HomeMy WebLinkAbout14019 Aguila Aver;LL APPLICABLE IIIFO mUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE mCCErTED Date: RACz�!_ Pc.-reit R�m6e�: 4 k;, J 99im—NE Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Cade neyularion Division zzV19 v iryinia mvenue, rort Tierce rr a1Fs3z Phone: {772} 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 CvmirricrLial RG31a�ntlal PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Ta Selem from Oropoox, alicR arrow at the end of line PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: ' 1 Address:1� & i {'1 ''t\- �� . VC -C-1, �+ � .I mak \ k Evs.i E1e�oeiptiv: Property i ax 10 ;Y: �i� ,�;i Lot No. site Pian Rame• 1 610cR No. Project Rame: ,d eczz' 3eiBacRs Front 6acK: Right Title: Cert ziae: Dt I AILED DE5CKiP I IUN OF wORR: Ruplaue AC, eAaut chanye uat with &S ton, SEER, itjKW AC anis C.UN5 I ROL 10N INtuRIVIA I lulu: Additional work to be nerformed under this permit -check all that appy: 7q ,nIers ❑ ❑I1VAC []Gas ❑vas Piping ianR bRaII`Vil100 ./Doors ❑ EleCTric U Plumbing ❑.3prinRlers U Generator ❑ ttpvT Roar pitag iota I aq. Ft of Construction:Ft. or First FIOor: Comet of C�n�t-a�tian: �� -- Utilities:USewer 11 Septic Building Height: uvvI9ER/CE55EE: C.Uia I KAL I uR: Mame Cs. C i wame: D_ c,-inia LaCak t — Naarle�s-s-� . ARS American Residential Services Cornpanr. Citr: N .CCJ0_1 Stater. Address: 2800 US Hwy � Zip Code: i Fax: Clty; vera 6eacn FE Phone Mo, • �1 rip Coae: U90 Fay: r -Plan: FRone No. 772 794-72(19 Fill in tee simple Title Holder on next par e { if different E -Mail: , ' ' Qao UCs. from the Owner listed above) state or County License: CI7It;'z4at5s If value of construction is $zsQ'u or more, a RECURVED Rozice or Commencement is requirca. uPP>GIOIEId 17g[ Cvlv5 I nUCTluI� [Irfd SAW lNFuRivIRTION: uEaIGIOER/EIaGjMEER: x Mot Applicable Ivicift I GAGE EDITIPAMr: = Mot Applicable Dame: Dame: Address: Address: Elly: state: City: xate: c.ip: Phone: tip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: i terrify iMac no worR or installation nas commences prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie Countmakes no representation that is 5rantin5 a pe, mit ..ill autRori,e tFiepermit holder to Bails tFie sab;ect strartw e -nicll is in conflict witn any applicaele Rome Owners Association rules, Bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prolliBlt such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Rssociadon and review your deed for any resLK70ons which may apply. In consideration of the granting of khis re --queued permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accoruance wltA Lee approves plans, the Florida Building Codes and 3t. Lucie County Amendments. i Re rolrowing ouiising permit applications are exempt rrom uneergoing a rull concurrency review: room aesitions, accessor7 structures, swimmine pools, fences, walls, sians, screen rooms and accesso� yy uses Lo another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Tour fail improvements to your .roperty. before the first inspection. If you commencing work or recording Ore to Record a Notice of Commencement. may result in your payinr, Lwice for A Notice or Commencement must Ise recorset] anti poster on cpe jobsite intend Lo obtain financing. Consult with lender or an attorney before your NuticE of Cun rnEncF=mrnt. �*�-. rte•:-� _ signature of O er/ Fessee/went STATE OF FLORIDA COON I T OF Sit -i. I M5 roF601n3 lFi,"OrRCRT :..