HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL AE'PUCABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Cate: 91 1 9-2018 Permit Number - Building Permit Application Planning and Development -Services Building and Cade kegulation Divi5jon 2300 Virginia Avenues Fort Pierce FL 34982 Pho,ie: (772} 462-1553 Fax-. (772) 462-1578oI� mierClal Residential PERW APPLICATION FOR: Mechanl-cal e PROPOSED I M PROVE M FIST LOCATICI N Address: 7967 Poppy Hlii[ ; Lane, Part saiint Lucie. FL 34986 Legal Description: POD 26 AT THE RESERVE P..-iA E II CYPRESS POINT LOT 77 Property Tax ILS #; 3327-70"032-000-2 Lot No, 7 Sitre Plan Name- Block No - Project Nerve: Setbacks Front Back: Right Side; Left Side.. DETAILED DE CRIPTION OF WORK: AJC Change Out, Iristal.l I NEEM 4 Tori, 15 Seer, 10 KW Heater, /C Split System, HIE FOR LIKE CONSTRUCTION I F RMATION: Acid It 10 na I wo rk to rformed under this permit— cher aIa t, R-1HVAC _ Gas Tank L]Gas Piping Shutters []Windows/Doors Blectric Pitimbing 0 Sprinklers Lj --Generator Ll Roof Roof pitch Tota C Sq. Et of CIO nistruction: . Fty of First Floor: Cost of Construction: Utilities: Sewer Else Pt i C Building Height- OWNERILESSE.E.j CONTRACTOR: Narne William B, Howden Address --7967 Poppy Hills Large City: Part Saint Lu(ie Zip Code: 34986 Fax: Phone No. 2-461-6,64 E-M€,iI: whhowde-n@comGast.net Name— iii Ali' Ct rt0Gguru) Company,: Air Temp Air. Conditioning_ Inc. State. FL Address: 651 NW Enterprise Dave Suite #107 Fill in fee simple Title HoIder on next page. ( if diferent from, the. Owner l6ted abave) City: Part Saint Lucie Zip Code: 84986 Fah -one No. 772-340-0740 E -Mail: aiitempac Y,ahaG.carp State or County License: If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement 1:5 r"uired. Fac: State. FL 772-281-2907 SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION.- -. L�E��Ai°ERjE�I+GriI11EER_ -.... Not ApplicableMORTGAGE COMPANY- �-Not Applicablef m Name - Address Address' C ty` _ State:City-, State Zip- Phone ip: _. Phone. FEE S) M PLE TITLE HCILDER: Not APHcable 23DING COMPANY: Not App,licabae Name: i14ame. Address._ Address.: City, City: zip- Phone- dip: Phone: OWNER' CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Applicatian is hereby mad -e to obtain a permit to dcj the. work and i ns;ta I lat[on as indic ted. I cert ilk that n o wo rk or instellatao n h as com M, enced p rig to the issu-9 n ce of -a pe:rrait. St, Lucie Laura makes n representatjon that is grana g a permit will atithorize the ormit holder to build the subiect structure which is is conflict with any applicable Home awner5 Associaion .rules, bylaws or and, coven -ants that may restrict or prQhjbit such structure, PILase consult with vour Home Owners Xsso ation and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply, In co n_� de ratjon of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, fn :311 respe afar perform the work in ar-cQrdarite vAth the approved plans, the Flarida Building Codies and St_ Luce County, Arrrend tints, Thef0Iiawing build°in.g permit applfc;ltiOnS are PxE-mpt from undergoing a full car7cur'rency review, room ad-ditjons, -aCCesso ry stru ctures}, s wimm i ng ,poo ls, fences, wa l l Sr!; igrds, spree n roo rrgs a -accessory uses to another non-residentia l arse WARNING To OWNER.- Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may reinft irr your paying twice for improvements to ourproperty- A Notice of Commencement rust �' a � '� , �r3 re��r�'�ri and posted err the ��sit� before the first In -e�-Ion, If ou rn�tend to obtain finandn consult with fender or an attorney before co m me n cl ng work or record iq�ur_f otice of Commencement. Sigr7e#ire of Owner/ L eeXontractor as Agent for Owner SiEnatu.re c_f Corrtnctar/ LIC ense HoId—f STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOF Tfte' far i3fng instr t as 361r1 aaa e- ge before m this d a V of 20 by time rs MaR i ng statement Persortally Known� OR Produced Identifacati-on Type of Identie cati0 Produced (signature of Notary Public -State of Floricra Commission No seal FVl E S DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETE[) Rear,. 