HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Renewals From:LANG REALTY 772 467 1858 10/24/2018 09:12 #088 P.002/004 � � PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT did BUILDING AND CODE REGULATIONS DIVISION ew 1 2300 VIRGINIA AVE 2FORT PIF,RC:E,Ft,34982 (772)462-1553 Fax(772)462-1578 =RECEIVEDPERMIT RENEWAL REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER:-�J �_ ADDRESS: 'S.� t OW L.L-J 61%0 PQ'sf 5r. �..taiL.LC I. � tUt�fL t n( Cv _ _ ,am requesting that the above permit be renewed. understand that I must schedule and pass all required inspections for the permit to be finaled. Further, l understand that this is a ONE TIME RENEWAL and the permit shall expire should 1 not receive a passing inspection during any six month period during the renewal period. Justification 1;) K!0T -A tEYfL_t" 1-2 V- n fi=. r»s,��-� ) G. s ti. --IJ�' ---i Nc-7Lk01 r I 5rfllq_t-- .. La..+s TI,4i 1,V(_T CA<c('o-�:' t T A--S y Lt tIc— iA3 CAjm1Ai2 A OWNERf13. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE _ DATE Print Name ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE MI:"I-IiIS_`9-,_,_ DAY OF _- `✓ __..__.----•__.__-*2Q.. 1.8_ BY .— 1 _ !0�+ �- . WHO iS PERSONALLY KNOW' 't'0 Mti. _----.-- OR I4AS PROVIDED -A q bIr Ov- (yv�.t. ^- _o _ AS ID NTIFICATION. It - 's`l=A ( t#�A.County 7 __ S 'O'Nt71'ARY -f ,,( ,:i;�_ . SEAS, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Number of Open Inspections: _._._... d Total Inspections:__ (Divide open by total to get%of open inspections) Percentage: Original permit fee: x%open ; $,__________Renewal fee Example. [15 divided by 23=.65(%)] S175(permit fee)x.6541 13.75(renewal fee) Reviscd 7.n_112014 From:LANG REALTY 772 467 1856 10/24/2018 09.12 #088 P.001/004 a 1 OMA s S� �b ONTARIO MEDICAL \SSOCIATIUh Fax #of pages including cover: Date: October 22, 2018 To: Planning& Development Serv. Dept Fax To: 7724621578 From: Sandra Zidadc Qk Fax Back To: 416.340.2973 Subject: Permit Renewal Request 1670-0040 Message: Attached is the completed Permit Renewal Request and Credit Card authorization form. Can you please contact me at 647 2032913 to ensure that this is completed and I know when the inspection can be conducted? What do I need in order for the inspection to be conducted? I am in Canada so will make arrangements for someone to be on site of the inspection at 8314 Mulligan Circle, Port St. Lucie, Florida Thank you. 150 Boor St West,Suite 900,Toronto.Ontario M5S 3C1 Mx icilvd w Dimon..Comnutt.d to Pari'ws tot:416 599 2580 toll:1 800.268 7215 fax:416 340 2973 www oma org