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Building Permit Application
xvtL P%PPLICABEE IMFU Wa j BE COMPrETEG'UR tAPPEIM i ON 10 Bc ACCEP, E13 opts. _\111 A I l— Permit Number: Hanning and veveloyment services sodding and Lode negulation vivision z31Tu- virginia Rvenue, fort Tierce rt 3W7az Y Phone: (772) z+62- 553 Fax: (772) g62 -.Lisa Cc, ,,meFCial RCbiaential !� mddress: _A_AZtt 71-k ale -S 7VA_. _ Tolz �c 2 : P_(C e— 1'�:7 I..- 3 -LI-Cis1 _ Legal Description: Pr-P&Ty I an lu 1t:1 COL ,vo°—k 6 _- Site Pl.r, iQorRC. Block Mo. l � Yrejeet PI-PTIc: �Pet6arRs Front riaak Right Side- Left Side: SDE TAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace AC, exact change out with a•S ton, SEER, KW AC unit &)CA U)C)cv� CUNSTRuCIION INFORMATION: Add ,uvn. I=ur Tortarmed under this permit - check all appy: ORVAL 76.5 I..'R E]Gas Pipine_ Shutters 1:1vvindaws/oars ULJ NIaTG,nsSprinklers Generator Roof Roo, pncn i Qt; -,l 5o4. Ft yr tont. action: S. FL. of First Floor: Cost ofConstruCtion: S Eltilities:3ewer D.-teptie baiiainr, H=;gnt: OwN ER/LEbbEE: CONTRAtr I �R: Name Name: Dennis cacelt Address: KL`k- Company: AR5 American Kenia.nii-1 5orrico. CiLy:'f-_76Ck �zi _Cc P state: )C_L- Hauress: 1800 US Hwy 1 - cip CoMe: ?LAS I ,_ Fa;:: State: PC -_ City: Vero Beach Pflonr iQo.7na. &C;G -sgQ8 Zip Code: 3ca50 Fax: E -Mail: Phone Ido. r rz r14-1105 Fill in fee simple Title Molder on next page t it ainerem: E-M.il: �,_ -may& xcm Trom the Owner listed aBo- cl State or County License: CICI7,,c4'r3a IT 7_1e. or earl -WO ioe 13 5zsov or more, a RECORDED Notice of Lommencement is require'a. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIED LAW INFORMATION: UE�IGMEiR/EIQGImeen: x Mot mpplicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not. Applicable Name: Marne: address: Address: City: State: City: St3Le: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITEE ROLDER: x Not Applicable tsON011913 COMPANY: x Not ApplicablE Name: Name: Address: Address; City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation nas commences prior to tfle Issuance or a permit. 5t. Lucie Uuarlt maKeg no rcprezentatior, thot is gra„tin6 a permit will autna.iz. t9c-crmit holder to Suile the subject structure wMicll Is in conflict witR any applicaule Rome Owners msociation rules, Bylaws or anycovenants ttlat may restr.ct or proMi5it BCM structure. Please consul, with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and >t. Eucie County Amendments. 1 Me roilowing hulking permit applications are exempt from un--aergoing a full concurrency review: room aaaitions, accessorq structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessor9 uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure Lo Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement most be recorded and osted on the;obsite before the first inspeCTion. If you intend to obtain financing, conbult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording vour Notice of Commencement. _ Signature of er/ eessee/Agent Si6natzrc or Centra r/Ciccn a RaI&P STATE OF FLORIDA LOOM I y UP SIL. I lieing lm r meRt � ocRRv-lca6ca ctc,rc me tRis 'say o1 U a 4oy STATE OF FLORIDA CUO-Mir OF StLeum The for oing instr ment was acknowledged before me tflis for or C au ka- by nr=Zo ek Dan-ioZo V( a�e i per,a, RR -1c i } (ry c o perzoR ocx.. ale 81 R5 is a ure of r9 u5116—State of Florida } (' ar of d. -to a61i of Flori a Personally Known - OR Protlucea Itlentincadon Personally Known x OR Produced Identification _ Type of Identification Produced I ,pc at lacntitic.tioR Proaecca Commission No. L-L42IS3S (aeal) �1Y CUmM15SION 9 000715jt Revised i4 Via. gxPrKES Fearualy'u9, Zuz1 Commission (Seal) MY COMM155FA # u-u-ur1aj5 enPIRES PeGruary 09, zuz v REvIEvvb 1`1101,41 COUNTER 1-01TIV5 111v1EW bUFERviSOR RCvIEvv PER195 REvlEvv MANGROvE REvIEvv vEGETA1i019 REvIEvv SEA TUR ILE REvltvv DATE COMPEETE INITIALS plaking it ' `� M..kin9 h . { -i VfJ Insralladon WOIK Vr Muff Est. Start Date (772) 567-3100 1Mt° Co-mpletion Date = _� 2800 05 RigR�r 1, vele Bo -h, FL 32960 MV E: Corporste Caelvmer American Residential Sewiew of FI■ricia. In. R��( Relati.