HomeMy WebLinkAboutGARAGE DOORS (2) MW Ji.F-j�g iFiY �;QFf. ?Sia-.' - 1 SCIS home Login User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Pacts Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search dbpra Product Approval (j� hl USER:Public User APt rev^?1+ 1r1,tWVV0-1—.iL&>EDI..c3t?S-"l-i.'�3>Application Detail ' FL FL16660-R7 Application Type Revision --- - -- Code Version <2017 RECEIVED Application Status Approved SEP 14 2018 Comments I Archived Lucie County, Permitting Product Manufacturer Haas Door Company Address/Phone/Email 320 Sycamore St. Wauseon,OH 43567 (419)337-9900 Ext 243 mschweitzer@haasdoor.com Authorized Signature Mark Schweitzer mschweitzer@haasdoor.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed John E.Scates the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-51737 Quality Assurance Entity Architectural Testing,Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Kurt Dietrich PE >11 Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence PLJO6, n7_CfOL etc of lnsiLSca n,0ft) 7 S:p�df 0- Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2012 ANSI/DASMA 115 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Uj Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I i 1 NOTE: Track configuration above Door Width 16'-2"Shown the coo,opening does not affect F See chart below for other the rind load rating of the door. F ! Top Bracket door widths DETAIL A(sheet 2 of 3) Flag Bracket - Detail H(sheet 2 of 3) i SINGLE STEEL END STILE 16 Ga Galvanized Steel E • f E Jamb Bracket Detail F(sheet 2 cf 3) .l Door Height Snda Lock or Lock Bars 9 Detail 0(sheet2of3) 8'-0"Shown Manual door locks are C See chart operator unless on automatic r operator is installed. below for other 661"+/-3" door heights D 4' ' : 3811+/-3" D Illy 224^+1-3" E - , Bottom Bracket End Hinge Strut&Strut Attachment Intermediate Hinge 4"+/-3"-i 1Detail C(sheet2 of 3) Detail B(sheet2cf 3) Detail E(sheet2of3) Detail D(sheet 2 of 3) This product has been evaluated per A`ISI/DASh!A 108-05 (and-12) for stotic air pressure. Jamb bracket ouantRies shown ore for use with grade 2 or better southern pine C j C This product has been evaluated per ANSI/DASMA 115-05 (and-12) for large missile impact and cyclic wind jambs. 1 pressure. Supporting structural elements are to be designed by a registered professional \ Model Number engineer for specific Rind leads. ��� // 1 HT 60&2 60 SERIES Door Totaltlat IJambBrk NOTICE: �Q �GEMaI i Total 'of Strutsi These drawings are a supplement � ':e�' • � HT 61&2 61 SERIES Height Sections per Sideion ` • i 6'-D° 3 4 5 to the and door instructions for ' l No,5iT3 HT 63&Z-63 SERIES a standard door and only covers � � .r H7 64&264 SERIES 6-0' ° 4 5 5 those orocedures the' vary from HT 70&270 SERIES HT 10&2 10SERIES 6'-3" 4 5 { 5 standard door installation. if *' OF 1 these specific procedures are not `.p STATE HT-71&2_71 SERIES HT_12&2 12 SERIES 6'6" 4 5 6 followed, the door may not i 4`•� f HT 90&280 SERIES H72&2L72 SERIES HT 14&2 14 SERIES 6'-9' 4 6 6 perform as designed. -OO �OR,Oli!. HT-81&2L81 SERIES HT 73&2 73 SERIES HT_J6&2J6 SERIES T-0' 4 5 I B HT 60&2 82 SERIES HT-74 SERIES HT8 0 &Z7IES SERIES HH SERIES 33&2 33 SER7'-6' 1 4 5 6 Digitally signed bjgJohn E.ScatesP.E. ODorwidlhS Desi Pressures End Center Center 4 Can6°ter Impact 7'- 5 6 6 n John E Scales, P.E. 11PT0 t s Backers --s-dies-7HIn es stiles Hinges Stites Mi... Resistant 7'-9` 4 5 { 6 Date:4017.0929,16:08:13.05'00' 2560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 10'-2" 49.7 -55.5 Single 2 2 1 1 2 2 NO 7'-9" 5 6 6 Lewisville,Texas 75056 12=2" 41.5 -46.3 Single 2 2 2 2 2 2 NO 8'-0" 4 5 6 IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. 