HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAU APPUCABLE I N FO M UST B E COM PLEA D FOR APP LI TI ON TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 11(3W2013 6U NTY x i 0 A Permit Number: Building Permit Application PX ning rano Development Services 8.0darrg and Code RequJo tion Division 2300 V+rgrnio AVenue, Fort Pierce FL 34.gs. " Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial PERMIT APPLICATION 1`011 Mechanical PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT ENT L ATION. Addre55: 77113 Woxford Vay, Pori Saint Lucia, FL 34986 _ Legal Description: R-ESERVE PL CITATION -PHASE I- LOT 61 (OFA 1288-82) Property Ta Iii #: 3321-801-0051-OOM Site Plan Narrie: Project Larne: Setbacks Front Bark: � Right Side: Left Side - Co rn pa ny: ide- Residential Lot No. 51 Block No- State: o_ DETAILED DESCRIPTION ESEWORK: _ AIC Charge Out, Jnstall R.HEEM 4 Ton, 16 Seer, 10 IOW Heater, S/C Split System, LIKE FOR Lr F OTI�I�I INFORMATION: i tina vw6 r .. e rr eef- r t r5 a rrn -1t--- C_ 'a �,�4 21�l- VAC — Gas Tank Piping Shutters ,l Windaw.s/DoG UEller-tric EJ Plumbing ESprinklersGenerator 011, Rod Total Sq, Ft of Construction: Cost of Construct -ion: r . OWNED/LESSEE: Narn.e Robed H. Popp Address: M: 'Wexford Way S _ Ft. 0 r,irst F%oor U#ilitie-S: Serer Se tib Btjildin Flet ht• - -- I g City: Port Saint Lucie Sate: FL Zip Cade: 34086 FAX; P hoo e No_ 772-468--617.8 E-Maiil.-Iukipopp@aoi-corn FII In fee Simple Title Holder on next page ( if different CONTRACTOR: Nomne; Kell'Y Cert m(3 Cornpany: AIR TEMP AIF CONDITIONING. IINC- Ad d res s: 651 NVV Erb terpfioe Drive Suite #107 City: Fort Saint Lucia Zip Cade- M P ho rle. No. 772-340-0740 E -Mail, airte-mpacCmy@hoo.com Roof pp:kch, Mate: FL Fad:: 772-281-2907 from the Owner listed ab.ve) I State -or County License- CAC1814837 If value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Com mancement is requrrer�. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTROCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION, A fIlE`EII.pv #het A Iie��La ' Name; Mull I GAGE COMPANYM Not Applica�1 Name: Address: Address: State, city.- State, Zip; f7 r e zip: _.. Rhone; IFEE SIMILE TFLE HOLDER: Not Applicable Name Address: Cite Zip: Phone. RO.N DFG COMPANY. Not Applicable iName: a I �Ia e. i Address, ZIPS v Ph one' -- - O ER/ CONTRACTOR AFFI DVFT: Appi i ca"t ign is hereby made to o bta i n a permit DD ado the ,.vo rk a n i nstaiiation as indica I 02f-iify that o work or instalfation has commenced prior to the is`,;uarnee cif a permit_ ted, StLU[Je County which j5 fn i pp P' :therrrtit holy to lr�ifrt the sbje' U n fmakes� am r l r ��f Me�Uwn a Association permit lc, s. byr aws or angcoven an:t - r�, les n spit Ith Vojjr Home Owner -S ocfatron and r�evior� }our deed for an restr'I ns may htma a ply, t such n cian-srdemtion iff the granting of th is requested perm, ti, ! do here by agree th at i wi f Er In all res p e r perforin. t he word in accordance vwith, the approved planer the riorida Suiidirtig Codes and -5t, Wcie County Amendments, The following building permiit applicatjon$ ar-e exennpotfro m undergoinga full cc;ncurren-cy review- r0 am addition -5, accessory structures, swfmrning p00i's, tenses, waJJ5, signs, screen rGrorns and-aCCe550ry uses to another nun -residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your faffure to Record a NGtice Of Commencement ma-} result in your paying take for iMprove rments to your p ra Perty. A Notice of Commencement rmuSt he recorded and posted Orn the 10bsFtLiR befere tine f-Irst Inspect on- f you ince-nd to 0bta-rn Finan din g, ConsuIt Withy leader c an attoMey before core mens ne work or rer-ofdi cur Natif-e of o9rymencement_ Si n ture of Ow,rnpr L –� ' e C€ rrtr gtr r as �er�t far wrti r 5ignatu r e Of Con trac#Orl license H old p,r TAT��E``�OF FLORIDACOU0. { The forgoing iristrument yw;is a:ckn.0-medged befu re rne this; ay of r. 2 by 'Nafne Of -O "� making �tatern, ent P,er rnally [mown — OR Produced Ide riffication Type Of rdentific;ition (Signalu re 01 N Ota r y PU biic-- State of Florida � mm-15slon No � � � (-Sea[) REVI E5F r C DATE � s R IXE IVED DATE Rear, 8/2117 STATE OF FLORIDA Tie MT.