HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationHCC HPP[iiWLE INFU MIM) i BE CUDITIPCE i ED FUR APPCI[R i [rim t U BE HCCEP t ED Date: f Permit Number: - Bunaing Permit Application manning anv oeveropment zervices auiming anu Coae neguiation uivision c.1Ou Virginia Avenue, Fort vierce Fi..ywysc Phone: Fax:(iic)wec-.Loia Cojiimercial Rcsiaenddl PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line 'PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Piaoress: Legal Description:'�S-r`LC Property Tax ID #: ' - _ Lot NO. !)itc Plan nF.Me. Block No. PFvJ,eci IQaRIc. S Front t .J- Ri&fit Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace AC, exact change out with 0 ton, dl SEER, 5 KW AC on;t C:UNS I ROTI IUN INFORMATION: A(Ulmom.1--ark to o,,,,c under ts -check a RVHC G_ la..k�permitns Mutters QWindows/Doars 11 Electric LJPlaRl5ing ❑by,;nklers OGenerator F7 Roof Roof pitch 101-1 Jy. FT. oT C4n31, action: Sq. Ft. of First Floor: _ Cos. of Construction: 5 15Lilides:zewer 1:1:�epdc uwNtRj1E55EE: Dame tb�s 'a. Code:Jp N9&j-4 PRome Ii Fill in fee simple Tide Holder on ne,Lt page ( if different from the Owner listed aBove) CONTRACTOR: Name: Dennis Zacek Builaing ReigRt: Company: ARS American Residential Services Address: 2800 US Hwy 1 City: Vero Beach State: FL Zip Code: 32960 Fax: Phone No, 772 794-72 rcm State or County License: CMC1249753 li Value OT construction Is $c50Q er nwrc, ;-. RECURDED Notize of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMEN IAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DEaIGMER/ErvGIMEER: x idol /Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: /Address: /Address: City: State: City: SLate: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Not Applicable BONMNG COMPANY: x Mot Applicable Name: Name: AddrEss: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: 1 certify that no worn or installation Ras commences prior to Me issuance or a permit. St. facie Coant .F.Rc3 nu rcj,rc�c,.tat6m Mat i� graritiri6 a perm,t rr�h u4tRVri.0 the4 Crmit nolae- [V Saila tFie �a5;.rt 3tractarc wAicR is in conflict with any applicaBle Rome uwners rtssociation rules, Bylaws or and covenants that may restritT or pronl0k sucn structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of ON requested perm;t, I ao nerc5y asrC. treat I .ill, In all oc3pccts, perfform the 7—rk in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Zodes and 3L. Lucie County Rmendments. i Re roiiowing Buil'aing permit applications are exempt From unEergoing a Full concurrency review: room au'uitlons, accessomyy structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms andaccessory o3cs to onuth=. nun -resident -1c1 a.= WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for impro.ements to your property. A Notice or Commencement must Be recoroen anil posted on the joi5site before the first inspeuion. If you intend Lo obtain financing, conbulL with lender or an attorney before commEnLing work or recording your Notice of Commencement. _ signature of O ,er/ eessee/went STATE OF FLORIDA [00141 T rjF %1.7.4 I Mc r r6oimg instrernent -as acitno :IeugeB oeiore me this Lt 'uay of( (b —Z5Lby pinio Za—k 15,nat erson a a d iri6 } of NZa ub -State of Florida } rersonally Rnown x OR Produced identification IyPC vtIacntitiCud.. NrVaaCeil Commission No.(�(-ti 1S(Seal) �Ignature or Contra( r/Elcense Ralaer STATE OF FLORIDA CvGla I T OF St Lucie I Fie tarcuirig imtre.merit ..s ,..