HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationOWNER/ CONTRACIOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated' I certify tirat no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit' ;,,'h,if is,;:qHl,.}{,ntnflqp;,:*ru'L:!?iHh:.l5h?,!#f,",tHtl+iilgl,,T;H*T:'"Tfl":,t#li!,li,Thi3ft+ii!^f'i'i;ti"'p,i{ii;ililid' structure. Please consult ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the ,ppiorEJpi."i, itt" rfotiai Building Codes and St' Lucie County Amendments' STATE OF F The forgo this \O ins instrument was acknowledgq(before me aa-v ot (I.dOOee . zo lEi nv Name of Person making statement Personally Known Jr.. OR Produced ldentification (Signature of Notary Public- State Commission : OCI 28,2018 BONDED T}IRU$T TLORIDA NOTABYIJ.c Type of ldentification / Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner knowledgg! before me - 2oll5 by Name of Pgrson making statement Personally KnownL- OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification *F9772372 PLANS REVIEW Rev.8l2lL7 FO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATTON TO BE ACCEPTED ALL APqr[cAPLE- l{ Fq M Usr BE ;lDIfDlls Permit Number: Building Permit APPlication Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulotion Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 prronu' ittz) +az-ts53 Fax: (7721 462-1578 Commercial - Residential K, Address: Legal 1 )- I *, *o.13 Property Tax lD #: Block No. \ tZ Site Plan Name: Project Name: permrt -aoDlv: E ro. l-l Ele.t.i. Gas Tank Plumbing I-ln", Piping Shutters Generator [l *,noo*s/Doors u_nsprinklers tr l_l norr E Roorpitch Total Sq. Ft of Construcfolt:So. Ft. of First FIoor: Utilities: [_lru*"r. Et"*Cost of Construction' $3S Building Height: Setbacks Front- Back: - Right Side: It vaiue of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. PERMIT APPtICATION FoR: To Select from dropbox' click arrow at the end of line {r L Company: I naargps:{0 [',tft(. Statqfi r.*,11u?nz49O E-Mail; citv, iJtXt Mrrf kr6{. state:{'I Phone Uo Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above)