HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_20181112 (2)ALL .APPLI CABLE I N FO M UST B L COM P LET€ D FOR AIBP Ll CATI ON TO BE ,ECCE DYED Date: 1111 r 01 B COUNTY F.L :? W 1 D 9 Pp.rm it N u rin be r; Building Permit Application Plonning and DevelopmentServices Surly ng and C&de Ftegulation nivislan 230151 Virginia Avenue, Fort Fierce Ft 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Faux: (772) 462-157$ Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICTIO FOR: Mechani l PROPOS ED I M PFIOVE 1EI T LOCATION: Address: 742 SE HIDDEN RIVER DRIVE, POEN SAINT LUCIE. FL 34983 Legal Des.criptiDn: HIDDEN RIVER E$TATIES 6 L 3 LOT 20 ( 853-1297 Property Tax IIS ##: X427-701-00,55-0130-2 Site Plan Name: Project Name: Setbacks Front pip'", DETAILED E RIPTI N OFWORK.- fight Side-. X Left Side - Lot No. 20 Block No- 3 A/C Change Out, Install Rheem 2,5 Ton, 16 Seer, 7KW Heater, /C Split System- DIKE FOR LII .E CONSTRUCTION TRUCTIi N INE I ATI iti'na work to Forme un cr this permit — check all �... , a0lP F_ . . RIHVACGas Tank as pipir gShutters 1JElectric Plumbing 05prInklers �Generator Total Sq, Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: 4,700.0-0 OWNER/LESSEE: Narne NrA K Graham Address: 742,9E Hidden River give Port Lucie State. Zip Code: 34983 fax: Phone No. 772-812- G; E- M a il: g ram nr,,?,8215Qnetsc9pe.net LlWindows/Doors 0 Roof Sn_SewerEl -of First FF[ r: Utilities: septtic Building Height; F Fill in fee sirnp.le TIItle Holder an next Rap ( if different from the Owner iiste d above) OIC .T66k. Name. Kruiiy o irna Company, Air Temp Air Condition0g, I nr _ Roof pitch Add riess : 651 NW Enterprise D rive City; ��rt ��int L�ci� � State_ FL Zip 'ode: 34986 Phone No. 772-340-0740 E -Mail: airtempac _va hoo_com Fix: 772-281-2'907 State or County License: CA 1614837 If value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SSUPPLEMENTAL CON TRU `y T\l LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicehle Name- Nam -I Address: Address: 0ity, State, City. _ State: zip: Phone Zip:.. Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: � Not Applicable Name: Address: City: — OWNER/ CO T CTOR A FFI DV T: Appl ication I certify that no work or i nsta I I aticpn hay enced BONDING COMPANY: Name-. Address: ity: 2jp. Phone: Not Applicable is hereby ma d e to ohta i n a permit to do the work a nd In5t.allation as indleated _ prior to the issuance of a permit_ Wh ch I n confli ty t v h y no -appli bleron that is Home Ownersting a Assoe attiio irtrE will ,byl 5- or and oaverm it ants holder at b V. erre restrict jr p otruitr�re �r7 c��er5ants that mafestr� or roFribit ��rch strut to re. P lea se consu It with your Fom:e Own a rs Assor ration and revs a yokir deed for a ny eestriaians wh ich may y iI ly, In consrderation cif the grantrng. of Vias requested pe:-mIt, I do hereby agree that I -iIi , in aJJ respects, perform the work in a1ZCQTda rice with the approved pians, the Florlda B aiIding Codes and Sit. Lucie County Amendments- The mendments_The fol lowing Uu riding p errn it a pFp Ur-ati-ons are exempt from €rnderpi ng a full cDn c u rre ncy review: room addition 5, aecesso�, structures, sv imming poo[sr fences, walls, signs, screen roorns and .accessory to another nGn-residen-ti ed use WARN INN TO OWNER,- Your faidure to Record a seta of Comrinencernent may result rlt yowr paying twice for a m prove rn-r7ts to your property{. A Notice of Com mencement,,lust be racorded and posted on the j0bsite before the first -Inspection. If you Irtterid to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorrle'y before cornmencing work or recording your Notice -if Commencement. -Sgnatta re of Omm-er/ Less "fContractor as Agent for ()wr n er STATE OF FLORIDA COUn17Y01F The forgoing [nstrurnent waackkncDw1cdgIi0 before me this day 2& by Ndme ref pn making 5tatemem rsa PersoriaGly Known 013 Produced Identification Type of Identificati n Proftced (1'jU0Uof Notary Pulalica State of fJorida i C+umimission No_ RSEVIE'+itilS -ATF r RECEIVE0. DATE COMPCETED 7 R'ea'r- 8/2/17 (Sea]) NO-Mrt Pu!I £Late of F4aniM .1— , „ I ,w� ,�. C of ;rr:r esic - �� u ' � ZZ SUKR Signature of Contractcr/Licen:se Holder STATE Of FLORIDACOUNTY OF_ r The forgoing instr t Wa acknowile ged before me this - day of 2kZ by Namebf n making statement Pprsor illy Known OR Produced Id-entification TIIiIrpe of Identificatibn Produced (5i *ftof'N5tary Publi& State of Florida Commission No. ' � �r (sea I Nola^ Public SMEO I P LANE I VEG ET � �, R IF ] Efi # #�_ '� l&2022' 0611 VE 7 This combi nation qualifies f0F a Federal Energy Efficiency tax Credit when placers In service between Feb 17,2009 and Dec 31, 2016. Certificate of AMRI Certified Reference Number - 201281W Cf -22-21}19 01(f AHFJ Referarrx Nirrnbt r : 7 41 3 A&-SRl Tv- : RCU-A-Ce : Outdoor LMr)i! Dram] HArn = : RHEENI Outdoor Un It Model Number (Gon danscr �&r S-04E� Patxage} ; RA1 6,90AJ1 indoor Unit Brand dame : rndoor knit fiu1adell Number (Evaporator ancVor Air Hand[ -Pr) ; FRI-11T36117STAN Furnace Modell Number : Model Status :Active Raglon SIE LAK, At, AR.. AZ. Ck CO. CT, DC, Or=, FL,.GA, HI, I.D. IL, IA, IN, K;S. ICY, LA, Mfi, MD. MF, MI. MN. N10, M -S, MT, NIC, ND, NE. NH, IBJ, NIVI, NVQ NY, 01-1, GI£, OR, PA, FSI, SC, SI), TNI. TX, U T , VA, +-'f, YVA. WV, VVI, M. U -S. Territories) R ior, Nto ; Central air conditioners maftufacluredprkw to January 1, 2015 aro tlig ble to be install din all regions _until June 31), 201 B. Beginning Jufy 1, 2016 rwrltral air conditioners can only be krlstjWll irl region(s) for whiclfl they meet the mgirima l t- ioarwy requirement. Ifie manufacturer of this RliEI=M pr dvgt i!F. YeDponsible for the rating rrf this system combirlalton. Rated as foil in .accordance with We latest ediWn of ANSI)AHR1 21x] 40 With AtLdond-A 1 and 2, PerForma.nce R.a3tit of Ufulary+ XT-CQrdionin!g 4 Air-,Roume Heat PI rip Eguipmeertt and subject to rabrig a=uraq by AHR1-5 n� red, indent, third party lestiing. Cooling Coity (A2) v Single: of High faage (95F). btuh , 29006 SEED - 16.00 UP (A2) - &'ingle or High Staglo OSP) I 9tzrzR 1-ActiuC Maul Status am fhGGe tha' an ✓SHR] CerilficL$tion P", arr+ Parrib anC is currently prod g AND Rellln!3 or offetiw 'br saIu; OR new models t1 -At are ksnq M, arKeled tart are rpt yet Piny pr uG da'Prc u Gala Slopped- Mnil l I ug r4rihas fhaia n AHF I Certitl,s!irare PFOgra M. F+,� ii :i ssrs�r i r� I ngbr p7oducing EVJT ati s�Jing cr offering for f ati s that araS nc,'°ixtYl tSir,r 1N WAS indicate an invalTyi re-r-at€t. 7h,� ro-n&° VubIishcd raking is.shzA%-.n alon1witri ,he premnu! C: a WAS) r.3king__. _, 015GLAI'VER AHR] -0*eS rcvt-Cnovr5c the perdu-c:fsr listt-d on this terti7fleat;e and mal(e,% no rupi-cscrttz6ons, warranties of guara,nCeaa aS [a, ano z§"Li m no msponsibiliv for, the praoducG &� tilted an thfil rt ir<; Li:�, AHRI €acpressly d sclalra3s an Ilasbil[ty for drim;t9.t* Pf .any Find zrisinj, GMILt of the use or Pertorrrhahee at the p 1r.K(s), gar the unauthorized alteration of +da':aa timed bri this Gcrtiificate. Certified ratings are valid only ft3r roodellls ar a cvr1ffurpki4)r!5 I int -rd in -ha til+ ry at ___.. This Cei tlf, tate and its eonl&r is ore prgariCt7ry products a: AHPl. Thea CeetitiCate th.)I] 6nlx Z)u u.!w d f -Pr indiVriduaal, prrrsonal and PpnfidcWttial rae erence Purpo50, The mnlents of Chi CCLrtlncpi°-�- m ,�y nr�t. in whole or In part„ be reproduced: bbpleft dl �minarod, er5'�red ink -p :s eomput�r �#7b ; or Gr9t.h�arwlse +,tithed, Irl airy form Or rn.Inner Ur bar ern# m���nr, a`xca~pt for the trser's I ndiVi�lu2slr �� perscsraJ aMd C�Ohllderflal beet rr:ngj;, ArR-GONDrr]t.+Nira. AW'NeIk. CC-ER1tiIFICATE VERIFICA.TilON <�E€R:�Et�4�t�r� OtfkS3lFtl�I? The infornbation for M!} PY'_odel cited -on three -Ci eAHirAtS` C-ian he' Vr,,ritleVMI "_zkl]arc�lir��t�rjr.����, CftR an " ��riiclGf]t�,' link of m �I:r life bcnrr` and "tcr than A ARI Cortited Reference Numbef ano thc: dotc on which the curttlfkata WMfes, 'whieft i.l� 1ISted ab*ye. *knd the Ccrtlf tate Ko._ which is list at battom rl echt. 002018 a ir-Cen ditloni ng, Heatfngl and Fit-efri eration Inst #+ate CERTIFICATE N O.: 131611 14781 G5 '+' IF - i