HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitProrty Tax ICS #; Lot No. 5 Site Plea Name: Black. No. Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: TT Dight Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A/C Change Out, Install f h hem 3.5 Ton, 14 Seer, I OKVV Heater, PACKAGE U NIT, LIFE FOR LIKE SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: D ESI N EIR /EN GIN EER: Not Applicable I. MORTGAGE COMPANY, 'Nol Applicable Narne, 1 Name-. Address: city: State: - zip- Phone FEE SIMPLE TiftE HOLDER: Nance: Address_ . Not Applicable Ad dreW City: - State.: IP: Prone. 50-NDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Mame: Address: City:-._ , City:�_.. zap: Phone: �.. ZEA, - OWNER/ COI TRACTOR AFF1DVIT: AppIIca -loo, is hereby rnade to obtain a perrn It to do the wor°lr and installation as indicated, I certify that stip work or i n.sta llat-lon has commenced prior to the issuance Of a permit_ St. Lu q e fou n _ma les no repres a ntation th at is granting a permit will a uthorize the er-m it holder to b uild the subject stru cture p� y d rte ay resbict or pariah i it such �nrhich i.s rrl corgi e�t'�rrih �n � Ilrhle �orrre burners s��patirrrt rules, � il��` �r �n ���n that structure, Please consuIt with your Rome Owners As!5ocijatiori and review your deed fbr any restrictions which may appIV. J consideration of the granting of this requested parrni� I do herby agree that I will, in all r€spects, perform tht3 wo-k n accordar5 +th the approved plarlS, the Flurida € ijiI d ng Codts and St, Lode County Amendmerrzs. The following builC log perrrrit �ppficatfons are ��xmot from undergoing a full concurrency review: room a d,t,Crts, accessary structuress svjjmming P0015r fen cas,'wa 11S, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to wiiotheor non-resideritiai use WARN ING TG OWNER: Your plure to Record a Notice of Cu«rnr ence ent may result iii your paying mice for 1mpriwement5 to your property_ A Not Ice of Ccrnmenr-emiI nt !must be rie.Corded and posted 0n tb@ jC)bsite before the first inspection, n, If you intend to obtain finan-cing, consult with derider or an attorney before cornTnenC-rig work or rer.-ording your Notice of Commencement,. Signature of(Avner/ Les efcontiracor as Agent Jor Qwnes I Signature of Contra r/Litens-e Holder STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA rzouNTy 6F_ COUNTY OF ft Th f in irtistr nt oras pCno��rledged efore me The forgoing Instrurnertt< w acknowie i e More me t day of 20by this ay 0 f Nate of pe ria k i rapt stateTnent Mme of pe r r kir g sta Le mens Personally Known OR P'rod'uced Identification PersunalJV Known OR PradLiced Identificati-on Type of Identification TVpe of 1 dry ntif i ca tip n Produced Pro ed (Signature of Notary Public- State qf 1=lvrid.a (Signature of wGiary .Public- State of F rida J A•' CpMr;:nissipr� bio_ (SalmEsr� iWi. (5,eala No-ary PuNii: Sale o1' F tnaz _o �4 r OUT—. a_. _ _ i 3rF9orirl� r7r� �1a: f' OVA R REVIEWS r ■ alhen ���r rj F` � G }y �y �p + T My -_0rnMiW-j"-j"GG 1 ?