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Building Permit Application
All APPLICABLE INFOMUSTBE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE.ACCEPTED �( Date: �• I1 Permit Number:J U 10 (3 160 RECEIVED Buil.ding Permit Applicatio OCT o 4 2o�s ST. Lucie CounEy, Perrnittin Planning and Development Services g Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)46271553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial _ Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: t U � Address: 6QZt\,4 Q(-k- 05 zA r5e-,ry 3q q.�Z Legal Description: t1 Property Tax I D#: Lot No. Site Plan Name: JA Block No. �� Project Name: f& b J- JA VV gEEA1Q,�6� Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: Additional work to be performe under this permit-c ec a t at app y: _Mechanical _Gas Tank _Gas Piping _Shutters _Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing _Sprinklers _Generator —Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ Utilities: —Sewer _Septic Building Height: Namelt%Lr , Pe0a ,cam I%aX- f ) Name: d Address: '0671, 51h3AMA-e a ems. Company-A(i1Eb'ti Re"- city:_(5gw)-spa State: V6 Address: VAQ Zip Code: ZMSI Fax: City:C.GosgI State:�� Phone No. ko-7 dos- 94 mrn Zip Code: -Z,-7-:7 <r) _ Fax: 407 - 3o- E-Mail: 04,r Phone No '11 131 2=4 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail ?La from the Owner listed above) State or County License bee, If value of construction is 2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. To:Karen. Page 4 of 4 2018-10-04 19:25:47(GMT) 14079309312 From:Joyce Foran .:':'. ::•cu$i�u, nvefopeID:39iE3Es-7A93712-AB4F:$.A2i531FSEi........::..::`'• . ~': : :.:..i::.'. .; '.. :'. ::": ::.,. ::. , .: .._ ....,r.:,�; .. ,.....,. ,.i•. ,w.'r:t;:iii!,,..:"•:rs, -;i:' , S . • _ .. _n .l. ...5. f v._. _ •,. _. .. .t.x... _-ZL..t _.-..•,.�.,.,.. •,w a..:v4:,.•.-....�•:�r. -- - ..,, �N t: c bl . .. :.: .. . . : .' icai,l.c: ' :KS-JG �tf:Er��11�EER. • ....... .— o RpKt 1. a , e at��p ;... .� 1V30i��Gf�E.CatUlPlY... : M``t�[ plc �. ... .:� :N .,ta .' :tee,-�-.•.�.s..,T ... .... ... .. ., .... � ... sCi ','•- ;i :`F;:T4r:'i-3�33�.E�:.•:'. �IQi:Applicable ::.:. '•B.O'�N. DING'.Ct3���ii31+;•:.:,..~ f� i�1��9��aY�:�:::;'.:...;j.:�, .. ....r :Name: 9 •:' Cyd a j LACI SS: A re ........ i' ,.try.. �-�� ' T P.: [ :£cif+" 1 �Cpi`aT E E€3.. Ger:FiOV11. .A I'tcation•is hereby'made tQ bbidin;a`perrrt t to:do'the.G o;,l_and insCa{iaiiai�:as:i.ttdtcete I.certify;hst no'arrprl<or.instaila.�ign has:cplrtRie. ced: iiar:•o.ilie`issLiance'.of a`.ermrc 1 t;uc�a..Cggn�y;rr+akes-no 7ep[-ese.ntatiamthat is granting a'.perrnit uv�ll..autha.r{zp the per nit:hol.d�r'to.wild t•he,sutilactstrasture:; €' ...'which is jn coni•lset yJith'any apii(scab.l�,`ipm.e ath�ners Assac�ation.rrlies;izylaws:Qr:and:covznants;that°maY'ieskncC. st,,uctare."Rlessexpnsult.�v.ith:your;come:Ovvne�sAssoc.'datiananii revietiv.1/our leed'Ta� nv'reciric>IoKsWhio-M,S : ;.,,cans.ide;atdon f t;aa:gr ming oi,tiii reo.uested pe-rmit,:;d;do:herEay-agreethat.l_yvi'll;+n ali eespEcts;.p r#ortn ift.G:v�. t'k.:,: _ : =.:':•:..'s .;ir car- with -.thera[red 41an� the Florida SuilCing Codes'and St,.Lucie:�qunty�4m°ndrients _ .`. :. :.:..,.:.1 .cord . ..: . :•. ...._ .....: .,.. ..... TY e:;oiidvyirig building permit app.4icaYSans.'areexempt frorn.undergoirg a.Tuil concu'rtencytevi.evu:;reo.ri''a c.Csorystruct>+res; vdlimmiCtg poo)s;.fences,.v�ails,signs;:.s.creet�,rpotns:and.accesso�y.usesto arjc3her.rpn-rQsider�ial:��2_':`: :. '.• °.::VVA.84Y'gIiNG !..'4.D:OYf{,7•HEP;�.''.1t3:U,r` sL3urV"i l`.e�.� 6R.,a�.J�Qt.��,��.. 1 LOM/AenCeM0 1.G :Yi�S i`�:�x„i' >� a: f���r}�:6NQ `S YQi:,'•: :''E'..... : i'. rarouernenxs.eo-yai�r aroperty 'A.J o icn6f'C,pinmencernerit.must.b-.:rwco+:di«d arlc! ost i:or;t{i� t, ise.::;:::..::.. { .... inspection 't#:ytzu:dnte�d:.LQ pbtam financing,cgnsult;,n�ith (etc ar or adl:attor;�ay fore. :.: #' [J;71rr12Yi r}g d k•orrecardin y r.Nhfiice:Q#'�ommerieerent: F ;5tt>a#isre.af:tlssees :..nzcactor as.Agert•forOvuner igna�yre'ofeontractth.f tc. rls. .... .?C:'•'.:`' •. :.::...a S:di{'T -OFFr.�rfiD :. Sl'r� EOF:Fro3RIr3a� B. .'....:a lot ed ed'b fo a ine:.: ::`':The:i r ing:itistrurr;ent;uas'ac;t?neledge E�eorN ne, ::.. 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