HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPMABLE INFO DAUST BE COMPLFMD FOR/Pr ��"naW TO BE ACCEPTED
Date. Pe it i mime.
sufldihg Permit A oksta'an
' ftuaaa im aaaaao 0zveY Pv-n nttS�-Vd2S
Saro8Ong wd RegWeVan Dhfori
VorgonoaAwA se,Fort-Pierce FL 34M
Phonm 2)4621553 Fax-(M) 1573 Commercial Residential
tPERMIT APPUCAMO -FOR: To Se3edkom dropb=, d'ackeffowatte and of Me
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POA St.Lum M52
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:Pranp ww Tai ID - Lot NO.
Mte Pima Meme. 'Block No.
Project Name:
setbacks . r-Tent Back: RlghtSida. Side.
De mon of rnobale how
A tttortaipro, ca Ane,rormeafin ert ts.perr-lit—si3eea:k� Oshutters
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OHVAC10 Gas Tankas Piping �a kfindows/Doors
ifectdc Plumbing LJSprinklers 0 6enerartDr Roof
Tota8 Sq.Ft of Cans Sega S 4 FL of Flirt Floor.
Cost of Corasi re.$ ElSewer Ospoc B�sp�ir dei �
'CONT.P9J`C i r,:vim
Y M Car-pombon Naamer. kMamenr We Wynne
Address:8000 Sculb US 1,Sim 402 Cornea nye.Wjnne Dew1opment eprporanon
Pool St suds stateaFL Addrrem 8WO South US`d,.Snffts-4-02
Zips Code: F -fib 4 ,.Pod SL LWe
Phone fo ±7 13p s Code- � � 772-87843224
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:tom m&amw p state or Cwntv License-
nse.Qff vague*I constUS7wWn a5$250D or ra cm,a MCO €D luctice of commencement as requarad.
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�1 uilyraplcable -MORTGAGE COMPANY: ^h .oApgllcable
Name: Nam.e-
i Addressp Address-
Zip: Phone: Ply®ne-
FEE SEMPLE°TME HM-MR: _Not Applicable :BONDING COMPANY-, ----Not Applicable
Maine- Name:
Address. Address:
Phone: zP�.�,—.-Phone-
I certffyno work or installatitan leas commenced brio r to the ls!juance of a•moi.
E tae+�iarit+-r€aals rereseritatntaingait siil asa¢FatQcaeernxi hoerx k�aa7ld"�he.seskaecg straittare
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da°i,considesWon of thegr6ndngoftiis request6d permit,l do.hereiragree1hat i teA,•n all respects,perform the vmrlc
in accordance wtse approved plans,the Flodde Building CDde.5 and SL Lude-County-AmOnd meats.
The fellowingbOlding peicinitappl'feaffioi°nsare-ememptfromundergoing a full s.QssgATencyrefer:mom adito A
accessory ssrutwres,sena PSP lenses,walls,sigsts,scmen roms and accessory uses to anadwr non-resideroiai use
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Improven,encs Tz your prape .V A fttki,_of Commencemerit must be recce&' and steel on e IDNJte
before the fir .lnspectidn.9 you intend'O ob aln nancln&consult with.lender or an.atto ey before
Signature of Contractorl€iceabse
.COUNNOF --miwa COUNTY OF n- Luda
The fiorg ing ftwshwmen.t was,admavWedged before me he-fargping•ins�w. mervt e s acl=w=edged hef6se arse
(ba=ste of peen acknowledging) (Name of per-son ac,&mowledging}
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�45i6n'atdire of Notary k'ubric Sim coad da) 5a;ii`ai re€sf Notary Public-State of Al fffia) �
Personally Knot � OR Produced Uden ffon Personally Known x �lR'?�rodts�d ldenifficaden
Type.ofld0nt ;adon,Pmducecdd �., _ :TYPa ofides WwationPrc4uced
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sty EXPIRES:February 23,2419 ;,_x. +.
ar. ' <_ PIRES:Ff_4,t -,Y f3,e)19
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