HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application 11 — ____,-^,------7------_L-77—`—..—'--,—,-,--L-r•—•-. - -'...-.--"---'----...---7 ' 1‘ AU P,LoPiliCAB' LE WM MUST BE=METED FOE APPMTION TO RE AWE, RED , Date: 10c1 —( g - Permit Number: NIO 050,„9. . , 7::7,,,"---',,,,-•TX,,-:"","Z'e. -% ' .:.:'_"'' -‘=•-:,---'1,:",:4:,-P;1 :1,,,,,, : - ,-,,,7,,,,,,...---..• ,::-,-.:,--;, ,,-,- Bugiding Peraralt Appncation plaing0,3(li DevelopraentSeazioes . Boom.ad cede Regulation akfision .;1 2300 Virgink rAvenue,Fort*Plerce FL 34982 Phone:(7744624553 Fax:lj772)4624578 Commercial Residential_ , ( 1— 1; PERMIT APR-KA-MN FOR: TO Select from dropbox, crack errolitrat tile end of line 1; h i -I PROPOSED liViPRITVEMFNT i nCATION: Address:D-R.. f\Z-N...,2 k-',--, -- v..-i.c.,1/4. r,=c...k--.. %-t__)___P-- ---- Port St-Lucia34952 :1 1 it liege?Descriptor): wt.&314,14-501-1701410M- Ulm Ona 11 . 1 . t I 'Property Tax RD it: - Lit Mo. 1 , Site Plan Name: _ Block No. Project Name: r Setbacks Front Racic Right Side:- Left Side: i I' , I DFECIFD nE:CR1IPM-21N CF WOR : 1; 1,emoilition of al %home , 1 I , , 1 I I, ICONSTRUCTION 3F,CFORMA-PON: ; ,I I' ,1 A ,•'tonal work to be pen-armed under t is permit—check all pg.-apply: 1 ' i DHVAC 0 Gas Tank DG2S Piping Shutters t I Windows/Doors I In- 11,__A Electric 0 Plumbing 'IN Sprinklers a 1111 , Generator I , goof TOl Sq.Ft of Constmotion: Sc ..of First Floor: I' I Cost if Corastruction:$ ." --(.5(.."7° Uties:LiSetver r2Septic Building Height 11 OW N F-RI; ',':-",:.;T-T-; r.-.oNTRACTOR: 1 1 --- ' ---- I ' NemeTlyme Bileldtv corporation Name: iVistinew Lyle Wynne Address:3CW Seuth US 1,Suits 402 Company;Wrn Development Corporation city: Pori St.Lude State: L Address:MO South US-1,Suite 4E2 li Zip Code:341'2 Fax:772-878-0224 ray: Pod-St.Lucie State:'f-L 1 , ph.iroe Dio.772-878-5.513 rap Code:34951 Fa m 772-878-0224 ! , -,-- E..wjeig:easo&Pqnsabo.com • Phone No. 77247s-5513 - I,1 RH In fee, simple Me Hat2er on nem Aage Of tr,siregrati: ' E-1171all: sezeioNrItsbezam froze Tam eimeyr lisol aboveD State or County License: C603345999 '1 , II' I .11 il if vague of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. k ,, '1 ,1 A , ----- --- ----- ------ ,, SUPPLEMENTAL rrIl\-KT"'LICTI-011 LIEN LAW INFORMATION: „,,,,-v,.—,11 -. , . , ! , I DPSMEIEP/EP4GORIEERT ..._.....Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applicable i. ;I Name: Name: • 11 li Address: Address: ,, 1 1. City: .State: City: , State: Zip: Phone: Zip:. Phone: „.; ! FEE SaMPLE.TULE HOLDER: Not Applicable :,•-ter DIM NG COPANY: Not Applicable I: Name: Name: ii, Address: Address: ' City. City: Zip: Plvame: ' Bpr, Phone: it , 1 I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. i I%glifir Countyinc 0i makescc1717aPpraTb7e,'haus%Velar no14,aglirrs thetIrI coypermit n holder flii ALI'lydgfri .csubjectsl prohibit ruec h structme.Please conwit with your Home aNner$Assootatitm and retneff your deed for any resbictiors which ma-y apply_ 1 in considegdtion of the granting ofthis reoa,sested pert,I do hereby a:.ee that ti will,in all respects,perforrn-the work 1 in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Arnendmenis. I , ; The following:building Remit applications are eizernpt i-Tern undergoing a full concurrency reniew:mom additions, ,11 accessory St:Mat-re:a,swintrolng pools,fences,walls,signs„.screen foams and accessory uses to another non-residential use 1i ii VONEM NI 6 79 CRUKF.J22 Your fauna to Resort a ,',.ogee;Pr coyeam-ancentent oww vgaldt.fin your payIng twice for improvements to your property.A-Mott of Commencement must be record-1,j and posted on the jobstte before the first iinspecti ,n„ If you intend to obtain financing,consult with lender or an,attorney before I commending work or recording your Notice of Cogh:1 iencement, !I ------------77-----1, - _____. . , -Nrwiartire.of Qwneri iessWAgent 1 — .Signe I turef Contractor/License Holder .; $TAVE OF'FLOE 13 A STATE FLOIDA COUDITY 41,F sti_i.,. . couhmoF st.1.2. The fowling instrunren t was acknowledged before me Theformyig instrument was acknowledged before me ` '1 this i of Oc.A.e)\ ---_____, 241_aty this tfaiy of 0 c.. ,20 , maw?.Lyie Winrw Tkaithu-wtyle Wyreta (Marne of pars aclolowicdgin:4--- (Name of person acknowledging) i %-fsigli- reof Notary Puhlic-Ste' eff_11,,.. da) - - : ignature of Notary Pohlic-Stae of 1 1: Personally Known x OR produced ildentirimtion Personally Known X OR Produced Manta-cation 1' Type of Identification Produced .Type of klentffication Pr.4 uced commissioR No. 4.0, •?4..r,,,,'",,.. I . Commission No. (Seal) MI'COMMIS ON# F 187647 EXPIRES:February 23,2019 : I ,,,...4_:.„;_.,v,„ ..,,•.. u o ary u.IOU:on:Tilers : (i:::..:frP..,,/`:.:„”) EP,xl YpC1 F...O iisM:1 SI SFA iSeibl Or t.111 JAI,.yFE2FE31,827640179 II REVIEWS FRONT Z,)MING SUPERVLSOR PUNS VEGETATlai §"EkttiRTLE lial4NGROVE , COUNTER REVIEVli - REVIEW REVIEW fieflIEW REMO& Ft,EVIEW ' DATE ,.. COMM:EKE . INMAL$ ' I „ . t ____ ,