HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF -THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4474245 OR BOOK 4173 PAGE 1743, Recorded 08/27/2018 11:33:40 AM Aug-03.2018 08:31 AM PAGE.- 2 2 -NOTICE OF MMCE—MENT hmft NO. Tex roft ft 2AkMvl4hl-r%Ifi* State!atFlorWo CauWatStiucill The undiaipned biaby tivra rotiatllsat hnp=awmtat wlI!be made t4 certain tee!property,and to etoordonce wRh t7uiptet 713,fbnda Statutes. the fob"lslolmatft Is PmWded in thh Nallog of Comeftemerd. L at Dua4)ft of rtp land West address lfmn&bl* LO& 12A4 WA Mil I Iss V" e-m4+DAM V1&F %wil Genital 4WOost of knprorneftjOW off l.Rgwffld L1417.JUM" Addrest Ir"Imto p6polly:9mr :T_C' CL_ C:) cc Cz axotlaftes MAW.golps 18 C0rwdArAddM5;CQ Phone Nu w = � M70 UJ w CL Surety(W*flcabla4,A copy of the PaYmant bondIs 0114thadY.Amount of bond: CD Mlle - wa U_cl C),z lancer Name NAA Phww Number, wa ui lei sr'seddre� S2 1—J-Z ac Ac aI.—C:) Name. Phone Number; idle Address: WE inadWitlontoMmeNori'mmWfOwner dolinitia Wa - of ___Wa to racelve a copy of the LIOWS*9911 as PmAded In WIN ZMIIXb),Florida Slolutiss, !hone nusimcfperson err atfltydes"otedbyawner — - itx{dratlon dose of notice of cotmr enoemast:Ift expl(stion do mov not be boWs the complatloo of construction DrA final paymat to the tontrieW,but VAI to I year from the date of Wording unless a 4111trent date Is spethhd) W& WARNING TO OWNSR:ANY PAYMENTS MAIDS BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF 0MMENCEMIENT ARECONMEREID IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 7LI,PART L 9CnON 718I8„FWRIOA STAYUTIS,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR WING TWICE fOR IMPROVIMMI'll TO YOUR PROPUM.A N=E OF COMMI[ACIMENT MUST 19 69COMD,AND POP11)ON THI JOB 09 SOME THE RUT WSPEC11OL IFYOU INTEND TOOMN FINANCI?A CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDElt OR AN ATTORNEY BEFON C*MMERCING WORK OR RECORD=YOUR NOTICE OF comme"CPAW, Wader v of perjury,I declare VA I have rod the ksegolq inaft o1wromwXWeritand W the facts Mftd theMin are Mw w the botof mykw —a d ilk n i+1ir ,-) �ackkj Aim �\Cle The tomolfts InWuMeSt wasultwiedipad before the WLdevol. r_ . i i as Prni(4pr& for Ce �xc�l A liv Udlin Acknic'14___ . x lng-1, Nam at Penort Type of outway(e4WFftr,=stn) Piny onbeholf of whomInittumi4va anculled / ,0 C ft"onatf k"wk_V®rPr*du*wl'ldQfWfttIofL_. 1w.Type,orftnv Commisslooed Nams d Notary Puhllcj Tim of Identillcistla produced MY COMM=*R I W95 M EEXPIRES:Falwajy2�2020 0nded7hwNatljyPjj*Ur4MMjj 08/03/2018 9':.30AM (GMT-04:00)