x 77"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approv_edfor use in HVHZ:No FL 14104 R:15 C'CAC R-PG 0�4Qx77.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date ImpackResistant.,No 10/04/2021 Design Pressure:+50/;50 InstaliationInstructions Other: FL14104 R1.5 lI BICir Vinyl Tilt SH FBC'Installs^48x77 SS i 2017-r)6-13-adf Verified By:-Arnerican Architectural Manutacturers Association Created by Independent.Thlyd Party: Evaluation Reports, FL14 `04 •R15 AE'PER4868 SS 2017-06-13.odf Created by'IndependentThird Party:Yes 14104.2 Builders Vinyl(V-2500) Two Wide Tait Single Hung 84"'x`57"Annealed Insulated Glass Linifts of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use.in HVHZ:NqFL24104 R15 C-CAC XX i2-PG50-84x57 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract'Eiipiraticin Date Impact,Resistant:-No 08/28/TOZS Design Pressure:+50/-50 Installation Instructions .Other: FL:14 0' R15'II R=PG50- 84x57 Installation Instructions Ddf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers .Association Created.by Independent Third Party: Evaluation:Reports FL14104 R'15 AE PER 3076 odf Created'by Independent Third Party:Yes 14104.3 Builders Vinyl(V-2500) Three Wide Tilt Single Hung 108"x'74"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate j Approved'for use in HVHZ:No F1,14104 1115 C CAC XXX R-P.G50 1082574;,pdf: Approved for use-outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Irripact•Resistant:No :01/26/2021, 1 D.esign'Pressure:+50/-50 installation Instructions Other: FL14104 `R15 II BV-Trinlg TSH CHS PG50 108x74 SJW2012-014 Na+f Fin 25=16.odf Verified By American ArcLiitecturai;htanufactirrers Association Greated.byZndependent rhlyd;Party: Evaluation Reports Created by.Indepenoent Third Party:. 14104.4 Builders Vinyl(V-2500) Three Wide With Center Picture Tilt Single Hung 109"x 74" Annealed Insulated Glass 'Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in•HVHZ:No _ELJA 0 15 C CAC XOX' A.=PG50-109x74, d Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes QualityAssurance Contract Expiratiori Date Impact'Re'sistaint:No 01/29/2022 Design Pressure:+50%50 -Instaliation Instructions Other: E 14104 R15 iI XOX R-PG,50-. 109x74 Installation Instructions:pdf Verified By:American ArchRectural Manufacturers Association Created,by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL14104 P15 At PER 307,ndf Created by IndeperidentThird Party;Yes 14104.5 Builders Vinyl'(V-2500) Tilt.Single Hung 36"-x-84"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use. Certification.Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL14104 R15 C CAC R-PG35-36x64.odf Approved for use qutside,HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 12/20/2019 } Design Pressure:+35/35 Installation.Instructions i other: EL34104 R15 II'R-PG35- I 36x84 Nail Fin Installation Instructions.odf j Verified By:American Architectural:Manufacturers i Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation;Reports Created by Independent Third:Party: l i i i 1 j14104.6 Builders Vinyl t 2500) Tilt Single Hung 521/8"x 75"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification-Agency-Certificate 5 Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14104 R] C"CAC R-PGS0-59125x75 Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 'Impact Resistant,No 05/13/2022 Design Pressure:+50%50 Instailatton Instructions. Other: FL14104 R15 I1 R PG5p- 52.12Sx75 Installation.Instructibns.ndf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers, Association } Created by'Independent Third,Party: i Evaluation.Reports: FL.�14104 .IRIS AE PER 3072.gdf Created by Independent Third.Party:Yes 14104.7 Builders Vinyl(V-2500) Tilt Single Hung 48"x 72"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14104 RIS'C CAC Certificate DP-40 Cert odf Approved'for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality'Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 06/25/2018 Design Pressure:+35/-40 Installation Instructions ;Other: Fl}41 04 R15 TI R-PGS-48x,72 OP- 40 Installation Ins`uctWLj pdf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created'by:Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 14104.8 Builders Vinyl,(V-2500) Tilt Single Hung 36"x 72"Annealed Insulated,Glass Limits•of Use Certificaiion.AgencyCertificate Approved.for use in HVHZ:.No F 14104, RLS C CAC R-P 50-36x72 QP-55).df Approved tor.use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Cate Impact Resistant:'No 09/09!2021 Design Pressure:+50/- 55 Installation Instructions. other: FI 14104 RIS I2 Sidi Vinvl'rSH FBC 3602 AT.2QI6-ja- 20pdf, FLW14104 RIS:IT BldrVinyi TSH FBC 36x72 SS?0]6-10- 29&& Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by independent Third Party: j EvaluationReports EU4104 R15 AE PER4- odf + Created by,Independent Third:Party:Yes i' i 3 Back Nox I Contact Us:.2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee Ft..32399 Ph 31:$50-487-1824. j The State of.florida Is.an AA1EE0 employer.rzoyrinht 2007-2013 State of Florida..::.Pdvacv Statemen ::Accesslb II Statement Rerund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses ampublicrecords.If you do not want your a-mall address released In response to a.public-records request,do not send electronic i mail to this entity".Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.if you have any questions,pleasecontact850,487.1395.