HomeMy WebLinkAboutHerbertpermitPlanning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division BTa Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL i4982 pfron"' iltz) qaz-fi53 Fax: {7721462-1578 ALLAPPucApLEII{FoJVIUSTBECoMPLETEDFoRAPPIICATIoNToBEACGEPTED;;, IDIfD llB Building Permit APPlication Commercial Address: Legal Descri Property Tax lD #: j\ Site Plan Name: /\./ Residential A.t. L{Y 1 Lot No. Block No. \ tZ Project Name: Setbacks Front- Back: - Right Side: R permrt - Left Side: Shutters Generator \,Ke l-1o., Piping tr [lsprint<ters tr tru Windows/Doors Total Sq. Ft of Construction: '-'_- Costof Construction:ffi It vaiue of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. .D TDsf, 'AD Nctrr Ehuo. [-lr'".,,.,. Gas Tank Plumbing PERMIT APPLICATION FoR: To Select from dropbox' click arrow at the end of line ffi Company:l ndargps:{0 A e state:*l11L?nzffr State or County Lictnse: State:f'l Phone No: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) lZlp:,,,-,,-.l,:nrlinctalhtionasindicated. owNER/ coNTRACToR AFFTDVTT: nppri.riln-i, nffimade to "G;" oo"'ri. ro do the work and installation as it I certify that no work orinstallation has .o*r"ni"-i'piio, to tt't" issuance of a permit' L^-i-^ +k6 ^armit holder to build the Fubject !T!lcl9l.e^' il#LftHy*t3{,:lffi,,:{ffirffiilrif,r,'asnffimi*tin',n'iryiirk#i{':-itlf*i:*'}:isijlffr1'''h fi ::H;x:.",.,:T;ll[::','J,1$:,"1i]*::ru;',$fl:";,njilJ:j]"J::ffi3i:iJ]]J#ldt?llffi*""k:"'rorm the work The following building permit applicatio-ns are exempt from undergoing-a-full concurrency review: room additions' a.cessory Str,ctures, swimming pools, fences, *tll', 'ign" screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-reSidential USe WARNING ro owNER: Your rairureS.o 5eco1!31P11"^"-l*lgf::lTIl*:YJ:'J:tJ! I"":[3i'ilt H'jTJ3'I"WARNtNGToowNER:YourfailuretoRecordaNotlceoTL[,]I|IlIEllUElllE..l,..-'.--_.;apostedbnlhejobsite . imorovements to your property. A Noticl"of C.;*r;-.."ment must be recorded a: betore the first inspecrion. rf you intena L"i6't.i" iinancing, i",l!r'it *ii[ltnotr or an attorney before ;;;;; ;i ; j wo i[t-ii"ioiJ i'ie vou t hl otite ot co' m "1 t" m "nt' Signature of STATE OF Name of PerFon making statement Personally Known -\- On Produced ldentification Type of ldentification (Signature of Notary Public- Stat Commission N Expires: Ogf 28, e()ffi 1ST TLORIDA H; itr[il :;*ffiffI5€H"-l"#jHefore me '/ Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner Name of pgrson making statement Persona lly KnownL- OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification re of Notary Public- rComEision#FTL72372 iffitHs:OCr292018 SEA TURTLE REVIEW DATE COMPLETED Rev.8/2117