1! 51737 14'2" 35.7 -39.6 Single 3 3 2 2 3 3 NO g'.0° 5 6 6 16'-2" 31,3 -34.9 Single 3 3 3 3 3 3 YES Fl.#16660.15 Professional Engineer seal provided arty far 18'-2" 24.7 -27.6 Single 3 3 3 3 3 3 NO A!aximum section height is 24 in. verification of wind toad construction details. Maximum door height is 16 ft. DESCRIPTIM 20'-2" 20.1 -224 Single 4 4 4 4 5 5 NO h' TO 1 All doors, even those above the tested height, 10'-2' 31.3 -34.9 Single 2 2 1 1 2 2 YES ore avoiloble with jamb brackets or commercial �,.- "_•HI'uW,iaO,'_OOD.S0a C9oD5ER3Es 1 ■.7fi F-•G-s•*. XVXDLOAD SEc7lor:At.DOOR A A 12'-2" 31,3 -34.9 Single 2 2 2 2 2 2 YES cult angle. The maximum spacing of the jamb c r,jg.. �.w DESKINVREssD1tE•au-3F.9esF + 14'-2' 31.3 -34.9 Single 3 3 2 2 3 3 YES brackets/track clips should be maintained. R&ML•000-0191-0E-31-05 SREET.1 OF AEV. D 1 This product is designed end sold by PSF. The AHJ or Engineer of Record is responsible for determining thee�7o� 1� Ep1EpNt 41^_D74 DMWA aF �IVS PSF required for any given site. Mfthau MODEL($): Sec Shcet3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I i I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B PUSH NUT3n ! PUSH NUT 7/16- 24 END HINGE TEK SCREW 7/16" 14 Go Galvanized Steel See DETAIL K for push nut •I See DETAIL K for push nut 1/4"X 3/4'Hex 5fasher Head o placement. Self Drilling (3 per Bottom Bracket) F F placement. i I 040 BOTTOM BRACKET i ADJUSTABLE TOP FIXTURE TEK SCREW 12 Ga I 1/4" X 3/4"Hex Washer Head TEK SCREW � A U Ga Go;vonized Steel 1 Self Drilling (2 per Bracket) 1/-"X 3/4'"Hex Washer Head § ® TEK SCREW pQn Self Drilling (6 per Hinge) PUSH NUT ° 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head U7/16- (01 /16" Self Drilling (er per Bracket) LOW 'HEADROOM TOP 70) PUSH NUT See DETAIL K for ouoh nut BRACKET 7/16" placement. See DE AIL K for push nut I DETAIL A DETAIL B Placement. DETAIL C BOTTOM SEAL e LOW HEADROOM 3. e 24' TOP BRACKET 3 1/2" x 4" E STRUT , 18 Go 50 KSI Minimum INTERMEDIATE HINGE Galvanized Steel ° 18 or 14 Go Galvanized Steel 411— I JAMB BRACKET TEK SCREW 12 Go Galvanized Steel SLIDE LOCK or LOCK BARS °do' —� ° I/4" X 3/4"Hex flasher Head ° (not required with operator) o Self Drilling (< per Hinge) xu - a 0 32 ° TEK SCREW 1/4"x 3/4"Hex Washer —� BOLT & NUT ° ° Head Self Drilling (4 per D NOTE: The location of the TEK SCREW 6I 1/4-20 X 5/B" Carriage Slide Lock) D intermediate hinges is 1/4"X 3/4' Hex Washer Solt & 1/4-20 Hex Washer DETAIL D indicated by the toggle DETAIL E Head Self Drilling (2 per DETAIL F Nut 0 per Jcmb Bracket) DETAIL G lock dimples at the top of End &Intermediate Stiles) each section. 1 00oo oa>r,� NOTE: Details on some views omitted for clarity. WV ASD ,IHDUT ERACE ao 000 l� ° Double end stiles and end hardware may be 0o a o �Q required on wider or heavier doors. I CM 00 Maum 32 x/2 FLAG BRACKET 9Qu // C •r�"'/i DETAIL K ROLLER BOLT �y?