•Pursuant to Section.455:275 ' (1),Florida.Statutes,effective October 1,2012;licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the-Department with an email address If they have one.The i emallrpmvided maybe used,for official commuritcation with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.if you do not wish to supply a persanal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To.determine'if you area licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please dick here. Product Appmy f Accepts: { Credit Card Safe i ------------ 4" .MAX' FROM NAIL FIN INSTALLATION 12" O.C. MAX. I» -f---I CORNERS 1 iV7-MINEMiEDM@NT 2 MIN.DISTANCE MIN.625CANCE, FOR EDGE,21/4" 12„ O.C. FOR ED6E:3/4' MAX. v4•Max SHIM SPACE 2 1/4"MAX SHIM SPACE FRAME SECTION(TYP) 11/2°MIN, o VERTICAL SECTION EMBEDMENT F171C_faMtie«enitiRg Fkgad Wae00p..nn} .. MIDSPAN �' i I i JAMB.'SEGTTON(TYP) HORIZONTAL.SECTION - I/4`MAX' NOTe.C-*bowel WrugFi;..AYi'a dp..Nrg: SFITM•SPACE 3 MSN.DISTANCE FOR EDGE 3/4` 2 Max Frame 1,.DP RA' INI? IMP/A� T I I/2'MLN.EMSEDMENT 't$ X 77 +50MO NC7 Installation Notes: General Notes: 1. Seat flange/frame to substrate. 1. The.product shown herein is:designed,tested and manufactured to comply with the winddcad criteria. 2. Use#8 PH or.greater fastener though the nail fin.withsufficient length tp,penetrate a minimum of 11/2"' of the adopted International Building Code(IBC);the Internafional:ResidenGal Code(IRC),the Florida into the.wood framing..For 2X wood.frame substrate'(min S;G!=0;92): Building Code(FBC)and the industry requirement-for the stated-conditions.. 3. Hoststructure(wood buck,masonry,steel)to be:deslgned and:anchored to;properly transferal)loads 2. All glazingshatl conform taASTM E1360. tathe:structure. The host structure is the resp6nslbilltyof the architect or engineer of'record for the: 3. At minimum,glazing'shall:be single strength annealed'insulating-glass. projecfof installation. Digitally si�r>�{i►6i1 M# o�ero,P: . This schedule addresses Drily the fasteners required td anchorthe Fieason�� �pc�o1" + ent window to achieve.tlie rated design pressure up to the:size.11mbtlons, Date- 'I + srr3 s, 5 otl`�r� noted. Itis not intended as a guide to the installation process and does PRO]ECf ENGINEER DATE: not address thesealing consideration that may'arise in different wall O -- t33J31J2017 3737 Lakeport Blvd conditions For thec complete installation procedure,seethe instructions T DRAWN BY: SCALE: J�LD T T ■ :i 1 Klamath Fails,OR.97601 packageid'With the window or go to wwwjeld-wen.com: _ *- , jk J.HAWIQNS NTS 'Phone: (541)882-3451 (Y!."� CHECKED BY: TITLF: . .�A. D:BELAU -j O L pP APPROVED BY: Builders,Vinyl Tilt:Single Hung DISCLAIMER: J.GOOSSEN This dirawing anflts contents are confidential and are not'to be Oji S •• �� ��� PRT PRO ECr o reproduced or copied in whole or in Parlor used or disclosed to others p�C L. Q�' eXceptas.aUthonZedbY.tE�DWENtnG. 398 East atAI�I�)klblvq,Suite 33B iDENTIF1ERNa. PLANT NAME ANOLOCATIDN: CAD DWG,N6.: REV: SHEET Dania;pSf!i; ,',FL 33DID4 S3W201,2'2D2-F C $ldtsV,,RH A IOF4 THROUGH FRAME a",MAX. INSTALLATION FROM FOR EDGE:3L4:3, O.C. MAX. CORNERS 2 1.1%2'MEIN EMBEDMENT 8 3J4 1'1/2"MIN. " O.G. MAX. EMBEDMENT--r--1 .�. 1/4 MAX ___...... ._...:._...._. ......___._..... ._:.,_....._ ,___..�......_......._ _._._..._-_. .._.___..... ._.._ _.:.._..__.._---....__.___._._....._ _....__...__ _... __. - -. SHIMSPA--- 1/4"..MAX -----�__.�._.w _.-_.._.___--- _ __.._.._—_._.___� 3__.. �.._.__.__—SHIM — FRAME SECTION(TYP) VERTICAL SECTION o MIN,:DISTANCE 2 FOR EDGE:3/4". I JAMB SECTION(TYP) HORIZONTAL SECTION 1. u 1/0 MAX ~ u SHIM SPACE ti Max Frame OP RATING IMPACT. 3' 48 x 77 Installation Notes: GeneraLNotes:. 1. Seal flange/frame to substrate. 1'. The.10roduct shown herein is deslgned,>tested and manufactured to comply with the And load criteria 2. Use.9 PH or;greater fastener though the frame with,sufficient length to penetrate a minimUrn of.1112 of the adopted Intemational Building Code(IBCJ,Ahe International Residential COA RC),the Florida into the wood;framing.'For 2X woad frame substrate 1min.S.G.=0142), Building Code(FBC,)and the industry requirement for the stated conditions: 3. Host structutd'(wood`bbck,masonry,steel)to.be designed and-anchored-lo,properly transferall,loads 2. All glazing;shali,conform to ASTM E1300. to the structure. The'host structure,is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the 3, At minimum;glazing sha,I be single strength annealed insulating glass. project df'installation: sterfers ired aniqhor the window to.achievertherated d s gs only n pressure uputo heosize limitations, ���ES F noted. his not intended as a guide toahe installation proses$and"does PROIECr ENGINEER bA7E: l2kePOrL BIVd. 03/31 2.017 3 37 not'address,the sealing consideration that.may,arise in different wall Klamath Falls,OR.97601 • J HAUY: SCALE: conditions: For,the com lete;installation procedure,see the instnictions JELEl P P * * NS NTS Phone: (541).882-3451 packaged with ttie window or go to w"Jeld-wen:com. "fl T T CHECKED BY: TITLE: w : DBELAU O ( pP; k/ APPROVED BY. Builders Vinyl Tilt Single Hung DISCLAIMER: ER. �' " . 1GOOSS N This dra . ing and its contents are confidential and are not to be f10i PRT PRD ECT o : U 40 teproduced or copiedin whole or in part or.used-or disCiosed'to others �glp�as , gt" except asauthor¢ed'byJELD=WEN Inc. ssa ea5c 75aM�►$cp��t1 SUU6,338 IDENTIFIER No. PLANT NAMEiWD'[OG1T1oN: PAD DWG.No.: REV: n SHEET Dgn1a Beach, FL z330D4 110-16-134 Bldrs�nylTSti Q i oF_a 4„: MAX- MaSaNFON: MASONRY INSTALLATION FROM BI.00C FOR ED6E::DGRZ 2 Ur LY �I CORNERS 0 3 EeEDlAEMBED E N7 '11/0 MIN. �MIDSPAN r-1 'EMBE,OMEfJT l s f f2„ .._...