� o�Rno-lo8scs Bci.rc rric LRis may or zu'iby Deems Zosek (ID c per.o kntoy wlci9airis } 6r,&na4r,o oto - tate of Florida } Personally Rnown x OR Produced Identification Type or IaeritIticatiuM Proaacca Commission No. C m3CI(seal) pct_ s signature or Contra r/Cicense Roloer STATE OF FLORIDA COON I T VF StLude I ne rvrgalrlg iri�trt"Rt -CRrlar.Ieased BCroF!C mC this AL day of2% A�' ___'z0 by Dennis Zf4k (I11 ie or erson acRn lesgin (�ignota e o IQet.. • �t Fleriao } Pe,30191o11y KMW .m X UR Proaacea Ia.Rtitiration type of identirication Produces t:o.,.rni��ion Mo.+%69 j5ea1) r• +o. - - - _;p.•• `'!y,. a.vi.��ni au«Irrinr MY COMMISSION # GG071535 :�:• MY COMMISSION # GG071535 tCc.:.c�[ Q/I151��i� ' EXPIRES February 09.2029 •+ EXPIRES Fehruary 09.2021 REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW MA OVE REVIEW ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS AK -'.)J ApOTER TSl k1h1-1e.- i,r1'a1F7rt-WGQU ►uaranariv„ Work Order (774 Sora 1 uu 2800 05 H. -%,h -,..y 1, Vero s arc , FC 32960 Am■w Reside.rai Somme. of Florida, Ir= License N CMC1249753. CA0045878. CFC142B283 Ell. StRrt QRte Esi, Co m pleiion D -e �- I tr t� Corporate Gust=mer Relations '966) 603-0679 CUS70MER�,,,�� e CALL SLIP ADDRESS NW9 ems,—, r4 L1 E �t YOUR DESIGN OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 7.ILE r� i r Pl< �.A�, 51c I T P� E 5 E TYPc EFFIC-IL•Avr �� kL� Erricl EF IERCY �aK bl5rr7c� C Z,qb '4910D $ 1 yy nn • F• Ql F-IDa $ $ $ $ sGtslurAL $ gDp r 05 5uBIUlAC $ SUBTOmll! $ IClvld R1Y P_5T' T. MQN I RCT E5I. • $ MONTHLY EST. $ vuaTu-MER IMITW-5 1.05oUMER IAITIAC5 CDs IOMER INITIALS vvarramy: Parts [fir vvanentT:t Purtc ._ r Warrsnar? Parts ®EDr JL)LMmpressor� Heat ERQlanger r1;1mpreecer Re..l 5.1ian r Mmp--scor Heat Exch ger tQnleaa otherwise nviod, al w—ma. are from the manufacturer. • • • 5ELECTED OPTION: W4 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ Wa.`iflerp,00f LJ I7eW P'ywoOt7 GecK D UV Ggi1t _ Qisconnect C�et;vnnecrDraerLine +=1 H...,.�,fier- J SUBTOTAL $ f�i[ :imo Egaipmani 51.6 -. O telling 5—.- Kit A � ❑ Dehamidifiar Lyn $ 9� // W loune Is.falium Pana (Pan & Flu.t) G C,utdoor Unit Pae _...—_..._._....__ �......--_-- ❑ Liquid Tile Conduit 54019n Grain Safety Switchue venting 2uctwoTK $ ❑ Start Kit Gkdv'"al New Connections M Unnections- CiGonnect to T TAL $ VaTrigerant CL Dryer I-pport Attie Equipment amsung plMum Mmrigvru�-P�ie npp'y Plenum ❑ Duct Modifications low N=l—lw�_of WON _ , ❑ Mew oWeconnect n Ike- Ileeenneet ❑ New Duct System di3e(rigurent Pipe C Dear qg'e'lum Plenum ❑ No Duct wiser U CAsR ❑ CHECK# In Elt ansion Valve la New PReconnect P -� ✓� J LLT•.:.i "TYPe r.Y.