HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLfCABLE I N FO M LIST 1B E ICOM P LETE D FOR APAP LI ,TI ON TO HE ACCE,PTE D Date: 121312018 FC6U NT Y Y 1. a R I b A Permit 'umber: Building Permit Application Planning Ond Development sefvices 8ijildirag. ons' Code Reguiat;on Divis+opt 2300 Virginia Avenve, FOrt .Pierce .FL 34982 Phone: (772} 462-1553 FaX, (772) 462-1S7.9 Commercial Residential . PERMIT APPLICATION FOR- Mechari1rall - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: A.ddires5: 7:05a Maidstune Drive, Port airil Lude. Florida X986 Legaf DeSCfiptiDn- MAID TONE (PSB 43-11) LOT 10 Property Tax If) #.. 332-509,0111 f)00_9 Lot d`+iaa.102 Site Play Name: Btock No - Project Name: Setbacks Front Rask: — Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A/C Change Out, Install Rheem 5 Yon, 16 Seer, 10 KW beater, S/C Split SyStOM, LIKE FOR LIKE CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: t i —or) Z war �Fe--ber" rme _ u�d�r i� a rt Che c a 9HVAC 1:1— Gay Tank ,leas Piping Ellectric I] Plumbing Ehprinkler, Total Sq. Ft ofConstruct-ion: Cast of Constructiein; S OWNER/LESSEE: Name Sarn Uel P_ Fruscion a Address_- 70:55 Maidstone Drive apply- Shutters Win dows/Doors Generator 0 Roof = Roof pitch S_ Ft, of First Floor: UnIities: a er LlSeptic guild -Ing Height, - City -Part Saint Lucie Stat: FL Zip Code: -34936 Fax: Phone file_ (954) 559-4334 E- ISI a i C: sPfriiscio-ne gma il_€ 0M Fi 111 n fee si m pie Titi e H older o n n ext paea f if dff Ferprrt CONTRACTOR: Name- KOHy C'ertosima Company: AIR TiEMP At.R C NDITIONIN , INC. Address: 6-5 1, NW Enterprir Drive .Suite #107 City: Port Saint Luce State: FL. Zip Code: 34986Fac: 772-231-7� Phone No, 772-340-0740 P. f�I aiL• airternpaci yahoo, corn from the Owner listed above) State ,or County License: CAC 181483 7 If value of oorrstru n Is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of mmencemenf is r�qeaFed_ SUPPLEM ENTAL CONSTRUCTION DEN LAW JNFOR aT N Aare-. M0RT AIE COMPANY: ..fro# Ap,n]1cable AddreSs; alile_ a AddT s�: dip: �h€n — I. Mate, Zi.: _lay: rAdA- I Cf: - zip: Phone - FEE J M PLE TITLE MLJ: Not AOD[jj ca bJP Address: City- ZRp, pfri n : OWNER/ CONTRACTOR 'ACTOR AFFJDVIT: Application is h-erehY Made to ohtain p e Ft to do the I certify that no work or installation has cDmmenced Prior to the fssuance of permit- ��r� ar�ul it��tariatio� as ir�di�at�tl� St. Loci c- u nk makes no represe ntatiorr th at Is granting a permit will a uthorize the perm it holder to bu I -d the subject strucluee �.''hjrh is in coral et with anY al plicable Home Owner -5 kssocratiort rrrfcs, bylaws or an'd coven? th imt �ruo�Te, PIOQse consult with your HoMe i�w ers Ass€�cfatiora and review our deed for ars restrictions whfc may Prohibit such � � �` RR y. In consideration of the grantiq of this regwested perm -pt, 1 do hereby agree hdt I w-111, i'.rr all respects, perform the % rark in accordance with the approved plans, the F[Orida BuiIdfng CiDdes and St. tut:le County a mendmee��. The i`crffowIng hualdFn permit it Pp ` lications are exempt from undefgiong a full conCUrren.cy review: roDm add itt0r)s, accessory structures, swimming p0015, fences, wJ)lls., siiffns, screen roorn5 and eccess.ory use_, to another non -re identfal use WARNING TO OWNER: Yr)ur failure to Record a Nati of Cott men rnent may r urlt i n our iMprovements to Vour proper, A � wice of Commencement rust be recorded and pond on ng � obsite efore the first inspecti-On. If you intend to0btain flnan iti a consulit with [adder or i3 atturn eY before Commencing work or recording your NotCe of Commencement. r B Sigrlat�€efuwr esserantr�[or asger�t fcprrrignat�are €frstrr Lirase wider �` STATE OF FLORIDA(-) � - ,ATE OF FLORIDA Y COUNTY Of J�_ COUNTY OF The f 4Mg ins tftii�5 day of edg d. , erdra the _2()by J N e of p, rrnaking �statem ent Personalty Known �t I OR Produced -e1'9tlfitr�ag•M Type of lde:ntification Produced ;igntui Of fit tat Public- State of Florida No,il�f Commission �r (Saaa F 'dE a1 ��Sw,14060 G� r4 � 3n��: USE IF R =,aE pC DAA RECEIVED L)k E COSI PLtTE D Rev_ 8/2/17 `he # guiug in-str orris �qs cka t Okada; �' re m � day .