-_...-__. _ ASHI /” AX r -SHIM SPACE MIN.bISTANCE FOWED&E:"21/2" .2 FRAME SECTION(TYp), VERTICAL SECTION v o V MASONRY BLOCK i IAMB SECTION(TYP) HOPIZONT•RL SECTION v4'1AAx. SHiMSPACE c sL Mq2 Fr-ame I DP RATING IMPACT Installation Notes, faenerat Notes• 1. §eaf flangehrame to substrate. '1. The product shown herein is designed,aested and;manufacturetl to complywith thewind load criteria. 2. t)se,3116"Tapson ofequivaient fasteners.through frame%Vdh:sufflctent length to penetrate a minitnum of thwadopted thfo,6 tianal Building Gode(IRG),the international Residential Code(IRC,),.tha;Flodda of 11/4"into concrete or masonry at each"location with a 2112"min from edge distance, For concrete Building Gode(FBC):and the Industry requirement;for the stated.conditiobi . (min.=.3000psi)or masonry(CMU shall conform,to ASTM:C90): 2. All glazingshall.conform o,ASTM E130q: 3, Host strdcture•(wood buck;masonry,,steel)to be;designed and'anchored`to,praperiy transfer all loads 3. At minimum,glazing.shall'be singI strength annealed insulating glass: to the structure. The host structure'is the responsihil'ity of the;architect or engineer of record for the: project of instailafion. This schedule.addresses onlythe:fasteners required to anchor the, ♦����t�S, [1l.tf j ig ,, f window to achieve-the rated design pressure the sizeslimitations ��� '•,., .. © noted. it is not intended as a gulde to the installation process and does" ; . ' •. - ' '. ,. QRaIEcrENONeER InzE .. �; r 3737 Lakeport Blvd: not address thesealing consideratldn that may arise in differentwall :. . C1 ,. 03/3k/ZOx7 conditions For the complete installation,procedure;see the instructions 7 - DRAwNsri SCAB, �EL DrWEI Klamath FatlsA:OR.97601 packaged with fhe window or go� www;jetd-weri:com: * . * = a WIQNS: NTS` Phone: (54i)8$2=3451 -0 T T a +. CHECKED 6Yi TME, - - ;- oEwu O .,(p qP • <v ,- ArPfiavEorlY: Builders Vinyl Tilt"Single Hung alscU�IMER .�.-� •• ��t' J. 00ssl N This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to:ae �r �i5' "� %. PART o ECi o; � , v�artr_ ' �X. reproduced or copied in whole br,in part or used'or'disclosed W others I l No`7 Is D��640 except as authorized by:JEli}-WEN`Inc: 398 East j��IRl$3Fd Suite 336 iDEN71FiER Na. PLANT NAME iND 10CATi0iJ: CAD DWG:No.; ltEYz p SHE6t Dania.Beach, FL"33004' - - f i(} 1&.,13L}. 'BtdfSVjOyr('SH A 36F4 4?"1 MAX, RAIN.wATAWE STEEL INSTALLATION FROM FOR ED6Ei 1/2°"Mina., , embedment CORNERS // cflhreethmods 3 _ ,Pnst fmme Is gauge infn 18 gouge min MIDSPAN steel 5 u Steel.Stud 1 6 1/2" ,� 1/4,M�OC' SNIM SPACE IZ4"MAX MIN.DISTANCE FRAME SECTION(TY) FOR EbGE:1/2" VERTICAL SECTION Min.embedment of Three threads 2 Post frame JAMB SECTION'(TYP) 1 HORIZONTAL SECTIONI�JI7MAX . SHIMSPACE _Is gauge.min Steel Stud s Max Frame, OP-RATIN6IMPACT 48x77 *50/=.5Q NO Installation Notes: General Notes: 1. Seal flange/frame-to substrate.: 1. The product shown.herein l designed,,tested and manufactured3o;comply with the wind load criteria, 2. For anchoring-into metal framing;,use#8_TEK Self Tapping screws with suffrclent length to echievea of the adopted International.Building Code(IBC),ahe international Residentia�Code(IRC),the Flgrida minimum embedment bf three threadspast the:frame thickness: Locate anchors as shownIn Building C:ode(FBC)and,the industry requirement for the stated conditions. e.Wations:and Installaton detailsc Steel'substrate min.18ga.,fy=33 ksi. 2. All glazing shall conform td ASTM E1300. 3. Host structure.(woodIbuck,masonry,steel)fo be designed and anchored to:,properlytransferall loads I At minimum,glazing shall be single strength annealed insulating glass. to theslructure. The host structure is the responsibility'of the architector'engineerof record'efor the project of installation:. ,`,�111111110/�I dresses :anchor the window•to achieve hthe,ratedldes gp napressure. ato heired of=size limitations � ES noted, 'Itis not intended as a'guide to the installation,process and does -zPPOJECr ENGINEER:: DATE: Lakeport 37 not address the seating considerationthat may arise in different wall O r /31/2017 DW �, 37 L Blvd conditions. For,#1@ complete installafion procedu e;'see the instnlctions 7 DRAWN BY:. . . SCALE JELL . .. laN Klamath Falls,-OR 97501, packaged with ttie:window or go'to www:jeld-wencom. ;�Tk _ 7HAWKINS' NTS Phone: (541)882-3451 T T (�• CHECKED BY 17TLE; W D.BELAU q� • 2k'`' APPROVED GOOSSEN Builders Vinyl Tilt Single Hung DISCLAIMER: This drawing and Its contents are confidential and are not to be ���'�' ..• • •• .G\ ��� q Rr P o Nc Ear reproduced or copied in whole,-Or m part or used'ordisclosed to othersrte/pj o ��� `tgg exce tas authonzedh JELD-NEN fnc. 3sa east Suite.338 10EN17FIER No PLANT NAME AND LOCATION: CADDWG No. REV- except EV: /t SHEET' p y Dania Bc r-L 33004 11O 15'134 BIdfSVinyiTSti A i� I �„ SCIS Home i log In User Registration ! Hot Topic y submit Surcharge Stats&Fads i Publications FBC Staff i DCIS Site Map i Unica.� Search �F�Cfit7d raw Prodact Approvall, `. USER:Public User �6ri,V .product Aroroyal Menu>,Product or Anolleation Search Application Iist>Application Detail ' '���• Ft.