$1_�4 ❑ E1e�nic Air Ii—craL ❑Fuel Piping G�ectricat vwrirlg IJt EDIT CARD (17 51 4#s} "--meet to 1--xi-ting 15 Media Filter NO Efect'cal E3 PUO I\h_ ,fl Sarrica PI - �� Ear APYRCJYRL - 1 Term (364 dayo) Q A.,*9911lAr OUR ' ' ' G FINANCING* v .fnrt Goarani— Pr.i.ci6n Guarantee -RoourServiceGuarantee URGH efioms1191�n-i6QeRCse—tee aP�■ptionsavelablewith credo tn431qb if vr42� nam Rep( tit 1-•4 . ti i d Ot` est q ir= MCI C- 9� 1- cr �}e V E. r AeALd� 22F n d ir 1*R. "ARS is not responsible for preexisting ductwork. See Terms and wr.ditions on the eacR of tflis document for details. • Written customer authorization will be obtained before elfoinniny any unforeseen ao'oitional or exteneae wom • ANY CLAIMS FwR =Na,RU7,'ZR'VCP yr E��t.'rd I!Ui SPIE M7iiur-mMu CURE PRvU151UM5 OF UlalmFER 556, P[CRIGR o �rir Ea_ �(�, C� IYCe • BU c En'3 Rl'ut4T T -v CAN E s Is h me II tion sale, D IT you Do not want me gooey or -: fees, you may eenael this agreement Dy providing written notice to the sailer In perso :, by teieg.-m, ■r by mail. inis nvuoe rn--t indi.te th-t,oa cu do not want e goees or services and must Be Delivered op postmarked BuT-rs midnWit of the third b -»sinew d -y after you sign tills agreement IT you cancel this agreemem; thu elle. may net keep -11 e- p -rt of any cash 80- p-ynrent. See the reverse side llereor Tor an of chic rlgnt. • I aeknewledpc* that my tight to eenoel fi- i7aan exp] -'mad to ma orally -d i.. :ritiny, -.d with„ .aWng my righi iv cancel, I ociforizo ifle perTorrnanra at tale -Turk, oebjact to all ta.-. dol conditions sot 1--.5 o., iho mr rae aid. Fereof, plus any --s upon completion. Notfoo Tv U -no.-- Do .ot .ign W3 home i-provomwni contru1', in blank. You are entitled to a copy of the contract at the time you sign. Keep h io proiay. your legal ridfiia. Thi. dome imp-vomonr . ontract may contain a mortgage or o create alien on your propeny lilat couiu be roreclosed on if you do not pay. Ise sure you understand all pv' ' Dutra b fo y ign. /s f CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATEell PANYOEPRESENTATIVE CUSTMER SIGIWURE DATE DATE. 0201BAmedc R—id■nlislS.e =LLC. AM.,hls .served. ARS -ars AHRI Certified Reference Number: 9509434 Date. 08-16-2018 Model Status Active AHRI Type; RCU-A-CB Series . CvMFUR 1 14 AC vutlfoor Onit grand Name . CARRIER Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or Single Packager: 24ACC442A"030" Indoor Unit Model Number (Evaporator and/or Air Handler) : P84CNF042L Region : aouureast and North (AL AR. DC. DI!, FL, GA, HI, KY. 174. MD, Ms, Ni-., ii -K. 5C, TN, TX, VA AK, +.v C P. IC IL, IA, IN. K5, MA, ME. MI MN Mu, MT, ND. NE NH, M3, NY. CIH, uR PA, RI, 5D, OT, VT, WA, WV, WI, vvT. U.s T.rritaRa„) Region Mote %enlral air con'ultloners manufactured prlor to oanuarp 1.2015 are ellgiCle to be Installed In all reylons cntil June 30 2018 Beginning uely 1. 2016 central air conditioners can only be Enstalled in regions) Ter which they meet the reei.m.1 elrlCien71 r.qul zmenl The manufacturer or MIs CARRIER pMucl Is responslbM Tor are rating or this system combination Rale0 as Tallows In accoMance w,Qt the latest edition OT AN511AFIRI 2101240 wlm Alfaentla 1 ana 2, Perrormance Rating or Onitary AlrvU.mdWIvni., & AII'-Sverm R. -t Ptir.,p Eyeir rtsenl oma an6ject to gating .ccoreti, bl AHRI-.p.m—rad, indepEifflenl, third party tenting: Coaling C;.p.cny (A2) - Single or High Stage (9517), Wish 7 3950D SEER: 14.00 EER (A!) - Sl.