-Baal E�,G�i�' IEWS � � � ��•+r ;j � �hc�ily' Sup, Ell�l' I CIR P N V ,r Myy � IN 1PIEw REViEYV RE DATE htfItiv D DATE O PI ETED Rev. B/Z/1 Certificate Product Ratin � AJIRI CeFtifa-d Refcfer C8 Nrimt)er : 2012858-h4 Date ' 11-21-2018 I'+1MOI $latus ; Active Old AH fel F oforvtnt;P Number, 3588628 AH R I �-arpe S FY,A Series - ISH EEM RSPM SER IES Outdoor Unit $rand Name : RI -I E�M Ourtdoor Unit Modol Numbe-r (Canden r or Single Package) : RSPKI-AO4 3JK Region All (AK. AL, +SFR.., AZ, CA, QU, CT, DU, UE FL, , HI, ID, IL, IA, IFS, KS, KY, LA. [SIA. M[), ME, Mi. MN.; Mo. MS, MT, IVC, NI), NE, KH, NJ. NM, NV, NY, 0-H, OAK, OR, FSA, RI, SCw SD, TN, TX, LFT, VA, vT, wA,' , W1, Wy, 1j,:S, Region P uL, 0enitrall air conditiDnram manufactured prior to January 1, 2015 are In bL- installed in all r(�_yian� until JWr3e .ail, 2016, BeginniN .July 1 r 20116 central air carrditioners can carp+ be insta lied rrt regwm dor which they mit the fegional efficiency requirernigrrt. Tho manuf.,wivror of this RHE SRM pr uj;t is resPGn-sible for #ho rating of Thais giWern cornbination- Ratod A5 follows in acwrdar7tx- wiih the Itntc-,t odifiat of ANt IlAaHRI 210 "240 wil.h Addenda 1 and 2, Pcrrformanre mating of Uniiary Air -Gond ition'IN & Air u roe Heat Pump Equiprnerg and subject to ratiW wcuirwy by AHFRk­Sponwred, independents th,iw party testing: Cooling Capvioilk, ;.A2) - S nglc or High Stage (95-F), btuh 40W SEER 14.0Q EER (A2) - Singh or HighStage (95F) : 12,,0D "AiAwu" Model Siatus- are thou ihat.an .� HRI Cartil��aiirr Program Parkclpant is Ojrrcndy producing AN`] sdlsale: or oftring forale: now rwdela that are w -in rn rl tata d but are nat yak taeinl p.KWuccd.-'Production $tfappW' h1 del Status arcs 1hr C, U -wt an AH RI CerhfiagrOn Pr fare Partidpani A, no Ic er producing BQT 1s Ails selling or, u fterinc- for sale. Kato- . s WAS S in fu an invd _nlary ro-fntc. They new pulsho mliml N. shown alcag -dm t L)ruwious I i e WA% astir D15GLA,WER AHRI dud.* -not endorse the prod"t(!S� list -cd on this- Geruficjit!k� and maker. no teprftentatium, warrantles orguar:intccs as to, and as!;urnPs no respaonsibilityf8rr the peoduv(s) Listed on this. Bertilleliit. AHRJ expressly dtlrc1alM$ all liiatrilityfor damage* of arry kind arisingou[ of the wso mor per;formanc* at crw- Produetfs), ads Me unauthorfredl Wter-ation of data listed on this Certificate. Celtifaed.l shines. are, valid only for mWells nnd configurations list l in the direvwry at w'wva.:i h rid I roctoTp)Tg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate grid its drontents are propfierary products. of AMPI. ThIs CeTtificate shah onl%, b4l-- usc4 for individual, persanal ;and sonfidcntial reference: purposcs. The contents Wails C€xtificate mBy hhr, in vrholo or In part, be repraduccd; cvpicdo dpi n)[h3teA, A -M r,;Ntera-d in'.� a cfomput;er data.bJ_%L!: 3r oftrwise utlLized, ifl nny+ form oT rraariher O,• by wTy means, axcept rw Ute uwr's indtvidu,al- ;Personal and confidential refs re me_ AIFr-GGNal1rl10rltr#G„ HEATiht CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFMG[RATION IN$Tlrr;7E The Information fpr the mdsdcl cited i5n trii-s £ktrkiflr.-;irto ran be vefifled at www.,hrrbrrectcry.org, click On ^1Perify CertiF]!t;)tC' link Y,, n,.,k�.iili: bcrrtt' .rrfid enteriths r' ARI Certifipd Reference fwurnber anal the date on which tho gurtificate Yams issued, whith i�, bird above, and tlee CertiiBotu hide-, whirrs is listed tet Wtorn rlgtrt. (x)2018 A04i onditionin , Heating, and R06geratwion Institute I CERTIFICATE NO.: i3'1i:28,562692 .411