# FL14911-R8 ,pplicatiom ype Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments f rctiived Product Manufacturer Silver Line Building ProBucts Corp. Address/Phone/Email One,Sliverline Drive NorthBrunswick,W:089.02 (651)264-4178' Nidiolas.Kopp@andersencorp.com Uthoriied Signature Nicholas Kopp. hidholat.Kbpp@andersenc.orp.com Technical.Representative ]on Berrian Address/Phone/Email One Sitverfine Drive !North Brunswick,NJ 08902 (732)435=1000 jonberrian@sibp.com 1 Quality Assurance;Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung IIIICompliance Method Evaluation,Report;from.all Florida Registered Architect.or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report—Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name,Who H.ermes.F.Norero,P.E. the Evaluation Report' Fiorida License PE-73778 Quality.Assurance Entity Window and Door Manufacturers Association Quality Assurance Contract,Expiration Date 08/03/2021 Validated By Locke Bowden ? 0 Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received. a Certificate of Independence FLL4911 R8' COT CO(SAverline SS 2DJ7-06-14.pdf Referenced Standard.and'Year(of Standard) Sbridard Year AAMA/WDMA(c5A/i01/I:S.2/A440 2008 j AAMA(WDMA/CSA/101/LS.2/A440 2011 i Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code 1 I t L. Product.Approval•Method Method I Option D Date Submitted 10/2I/2017 Date Validated 10/27/2017 mate Pending,FBC-Approval 10/30/2017 Date Approved 12/1212017 I Summa ry of-Products ALModel,Number or Name Description _ 14911.1 V1 Series/50 Series(2060) Single-Hung Window Limits of Use Instalhiti6m Instructibins Approved for use in HVHZ.No FLI:4911 AR 1I,SWDQ17 53 2(117-10 20.odf App edfo Yes Verified By:,Hermes F:Norero;PZ Floricla-KE.73778 , outside.NVHZ. -1 Impact Res. :No Created" by Independent third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A EvAluation Report's Other:See Installation Instructions and Product Evaluation FL14911 R8 AE PER5140 SS 2017-10-26.ocl Report for allowable design pressures,sizes,installation Created by Independent Third Party*Yes requirements and,limits of usea 14911.2 VI.Series/5b'Series(2131) Single-Hung Window Limits of'Use Installation-Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ.No FL14911 1 8 11 SWE)0I8-SS-2017-10-27.1) Approved for use ovitsidd HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Herm6s F.Norero,P-.E Florida P,E.73778 'Impact Resistaint.No by Created jInd ependefit-Third Party:Yes Design,Pressure:N/A. - , Evaluation Repclrts, Other:See Installation instructions and Product Evaluation FI-14911_1;8.�AE PER.5141 SS 2017-10r20.0df Report for allowa"ble,desigh priissures,.slzet,instillation Created by.1nopendent.7.hied Party:Yes requirements and limits of use. 14911.3 V1 Serlei/56-Serjds(2200/2300) -Single-Hung Window Limits of Use inst.ahapon Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No EjAqU R8'11.§WD619 SS 20,17-10-77.i2d Approved for use:outside HVHZ:Yes VetiftdBy:Hermes F.Norero,,.PiE.Florida P;E,73778- Impact Resistant,No Created,by independent Third Ird Party;Yes , . Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation-Reports; (jthdr:,Se4 Ifistallatl6n'Instfuttlo6s;and Product,Evaluation FL1491 I I R8 AE PER5142-5-!5 2017-,10-20.pd Report for allowable design pressures,sizes,instailation Created by:IndependentThird Party:Yes reqkjirements�and'ilmitso.f.use., 14911.4 VI-Serles/70 Series(2907/4907) Single-Hung ung Window Limits of Use InstWliatl6n 1histiuctions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FU4911 R8 IT SWD020 S$2617-16- Approved for use outside HI PZ:Yes Verified Byr.Hermes F.Norero,O.E.Florida:P.E.73778 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party.Yes, Design Preiiiisuriia:.N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See Installation Instructions and Product Evaluation ELL49.11 R8 AE PER5143-5520.17-10-27.i)df Report for allowable design pressures,.sizes,installation Created by Independent Third Party:Yes requirements and limits of use, Ea_-] F-7-t contact us::2001 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee h am Phone,8SM67-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Conviiaht 2007=2(i13 State of Florida.t:.VrivaqZ Statement::Accessibility Statemen Refood:stitgnient Under Florida law,-email addresses are public records.Ifyou do'not want your e-mail addriss released In.response to'a pubflrrecordi requestj do not send electronic mail to this entity.instead,contact the office by phone or by traditiorial mill.If you filavi any questions,:please Eontact 6!S0.487.1305.*Pursuent to Section 455.275 (1),Florida Statutes,:effecave Octobir 1,2012,licensees,ricensed under.chapter 455,F.S.must providefilie 64panmiiit Wfthin einaill addressif 6ey,fiave one.The emaiworovidedmay'6e used for official communication with thexcensee;However email addriss6s are public re6ra,-if v6diJ6 not wish to supply wilersonall address, please provide the Dep.-artmient with arr'einall 601driess which can bi madeavailable to the public.T6 determine if you are a:llcaniiie unider Cbaotei0t,F.s.,,*-pkase click here Product.Approvat Accepto Credit Qlzird S06- Rver Line SILVER LINE WINDOWS AND DOORS VI S-ERIES170 SERIES SINGLE-HUNG WINDOWS (290714907) "i:THE W16041 AV"ACMUD PYCOM BEVIEVALLIATEDACCORI Xt 1. 20 C", AUQUACYOFTHEOWINIS CONCREWMASOLLu'urk4mIN GIUCD WAL So TRANSFER ASAMAIKWINDFORCE AMD AFF M CAPABLE CT WITHSTANDUGAhO KING UMPRODU JOROSTOTILE-MUNDATION ISTHE 4EIPON1I11UTY OF ME TABLEOFCONTENTS CNIGINICALLAARCHTECTW RECO.