HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application Date- 18 Pa$ ft�� a. 1 AOi~
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Buflding Permit APPOIcedon AUG 3 12,018
i8aaa ding acrd Caste Re-quWbn DWsion
2360 Virginia Avenue,Faait"Mer'tceFL.4 ST. Lucie County, Permitting
Phone:(772)4611553 F=( ) 15731 C1 muT ental Residential
!�PERM.iTr APPIL6 MO FOR: TO Se3az fto dropbox, crack eff •st the end of rha
Address: 2 nP 1 Prado Porrt St..Lude 34952
:Property Tat 4D Lot NO.
Site Playa Name: Block No.
Prejea me:
setbacks Front BaCIL Right 571dev-Left Side.
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Alwlonat work,to.• e IJermrf eci LYTiGlG'r th s peP?]IL—check all fifes,apply:
1dHVA+C Gas Tank .as PIPinR El Shutters �IffindowslDoors
T��D Seo �� as �u brae Wig,
FL of Fgmt Floor:
cost eras raa aea _.5 0 0.0 0 fl 6W1as,#LLQ Sewer L_JS!PPdc Buww ft Height-
`3 ate.?tJu N ERV LE3SeE a. '.F3FLA°��•.*.0-R—
mama°fie B%Adire GolwmwnName-. Maid ew Lyle Mlynnke:
Address-OLD SIDS U_9 JI,S 41,12 Cormpany.WirDs Dowlapffient Corporafion
cft,. Part St.Lucie Stzte.FL Address:SWO South US 1,SMS 402
Mafia e� �784=4 Cads:Pod8L LucLe c� �
Phone F40a 7 X13 rnp cvdp iia.772-87"224
State Or countyucense.-
of value of co=rsudvn 5s$25a,D ar Faysam,a;w Eat iftoceof regu ie-ad.
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City: State: +
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0 -E S5MPL °TSE HGL0�Re ---Not Applicable 80NDING COMPAMY't of Applicable .
Narne: lame:
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Zip- Phone: "Zip: 'Phone:
I certifiy that no work or is'mstallatiOn.has commenced prior€o the issuance,of a permit
5t..l sc"se. ur�t+ corals repam3�Yssaa his grsim�gaa !i anae haldeax l�mild .sa�ect semctaare
':Ste u a�.s��sa ic�a a � a�apiE �l 'f� CD er§ ssp a sort fles,&��iae�rs asp tie¢a�1 a� a�S si p� iai ii sta g"
sa'C4a a?teaseraSS say rs ra « S�nai did " resir:'dm3mshl appy
in-c®r*.sisder d ar of thegranftgafthis-requested permit,I do her'eblf agreethtt l fermi!,imp all respects,perform the vm. rlc
ars accordance wfthave apprcpgedplans,the Modda SWilding-Cades and St.l.ude-County-Amendments.
The fallom4mig'bissldingpengitappirwagons 3M4wzeMPtfrVm undey9ding a fell c0 ncweRcY iteWerr room adcl"sops,
accessssy swuctures,smu M paais.Penns,walls,smp,ern fooms and accessonj eases to aider non-residenUal use
j.mprovem,encs To your pr operLy.A MiDtic&of Commencement must.be recorded and posted an the jobsite
before the:first.Inspection.if you intend-bo obtain-15rrancing,consult with lender-or"an.attorney before
_;data€aof / ewe- s9gamature Of Co Orluce ise HolderI
"the f�rgglrmg' �aamvmer���tras�ecig ire "�e' gdlasg inps�.aorces�cis a��e�dged i�m'e arms
dad of. S;:-a►s 1`~ L W .. d of ,s -- 3 . by
NL Mseu1wet roil Pkarnc�urtyewynaa
(Mme of person adcnwdedgaamg)
(Mame ofpersom acknowledging)
i na2xarezf Notary Public twee of Ho ' ) 'tw nature-sf Notary ftblic S e oda.) i
Personalty Know ^" OR Produced Udervgfitafi€n PerSDMI11i nOWn OP.-Produced'asdlerm ea4jman
ZypY AUA�(i"i SUSAN MAGES +;s�;:; ,, ,, ..e .
I,•r :.: MY c0M%4ISS10N 1t§ 47 SUSAN it:AGEE g
4Y8 - �& 4?. ��_ d 9 FF i$i64xs�
,:,Q= :February 23 019 r- w, • _
Bonded TbrutJatar,,=Public Undem tars EXPIRES:February?_5,2019