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Building Permit Application
All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED ` Date: lU ' • t Permit Number: 1 1 IBJ I� RECEIVED Building Permit Application (;CT o 4.20`18 Planning and Development Services ST. Ludo county, Permitting Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial _ Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: U Wo 1 Address: �� 7 d � �'`� OCA— Seo PC-td Legal Description: Property Tax ID#: f�� I `� S����� 60%4 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: e�-jg� Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: Additional wor to be performe under this permit–Weca that appy: _Mechanical _Gas Tank —Gas Piping _Shutters _Windows/Doors _Electric dumbing _Sprinklers _Generator _Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ '7 nE� Utilities: —Sewer _Septic Building Height: Name )a Name: W (,ULv.��� Address: C(d D`L ' ��j of�'sD - Q;V- . Company: 1% c«� 2�1, City:_(� 2Lon' b n State:_C7 L, Addressl dvt,P k�&t�a ALL. Zip Code: Z 7 ga[q— Fax: I'� City: ( ,`r A C) Stater Phone No. o` be:. Zip Code: • lti-� Fax: gqG7 E-Mail: Als. Phone No Fill in fee Aple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail �- _ � e aAA from the Owner listed above) State or County License ('kt� (d 7--1 4, Tr If value of construction is 2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. To: Karen. Page 4 of 4 2018-10-04 19:25:47(GMT) 14079309312 From:Joyce Foran rtyzlope!p:83i�E3E94AB9-.47127A84F-9A215 liTSEj'.. „... • ............. : :..':.'~. ,.:._:: ::•.::_. ... :. : ': �..-,. _�. ..,_.t.. „ ......:�.;...cam „�.. SC. t, - - . .�.. ....,2... ......... ... r_,..,,......._ r_.�.... .�., � .. 1. �.... - OM 01 UA 5 T r= x- ,e v4' ... ..� .... _ _. � .... .. ......._,...,1. ,.,.. .. ...:\.♦................ .., �l 1. - .N.., .r. -. s , : :.'', ...:.._ ..Nota ilcable.'.. <: '; l ' at ;.. . .�, .: . . N �t E�l�sii E., — ply MORMA G CD11JlP�: .'a: . ` .' : �.Ad.�,ress� ..�f.`3.i..klkvt�t�i, .�I#,/'.. i .. ..�... .. ... ... .:.E. :: ' P:one ---- alp;' �.. a... . . -. . ... ...:. _ P�aor�e, .::-ER . `lca. ! '•: 3. •IV V 6p1.�.7'31Y ? I't.6t-Ml?Ylj..-.�.. 7?S e$ 3�? . . l�lgt;Appl . b i ,�77 Name. Ql: Addy �� "�•-'� 33 �i ... ..y.s.... �. phP 2i • C h�T! Al OR:4 { �11�S:Appi'!.cation;tslaerzby maa2to o.aia n;a perrn c to.Bo the.4vorl;'.abci instali2tiarj:ds?.rd'tcatecl, . I :•'..::-.. e l cern iyy hat+no wQel<ar:instailatjon h.as;corrtmenced prtor:>o The issttance.of a paerrttt :. :5t. 'ucf2:- ur 'm es noire ressrttation:that is ranting a. e�rnit yAl autno.r ze t'he' er niz:.hp! ar.. `: '...-.....a•..St.�. ,. 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