�.TftEPROjfaO" pTI INSTALLATRIX SHEET ftEmsion SnErroBscAON (D 3.1XAxD I I A 2 GENERALMOTESSGUZINGVETAIL$ ANCHORED TO PROPSMYTRANS BALL LOADSTO THE 2 ELEVATIONS SWCrUAF-SUCK DESIGNANDINSTALLATION LSTH AESPONSIOUryOfTHEU41NEIROR'ARCHMCTOFRECCAD 3 ANCHOWYOUn REMARKS 'BY DATE FOR THEYROISCrOFINSTALIATION A VERTICAL SECTIONS Gm Fac EDITION Im 10/17 4.IHf0WAUAPCHDETAftSDESQVDfbHf1tfV1 ARE GENERIC 5 HORtZO NTA.SECTIONS %HDKtAYNarREfLtCTACTVALC 0 KCWM E-==oASmm 6 ANCLLOROETAIL&SONGULE A DOCUMENTS FO=M GNHrTKISIDDqJg 01 NM W a zo,r 71M RO t% AREAS.IN MIT T VATO) BE OBTAINED FROIA&0AN44)AIDE III OR RILL py S.APPROVEDIMPACT P= A THISPRODUCrILIAR =TU� G.WINDOW fRAMEMATERIAU PVC. o* GLASS MEEISTHE KEQU0IEMENTSOFASTME2300 GLASS ..INSUtATWGWS 7 CHAMS1ESHECt4FORGLAZNGDETAIM E]MRIOR- DESIGNMUSURETASLE ,s.ZE CONFIGURATION DV9GN PRESSURE MISSILE IMPACrRAXINGNAIL �STEELSPACMER 4.;0.x Saw CA AAO'X 601VA. ".350S PSF 48rX84.0' FLA. olk-Oft- NON-MPACr FL14911 64.011)(6gr 'CA-M +351-35 PSF NONIMPACT' so"rXITLO. Now'"Ad 112-MIN,GLASS DA*m 09.21.17 Q/v-Q/X �Zof-20Ps,. JAW� O/X-c^ BITE • 3P NON-IMPACT 7WJIf4V CIA-019. Sr NO94&VACr GLAZING-DETAIL Ickla NTS DWG.c SW0020* 107.vx74.T oi")Xox "4w-20 osF Nor"WACr- GIAZWGNOITL SHEET GtMTHICKNESSANOTYPESHALL. ComptVYATH ASTER E-2300 WASS CHAITISREQUIREMENT OF 6, f UNITMAX 'Saverull IMOTN 4HD" DS.O MAY . 1N07N 43.0' UHRMAX VADTH 9110' A O1D MAX t. W7DTH40.z r ortssn nMit romremuwocwwen f �+ ..5 UNR AIRY +h 2>p "EIGHT �-A. UNIT' —+—' a{Sa � ' 5. 84.0' MAY WW L HEIGHT A - J m / EIGHT 70.0" LO: D. HEIGHT, y 1� 39A3&` 33.3V REMAW BY I DATE i CHWEDITION TM 10/17 i C ELEVATION, ELEVATION UNIT MAX ,yrpUURrITTI4f MOTH 307.0' `N,SES F.-Nrid a j VItUtN 30.41 �'Z"?�Y��•' .Ci S- S, i mow. q` .D.. 6..D. .D. .S �'iSS�ONA4f;�p`��`• UNR I MAY itTIHT. A G i 0" 5� - R ax°c�v +ear ssus D"O�� FL1491-1 x "A' 34:738 6me 09:31:17 . .. DWG-CT 6048Yi• GL HFN 5—: NTS. ELEVATION SW0020 I r OF 6 i t I# t j i c t i i i 1 I I Silver Line 20'FRtlM �rComm(.f.(YP.) i 1.�45'MlaLfNP.7 0'FROM �1 {.,. apon�rvuwmotm COMER".) .O• a� sa3E. s•K,nsi:�. :1� as•h+Mftvr.j� }}0 0 ' Z.tl'FROM ZO'FItOM. 'COANER,Qrj, .CORNER(LYP.) REKUM s 'BY.0A7E. 6MFRCWMON FM 30j17' ANCHOR LAYOUT r-� ANCHOR LAYOUT NAIL:FIN NAIGFIN 1 ��pNu`idgiq�� 2o•.crcbM 7�7� as•7aAx.pvP1 ��:�w,•��; ,14�P0 y 4SMAX MPJ .� .a. •o. ,n. :,ate � t;:�aw�r f NAI���+�� R�APb J�S{is ]11�+Ow�1xOo^R��M n[OOr[O WeiPVAO'6 Y f9'Al RC: 2O'FROM '" Fl149S] CORNER 7TYP.) we .�,.� 09:21:17 'CLHFN ! ANCHOR LAYOUT NTS } uwr.a:SWD020 NAIL FIN l WET: OF.6 I t f i 1 SiiverLine bAid3s5i I w�mve�ramns wwmw�eacwcam k W� 0 1EME DETAILSRLLSIiFET1 O C REMAPJS -BY'DATE e 61NEHCWMON M.;—Ill VERTICAL SECTION EXTERIOR iNTMOR A - 4 tis F•yo ': SECGLAZING 00 /—DEFAILSHEETI �p��/,T)�• �.?�„i+/` i � O• isi my a rieo�an�w..�.. � rtw FL14911 [� ai NT. 09 21.17 CL HN SCAC U NTS Dwew SWD020 SHEET: 4 i OPo6 i i i i i i I i I I i i I i S'iiverLine wu,a,w i wcuwamoc msm ]lMTi p0 SEENOTE7 SEENOTEI SEEGLAZING INTERIOR . $ DETAILSNEETS _ 000 c� c`� SEE GLAZING ooca y.Z. .m/// � L� DETNLSHEETI gg {@I SEE GLAZING m a; �J SEENOTE2 DETAILSHEE'T3 REMARKS' by DATE STN FHL EDMON FM 10/17 El n ^t tJ DA.O.� EXTERIOR OtO, �— MAXiFRAME WDTt ONALSETION LSECIOVNOR12 . (C1-- HORIZONTALSECTiZN OPERARLEJAMH MUtlON �����`•�11�11ES F LnOtA�`�ro. i NOTES:1NfORtEMEtiT R£gUiREO FOR:. sS/ONAIEi���• OJ%,DESIGN PIIESSUflE+ZOJ-SP ;Tt,I�SJ. T. DESIGN PRESSURE X15/-LS + 2. 'REINFO62.0%OTTNOTRESIGN PRFOR: m2�a aw�0w ce 80.D"X62.0',O/X-OX,DESIGN PRESSURE X201-20 FL14911 DATe 09.21.17 ClIowI CHLiFN . NTS SWD020 SHEET: OF 5 i t i i I i { I i I f Si(v Anti En' MIN,EDGE DISTANCE MIN. i/A'MNLSHiMSPACE EMBEDMENT EKTERIOR .INTERIOR - rmnicacut p ^�- SUBSTRATE BY OTHERS SUBSTRATE . amxav:.R;sx ' !1 t/A'MAX.SHIM SPACE BYOTHERS;,_ MIN. IF 1 EDGE DISTANCE ANTERIOR EDGE DISTANCE a, Q ? i I. a MIN EMBEDMENT' ( I/4".MAX. t712� o:$ F. Ll SUBSTRATE BY OTHERS—"' SHIM 4i a =.p _ EXTERIOR INTERIOR IO:0 ,S <MIN' o,m M , •EMBEDMENT EXTERIOR C _ANCHOR DETAIL (gl ANCHOR�DETAIL / ANCHOR DETAIL REMARKS BY BATE GTHFBDEDmoN I FM 11DA7 NUL FIN �6. "LRNtuMR) '(. autFtN t"W) '�✓ I ANCHOR SCHEDULE; INSTALLATION NOTES: MIN.EDGE FROM .ewuMn<a,•.xu�e.. - MEStT00 i SUBSTRATE ANCHOR SCHEO tdfN£A1.9EOEAEtTT OiSTANCE CORNERS. a„�;� •,'Q"*„� �. L ONE(L)INSTALLATION ANCHORISAEOU17ED AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION SHOWN, O:MW EIGW.55 OOYIOODSCREW 1.S' 0.76' 7' 2 THE NUMBER OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS}DEPICTED ISTHE M80MUM NUMBER OF ANCHORS TO BE NUL FIN _METAU"GAUGE -3THREADSMIN 1ttLitlT/t USED FOR PRODUCT N9AU.AnoN DPTH€MAXIMUM SNF LISTED. ",W.MIN.FY=33KS1 BE.TEK SCREW �PENET M�DN.BEYOND 0:75 Y Stes F._.p!EAj� + TAL L INSTAtLINDNIDUALINSTALLATIONANYHIORSVAT10NA"IOLEPANCEOFMA2lNCHTHEDMCMO LOTATIDN 6 SPACING IN THE ANCHOR TRYOUT DETAIi${I,F�WDFIOUTCON57DERATL0.4 a, - .:`Z O,i TOLERANCES TCEMNCESARENDTCUMUtAD-,T Otd ONEiN3TAtLRAONANCHOATO THENEXT.' NSI. - �* *" �:I�OTATIDN OF DUCK OR WINt7f)W AMCHgL5 MAYBE' A.'