HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4491348 OR BOOK 4192 PAGE 1014, Recorded 10/16/2018 09 :27:33 AM RECEIVED OCT 2 6 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting NOTICE QF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. Property Tax ID No. - �4 State of 8lorlda,County of St.Lucie RT . The Usderslgned hereby gives notice that improvement will be anode to certain real property,and In accent � ('6 Chapter 713,Florida Statutes,the following Information is provided an this Notice of Comneeoeu euL ,. 1 Leal Description of property and address K available URHM RrARBs7'AIES-UNif OL BLS 64 LOTS 10 AND 30()MAA 4��' 5715 Sunset BLVD Fort pierce,FL 34982 �� Central description of improvements WINDOV%G AND DOOR Owner/tessee Dennis Gore;Judy H Peters Address 5715 Sunset BLVD Fort Pierce,FL 34982 Interestin property: OWNERZj Fee Simple Tide holder(if other than owner) WA Address WA CL CAntracWr FLORIDA HOME IMPROVEMENT ASSOC Phone# 954-7924415 p 0 0 Addm 3644 SW 42 SL Holywood R 33312 Fax# 407-4728380 LL r W O A Q Surety NIA Phone# NIA W 0`"¢c9 �ro >- wA NIA1< ° Address Fax#. _ ..,. _`cl m ❑ Amount of Boad WA Leader WA Phone# NIA Address WA Fax# NIA Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner alwn whom moa or other documents my be usred sun provided by Section 713.13(a)7.,Florida Stateas: Name WA phone# WA Addrwr WA Fax# wA In addition to bimself,owner designates of Phone# Fax# to receives copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided to Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Strtutes. Expiration dab of nodes of commencement b nae year Oros the date of recording unieu a dilbreet date Is spedf ed. WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMWM 1MADE BY THE OWNER AFM TIM E NRAMON OF THE NOTICE OF COAAMENCEhIENT ARE CONSIDERED DdPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CH.713.13,F.S.,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING 7WiCE FOR DeROVEMENTB TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICIC Of COMMENCSMENTMUNrBERECORDSDANDPMXDONIMJOBSYMBEFORETHEFlRS EWIKCnOW.D YOUMUMTOOBTAIN nNANCM CONSULT WTIN YOUR LENDER DR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMVXNCM WORK OR RECORDM YOUR NO710E OF COMMENCMENT. Owaelt nsee,or Owner's or mace's Antbari ud Ofaov/DMwAor/Psrtaer/MnwW/S1MI= 6(&b 4— Sfgnatory•s TIecPOnke State of Florida,County of 51 . L V(`l t✓ Ackmowleftd)b6ore me this & .day of 4y� 20�by A I's C'n c` who is perso (mown to we or who has produced as ideotitleattoa. ° ul Norman Type or Print Name of Notary -8 t4otqP Notary Public Commission Number Y Pue`� �+ State of Flo' � mssion �.' 'ly o noon o.FF 97*