HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct ApprovalI Mis comsination qualities for a Reeeral energy Eniclency tax Crel7it when places in _iurviee nizrwca.. rJ6 -i r,40N mM No si, A0 I5. Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 201767913 Date : 10-01-z01 B Model otatus : Active AHRI Type. RCU-A-CB Series PERFORMr,NCE 16 .,C Ouidoor U..ii Brand Name - CARRIER Owdoo. Wit Modal Number (Coadarmer nr Single Packages : 24APB630A'030' Indoor Uni; Model Nmf bar (Erapo—tor andlor Ar Handler) : FV4CN�B,Fj003L Rcg,*on . All (AK, AC, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC. DE, FL, GA, HI ID, IL., IA. IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN. MO. MS Itll,,MC. 1117, NE. NH, NJ, NM. NV, NY, OH. OK, OR, PA, RI, 3C, W. TN, TX, u r, VA, v t, vvA, WV, WI, WY, U.S. i erritodesl Region Rote ' C.ntrrtl air condi( oners manufactured prior to January 11, 2015 are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1 413 central air con's Boners can only be installed in reg:cn(sl for wh ch they meet the region-- afrlei�rtcy rage rarfert The manufa...urer of this CARRIER product is responsible for the rating of this system combination. Rated as follows in accordance with the latest edtion at A11311A19ru 210,240 wit11 Addenda 1 and 2, Performance Rating or un tart' Air-Condiloning & Air -Source Heal Pump Equipment and subject to rating &7e"cy by AmRI-epon _Fd, indeparldefit, third part, testing: Cooling Capacity [Rz1- Bingle or Rig11 Stage (95F), btuh : 28400 SEER: 17.00 EER iA2l - Single or Rlgp Stage t93F1 ' 13.00 T"Actice' Model Slates are these that _n AHRI C.rtifi—tie Ppitgretm P_nieip.at I_ w1We7;fl7 fmi de.;;, AND calling or offering far cote; OR nn,. model= that r._ being m.rrreivu Do, arc no. yet Doing pm.aced: rroducrion Stopped' Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still =elfin e; eff.ring rep Zale R81011ir.ftt_.voy irizim-PR nloo try WAS indiealvan In•volen'ary re -rale The new publlshad ratino Is shown aiorrq Wilh We C­01oes 11 o. W.,SS noon. DizeLAIMER AHRI d..o not.ad.w. the ;;P deet(=) p=led on lhiv C_ptlllwle and rm_kee n_ pepreeantitl.n.,-_rrenth or eow-ritecs -=to, ...d _s,anpe, me n.. pepr=lbility for. ma pruuu..r(s) bate. vn rn,s eertdicate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s). or the enaetherLed .Iter.Alan of do:.. lis.od vn this Conllio.lo. Corrlfled r..lL,gs . to olid only for m000ls .n. vonrigar.tiorts Isioo in in directory at www.ahridirectory.org, TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprletary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for Indl-idual, pepsonal _nd AM eonfidond.I reforbrrco perposes, -Do co, -,.ora of n113 eorur,..ate m.y n... in ell.6 r in p.rt, Do roproopcc.; wpieo; u6seminar.u; to ■nl-red Int.. mum,nte7 d_t_b.�_ 7p eth.rrt- ptlll..d, in ..r; form =p mii.._p up By _r; nt.aa=, eceept fur the o=.r', Indlade_l, personal no unnu.nil.1 rerurenca. r.IRwolIUM-1111% 111WIma, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION A REFRIOERAT1slt INSTITUTE r„o Inrorm.t-.v., for tfle mo.m 61wo on iiia uertlncate can Be verified et www.ahrldlrectory.org, click on 'Verify Certificate' link e.e make litbetter- arid enl.p the AHRI Certlfl.d Refer.new Number -d the d_:e e„ -hkh the �enifiee:e :qs lssecd, which is listed above, and the Certificate No., which Is listed at bottom right. @2018Rir-Condltionine, Readn& anri rtefrlgerauon InSLItUle CERTIFICATE NO.: 131828722382087164 I\ ` AaRit "90, M -king ; N u �7r vt - y�c {�- HN 0 10 Insrallarion Work vr8er (,/%1) 55'/-;J1U0 2800 US Highway 1, Vero Bew,y FL 32980 -tneen naaioanlwE Oa,vicaa al Plow; Irr. Licosa # CMCt 249753. CAC045B76 CFr': 142R291 Eat Sart Dasa Est Completion Date ir.orporaie Cw_tamur RaWivns (.civ) e0-0879 wo... Men r I c L_ �L!