-Rriawlea6Ca SutarC me this day of CCkC)P�zvy by Dennis Zacek Ume erson ac' rowleB (Sigr,aeer� oa: to nL31i�-State or FloriBa j Perianally KMarrri x OR Prudv'.d Iacritit;Catiori type or Mentirication ProBuceB Com i„ioriNo, ,e-q�CIYD Steal) +L; tiuLC:CIy aui.t.FVFtn COLEI~N SULLIVAN KCV;;ed u/I I `c My COMMISSION u GG071535 ••I S Febiva 09, 2021 My COMMISSION # GG071535 EXP i,•Yp`}�- Gnr,�� r REVIEWS SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGET ANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS M., .n it vrvrk. MaRi�p i! n8h!` mirm-&P .' bz,, -� yyd ,mss hizFfa►►atiati Work Order (7 72) 53r-31 VV 2800 US High -..y 1, Voro Beach, FL. 2960 ..merkw Rosidentiat Sewrw, of %rido Inu Ueen..., w e ... 07Z,34J- tmaa,587B, CFC1428283 Est. Start Date L011's liz Est Complel r Data 0/1 WIF Corporate Coelomer Relatiw j8661 8030879 F.AI.-SUP SIZE TYPE -, � SIZE Z TYPE SIZE TYPE EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY Y EFFICIENCY 5UBtuTA TTH YLEST ` $ / S— I MONTH YL 5T" MONTHLYL MON CUSTOMER INITIALS I CUS7t7PlER INITIALS Warran,y: ; Parts �� LaBar W r O an,y: Parts , Labe. �a_Con+prtsaae 1_�J HnatExchanger O Vora resod, P JO He., Exchanger tU.,lass otherwise noted, all from .he rrra„ufacturer. '0 Wv.ifitr root_ i10 Na- Plywa d Dack Diec..n..acc /y gLifelime EquipRlant Slob 1 Ra..onnuct Drain Line Ceiling 5a-=; Kit OSe3nd laelalion Pads an & Flwoq F Liquid Tile Vondu.t Drain Sarely Switch 0 St -rt Kit 9(JSea: New Cmurf—atiarl.. AfR4f..garant LL Dryer_ ft7Sepport Aaic Equipmcnt �R rigerant Pape ft3 Supply Plenum New ❑ Reev :nvc: 15 New A Recs.,n.el efrigeranl Pipe Cover J'I Retarn Plane... Expansion V Ice ❑ Nae JZI Racun,.ect J11%tm-Type ❑ Electronic Air Cleaner .L.i Connect to Existing 15 Media Filler Electrical p Puz ❑ UV Lighi ❑ Humidifier ❑ Dehumidifier 0 Outdoor Ur1:t Pad ❑ Flue Venting I,,�Ductwork VennecG_rlc" ja'Conneo: to erring pienum Deet ModiGeetions :eery Tlrfes for scope o1 wvr�J ❑ Mew Muct 3,st.... U No Dow .,cork ❑ Foul r.ping q E.octrical Wiring X(Home aerv'ce Plan - 1 Term (364 davz] 0 Comfort Guarantee OHvinv Pretvcti.,n Guarantee JZ24-Hour Serrcc. Gear,vnlea W; 00% Unconditional Moni,y-Back Gs.....nlao / $ 7, fzs- 3T. ` $ INITIALS ,f-n:y:r Paris ____�_ Labs, —C.rRpresce- H—t Exc„anger SELECTED UPTiON (rt 02 09 SUBTOT-1. /'2- — ' TOTAL d T� o CASH ❑ CHECK# ❑ CR.DIT CARD BLAST 4#0l EXP APPROVAL ❑FINANCINu i r . oyment opliorb available wah approved uredo, /�/�✓� CPIJC�.-510. �p JPS/� 7irata �Y'����- r� /9P eV ",MS is not responsible for prea..i„ ting do., ryork. Soe Terms and i..On iti_rlo an the b.,ek of ,h .• doco,„ent or dotal s. • ...,.run customer auth.w_.ti.n -ill by obtained bafvr. 17eginning any unf■r._c.ri addBram-I ..r a.rendou work. T- yz.-....- G7 A i • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUB.ECT TO THE NOTICE AND CURE PROViS�0175 OF CHAPTER 558, FLORIDA STATU � ES. • BUYERIS RIGHT7aCXNCEL: This Is a ham. �liaitgtivn ale, wno F you do not want the awd= vr..o. Ices, you may cancel this ag!lemant by prb.lding written notice to the sslir I;; pa...v.-y by -seiagr am, or by mail. This ..,ti=e ...erst I..dim.e t.rat you do not want tna gaaTB or ,apices and must oe dellveretl or: pestm:.r cue before mluntgllt of the tRlra 3rroinoaa day after you sign tnis ..g --anlanL If you cancel tnis agreement; tRa ..eliar May not keep all or part of an,- wavR drn payment see We rev., -ids h.. . -f for an explanation of this right • I ark -u --lodge th,.t my, ighi zo ...ncel has been explain=d I. pre ort. ly and in w, wrig and without wai-:.,g Iwy �ghl tv eanve', I ooinunzu the performaw=■ .f the work, mobjaci io all ta....a and condll ons a=1 f.rth an thv rtrvaeee aide RG. sof. plus any laze= upon eomplellon Notice wner n a;gn :his home improvement contrail :pi blo..k. Yoe ore arnaled t0 a copy of the contract al the li-a you ergn. Keep i 0 lest aw c9W ,:ghs. This home Improvement contrast nr..y vent..in a mors r