HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4500282 OR BOOK 4201 PAGE 2598, Recorded 11/09/2018 12:40 :03 PM STATE OF FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A AFTERRECOUINc-RETI;RNTO: TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ` ORIGINAL . ° JO, H E. SMITH, CLERK 1 BY. PERNirryUbtHE6: D Ind+ 19 2018 Date: NOTICE OF COh'IMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that Improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes,the fallowing information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. q 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description oftlae property&street address,if available)TAX FOLIO NO.:,jT! ) �S�S db1(}"QQ dA l SUBDIVISION BLOCK TRACT LOT_7 BLDG UI-M I RIVER PARK-UNIT 3-BLK 3 LOT 7 2,GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT. `,Replacement of 12 Windows Doors (1[m 3. OWNER INFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION IF THE LESSEE CONTRACFED FOR111(t 11%%PROVENvrN r; a.Name end adttreaa: PATSY16Md8E-*11�5/E ARBOR AVE PORT SAINT LUCIE,FL 34952 b.Interarinproperty: OWNER — c.Name and address of fee simple titleholder(I rdifforenl from Owner listed above): .__.__............. .......... 4. a.C0NTRACTOR•5NAN1E: Storm Timet Windows,Inc,______ Contractoraaddress: 500 SW 12th Avenue,Deerfield Beach,FL 33442 b.Phananumbar: 561-420-0271 5. SURCIVOfapplicahle,a copy afthc payment bond isattnchap: a.Name and address: h•Phone numbtr: c.Amount of bond,S 6.a,LENDER'S NAMF.t Leader'saddrew b.Phone number. 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by 0%vuer upon whom helices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: a.Name and address b.Phuncwmhasafclesignntcdpersats:... 8,a,In addiiiun to himself.or herself,Owner designates to receive a copy of the Liana's Nwice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. jb.Phone manbar orperwn or entity designated by Owner: 9. Expiration date of notice ofcommencement(the expiration date will be I year from the dale ofrecording unless a different date is specified): ,20_ WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTSMADE BY TI IE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIR.4rION OF•1'lIL•'WYI'ICL OF COW. F•NCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713,PART I.SI MON 713.13,FLORIDA STKrUl'L*S.ANDEAN RF.SUI.T'(N YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMEUKLML•'N'r MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE J013 SjjE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPEC1`10N. W YOU WI'I ND'IX0 OBTAIN FTNANfCTNO.CONSULT Wrl'H YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT r 4 (Signature o caner or Lessee,or oer's or Lessee's (Print Name ud Provide Signatory's fitie/office) Anthorixed tcer/Dirfector/Partne Manager) State of 4 Countvof _ ���,�/' The foregoing instrutncnt was acknowledged before me t11is_. day otj��'rI�J�J-,�O�._..__ by t t l 4C (muneygftpersDnr ) (type of authority,,.,e.g,off r,trustee,attorney in foot) for L1 7YY� (name of party on VehalEcifWiont instrum 1t was executed) Personally Knomm ,_or Produced Idemilication_ 'Type of identification.Produced _ S nature of Notary Public) Notary Publtc State of Flonaa Jennifer Dublen ype, tamp Commissioned Namc ofNotaty Public) v• .Pr My Commission GG 179700 �'+oe no` Expires 01:28.2022 Rev.10-15-1