�{ ��r y a } — f1 imi' of P'@ making statement Persona I[y Known OR Produced Identiftation TVpe of Idemflfication Produced f Stgnatur' 6f NotaTy Public - Comm ssiion No- r PLANS VELE REVIEW R EVIM Ioriad a "D" pu011C 5rarto of Fictifta filly C�c,''r`9310rn %'G 17MAt REVIEW _L 11EVIEW E Certificate of Product Ratings AHIRI Ge tfied Refereme Nulrmbor ; 20129;5245 CKate = 11-P7-.2018 Mb -del St@WS : AoffVe Old AHRI Reference Number' 7 3714 AHRI Type : RC U -A -CB Outdoor Unh Brand Nanne : RHEEM Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser Pr Single Package) . RAj 66OAj1 Indoor Unit Model Number (Evaporator and%r Air Hand6r) - RH1T T -AN Iprl . AJI (AK -AL, AIS, AZ, CA, 00, GT. QGF DE. _ FL. GSA. HI, ID, It- JA, IN, KS. KY, LA, IIA, ME). ME, Ml, MN�, A+10_ hJ1S-, MT. NC. NCS, NE, NH, NJ, NM. NV, NY, OH, C1K, OR. PA, Rf, SG. SE), TN, TX, UT. VA, V7, "FA. WV. VVI.'rVy, U,S_ Territories') Rr pion Note Ccirltrai air canditioner-2 manafafAurDd prior In J$rltlary, 1, 21115 are eligible to Ems. irrstalt-d in all reqiLirks until ,June 30. 2016. 8egininircq ,July 1, 2DI & central air awditioners can onty be installed in I ir)r ( i for which they meet the regionar effciormoy r quih' mer°t_ ThO nlanuactufor -vfthis RHEEM prod f:s resporkSiWe for the rating Of tI7i'� ustem aaml,ir,atiorl_ Raaf; R-5 €olllcrr,!� in accord a n -:e with the latest edillfon of AN-SIr'AH!R; 21 CU240 with Addand;a 1 and 2, Performance Rating of 4 MEary Air-Conditibning & Air- ourcc Hadi[ Pump Equiffne It and subject to eating ac.Guraey by AHRJ-yiponsored, f-n-dependeolt third ipaq teng-, OOIM� Capacity [} - S4ngW or High Mage ( , bituh - 5 C -ER W) - Single or High Stage (95F) : 13.00 t'Ara,ivE` MW l Status ;3fr_ t,,MD&e Mal an AHRI Oortiftatio—n Pr.4gram Rwticipant is *Lmontly p�rnduc:irq Arno 4�i,°Iling or ctfi�-rirlg fDrsa[a; OR new nlOdelsthal are Icing rrs�rk ate d but dC not trei b rr1CI poduer_�I.'Pr€Dduct0rl Stopped- Model StBtu$ are thi s plat ,gin AH R I rtificatiorl Program RaIficipar�l i$ n� longer producing �4� f � still I air offaa-ing far . o,.a;.,:,,., 1 -L --- - - -- .. . - . --.. - . IDISCLAIM.Ei;i - AHRI dO*s D04 er? orSe tho product( -,q] 113tud OR INS CCrtlf1iC*r and msk—k.s no reprC%ln tion,0. WdAFF3n#i�. �r 043 [Eft ar. 3110 ilwRJmes -n4 resporislbijity for, the p>t lr• i Il�ctrd .an th I Fti gat -e. AHRI expre Fy diseiai.ms all rlabll It,.• fcr darn;ya* of any, kind ari5ing 1311t of t use or perforrnance of the product(-. �, or the unauth-drizcd atteratipn of data ristod Dn this6 Certi lcatoO, -Certified r.otfngs Orr valid orliy for models lisced in the rdir ctGry° 3t wwpy.3h11direGt0fV.trg. TERM$ AND CGNDITIONS This rUertifh7ZtC and iL�G +;intents *srt propnetnry products of ARM. phis Certlfd shalr owya t)c used for ind'ivadual_F*ursonal and. t.:mfidentl3t rofurcnc* purpor—w s_ Yfl-F6 conten[s of this Certlfi47atlo :maty A -Pt, in w it- or In part, be mprodur-ftd cop. -ed- dl*.somlns"; frl5 rrvrJ I.FtD a compkiter-d'ainh{tee_ or othc.rwaise urfiized, Ir, Shy dorm air Manner orbyany mes&i, i=cxpt for the riser's Imlivlduad, personal ,anal c�ontidontiol retere.nr , CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The Irftrmation rid 4d*i� mcefel citcd an this ccrtlf tate Cwk The verffirct zit wwwaihrld ,r&ctpiry.org. ditk up 'Verify Ccrtdflrate' Pink amid corer the- AHRr Certldfed Retefenec Num"r and the -e date on wh:ch the -certilticate was hmud_ which is I.irited nht u, an -d the C9rtltic3t� fro,, which i!� listed at hottonl ri�ThL 00201 S Air €r'nditio n ling, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: P&M AIR-CONOrFMNING, PLATiNr,. REFRIGERATION INSTIRFIF AVrr,V16'. 116-i!WIN-r- i