HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_20181112 (3)ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLI -'ION TO BE ACCEPTED Cate: 1'111212018 [��OW'U T F L U ii b A. Pormtt Number Building Permit Application ,Tanning and Develcip Trent 5ervites iBuildingr and Code he!7u}ation Divi -tion 2300 Virginia Avenve, fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone- (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 4152-IS78 Ccr-rnerdaI Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechanical PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION - Address - OCATION- Addre s- 7713 WEXFORD WAY, PC RT $A1 NT LU C1 FL. 34986 Legal Description: RESERVE PLANTATION - PHASE 1 - LOT 51 j OR 128"2 Property Tax ID #; 8321.801 -0051 -OW -D Site Plan Name: Project game: Setbacks Front Back - DETAILED f E R,IPTI N OF WORK: Right Side: Left Side: X Lot No. 61 Block No. D A/C Change Out, Irtstal.l F heem 1-5 Tori, 16 Seer, 5KW Heater, S/C Split System. LITE FOR LIKE CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: e Addi'donal work to FEE__er(0rme'd'u'nde'r this perrnt-- c VHVAC a5 Tank[:]Gas Iii pang Electric Plumbing OSprinklers ieckall apply, --- _ Shutters E1WIndows/E)o.ors 11<3eneratorERoof Roof pitrh Total Sp. Ft of Cc nstruct io n-. _ _ Ft, of First Floor: Cost of Construction: 4,700-00 Utilities: _ Sewer E Sept I C Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE: Na me Robyn H Popp Acid res s:771 n ` axtorri 'Aay MY. Ron Saint Lucie Z i p Code: 34986 Phone No_772-46 178 Fax: State- FL Fill in fere simple Title Holler on next page ( if d iffeirent from the Owner listed above) Grim ; Kell{ Gertosimo Corn pany: }fir Temp Air Con&tjoning, Ino.. Address: 651 NW F.Merprise Drive CityPort ,mint Lucie State:.. FL Zip Code: 34986 Fax: 772-281-2907 Rhone No- 772-340-0740 E -Mail: airtempac.a hoo.corn .State or County Lieen-5e: GAC 18148 7 If valueof construct -Ion i3 OrJ or more, a RECORDED Notice Df 1`ommencemiant is required - SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION DISIGNERfENGINEER: LIEN LAW INFORMATION: Not App Na me, Address.- city; ddress.cit : R ..a State. Zips Phone EEE SIMPLE T' P f OLDER: Not Applicable Name: Address. i s Phone: - MORTGAGE COMPANY-. -.._��._ of Applicable Address: C its; .State: Zip- --- Phone. BONDING COMPANY.- Not Applicable Name: Address- City- Zip: ity Zip: Rhone:_-_ O'W'NER/ CONTRACTOR AFEIE)VITT Application is hereby.made to obtain a permit to do the wi rkand installation as indicated_ I certify th2t' nO work or irtstalfation has cam rr enced.prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie is arr CokintV s no representation that is granting a permit `will �arathDrize the umit holtlee to build the subject structure hJch i til nim with h any -applicable Horne Own-ers ,sada-don rules, bylaws or and covenant.5 that may restriEt or prohibit Such consult with your glome Owners Association and rQvie%v your deed for an)f restrfctions which may apply. In, consideration of the granting of this requested piprmit,,. I de hereby agree that J will, ia a I I respeCtsr perform the ti.L.0rR in accarda.nce with the approved pI-anF,, the Florida Sui[ding Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The Fel[rwin,g uiddIng permit. applications are exempt from urrdergoing,a full concurrency revir-%v room ad-ditiorrs, 2ccessory Strufftures; swirnrning pools, fences, wt]Jr, signs, wart rooms and accessary use,; to another non- re,sidential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Retard a Notice of Commencement may resuit in your paying twice for i1'r' PMVeMents to your property. A Notice of Commencement must he recorded and posted Qn the aobsite befer+e the first ii rasp-e-ctionz if you intend to ofatsin flnancins, ccitsult with len der or an attcorn eY before tom rt end rLR work q r recd rel irigyy g f N otice of Corn me rice m etit_ Signature. of Owner/ Le-see/Contrattrar as Agerht for Owner Signature of ContractorAlcense -polder w I STATE OF FLORIDA STATE 0 F FLEA R I CSA COUNTY Y OE _ COUNTY" GIF The forgoing irGst moot�acknowlledgedbefore me this ray o f r{ by Ndrne of person making statement P'ersonafly Known OR Pradticed tdentification Type of Ideritif i cati n r e— i A l � �: L (Si aa' jr•e of NotarV Public. 