-Gnig intr�lrrienL akntied titre nle th isday of '; 20 . _, Cc 'Name -of piC�OR a king staternent Persona Iry Known_ Produced Identification TYPE of Identifiratj n P roduced (Siffratore of Notary Pub i12- State Os Florida j 0. S 'tea C -0M- C11551an NoL + (seal) CA Fro "IEIRVISR PLANS VELE' IWMEIu'1 REVIEW I REV f N ' yr} ' uCrK, Sla a ll FkAde Ny }I rte, i - , NG. P " ialrr vwwlo I F1 Thr!5 (;!)r[lb l l titian qualifies fora Federal Energy Efficiency tax Credit ivhe n played in -sem Ce between F eb 17.200 q and Dec 31, 2'01 B_ CERTIFIEDa Certificate Ct Ka ia a AH R.1 Certified Refererucm NurnhiA= - 2012,940B3 Date' 01-23-2+01a Old AH RI Rafereni Number '1943:93;5 AH Fri Type ; ROLr-A-C13 Side _ Outdoor U114t Brand blame . RHF-EM LAdmr Unit ModeNumber ( rldenser C]F dir a Fankage� : RA164BAJJ Indoor Unit Brame Name : Ir?door Unit Model Number tiEvapcfi�tur andlorr it Handl-ur' : RH1 T 6 15TAN Furn-ace Model Nurnbor = Moder Staffs , Ac-11va Region e}SII ALF AR. AZ, OA, Co. , �C, Dr, FL, OA, H9, 11)� 1L, IA, IN, ISS, Y, LA, MA. MD, MEr Iwll, MN, M.(). MS. h1T, NC, ND, NE, NH. 1Q, NMi NV, NY. 01-1, 0K. OR., PA, Rr. SC, SQ, TSI., TX, UT, VA. vT, WA. VVV, WI, 'Wy. U,S, T,,§Eriito6c::�) R,P-�ion Note, r Central air conrimoi-mr's rnanufa(-tured ;prion to .January 1 2015 are eli iblu In, be installed in all regions UnW ,June J0, 2016. B-""1rlirlg JLUY 1, 2016 central :air rnndit�bn-er -ran i�nly t instaMed irk negiDn(!�) fOF whirh ftY meet til re�icen:A affideincy raquirernem. the rnariuFadurPr of thus RHEEPA prcjuct is reSPOnsiblP forte a rating cr this System biirtation_ Rated a� FbIlows in ar..cardancp vwith LhL- 1,atestedjjiof ANREVAHRI 21 1.240 wish Mdo;nda 1 rend 2, Performance Ra ing or Unitary Ajr<,ondiiiGnin Air- urce Heat Purrrp FgUipmont and subject to ra€ing $ccuiac;y b� AM Rl-spoljs/- cjud, independent, third party LestirKj: Cooling rZipacitY (A2,I - ingl-P GT Nigh Stage (95F), bkijh 45000 SEER ; 7_ EER (A2) —Single or High Stage (9SF) - 13.40 ICER _ -rA !UW Model Status are m. W (hal an AHRI Cvrfvfic,3Jlr F�ogrnm perjjoip20. IS Currently MdudinAW] Hellin or m�ritk,#e4 k ul ro rrvt Xet king pe uOcd.-fir lurYii n Stew g ra ring for.,a1g: O€� neva Mdefa t1hW are being pF �' Model SWI:us, are kh�a-,so- that an Al -I RI C E+rtsiicatinn Pn�rern P—noiciparro4 i� n� longer r�ll� or offer ny W sale. g pscrducing BUT °a sW trn� _tract r rPi � d ' VlW' +aidn at -Bn lnw�ollrQr r�-rate. TPC FA@11! pyplished rater S shown 1long -Wh tfxproi., us i. 1,QA85 rata s . _ DISCLAIMER _........'_ �. r _ AHRJ CIpC9 not eniforsc the prodrr-r;s) €Isted on Chis CertifTrzate anal makes &a rcpxesentatlons, wrarrantios or guatankccs as. to. 0 n assume- no resporsibiri y fr i, The pr du tt}} listed n this ertlrlct�t . AHR] x ossl �+I erms all I ibilaby for O�mages of arty kind .arksin" Out of rhe arse 0.7 pe fe rmance & 1 he productfsl, or the I ern,thPlxedIttratl Gn of dp;a IJst-R-d -Pn this Certificate- CL-rtifi ratlr�g,,q are vaild -only for rrt�dryl� directory as andoa�fdgrrrutio�,s listed in the . . TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certltit tc and il% corrtents are pFopriiataryr products c,f AHRl, This Certificate shall only be +a rJ for indhel nal, personal bnd confl-drntla] Yefee nca purpeq;(�s, 'Th -e contunts of MIS CertMcat4�may Trot. I„ 14:"le at in part, tie reptocfuOed! copied, (flMlkf+at#dl entered i rata z' cermputer datallas& or otherwjsc� ut;ilrZed_ in any tcvm or manner or by a+rJr• Means, except for the aser's Whri vTA, personal 9rPd wnflderiii�.* refe,enep,. CERTI F4 CATS VERT F1 CAT]o N Ir► c. a r ri0NJNG. 14EAa11W., L rfEFRl:((xEPATE1!4 r`dr,Sfiirl E The Imrfprmatiorj ic}r the model �i;M on tFiiti sc�klfec.ate sin bo•'Mcrifi�l {i# . .. •.: ;•, z GI pr, �Vorif�. CnFr°�ra=' link d ante `hr A[Q] f�rffiicd QefL-renre K11-rrlberr and #ho dew on Which the certliir.dfr w'u* Issued, '• f. rfvkr IiFe- be s;rr'� wnl n iS� 1€Aed above, .-and the C. rklflc•.ate No., which it ii trd at Iaotturn rWt 9,201 Ai rI -CO n dlitio n I rtg. Heatfing, and R -e ige ration InStltUte CERTIFICATE NO.: 1-11Pj121D72,-M7i354j0 .i