HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters s 'PLANNING-& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES t ��— WILDIN+,G,.&. ZONING DIV-I$ION RECEIVED Q _ 2300 VIRGINIA AVE: FORT'PIER'CEM, , 34981 OCT 1 241$ (772,),-4-62-1553' FA.X4624.578 9T. Lucie County, Permitting CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR;SUBCONTRACTOR OR,CANCELL'ATION OFTERMT PLEASE:SEL•ECT ONE.OF THE.FOLLOWI7 4Cr: CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR—Change-of Contractor'is to be-signed m i notarized by°the property owner, and,the newcontractor of record for the .current pdrmit.A new permit:app l cation,must also be completed with new contracfoi:infoirnaaton and signature. A new Notice of Commencement.must be fled in the new conitractor's, ,name. for,job, values greater than :52,500 ($7,500:,if A/C ,Change-out}: A recorded copy must be: 'submitted, ,prior to conimet ci g py;work.There is a$56.60 fee for,the Chnnige-of CoAtractors, CHANGE OF SUBCONTRACTOR—Subcontractor char1gps are:to be completed by the general contractor. The new"subcontractor must fill,.uta Subcontractor Agreement Form;"there's a$50.00'fee for the::Change of`Sub- Con ractor., ^� CANCEL:LATT.ON;OF`PERMfT—The eanceilatson:of a;permiVis acceptable only ifno work has-been"done. Caneellation�of permit,is-.to be signed and notarized by both.the owner and-Qualifier of record.'Thery is no fee for cancellation of the pefniit; Date: October 02,20;18 Perm t;,Numher. 1810-002 Site Address: 11 Lake ListaTrail"105;port St_t ucie,FL .052 Poit St Lucie PlumbingState License.,CFG058025 SLC.:'L'i,cnse 1M9,- Original GC,.subcontractor or bwnek/bi lder State License , SLC License. . New'GC,subcontractor Reasoin for Cancellation'. Owner,cancelled work The undersi ned,does:itereb ,;a ee tgandemni g y gr. fy and;liold harmless St,Lucie County;its officers,agents and employees front all costs;.fees.or;damages arising from any and all ciaims of acti for any reasciri,which rrtay arise as-a�-rThis,change-of contractor/subcon) o cancellation of permit.A_pertnit cannot lre cancelled>tf:work h ' -7+,.een performed. SI AT- URE.OF.O R, r er/builder) SiG E MO� T'RA (orrtew di as appiieabi6)' PkiNT NAME'Norma Pizsirnentii'xirrrNArt> ,GaryW.ZanelEo, Spic of Floiida,County of St I ucie County state af,Florida,,County o£SL;Lucie Cougty Ttie_following•instrtitnent was::acknowledged,beforc:me this The following instiumenti;was acknowledged before:me this 2nd day of October 20?i` ?,a day of - Notma Pizzimepti _ Gary W Zanelio; who as:personally known to me who.is pasonally:knowT to or hoyyh�!as produced as ID., ne or.Wiio has produced as I[7. � 7u6411f j1! �1 �October 02'"20,18 �J rbfffa ctober102,2018 lflJ - Signature:of 14otary Aatc Signatar64Notdry Date, Y n 5¢RAN MA'RIE'GARCIA. i2evA sect 0.41.15/1'6 Notary Aubilc State`of Florida: Commission#'GG,245661 'FefcR My Gomm„Expires Sep=1,T022 Bonded through NAtional*maryAssn,