� A00RESS CITY75TATFjZIR =- noa.a rmvmi [[ O O YOUR DESIGN WORK PFIONE SIZE TYPE r+- SIZE 2. S TYPE SIZE TYPE EFFICIEI7C7 EFFIC.IRNv, _AM Sp m EFFICIEN;1' $ $ $ �- sy a'uBT;�AL $ SUBTOTAL �/_Q_Ci �� 5UE101TAL MONTHLY ST.• $ _ MONTHLY EST.' $ I MZ.NTHLY T.` $ CUSTO ER WMALS CUSTOMER INITIALS CUSTO R INITIALS Wa t;.rw Parti L.abwr W.Nienly j 11 C? Port= Labe- W_ nty?_ --- - - P -rt- Labor Compressor L Heat Exchanger ly wmpressor 1"0 Pleat Exchanger Compressor I-Ia.t 0uh..;;nar TUnlow othe—i„e neled, al -- -...ntiea ob from them nwf vlare,. SPECIFICS OF SELECTED OPTION: ❑ z ❑. D WeatherproofNe- Plywood Doak a UV Light Diewwnm=wt �Ruvom c,t Die n Lino ❑ Ha-idifie.- SUBTOTAL $ �-" Lifetime Egeipmznt Slab G Ceding Saver Kit ❑ I7v6ernii9ilivr - - - - r rj p PrIound Isolation Pads (Pan & Fleat) ❑ Caidvvr Unii Pad ❑ Liquid Tito Cendwil Z M-nin Drag„ S..fwly Switch ❑ F am Venting $ ❑ Start Kit Seal New Connectionseetwerk Co :nectiwra" TOTAL s U ,P! RefngamxI LL Dryer_ u SappartAttio Equipment necI to exisling Mnum ❑ Doc-, M.Wi,a.rona�HCO3 Ref. a n P. v ,n g .a t p �R-,unnect �J Supp'y Plenum {see 17ores Ia scope or work) ❑ New G New Meconnecl❑ NoC7 Daet Syate Rufrig...,gt Par- Cw-wr LJ Return Ptenem G No Duct Work RCK# . -`— ,0 Exp.,nsivn V— ❑ Na. ❑ Ravvnnu : ❑ Feel Pipmg ❑ CREDIT CARD (LAST .#a) ,f t stat -TYp 15 c—recironic Air Cleaner _ -- E3 EleetNeol Wiri,-�g C�6 nnwet to Exiling G Media Filler �Ho-o Somre Pka„ - Exp APPROVAL/ Elact,ivul G FqX 1 Tenn (364 a.y.) OUR GUARANTEES ❑ FINANCING' Comfort G=aranlee � lo- _= Prwt=wtise Gua-antee 24.He=; SoMea Gear..mlov 0046 [)ncvndi:ivnal Mvnvy Back.Gaaant.a 'PAyman, ap�.womm mr appmved—t Xo -ARS is nut responsible to_ pre■::i=lige d-zuI =rk. Saw Tarlrro artd Cendilienc e., the b�k of this dec omant for detaas. • Written customer authorization will be obtained before beginmi;;o enfuruswarl add:t:Weal er=xtunded -ark. • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJECT iv THtz Ns�ICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 558, FLORIDA STATUTES. • Oz. _R'S RIGHT TO raaRe_L: This is a home solicitation sale, and if you do not want the goods or services, you may cancel :his agroomant By providing wr tten notice to the seller in person, by telegram, or by mall. This notice must indicate that you d.. not wartr .ha goods ur swrwi.,.ca and moa. be dollva, eo or posmorlteo borora midnight of the third bu-ness day after you sign this ..greament. If you con.—I this ..grave a. -.t, the moiler may not keep all or parr of any tush dnv<n paymann. Saw the rwt;wrle .,Ida hwravf f.r on —pl.. atiee of tfilm rigfiL • I acknoaadgo :hat my right to aa. -,cel h.e been o.ploinad to me .,rally and in .r','ng, and wi,hvw; waiving my right tv ran,v , I atllhvraw hv performance of the .ark --obj=et to all tonne and a� mdiliona me. forth en rho ravwrvv aides ha. oaf, plc® oa apon comiplatio,.. NoUee To Owner y of the ee reset at the time you cig;;. Keep o protect your legal rights. This ho -w iirr,r■%mrnt =w..t�.wt reay aerit-'_ a mort.v g- a; othu--e oa o l:en en your prperty that I be e! ode if you de et pay. Be DeGre/yea endwretond all prbsiciemw of fq�van t hwly o ye inn. CU ER 57G RE DATE COMPANY Nr: ENTA'n v:e:e..marican Re�....nlwl=ri m=Tm.x"OR-L. --a. _R=;a7a :. -.. 1521e