$HIM A5 REOUTAEDAT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHORWOHLOADBEMWASTUMHS).A/A7JMUTA C AUDVJAEtESNLht STALKTOBEijA7NCLI SHIMSVNERE SPACE OF IJIGiNQi OAGREATER OCCURS' AONSTED TO MUNTAINl"MIN:CENTERSO •SPAONGBEIWEENANCH01155Ut}iTHAT MA)C SHIMIS)StMLLbE CONSTRUCTED OF HIGHi DETL9N MASTIC WI BETTER:, ED IS 3. EXCEEDEW MINIMUM EMIRiMENTAN610GEDIS7ANCE'EXCLUBEWAL FOIL HESINNCLUONGBUT NOT LIMITED i HUCCMAY OE FFSPACING LUSHUTH ACE OFTHE BLOCC ''l4r�sSJONAL ta�i�� TO STUCCO.FOAM,BRICK VENEER ANDSIDING. {TELLN,L�Ra I 6 INSTALLATION ANCHORS AND ASSOCIATED HARDWARE MUST BE MAOE OF CORROSION RESISTANT "i/A'(TW TAPCON ANCHOR, n+.r+P-i X}1iinN >.ac Lvna srw� NUITWAL O0.HAVEACIX+ROSIQN RE515TANTCAATI4'FRCM NG. rxw'?emlrl>mn, 16'MAX:O.C.TNCpRNERiEREAFTEP a -I 77(WOOD BUCKOfSUFFICIENT ,7. FOR HIXLWJBLOCKANDGROUTFULED BLACK DO NOTNATALLU ALEATIAYANCNORSINTO' _ _ DEPTHTO FULLY'SUPPORT TI'R' MORTAAJOINI5.EDGE DISTANCE IS MEASURED FROM FREE EDGE OF BLOCK OAEDGE OF MORTAR, WINDOW FRAME MINTINTOFAGESNCIOFELOCK, f BY07HER5 �L149.11 B. INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE.WITHANCHORMANUFACTURCNS11/A'MIN. DATE 09,21.27 INSTALLAAONIHSIRUCDONS,ANOANC}HORS SHALLNO78E USED tNSU857RA7F5WOtiStRENG!!i5 EMBEDMENT t D6'TANC[.EDGE D"&; a Y. LESSTFWI THE MINMUM STR,ENGTIISFECWED BYTHEANDiOR MANUFACTURERWN swE NTS i 3'MIN EDGE�I awG c SMt/D020 DISTANCE CTJfiomr Mma0y BY OTH�Ps SHEET. . BUCK INSTALLATIONMETAIL C)F.6 1 I t s i t I I E I { CI E r" ;r .:;.{. C SCIS;Home j Logon I User Registration ? Hot Topics Submit Sureh4 oe a Stats&FaCts Publicstions reC Staff'( B,CIS Site Maptlnks Search ' Product Approval W t f" USER: and User Pioduct Aiyroval Menu>Product or Armlication Search->Apnlfcatian Ust>Application Detail # FL4904-R8 ,Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved *Approved by MPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments �rch[Ved (] f Product Manufacturer Masonite International ddress/Phone/Email '1955 Powis'Road WestChicago,3L 60185 (800)653-3667 sschrelber@masonite.com uthorized Signature Steve Schreiber sscheelber@masonite.com Technical Representative Add ress/Phone/Email i !Quality Assurance Representative -[Address/Phone/Small Category Exterior Doors: (Subcategory Swinging Exterior DoorAssembiies Compliance Method Certification Mark or tasting !Certification Agency National Accreditation:&Management:Institute Validated By National Accreditation&Management Institute i Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 19944 l Equivalence of Product Standards 1:Ceitifled By l+i i i IProduct Approval Method Method 1 Option A Pate Submitted 12/15/2017 Date Validated 12(20/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval i Date Approved 01/02/2018 Summa ry or Products IPL# Mod 1,Number or Name Description 14904.1 Wood"edge Steel Side-HingOd Door 6'-8"Opaque i/S and O/S Single Door Units �Lirnft of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for-use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 R@ C CAC'N10061.1.6,61.1)(I Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes QualitV,Assjuranc tra mCon ctEx'Piration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+76:0/-76.0 Installation Instructions Other:6val6ated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 4 1.R8 1 11 1`1_0128:pdf Building Code including the High Velocity.'Hurricane Zone, Verified:By:National Accreditation&Management Institute and where pressure.requirements as determined i by ASCE 7, Cr6ated'by-Independent Third Party: Minimum Des Loads for Building's,and Other Structures, Evaluation�Repqrts does not.exceed the design preissures,listed.3'-0"x,6-8" FL4904 kg AE 514010A,nd rnax"norninal size.When large missile Impact resistance-is Created by Independent Third Party:Yes required,hurricane protective system-is'NOT required.See DWG-MA-FL0138w05 for details: -4904.2 Wood-edge'Steel Slcle_Hlnged Door 8'-0"bpaque I/S and O/S Single Oodr Units Limits:of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes R8'f 'CAC N 611042.od Approved for use outside HVHZ*Yes Quality Assurance Contract,Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+7.0.0/-70.0 Installation Instructions Other:Evaluatedfor use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R8_II ELQL22adj Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, Verified BY:National Accreditation&Management Institute and where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: Minimum Design LQads'for Buildings,and Other Structures, EvaluatioWlteports does not exceed the design pressu,ires,listed.3'-0"x.8'-0" FL4904 R8 AE_5j0UA.j)_qf max.nominal size.When large missile Impact resistance is Created-by Independent Third Party;Yes ,required,hurrichfie protective system is NOT required.See DWG-MA-R-0I29-05 for details. 4904.3 Wood-edge,Steel Side-Hinged:Door Opaque I/S and O/S Docir W/or W/o Sidelites Units Limits of Use Certification Agency CarEiPcate I Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes FV4904 118 C CAC Approved for use outside HVHZ-Yes -Quality,Assurance Contract Expiraition Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+55.0/-55.0 installation Instructions Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R8 Il !FL0128.pd Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone;, Verified By:National.Accreditation.&Man,agement,lnstitute and,where pressure reqUirem'ehts.as.determIn'ed by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third,Party* Minimum besigfi.'Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Evaluation Reports does not exceed the design pressures listed.12'-0"x G'-b" FL4904 R8 AE 514008A.l2d max nominal size.When'large missile Impact resistance Is Created by'Indepenclent Third Party;Yes required,'huniciihe protective system Is.NOT reoulredon opaque panels,_but is reqWred6n glazed panels..See b,WG- MA-FI_0128-05. 