Vu.erWic at= a lien an yoer property that to cls .,n if y do nal pa'y, Be sur yce e..damtw.,d all provisions f'Ihe co ct rs9fors yes 'gm. CU len., DATEvinRlnT 13,03=1MER SIGNATURE p)<, tr -- r• DA v 2v.5 w,.arican Remdenral services LLG -.r ngria reeerveo. nRS1078 e=ae Certificate of Product Ratings AMRI Certinel7 Reraronea nam6er : 9764468 Date; i0-iz-z018 Mo'uel Status : Active ARRi I yya ; RCU-A-CB Series : C.'vmpor% I 14 AC vutaoor Unit Srarli9 R�rno: CARRIER uetaoor Unit Model NumOer tCon0enser or 51ny10 t'oeR�ua) : Z4ACC424rt"`tNu• Indoor unit 1010081 rvum0er (E-.-porater �mdlov Air Handler): FR4CMFOc4L Region ; 5oelFica3t and North %'PtF-, AR, DC, DL, FC, GA, RI, lKy, [A. IGIO, MS, NC, Un, 3%, 119, 1 A, vA, AK, Cu, it 1, 10, IC, ]A, Iim. R5, MIA, ME. Nil, MN. MO. MT. RD. NE, MM, Ma, IST, UM, 0K. PA, RI, 50, 0 t-, VT, WA, WV, VVI, YY T, u,S. I arrit—;u,3 ) Region l4otu : Central air conditioners manuiacture0 prior To uane­,r 1. 2015 are eligi0le to 0e Installe0 in all. viiam3 until June 3U, z016. 6es;n.,in-y Jaly 1. 201U ceniral air conaitione.- van only 6W Installed in reyionisl For which they meet the regional emcieneT .o,,eiro,,,e.-,t. I Ro ...-.matoetaror of this CARRIER prtiauta Is responsil56 Tor tf-ta .sting of this system comBination. Rates as Tellarr m in aecordan-.e with the latest e5luon 01 AR54ARRI ?10!240 —filth Addenda 1 an'u z, Performance R_dno at Unita,—' Air-Condiuoniny 3 mir-Source Meat ramp Eyziprnant and subject' 'to raiing accuracy 0y AAAI-spenza_d, indel.-ndent, tRIM party iesling- Coolingg Capacity (Az) - simule or High Stage (ozjF), 0tun : z4'ov0 sEER:t4A0 EER (A2) - Bingle or Mlgn stage (aoF) : 11.50 t"Acd.a" Model Status are those that .n AHRI Certification Program rerdGipant is currently produsin' AND oalllng or off ri„ g ro, sale, OR new models that are being Iriarkatcd but ere not yet aemg produced'Production Steeped" Model Stotos are u,uao that an AHRI Certification Pmgmm P„rtieipo,,; is ri . longer producing BUT is still selling .r eHaring fee �.le. R-1ir., x'h tare =ecru read b WAS ,rdicaie , n i nvoluntard re -roti The new put,lished rat'nq is shnvrnv alor: with the p re -iris j i.e. WAS roling . E13vLAIMPR AHRI do=s not e, -gorse the producrtsl listed ■n thle Certifla-te .end maRes no representatlons, warrattllee OF geor�.ntuas .a to, a„a ■.somes no responsibility for, the product(s) Ils.ad on .no Certificate. AHRI expressly dkel..lwrz 011 liability for demegus or any kind arising out of the e7a OF performanca of the productgs). or the unauth■.1-ed alteretlan of d..x. Ils:=a on tills Certificate. Certified ratings are -olid e„ ly for medals an.r configurations listed In th= directory at www.ahrldl.-e=t■r;.erg. TERMS AND COND17luM. This Certifleota and Its eomarim arc proprietary products of AHRI. Thlc Cerlilleota sh..lf only Sa risco .or individual, personal and confidential refe-en_e =rpsoe,. Thu e.ntenz3 o, alis Certificate may not. In whol■ ■r in tort, be rop-docan; , upied; dissemiMR! nated; per. -...nal nd t:ormuentlal reference. =niereo into a computer database; .r ■therwha wtlll.ed, in any germ or manner or by any me.na, e..eapt fur the osar's rnui�idual, eAIR �enenlen111a, HEATINO, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFRIOER„ .on ,.,e inrormation for the model sited en thlu eertlflu..te c.,, Ea .trifled at www.ahridlre=t=i; .■rg, click en'Vo-Ify Cara l-te' link ..nd enter ,,,u . RRI Certified Reference Nobe; sad lh= datu on RRlcn ma cartiflcate was Issued, �- -..Le lifa I :r:.r- :hieh b liztad .-bo:e, ens tr,c ecrtificate No., which Is 11_t_d at bottom right. r" _ 02018Air-Conditioning, Heating, anti RetrigarAun Institute I [:EK i WICATE NO.: 131838212230317822