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Building Permit Application
All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED I Date: �l�•�- 9 Permit Number: 1 Q �10 . RECEIVED Building Permit Applicati on OCT 0 4 2018. Planning and Development Services ST. Lucie County, Permitting Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Address: 16-1 q C) C,c`"Tpq3c� t(�� � � 3,&(X,5 � k ��. z±f a Legal Description: `l lu-\.Z- AC,' 3 Property Tax lD#: Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: ti-AAAyM_?::, cY Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: 0 ZkATN 19 ,09 SA LID trA Additional work to be performed under this permit-check all t at app y: _Mechanical _Gas Tank _Gas Piping _Shutters _Windows/Doors Electric ,Plumbing _Sprinklers _Generator _Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft.of First Floor: 0 .Cost of Construction:$ Utilities: _Sewer _Septic Building Height: Name ;ft<-rwcf 6Y Name: (A) UAotj— Address:a., 2,Ae� . �r-c_-. CC_ Company: City: 6 State:ef i Address: L-74 M e,O4- 0, <. -*-tot- Ot Zip Code: �3=O t a Fax: �¢�- City: Wd State: �L Phone No. tl'0'7- 061;r'-M 00 Zip Code: Fax: 13 c- q 3 t E-Mail: Phone No All e S O 2-�p Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail v from the Owner listed above) State or County Licensee If value of construction is 2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. To: Karen. Page 4 of 4 2018-10-04 19:25:47(GMT) 14079309312 From:Joyce Foran :a648i�Rg:n%etope 1D.031893E$-7A83-47•i2-AB4F:$A21vr31 tFSErt `::.::•.. '.'.•.: `. :.:.:`::.... .4 = a� 4 , f - ` .s p . ..-. ..: ...... ...:_�...:...,�..:-:::�•a... mss:,. Yt EE ;Ivt A Ica le t" i�Eat� Ix .;:: affi �l �t �6� 1 .. .. . .. ... ... .— p �.. . 9V6.Oi{ tf�F'. ±U111P Y..°°:.`':' 3. :. .., . .... - ..., . .. ........ . . i E: 4� o St te• :►E .. 3. ' iT a 3L t~ .:''.: 1�1ot A lira.iale :: 8.ONDING.CO. my":.. P�og i�A.pl4.-�}� ,::'~::....fig !. IEI=. �. . . . � :i Name;, --- : ...... ..I :,Add, ess:: i ---- -- - �. Adcir ct777 y: 1 . ...._4.2.4 .:.., .. _ .. :Z€.: ..: ........ yf$ Qd`aj[ aiQ311l :RpPt'tcatiorlshereby'madetoobza;n:.apermtto:doihe.yvork:unciinsCdtiatiuria`s:i,rd'tcatea.' ft h=t.nokvorl<ar.Installa�ionh.as,comme.ncedprior:tothe`issuartceofaperm;t d:CFur . emacesrtnit':hol.d?r•to.btsil�thesu#iiect.stri Yi�r . '` ::. ),'.: . l; .v�:�I�h is in conf;ict Jlth any app(irab.l€:�`ia.me O unerS AssRc�ati�n.rdies,izylaws:Qr'ar ' ;? :5t-uctarz.�piease-cpnsult.�v..ith:Ynuri�;3rne.Qvvnees•Agsociatia�'andreve�ryou.rsieedrar•an�r�restrict1p:�s��visch:�rtay�'apnis, � � �f Irs'cansideration�f tide:granting of..thjS revues ed.pei irtjt,.l;dp:hereny;agreethat lWall,.n all'resge6ts;.p r'form ih�G;�tro k:,: : •'•_;' ''. n-corgar�oewi#ti:i1'E':approved,plan,5,. heFlar!C.. ldingCodesand$t•,.LucieCQurltyAmendr;�Ents :: . : :.. '.'T,e:.,ollo ing:buil;ain permit ap.p.Ii ' itxns:a:re exemAt fr. m un ergoir!g aJull concurrency tRvie v::r p.r i•acf+�iiio s,': accessorY,struct�res; vd;irrm zg:poa s;.fenoes,walls,signs;screen roams:and,accessory.usesto a;othi'.r.rpn-residertiat:u2 z NAMING � f� o��s�i" �l3itY $l eCprd r�lEl mce,!3¢ .iB?l7o. encemei'i�-may:r£8i9� '.EiE y kla: [1�i3�ig d�1�i��Q: Ir�rover enYs.t6+{oi�r r perry..°A:l otion:pf Cpm.mence nei�t.must.ba.:rwco(do', -r>d�gsta�:dn '... eft�r Ih :ftrsL.inspect�on`1>`:''au intend;i ;obtzi-n inan.Gtng,.constili�n�ith (snelas.ora 'attor,�e before-.. ` 0. U�rnrnen 'nom d k'.'r:rec6r-din :V�>Ar'.Iioic of i~ommencemianL JA � <.... : .. ; ' e{, :.nzractar as.Agent'fpr O nrner .. Y... : . :0 Nc. ., i : 5tsnttr �se . z, -STATE, -OF FL :.:.... .•i :tAT 'tF':Fli`33I ? : : t3t�;'i :lr3FIc f �: 'The fbt air °instrumrt.was:ackno\�iedges'.befoe inz :..:':::. I:Their ing i�tstrwrtert;gas acknavJledeiewar�me; ,s ts. �,. . .. .. i day.at: �fl by th'ss d-..I.; r: ,1S: .. T. x. :. s. c .. .. .. .. ._ ..„ ...,•.. :I\ldtYle:oipe!5gA'maitingstaternetlt Name.o£ arson.mlal,ir�g stai?w!ent ;...:' ....,:. ,.,.... .. ut.. d�ersoraliYlCnawrt' L7P.Produced:ld nirfcaztof3' :PWsond11Y:Kn0Wr7,.•.. :OE;P;o aced.d nt�ftca:ics ys....i T}�re;�flaentiiica#ion::..,'._.::; .''..: :: Ti�Ra�f#dentir�caiso�' . a . :EruducFd �.�,:; �{•,.:4µa_, .a 4 .. C or,r�ivap • .. . qy i„,,.,... :.....11 111 E... . f_ (slgiiatur.2:ofaaleta.ri"P4hjlc-, 4Sign.a{ure.9f•t�lotai. Fut�lic :Sta#e 3r+.lorida.)•. ::.:..,_.... ..... . ...... ... 19 :.. ... % 8. Commission:No. `V' `. ;MyLnmm.ExpiresMaNi,. 27._ _ '� :..0, .. .. , i . :..:R �/lE�N$`.. ''• ..FRONT.:'.;: .ZONI_��►G:::'; SIJPLRUISOR • .:.P:LAMS.:. 1/EG€TkTt(3153.:.:..SEA $: 1A .tR �ifN. Jd'"yRiIIE� I "U`1tR ', '::i: sk' t'•' a ; RECEIVEQ } :... RAT. ..:. : -LETED EQ.. :. 8j.T..