HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationNCC ArPCICASEE IMFU MM i BE K;UMr[r i ED FUR ArPCIui 11019 i U BE ACCEP i EG Date: Permit Number: Building Permit Application Pianning anl7 vevetopment jervices ouiMing ana code neguiation uivision z_iaa virginia Avenue, rort Pierce FL.yz;ysz _ PRone: (irc)zF6z-s.)a� rax: (rrc) zTlSc-.4.)is CAiiiiiiercial Residential PERMI I APPLICATION FUR: To Saluct frim dnpba,%, click arn-,,v at the end of line PROPOSED IRlPROVEIOIENT LOCAs ION: HGOress: Legal Descrip►ion: Property Tax ID ii: 3 Lot No. ( Site PlanRR7Il9ame: Block No. _6q IY Proicct ome: cNo�.. ]ctS.cR� Front BarR: Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Repiace AC, exact change out witll9--s—ton, 14 SEER, KW AC anit CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Adda,on.l 7.vr tortormed under tis permit–check all that apply: LIRvAt ITIGas lank DGas Piping Shutters Windows/Doors cv UEii sr. EJ Plann6ing En Sprinklers Generator Roof Roof pitch i vial 5q. Ft yr Cvnatractivn: (n� Cost of Construction: $ SO SFt. of Firs.JJ Floor: _ Udlidest newer LJ-)eptic 6uilQing neigRt: UWNERAESSEE: CONTRACTOR: n - Name: Dennis zacelt Address. _ Company: nRa t%merican Resiaenliai z)ervices City: atateIEL. mattress: ZBOU IJb F1 .y 1 cip CotleL_ Mc:) Fax: Cit.. vero Beach State: FL PROM, IQv. 0 - Gu C, Zip Code: 32960 Fax: E -Mail:- Phone Mo. r re fav-r4eA Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( If different E -Mail: C& -\"w �i-i �''�-c CM prom the Owner listen alovel State or County License: CMC1249753 IT -ague or canstractien m 5 bOU or rnorc, v RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 5UF PEEMIEN IAL CUN51 RUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: 0EaIGIvER/ERGIMEER: x not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: X Not Applicable name: Dame: Address: Address: City: Ztate: City: Slate: cip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Nut Applicable BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify tRat no worK or installation Ras commences prior to tRe issuance or a permit. St. Lucie Count makes no representation tfiiot is granting a permit will aath..riza tRa—errn't Rolaer to SLIM the 3V5;ect Aracturc wRicR is in conAiR witR any applicaGle Rome Owners Association rules, ayiaws or anScovenants tnat may restrict or pronillit sucR structure. Please consult with your home Owners >issociation and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the grantins of this requested permit, I do hereby asree that I -ill, in all re.pects, pJfurm the warR in accoruance witR the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and st. Eucie County Amendments. i Re Following Buileing permit applications are exempt From unsergoing a full concurrency review: room a0aitions, accesso, y structures, swimmins pools, fences, walls, sirns, screen rooms and accessor yy uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencemem may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A notice or Commencement must Be recorcen ansa poster on the joGsite before the first inspetTion. If you intend to obtain financing_ consult with lender or an attorney before signature of O er/ eessee/Rgent signature or Contra r/license nolDer STATE OF FLORIDA %013191 T OF Sit=:. I Re forsaing iri :irem nF — 5wrar= me tRis Dl;— Day or .�A06t . A {Sby Denni: Zawk me or per, ocRmaW1.eZIging State STATE OF FLORIDA %OLIO I T OF Stte:. I he tarsains in3trame.A . aelenv-lcasea Bctvrc me this __L day of CSC f— . z0 = by Dennis Zacek (Mame or person ac ovule g ) �ja h ) �.W-RhWON04KPe ctrl a ) rersonally Rnown x OR Produced Identification Per.onolly Kno..n x OR Pr�dacea Identification Type of lacntiticution Pi�dv.ea I ype Or IGentirication Prosucea Commission No.&IC—t(04 1 J76 (Seal) } My COMMI,�oiuN 9 tauV71535 � ftc—iJQ ��/ ExPIRes FeOruary 0a, z0ai Cammiszian I,beal) M I Z;0MMI5siOla # GGO,133s EXPIRES reArea,y 09, 2vz , REVIEvv:) FRvIQI c.OMIIvG -10PERVI.)OR PEAnz vE7jETmI10M SEA IORICE IVIAMOROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW OA I E C—UMI PEETE I INITIALS MlicMelle FranRlin, CFA -- Saint Lucie Comr,ty Pruparty Appraiser -- All Hunts r—v3arv7ua. Property Identification 31te P[ucuess'. r» -cel I U: Account #_ Ivi-, lu: We Type; t-oning. t�i�yri'op,-ily: OwnersRip s.VPfi,„ C cosi [auric A Cert] 5410 Seagrape Dr Fn..P' �, FL 34982 Legal De3cription INDIAi-4 RIVI!K c3 iAi e3-uivl -08- Brit 34 j-Oi 6 (MAP 34, I IN) (OR 3351-2370) Current Values JllsllMa-Ket v-nmw: 311=,800 A3s.ssed V..lue: "50,155 cxcmptions: $25,155 I..nasle V..Imr: x:5,000 saxes for this parcel; SLC Tax Collector's Office 0 uo:.-.law[3 t KIM to- M.3 Yu -col- Download PDF 0 5410 SEAGRAPE DR 3402-609-0064-000-8 37532 34 I I N 0100 RS -4 Sai.-.l Lewis Ce;;.-.ty Total Areas r Iri3hci1IUr@cr Air (SF); uross t►rea 1,3r 1: 1,624 L. zid biw (.caw): 0,L.1 Land Size k3r1; 10,000 n:. 6cl:c:cd to be .o; -cwt at lni. timic but i� is uub�cci to ch..rbc and i..i.ol ama— .ca. . . Cepyrlblr. 2018 .luiru Lllcic Coerny Pruperly Appraiser, All rights reserved.