4904.4 Wood"e'dbe,Stelel Sfde-Hihgpcl Door 6'-0"Opaque I/S Door w/or wlq,Sicielites Units Limits of Use Certificaiti6n Agency Certificatim Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes FL4904. R8 C CAC NI006110X2.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. Impact-Reslstaidi-Yes 12/211./2020 Design Pr6tsuihe:+45.0/-50.0 Installation Instructions Other.,Evaluated for use In locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R$_1j_LFL0U4pdf Building Code including the HighVelo-city Hurricane Zone, Verified By:National Accreditation&.Management Institute and where pressure requirements as cleternilned by ASCE7, Created by Independent Third Party: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Evaluation Reports does not exceed the design pressures listed..12'-0"x8'-0" FL4904 RB AE 514007A.L)d ii max nominal size,When large missile impact resistance,is Created<by Independent'Third Party.Yes required,hurricane protective system is NOT required on opaque panels,but is r6quire6dnglazed,panels.See DWG- MA-FL0129405, 4904.5 Wood edge Steel Side Hinged`Door 8'r0"',Opaque OjS wl or wic,Sid4lites Units Limits of Use Certificatlon,Agendy CeAificate ro Appved for"use I in HVHZ:Yes F _'Rgi_C CAC N- phi Approved f6rFuse outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance.Contract Expiration Palte Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31126201 Design"Pressure:+SO.01-45.0 Installation Instructions- .Other,Evaluated for.use In locations:adhering to,the.florida FLA904 R8 II FL0129.radf BuiliJing Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, Verified By:National Accreditation&Management Institute sand where pressuee,requiiements as determined by.ASCE.7, Created by Independent Third Party: {Minimum Design Loads foe Buildings and AtherStructures,, Evaluation Reports does not exceed design pressures listed.12'-0"x 8'-0" FL49a4 g8 AE 514007A,gdf Amax nominal size.When large missile impact resistance is Created by Independent Third Party:Yes irequlred'hurricane protective system is NOT.required on opaque panels;but Is required on glazed panels:See DWG- ..1 -05. f 14904:6 Wood-edge Steel.Side-Hinged Door 6'-8"-Glazed I/Sand O/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites j Units !Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate. Approved,for use in HVHZ:Yes ELy4904 R$�C CAC N-100I Q,03.pdf Approved for use outside-HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance-Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:•+50.5/-50.5 Installation Instructions Other:Evaluated Neuse in locations adhering to the;Florida FL4204RR8 II FL0130.ndf Building Code including the.High Velocity HuericanerZone, Verified By„National Accreditation&Management Institute and.where pressure requirerirents as determined-by ASCE 7, Createa by Independent7tiird°Party: Minimum Design.Loads for Buildingssand Other Structures, Evaluation Reports does notexceeid the design pressures listed 12'-0-k 6'-8' FL4904 R8 AE 514008A.oci[ max nominal size.When-large rni§silelmpact resistance is. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes required,hurricane protective system is%required.,See:DWG- MA-FL6130705 for'details: 4904.7 Woad-edge,Steel Side-Hingeb Door .8'-0”Glazed!/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites Units Limits:of Use' Certification Agency Certificate Approved.for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 IRS C CAC 4100611'0:04.odf Approvedfor use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality,Assurance Contract'Expiration Date Impact Resistant :No 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:'+40A/-45.0 Installation Instructions Other:Evaluated'for,use in locations adhering to the Florida R:49 R8'II FL013'1.Ddf Building Code:including,the High Velocity!hurricane Zone, Verified By,:,National Accreditation&Management Institute and where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created'by IndependentT.hird'Party: an Minimum Design'Loads for Buildings' d;Other Structures, `Evaluation Reports does not exceed the design pressures listed.12'=0"x 8'W0 FL4904 R$ AE 514007A.odf ntax nominal size.When large.misslie_impact resistance is Created+by''IndependentThird Party:Yes required,hurricane protective systerli is requIeed,See DWG- MA-FL0131-05'foe details. 4904,8 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged.Door 8'-0"Glaied O/S Door w/or w/orSidelltes Units Limits of,Use Certification 1 Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 R8 C CAC Ni0Q6110.04:odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality'Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 12/31/2020' Design Pressure:+45:0/-40.0 Installation Instructions Other:Evaluated for use In locations adhering to theFlorida FL4904 1t8 II FLOi3l.pdf. Building Code Including the High Veiocity Hurricane Zone, Verified By:,Nat16nai:AccredItation&Management Institute and where'pressure requirements as determined by-ASCE 7, Created by.Independent Third:Party: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings.and Other Structures,, Evaluatlop Reports does not.exceed'the deslgnpe6sures listed.