5 -tate of Ffn CGrnmi5sfon No REVIEWS }ATE RECEIVED D KTE COMPCETED Rev. 8/2117 The forgoing in.str ent v� acknowledged before me thi7 day of ��-� 2kL by Na me VWIL6n ma king sta tern ernt Person2ffy Knows OR Produced Identi#icat1cm Type of Identificati : Produced idainf Eta' p4&stat-� � CcmmIsslon Flo.7 b 1I NoIaN PLi1)11C StaPS & FJOCNIM sIN r?z 5UPEP Fl rilda ) (5eL1) �__..._.., r •�rmn} u se 51 1r1& RanCa R PLANS VEGET � ,.na N I u r . I11 V1, E Cft ertificate of oduct Ratinis AHRJ Certified Reference Number - 20127&478 Date - 11-12-201-B Model Status : Active Old A14Rr. Referen Number. 7940565 A H RI Type; RCU-A--CB Outdoor Unit Bram Name, RHEEM Outdoor Un it Model N umber (Condens&r of Single Package) : RA! 618AJ 1 Indoor Unit Model Nurnk)er f Evaporator and�ar Air Handler) : RHIT24175TAN Region ; All (AK, AL, AR, AZ_ CA, CO. CT, DC. DE, EL, Cry, HE, 10. IL, [A. IN. R5, KY, LA. MA, SAD, ISE, ME, IWIN. MO. res, SAT, NG. ND, NE, NH, NJ, NIM., NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, R8, SC. 5E, .I"N, 1X UT.. VA, VT, WA, WV, VVII, ` VY, U. -. Terdtorie7,.l Rpgiaft N-ote : Central air conditioners maTlufactured prior to Jars uary 1, 2015 are eligible to be it =fled in all regions until Jane .3),. 201, Beginning ,duly 1, 2016 cenfral air conditioners can only .be irlstailed in Tegion(s) for which they meat.he regional offidency requiroment.. The rtianvfirr rr aFf this RHEEM product fs responsible for tho rating of his :sy tram r'r,abinaticn. Rated as follows in a=4,dan ce with the la"t edition of ANIS Ii,AHRI 21 Mdry with Addenda 1 and 2, Performance Rafting or Unitary Air-CondidoNng & Air -Source Heat Purnia Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AH RI -sponsored, indapef4em, iftird party testing; Cooling Capacity ( ) .Si n rgle or H1ghl Stage �95Ej, btuh, 18 DD SEER - 16.90 EE Ft (A2) - Sl1L% or High Stage (9-5F) ; 13.00 t-ACUW 440W 5104US Wo NoSe 4:113[ an A11R1 Cortiflcalion Program Partiapai,t is currently producing; AND selling or affanng For sale, OR nFvv mmeft thAj cine Wnc� marke d bu; ars, nu y+ct being prodmed.Traducticn Stopped' Klodel S;.aiuls sre those thrit on AHRI Gert'rficaktoo 1• n?,grarr. a;)rlicipant is no Ionr pr rt[�n E3LMT Still soling or offering for sale.. Ratingthat are n=mmmed txy WAS indult �tn involuntailt Tho nuw; vublishud ratinu is shmvii along with the prewous fi-e- WAS) ratino. WSCL.AIfMER AHRI does not endcas-e the product(s) listed on psis rtlflcaw airrd makes na rr pras,rtintaticns, wntraritics car guaranwes as LG, and assumes no r,esponsibilityfor, the products} Listed on this Certificate. AKRI exjpr iy ( fair b)ll liability for do map us cf any kind arising out of the use air performance of -he p roducl(s), of the tartauth�orized aftearatlan of data listed on #f7% CeitPfld cate, EOrWeratingi arc Valid unly for rnadals and canfigurations liswd in the dlretrory nr 41 �°ww_aht1dir"torry.i)rg, TERMS AND CONDITIONS Tkis Certifle9teand its eontertt are I?rorti by g"(t1<1etS Of AH RI, This Cerdliza,tc shall only be used for individual, personal and (%01)1i0.,r)t0I *14, 6h�* €)crp &s- Thu rontchts of this Gortificatc may net, In Y ho3e or in part, be reproduced; capled; disseminated: entereA Into a computer diatabosco or otlrcrwIsc utilized, in any form cr manner or by any means, except for the user's Indrtnduol, p svnal and confadentiul reference. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The Information fees the nnade cit" an oJiISrtlfi:..jt(! cn,r) be vrriFl�.d at ,,wwa•wath ri d iTcctory.org, click on 'Verify Certificate" linty and enter the MIR] Certified Reter�nce N ijrnl r and' fie dato on which ttao certificate was issu;erd, which is 9Is,Ied above, and the ('etkifIc to No., tiwhkb Is llslr.-tl -Lit WtDrn right. F_ Oc 201- ar onditionirkg, Heafin , and Refrigeration jrlstjtut CERTIFICATE NO..: 9%� W AIF[--CONDITIONI G, HCATING, REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE wk, make lffiry N-_¢ -r" 1 1 5 ,4:Sal52.5