812/17 FRONT COQ 1 LATER Carr,One Donna .vahsj STATE OF FLORIDA , CplJNTY �F� ,�,� 1 [,c-S� The fo - g instr�, et -Wa aCknG1,Medg before me this ay Of by I - Nardi ofpe n rnaki iL tement Person -Ay Known OR Produced Identification Type 4 i d e ntif icatio n Prod uced (Si9ria#u re of N rata ry p u h(i c-- Ttate of Florida Cum mission N c3 `el T.�tt~rir) it�rtir� aharl I %CJS 'LEGE G 7If IEW REV �0' � � L � � 21EV11 This combination qualiifie:s for a Fede aI Egergy Ef ciency tax G relit when Placed in service bet on Feb ` 7,2009 and Dec 31, 2018. a, U Ct Kati r -._ . Certificate - PUV 1.--..-11-- --- ---r- .3 AHRI Certified Referante Numbr, 207 e;aD959 Model 5tat:,� : Active Old r' ARI R43for-9,-1Number : 7:512187 AMR1 Type - HRCU-A-CB Series . Outdoor Unit Brmid Name : RHEEM Outdoor Unit Model N urnbet ,r (Coridenser -or Single Package) : Rp 154WI Indoor Uqit Brand Name Indoor Unrt 1 bled hFttrrt r (Evaporator an&or Air Handier) : ,.RH1T4a21STA,N Furnace Model Number The manufaakurcr at friiB RHEEM prcdkJO -,a respan:�a 'roirtho m6 nq of this system corribination, Farted as follDwS in acr-ord:ar♦t o with the latest odillbw of ANSUAIHRI 21CV240 vrlEh Addenda I and 2, Perfbrnwri(; t� Rad -rig of Unitary Air-Conditaonlrlg & Air-Sour-ce Heat Purrpp Equipment and subject to rating rciiracy by AHR1,-spQnsored, indepundient, third party lesting= ooCang amity (A2) - SingLa e1 Righ Stage (915F), btuh. - 47000 SEER; 15-00 EER (A2) - SW.e or High Stage (�)-5F) , 12-�O Heating CVacity (1472) - Siirrc3le Qr High Stage �47i) 445010 HSPF (Region IV) 9-00 rAai s Wdel Stahlg 310+110se that an AHRJ C01ilir aMn P=- rnm P,1M nk �s currenll� prodk AND selling e r of Bring Enr -sate_ OR nevi inciduls that a% hag -nariseie !:MW ;jrc; n d fret being pr vM-id,'Prcx5uu!ion 1vslarJd" Model Status orrr those that an AHRI Cerkikr,-oic,n Program ParliCipa^11 i* :-:-D !Qngar pfiAuvin!p BUT 4 at -B Gcll ing or off�fmg 1w sale. thckq arnpanie6 indicate gran :nwilur.li-v ra-rale_ Thi r14,_}.l.iah..e rating isshenwi .fir V;r Si atng- 018 Heating, i ;I 7 ocs nat ger case t Tiroduotfs7 listed or. phi;; Certificate and m�ke.-s ro rcpra5aneVl,0r,w, v+orrarrtk-S ar.�uarartite�� vs tom, aP1� �suma.� n� r�sp�n�itril5tytr3r, the Sradurt(s) listed a this eitlt;r:rl'r, AH tI expre�¢I di)nine all IJability mgr dzrmages� cif ahy kind {ir�ina aut of the us-(- or rio7.rformarwce- Of the pro uot[s), or thl k unauthasiae+d slkeratiion nu data listed on this Certiffeate. rtiflCd rZjtirrg�s are vfirld only fo. rrrrdels and eeNauratiom lutea In Lila dimr,tory at .. TERMS AND CONDITIONS - This Certlti•e--w Asnd its wntents ay -e propri"nryproducts 13. AHFP.Thh Ccrtdlw-;�sihall only be used for i0iViduaL personal jpnd +:onfidentla2 ieferePc& puq)osim The crarlRumb.: (if this C�ertfta#e racy no, Jn whole or In pWt, bc rt•produced; copledi 011& mrnatedr ' niorod ITrt4 a compznpr ri :rtot)��r- or othffkvise Otlfl d, in any Burn at manner wby any rnoar1s, iqxcapt PdF Me user's Endividual,, Personal' -,Ind. confidential eferen rIR G'0?¢0If70Nl°NG, RE:ITFNG, CERTIFICATE VIRI FI GATUO N c- REE -RILE R.& 110 F4 ti 511TUTF Th, i n:ryrmatlan for the modr.l 7.iW on this teTLif r�titr, -mn be werined at .AvLv..lh0cli3«rture.,i): , tllgk 017 -en "' :; .. i•--,�, link x& rnakk life lu��e� d entet tl c-AHR1 Co iif d PVaren� Nurr:hcr and the ftty qn which the Qertift4h eras }sued. wrh'irh is I ist,�d above., atW the Cefleatan- No., which is listed at bbttnrn right. � Ai r -Gond 160 n.In& He ting, a rid keftigerat"ton Institute ERTIFI CATE O.: 1-3165121043.%241191 L a