�a 11centio UR-ii7,57133,cmro,z307e, In , V r� (866) 8030879 CUSTOMER 14V + EMAiL ^ 1 aRmm�r n00RC3a � � . LI Rom�l•Rc FELLP WORWPHONE - r YOUR DESIGN SIZES PE �'l slz TYPE l] Sic i -E I r I ICIK;GI.CY r PIvIPNLr r Fl T=1vCT rSIC- $ $ w�$ ! ZIP r 51313TOIRE $ _4_ $ 5U5IUIIAC $ � IOlirI4lnCt ESI.' $ MuRTRd sr.• 191uIGTFi/CIr EST." zp worn,-nnER IIdI, IrsW iva,v ER INmr;Gs i,'u MER IMII IAC L1 vxarraniy:7 FWs 12Mr vv niy:� Parts "LrT . Laoor YY ranty:* U - L315Sr t) Compressor,; Y,Heat Exu,anger vampressor Meat r-xeRanger SP�arrtrs'� Compressor LIL Pleat EREIlanger tURla-.tRerwiaa Ratod, all-.. tics w. from the m.,nef. c1a.a.-. U441112• • ■ .aEeI!=,EV 3PTIvIE: 1 ❑2 E13 Naw ood Deck 13UV 011fii�` rDislonnect nG1 Raven : �t D n GRe 0 numi'olfier SUBTOTAL 5 ❑ Gtatima Egoiprnant 51oe 0 mit ❑ Dwh-zmidlfiflr XSouno Isolation Pans (Pt) 13 Outdoor ❑nli Paa yNW 1 ,���00 L •SILS°.r+r'3 IXL.yaitl Tile U67-idait -Main Drain Safe,y Switch C3Floo Vanunu 1 Start Kit Sa .l NoT. i,p :.aatieno '}Dncrno!'k Coni iacrlone••° I VIAE 5 j /" Refrigerant LL Dryer_ CITURGom 44A Equipment )K n-nect Iy existing plena It.IriearP Pa *apply PI.nem E3 Deal h7lod'meetiena pe ork) ❑ No R.�onn.ci ❑New`� Reconnect loco n°;ea scom w 0 Mew Deet _ f' f zhr-tern Refrigerant Pipe 1�o.ar tnTct Plo"Orin 0 Mo Duct vvniR G 71R.`iM D CR Eir\# 34 Expansion Valve Nor) ❑ Rncon ,eci [3 Foul Piping `— _ l .til -type C( Clectronie Air Me -up _ ❑ Elot ,Hri al Wirinu ❑ CREDIT CARD (LAST 4#s) ❑ Media Filter G Connect to I isting home Service Plan - ERP APPROVAL Elaolriear el Piw i iopm (364 noym) OUR " 'W FINANCING J't�— ;M"Pftrt Gorrentee E214orna Protvofo . G=arantea )t0 {n 4 -Hour Service Guarantee t3°i�001% Unconditional Money -Barak Gfl�a 1 men; W—tee Wysale wdll applev h NOTES • tt 0=7 c - - t e t#300 . "AKS i„ Ret-cpormible for Fres-i..ting d=etwo& Sae Tom= .:d C3Rdition= on the ti.mk of this doew"ant for details. • w..tt.m amat.n9or-stRorieetium -ill Be eetairin Before Baginro..g ,...y antorecc.R edd.tioraal or wxtumam • ANY CDCIM5 FOR CON5TRUCTiON DEFELi5 ARE 50MECT Iu THE 1901ICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 558, FLORIDA STATUTES. • BUYER'S RIGHT To CARCEG This I... home solicitatIo . sal., and If you do .-rot :■a.:t the gooTs or.ervl�, you max cancel oils agreement by providing written notice to the seller in person, by telegram, or by mall. This notice must indicate that you do not want t@e goo'us or serv,ces anu must Be tiellvereu or postmarlleu ueewre mraunluRt or we tRlRif uusiness Gay a, ter you sign LnIT agreement IT you sansei LaM agreement, the seller may not Keep all or paR or any cash 'Gown payment. See we reverse side hereon for an explanation of this right • I ackno-ledge that my' ght to cancel has been explained to me oMly anti in writing, anti without-arving my right to tante, I autRonZe the ,.orfoR7 —ow of tRe -merry rani—t to all t.Rn., .0 ooi:i8;t;�Fi= met TorM an tRo mere = no Morsel, PIE=—7open .ern--ploti��° Heti— ie G-ner - Oa i,at miaR tns RyRla arlPlerarrc,.t ve-tact in elw,k. You are arititlail to ...ail at Via .aRlreet ..t ln. ti . y.e wit -IR. Roup it to protect your le-yni .;$Rto. 1 his Roy. a .'mpre:.rmnt contract may coin a morty.y. or otherwiao c pato a ie., an your p-porly tRat coulu 179 foreclose on -if yuu do not pay. Be sure you unlerstand aMY �he cont t�efoqre�you sign. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE b DATE ENTA I, E v CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE (L 11401 !��i-- 0 2018 Amminn Residential Service_ LLC. All wehl= mterve3 ARS, 07e 11101 925a ■ 1 Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 9474297 Date: 11 -le -ZZ; Ii) Rlouel staius : mctive AFIRi I ype : RUO -A -Cts Serio, : COMFOR T 14 AC Oulu-oor Onit SranZi rename : %riRRIER Outdoor Unit Model Mum0er (Condenser or 51N,6 PaeRawe) : L4ACL4J0A 5J0' indoor p, -,it Model Nomffi.r (Evaporator arid/or Air Handler): F94CNF030L Region : southeast ani MoRh IAC, AR, CIC, 17E, FC, GA, AI, R, , Ga, M17, RAS, Ni,, uR, SC, I M, I A. VA, AR, CO, O 1, IU, 1[. IA, IN, Rb, IOTA, ME, Mi. IOIN, MO. M I, NO, Nt, NR, NJ, NY, OR, OR, PA, RI, 513, OT, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY, U.S. I erritoriesl Reylon Mote: Central air con'uitloners manuractured prior to aanuary I, A I are ellgl0le to Be installed in all regions until Jena 30, ZU15. Boginniny July 1, ZU15 oontr al air conditloncla can only be installed in region(s) for wnich they meet the regional ehlciency requirement. I he manuracturer or mis CARRIER protluct Is responsiEle Tor the rating OT this system ce,M151naden. Rateu as iollows In accoMance with the latest edition of mMUIrRMRI z I'urzwU wim Aallenda 1 ane z, PeMbrmance Rating OT Unitary Air-Conditio„ins S Air-boerce Herat Pomp Eyeirmwmt and aobjo�t to ,.tiny arourary by ARRI-sponsored, independent, third Fai79 testing. Cooling Capacity (P¢) - Single or Hiyh stage,��ie,, utuh : z3z0v SEER: 14.00 EEK (AZ) - ts""je or RiyFi 5taye (95F) : 1 Z.UU t"Actl:o" Model Staten are those th-t an AHRI Certifleelfo.-, Program Pa .icipan; is ru, ntly producing nRD selling yr unonng for said OR now muuels that are M.Ing Irt_rkw6d but o -w net ;et being predeved'P—dectien Stepped" Model Slates are these that -in AHRI Ccrtif.utian Plug, --m Panicipa,.t is no longer producing BUT is a;iil selling or offering for sale_ Ral�nrr, thai am accompanied by WAS indica!e an in-rciurrlary r_rate,_Thp_nw-published rating is �hcrwn akmn w.Ui the previous rs. ASIraIinO. DISCLAIMER AHRI do., net endo; --e the predeet(.) listed on this Ccr.1111 m ..nd makes no spreeon;ations, vrarrenacv or Co.mn;.v az to, dna osaonrea; no responsi%I]ty T.,r the prodecl{sl Iisl_d .n thin C■rtifi■..1=. AHRI . pr■e�l,- dle■lel..,o all liabillt; ter d..magc= of ..ny kind-rl.,ing net of the osc or performance of the prodee;(,), er the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate, Certifled ratings are valid only for models and c_rrflgu...tieF,: II_t_d ie th■ vire,.t.,ry at www.aflriuiroc.ory.urg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI, This Certificate shall on17 be a_■d f.r IndITAn .1,'ere■nel and con„uorr;i..l ro;orencv purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, In whole or In part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; cn;crcd into a eompatcr d.,;.,b.sc; or om.rid3c owizvu. In any r.,rm yr manner or fry any moans, c cpt ro, t1f,e user's individual, Po. -nal and eenfide.T..tl..l referenee. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The information ;or the mo..el cavo vn;flis "irwi ate ,.an Oc acrineo at WW W.anrialreutory.org, click on "Verify Certificate' link w, ntaL� Id= U�Itrr" and enter the AHRI Certified Rctcrcnce Number and the d.,,v an which the conlfl`.;. was hsuca. which Is list■d ab■ce, .Nd th= C.rtifl■ale No., -hi■h Ic li..tud of bottort right. ©AiaAWConakloning,,`Dating, Anil RaTrigaf..tion II.3tit0te CERTIFICATE NO.: ts.a71o4g1o1st22g1