•b, RESIDENTIAL & LIGHT COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL 5/16 x 1 5/e" Lag Bolt 4 ; i COMMERCIAL For Standard, High For Standard, High There should be a 2" Diameter Nominal (4 51737 per Flag Bracket). �r �" For Low Headroom & Vertical Lift & Vertical Lirte space of maximum Eleven Ball Nylon or • �* With 2" Track and With 2" Track and With 3" Trackand 1/2 between the roller Ten. Ball Steel with BOLT & NUT *• t � Iff Single End Stites Single End Stiles Single End Stiles hub and the outside o Minimum Workable 1/4-20 X 5/8"Trcck Bort i 0; STAIEdf edge of the roller Shaft Length Shown. & 1/4-20 Hex Washer Nut j�• p '2 holder which is sat by ` (2 for Horizontal &2 for //'� �'FI�R�Q' p`1�N the push nut. Vertical frock) ��//�88J4�',1�+:\�\\ B B ° DETAIL H o John E Scales,P.E. 1 3/B",1 3/4',2"& E 2560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 Alin, Nin. `POLYURETHANE FILLED DOOR SECTION Lewisville, Texas 75056 g °' '" / Al"imal 26 Ca cal ani_ed Pa:nlad sleet sk n °` '" IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. # 51737 Professional Engineer seal provided only for COMMERCIAL HEAVY DUTY COMMERCIAL°HEAVY DUTY Fl#16660.15 verification of wind load construction details. EOLT&WASHER VERTICAL TRACK–2"Nominal DESCRIPTION: For Standard, High & For Low Headroom With ; 16"x 1 5/8'La eolt&2"D.D. 13 Ga Golvonized Steel tested. WOOD JAMB '.,r`K"`M Vertical Lrtt With 3" Track 3" Track and Double / g '• :�" ,I�.; tclVMDL ADSECTI ALDOsemns x 7/16'I.D.DFlat Waster 3"Naminol 13 Ga is also the vcriicai wood jamb . R'AlD[A.IDSECTIOXAL CODA A and Double End Stiles End Stiles ROTE. Jcmb hrocket mu°t be in opprcvad as on agernote. fasteners may be counter sunk ® 1, $tri DESIGN PRESSURE•"11?'+L9rsr 4 ALTERNATE BOTTOM BRACKETS 6rea contact with the 2x6(No to prov;de a tint mounting X' dryvan snowed). au face. See jemD oticehmoni ^"^'^"^^'�'"'b'�'•"' "�IRAtlaxa ND.e RT.-06aPD191-0t -35 SHEET::Op 1 IIFV. D ROTE:The Hct washer is not required dcells on sheet 3 for eltaching >sE inn IpTE aSitt 4an_Oli aSEWHIT: AIVS NOTE:The aottom brecket tested(shosn in Al is the Egb;est bracket for angle mount. iambs to the structure, p�r,of•UEO ovoliabfo. 0erop"M4 MODEL(S)- SccShcct3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FASTENER TO CONTINUE F PAST HEADER F MODEL NUMBERS o MODEL NUMBERS AVAILABLE HT 14&2 14 SERIES HT_16&216 SERIES loe HT 32&2L32 SERIES E 'LlHT 33&2 33 SERIES HT-10&2 10SERIES OPENING HEIGHT 2 X 6 GRADE 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN HT_12&L12 SERIES PINE JAMBS. SEE CHART FOR WOOD JAMS ATTACHMENT HT J0&2 60 SERIES TO BUILDING STRUCTURE. HT 61&2 61 SERIES HT 63&2L63 SERIES MAXIMUM ON FIT 64&:L64 SERIES 0 CENTER SPACING HT_70&2L70 SERIES D F-T FIT _71&271 SERIES FIRST FASTENER 47 to 10" HT_72&2 72 SERIES ABOVE THE FLOOR OPENING WIDTH FIT 73&2L73 SERIES HT 74&274 SERIES H780&2L80 SERIES HT..Ai&2 81 SERIES 0 WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT HT 82&2 82 SERIES C Rurke A HT 90&2 go SERIES T�r* INN un Sul= FasletterTWe Eb.0-M 2, T=SZV HT 900 SERIES % Mla.2500PSI(o Taperm-KILIS 2. Z.50- 5.0(r 24* 551 a. 4000 PSI Concrete 114"wll"o washer NO.517 Southam Ptno 1.OD washer 1.50* 1.50• t.501 24' 620 S .11 . S—plao F" TAB I 118"OD I i�sw 4-1 4". NOTE:23(6 mounted to the wall must be Sculliam Phe Grade 2 a better. 0 John E Scoles, P.E. 2560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 Lewisville. Texcs 75056 IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. # 51737 Professional Engineer seat provided only for FL#16660.15 verification of wind road construction details. DESCRIPTIOM Fw l62"HT(4Q.',00.2000,S10&900SLRMS A " WIND WAD SECM01CALDOOR DESMNTIRJESSUPX31.1134.9psr A 111RA11110,1111ROLIN :3 1 REV. 1) UATI lrtflu- 4141n eic"W12414 MOO EL(s): SCCSllcct3 3 4 5 6 7