—,ie or 17110 stama (95F) : 11.50 1"Acti=" Model Stale= ore these that on AHRI Certification Program P—dieipant is .a..dy ppodveing AND =Luing up offering for see; OR me,— modelzr th..t -ro being marketed but are not yet being produced'Production Stopped' Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still selling or rnrering for �.. erQ_a,..mrgt+ied_6_WA5^noigit+ittr,y lucl _arA9e.The new publishmirarg i it, show, 0 cnq%�ih * -0prarou Cie. WAS Ira Ino WS=IMER AHRI dves net endorse the ppodeet(w li3tcd vn this Ceniflcatc and makes no rcprcacrlaavna, Rar.anaas or go.rentees , s ta, .nd... �emcs no resp.nslblli.l for. the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability fop damages of any kind apising out of the use op performance of the prodect(s), op the o,mutNartaea alienation a7 arta .ISCca on anis certincale. Curti ncu ratings arc ealiu uniy per mouels anu wnngorati.,ns licca in Lr.e dlpecter; at--._hrldlr■Ct.r,--.■r� Tin Cw lfl— amd its unt7 ONS Thi: C■nifi4te acrd Its -■tet=ets ape pw'rt■tar} prodv■ts .t AHRI. This C■.-tiflcate shall soli b■ ■-d fir indleldeal, ;;areenal and connu.ntial rer.rcnco porp—s.. ii. Contents of this Certificate may not. In whole or In part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; eritoped Int... c=mretup d..tLbo .p elhcrwlse etlll—d. In any farm or m..nncr or by any means, cAmpt for the =4.r'3 indladeal, personal and confidential reference. AIR-CoNGm.NING, HEATINe, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION wn—leER :vn l..sTn m The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridlreatory.orig, click on "Verify Certificate" link %w ■r.,k. lifis t -u -r an.. ericr :h. AHRI Cvafiad Reference IIamEEr anti .Ile aa.z a.. ;./dell see cert care was -roes, which Is listed abo-e. and the Ceptificale No., ch ■h i_ Il:t■d _t bott■rn right. V/63 -ii ap,I-�onoltloning, Reating. ani Rerrlgeranon Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 131795984603916575 Properly Card Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. rroperty Identification Site Address: 14019 Aguila Parcel ID'. i:);lF300-;136-7v0-3 5ee! I e-lflKML.0 0&.Aa )'39L t%veeA.-.t R: u806 Map ID. 13:06N Use Type: 0100 t-oning: Puu rurisPiction: SG.Wt Lave■ lei .1}° Ownership Cee:h.. M Fels) 1 Feld) 14019 Agaela Aa rort fierce. FL .�a93 e Leral Description 3rAYV]Sri LAncS FAIRwA 1 S j3EK 30 n r 8 Mm I i r6-3zz) Current values Just Market Value. $83 100 A:;ad,,An valve. 582.363 Exemptions- $79.18-1 1 axa©le value: 3.18 i , ,.s ror this parcel: SLC Tar Collert.,r's Ofiire Downloan a rim for ltlis parcel: Dtlwnloatl rDr Paget of 3 iota I Areas rinisllemOnuer t%ir (3P): 1,11; U. -s. Arer. (51•): 2.656 Cand Size tacres): 014 C—a 5ize (ar): 6,030 httFs://www.pa3[z:.—Mrr,,'RECard-i 8716/2018 .�,aie Ristary nate uook/rage sale Veen Oranlor rrice Cone Sep s0. 1998 I i 16.° 0:22 XxOI Lt WY. -."e tsa:lain6 5100 ouilding Information to as 1] Flru:iNd Are.. 1.714 SF Oross i otal Arra 2.656 SF Emcri r Data V iew: moor Cover: Dem sningie Rooi structure: Flip l3aiJWRC_ I jpe: HC YU.., built: 1998 Frumie: Grade: C Effective Year: 1993 Primary wan: CB Stucco ata.—, Fie:Fltt: I St..—, N. t" :its: 1 5icc— au.—, Wutl: R I..t�..or Data Bedrooms- : Electric: MAXIMUM rrimary Int wall: ruh tsatRs: 2 ntst 17pe: r;.arielAi: AT F, IUVrlovr:0 Half Baths: 0 [feat Fuel: ELEC Primary Floors: carpet Hlt. �'a: 100% riraWl "'e: 100°ro. 3prinruca re: 0% httFs://www.pa3[z:.—Mrr,,'RECard-i 8716/2018