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Harry Fry Permit
All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number. Building Permit Application ?,!annirc end Deveiopmer Se.^.ices 3uiiding and Code Reguiation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Prerce FL 3598= Phone: ;772)±52-1553 Pax: (772!452-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Address pr2 q L41 _ 1 �_.��e l fJIA�- SL� ���,( ( {� � /gyp Legal Description: L�JI Q QQ1'a \� � ,_.}.�kDQ' ( L'"3-82 61KC LC ` 9-5 I Property`Tax is InI —��Or� - S Lot No. __. Site Plan Name. Block No. C- Proojecr Name. Setbacks Front Back:_ Right Side: Left Side: Additionai work to Pertormed under this permit-check all that apply: Mechanical , Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _Shutters `windows/Doors _ Fiectrlc _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers — Generator _ RO0 'offal Sq. =t o Construction: _— Su. Ft of Firs, =ioor Cost of Construction: S ( "�. W Utilities _Sewer _Septic Building Height j Nane Nam e. _ S� [i-,��na Vi'�-t'..� Address Cornpany: rr rs r LYrvt4 c City: �1 D 1 STate address: 1105 `o ha f Di Zip Code: F7,Lv_�1'R Fax 10 1G City: 'n�«.t n�iju.i L�e�ch State. an one No.7nc) = �$�1� Zip Code: 3ZgS-7 -ax: 32-I- 77- u23,4' E-Mail: Y\ 9 Phone No. 772 537-4r470 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page { if different E-m;ail. from the Owner listed above State or Count'. ce')se 1✓( if value of rnnstruction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 1 DESIGNER/ENGINEER' _ Not Appocabre ! MORTGAGE COMPANY. Not Apprycaofe Name: : Name: Address: i Address. C!iv. State: QTV. S a ZIp- Phone, Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Apoiicabie BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name iAddress. Address City - City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phcee --ertiry tha:nc work or ,nstailation nas commenced pnor to the :.ssuance of a Derm:t. Si uce County makes no represeTction*ha*Is_ranting a p -mil will c �,oriz� n re mt oice _c e - ou d ne suni- c ure which is n confilc with any appllabie Hone owners Assoc -lanon rules. bvldws or a :d covera s ,hat may:-es -ice or o O7:dii<uch structure. Please consult with your Nome Owners Assoc,arion anc review ypur deed for env restrictions which mad asniV in consideration 0f the granting of this req,jested permit, i do hereby agree-mat!wil!, in all respects, perorn-ne work in accordance with the approved plans,the cIor.ca Building Codes and ST. '_ude County ame dmen•S. The following building permii appiicadons are exemot?rem undergoing a full concurrency review: coon additions, accessory structures, swimming poois, fences. walls;signs, screen rooms and accessory uses r^arnzher non-,-esidenoa,Use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A. NoNce of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the;obsife before the first inspection. if you intend `70 obtain financing, consult with iendEr or an attorriey before commen "n work or rec r ;n ou, Notice of Commencemenz. i S Signature of Owner/Lessee;Agent signa:�'e Of Co -aQa-;"_icen.se tiolder ' STATE OFF COUNTY OF IDA Qr COUNTY QF DA .\I YC7 The- r ping insin _ - .-, The -weolne in =nt v;zs z.,:nc wle n'was a kr0 -edge' -e.ore _ age?c e�ole—e this day of 20 ab; Thi day C} (Name of P so i gi, g (Name n .g r ign2i Person CdUCed Id=_nUfiCc'Pv^n Per P-0ouced icIe.n.JT!cailC❑ Type 0- 'ypE �:.a UCed omml5sip N LN10N "r—" c^i4` KE 9Zi!SEl'I 7rTI t" Jh�1il°riN,9rF2+4G: ! Revise d 0i, 15/$ZO14 1 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SLPERVISOR PLANS ! VFGE —1T101N SEA—1 JR-1 I P rv'+,A NGROVE COUNTER REVIEW : REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIAL _ | Sc \£!d ! �;o� { ; | )\§§j ! # l . ,, ;� ■ ! ! !| § , . �a =| �� m! !:§8 § zi :z , � � - ■# ■. _. ; § ! ` ■ �( 2) | l � l # 2| } � E7 .— ly.. /z>1 � ! E | §! ■. ,. & 1 , �. ■ ! ! `� ®( `� �� � 8 l �� \ \ , . | | B | 7 \}(k ; | 2 ! ! | | , } t � � | k ■ | ; ; ( § § ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 7 ; � M cn4)g c z 2Zm Q 2 00§ p ,0 o ;2m§ ) § = ¥ CA\ ( 2� @ 003 § O 22 2 - ! \) © f T \om \ } } 0 { \ §E,;� ;� ƒ@i § c $ )e; Q \)� ` ` Q » X/ ; - m ) \ . m! m O §§ 2 - §# * � } k - \ / / / m l,� � §§ ! Ch 955 c'oc c 2k! § §§ / ))$ / `/ ` Q /§t ° m 22; m /m§ ( O _ - r z l2il2 m<§ \ \ } / ( / ;lwm wm Z-0 ; - § § ` cm_I 10 ;Sqs