-12'-0"x 8'-0" FL4904 R8 AE 514001A.Pdf max nominal slze,When large missile Impact.resistance Is Created by Independent Third Party:Yes, required,tiurricane protective system:is required..See-DWG- MA-FL0131-05 for details. r ; Buck Next_ } contact-Us.::260I BlafrStpn6 Road.Tallahassee Fl,32399 Phone:850-487-1824- The State of FloridaKanAA/EEb.employer.,copyright 7007-2013 State nrfindds.::PrivacyStatement:;Accessibility Statement::Refund.Statement Under fiorlda law,email addresses are public records.If you do,notwant your e-mail address released in response-to a public-records request,do not send electronic M611 to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phane or by traditionai oil.If you haveany questions;,please con act 850.487.1395.•Pursuent to Section 455.275 (2),'Florfda Statutes,'effective October 1,M1,licensees licensed antler Chapter.455,F.S.mustprovide the Departmentwith an eina;l-address tf they haite one.The emalis provlded may beused.for oMclarcemrriuplcation with the licensee.However omail'addreases-are public record.If you do not wish to suDpiy'a personal address, please provide the Department with an email add ies5 which tan ba made avatiable to the public:To cletermine.if you area lcensee under chapter 455,.F.S„please. cittk her. iProduct Ap_provat Acceiam, i 4 .Credit Card. i Safe i i f i (u 248-k(NC OIEAAt2 FRAUE D702N- L> Co- 21'WQQ EL Dd7UR(1NIT 2f' 35.375 tAY. - .tbb D.L0.'. 'PANEL YBDTH X37.5'A(AX. O 4 61rDOUBLEDOORWRWwrW HQUTS.IDELITES wjnsmn�2L MWE WDTH 1..�''VALUATED FOR USE JN LDCATIONS!AaHER 4 To THE FLORUTA WW=CODE AND.WNERE,PRESSURE REOUR EU MS AS DETERINWED'BYIASCE 7,FmmRNN tn,x DE61GN:LOADS FOR DUIDBXS.AND,:OTIiER ufRUCftIRFS, LL.u. DOES NOT DLCEEO TTtE DESIGN PR65UR6 L6TE0. Z:too DOES E]. - 2. HURRICANE ELS.BUT REEiMw E`D ORs)N,GLA ED NotS91 REDUIRED ON .� w OPAQUE'PANELS.BUT 5 REWIRED ON..GlA2E0 510ELTLT. 3.IN THE:HVN2.FACTOR/PRIMED DOORS•HINST BE PAfMN IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECIDON 2220 OF THE FDC. nt o 4. POLYU46HANE CORE'FLANAE.5PtiFlD'LNDE]t OF'SO AND SNDKE..DE/ELOPETN INDE)T OF IDD PEP.ASiN E84. S. PLASTICS 1f;,RNC OF UTE FRYGE:W,TEtDAt. TEST'DVZRIPDON DE5ICNATWN RESULT # Kt LO SELF NDNR20N TEND...A.'TN 02828 1740'F> 650'f f33t�T RITE OF N59rf,G ASTU D284 -0;77 IN MIX SMOKE DENSRT .ASfU b2843 E 13:4Z t TENSILE STREIIGTH ASTM.0638 1 7.505.DUF COMPARATIVE TENSRE^STRENGTH AFTER WFATHERItRi: 450'HWRS XES014•ARC METHOD.1 JZq��_Q,(7pR UNI.WJSIQFl RL,. � p Adr$idAanRNA 2� I tme rcnrL m 3 w i'it o. : r 130 r'® x;13 ®E3 tj�. Wig " .00 DO' off ao :oo oo. o000o pOD opo 0o 00 00 0.0 00 GO Y ' m i 4IKFL�..DnoR uvR bauRLE onaiuNir �N!`i:F:goox rrrt SINGLE Doan uNrt �cx,Fuvrr rvi �11�R I/Np�yy _ (� wmr..c+rurrtc' vitrN z MOIR FRES-URE RATING R ED TD BE S".t:OF�CESLGN,PR€8SUR€ a.1e 7,22.05 �ERFORUINCE ISI TABLE OF COMENIS ! m 7 INSNI INSWING'. )N .. / � 11.st"7_ Qu r, N.T.S. SHEET,{ DESCRlMpN 3.5 + a -9.0 +6. ="IGa •.+sD. s + - ''�"'""YY 1 ICN„ A N k GENERAL`NgES .+ -5. + _ 0 +78. -28.0 + :0- ✓+�8rs $%S ? AN RI L RO.NS-,4 TAILS" I 7 +K .0•+5. +1.0 1 ..+ - Aie 1 + - O i S- -550 +78.0 t.0 + KURT BALTFf42QR745 + - .0 +S. +te:4 -t .0, + O FLORIDA RE. DWO-4A-FLOt28-0 /56533 9aEi 2 I i l t i S t i i r SEE DEiM S. 6a E7 c ar, 31 tt a• a a. 1 I •� Sic D 'SEE MALL _ .--� •SEE DEML n. .0. fi �i S•i SEE DETNL —a~ ti 'F'- AaiaeadtuN i I � faYcalp'ititi.urd/n o c>-. cw" ASTRAGAL REFAINER BOLT HQIE 8 x -1/2" 1'10 112," 8 x 2=112" LIST DRILLED THROUGH a W THE THRESHOLD-:& INTO THEoz.- jild x 5/8" a ,STRUCTURE DEEP E¢10UGH JB.z -1/2" 'IO x,1" — FOR A fi.375"THROW ci 110 x 5/8" D "�f 10 x 3/4" 6kTAfL 'f"ASTRA—fit `a 110 X 2"- DAIL ° ASTRAGAL m .FRA61E / DOOR ATTACH ASTRAGAL RETAINER BOLT arNsaa wlt+ a°rwr+e war A! STRIKE PLATE 70 FF.atifE - -��' DETAIL "C" A.S-SHOWN. TYPICAL ,;,,,�-/a x t-1/2..wa aur 7.11'05 l 0.462! r,. ^. 1` swy N.SW 1.375'. s�Lfl.S '� '? a�a M:� S4Y5 INS,yJ' G TtiRESWOLO o wl(�G_]'HRESWOLD201 uro-w-itpna-a3 -� - TYPICAL GLAZING.DE�AIL I 7 i t I r I I i 7 5EE nEIAIL —3. b'-' 6" 'E'SNL 2' � � m - o SEE DVA1L hex. SEE DETAIL u A A � G. � —L.! H e Ir I I 3- - .._ 'SEE UETIUL b -F . 7i b- a�ATTACHMENT_DEFWL -t"SHT.2 1. ANCHOR ANALYSIS FOR LOADING CONDITIONS PREPARED, . SIGNED AND SEALED BY LUIS.-R. LOMAS. PE Iplmyn121L11E (FLORIDA#62514) WITH.THE LOWEST(LEAST) FASTENER RATING FROM THE 0 N FASTENERS �1 ' BEING CONSIDERED FOR USE I JAMB HEAD,'AND 0 N gl THRESHOLD FASTEN RS ANALYZED FOR THIS.UNIT INCLUDE fl10'WOOD SCREWS OR 3/16 ITAPCONS A.PHYSICAL °C SHIWr MUST BE PLACED IN SHIM SPACE AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION. TAPCON EDGE DISTANCE MIN 2-1/2": HARDWARE_SCH: - aw'. WOOD SCREW EDGE DISTANCE 111N 3j4". 1, KWIKSET;SERIES 400 GRADE 3 CYLINDRICAL LATCH AND o .; 2. MULLIONS TO BE —1/2- X-43/8-;STRUCTURAL GRADE SERIES 98D GRADE 1 DEADLOCK HARDWARE TO BE INSTALLED .2 FJ PINE ON CONTINUOUS HEAD;AND SILL,UNITS. BACK TO AT 5"1/2!' CENTERLINE. ^� BACKAAMB.UNITS JOINED WITH, 1" X 1/2" LONG 2.14'X 4" FULL MORTISE BLnT:HINGES .A „ CORRUGATED FASTENERS,LOCATED 3' FROM EACH ENO AND MAXIMUM 7"O.C. OR #10 X`2" FLAT HEAD WOOD SCREWS LOCATED 6" FROM EACH END AND:MA)dMUM e, 72"'O C• { t.b0'"(— 25' w o d 3; THE WOOD'SCREW SINGLE SHEAR DESIGN VALUES,COME FROM MIN S_._ 0.25 MIN { n.25' z ANSI/AF&PA NDA FOR SOUTHERN,BINE LUMBER AND ACHFJVEMENT ox wM nvc 2 tt OF 1'-1/2 MINIMUM-EMBEDMENT, THE TAPCON'MUST ACHIEVE rur P1T.& MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1—L/4': � I— ,„ ' cL�� N`" o. m Stys 4, WOOD BUCKS BY-OTHERS'.MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO g•_ - TRANSFER-LOADS TO STRUCTURE oa.woa - 5. MINIMUM'DESIGN VALUE—..STRENGTH OF ANCHORS 171 LBS, TYPICAL WODD'BUCK TYPICAL MASONRY oac.urFtnrza m - ANCHOR'INSTALLATION ANCHOR INSTALLATION .. ' s r, by 1 i C I 1 i i