HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicatiomALL APPUICIABUE INFCI MUSH BE CICIMPLET9D FOR AIPPLICIA7ICIN TO BBA CICEPTBE Data: 'I�h1121/e1a1El Permit Num1ber: • Building Permit Application Fllainrincl tint Deveilapmeinil Services fib ilairglana CLide REigluicition Llivisicin 2300 Virglinia / ve nuei, Fan Wei cei FIL 34 51f12 PHciriel: (71712) 4i1:1a-91993 Fiix: (7122) 410-]19718 Comrr ercial RElslidentlial N RERMITI APPLICATION ROR: -no Select frorr ducipbax, c[6 arrow at ilhe end oil line PRC POSED IN PROVEMEINT LOCATION: Address: E13'11 C neer Dolplh in :11 I egal Descuipll iori: Properly Tax 110 P: Lot IS ci. -'lite Hari Name: Hlcick No. Project IN arrie: Sell t asks Nrarit Back: RigH t Sic e: Lefil Slid e: DETAILED DESCRIIPTIC)N OF WC RK: Insilall new shower pari arid pnoper two oiciry sl• ower drain in preparation fon nE1w dile. CONSTRUCTIC N INRORMATIIC N: Addil icirial mimilk to bEirtormed u n der this perm it — c Eic a apply : ❑ ❑F VAC Gas 11arih ❑Ga!i Pipinpl _ SH utters Winc clan 3/Doors ❑ electric 0 Plumtirig ❑Spririhlens ❑ Generator Roof Racif glitch Tot al 9q. Ft of Coristru cd iori: !I Ft. of Finsl Flcion: Cost of Corisl ru c1 iar : $ 499.aa Utilil ics. SlewEw ❑ `.lepltic Bu ildinig Heiaht: OWN ER/LESSEE: CC N TRACI9OR: Name Jane Voyla-Pedersen ii� arr,El: Raul PEidersen Ac c ness: 63111 Cneer Dolplhin91 Complaniy: Lit le Hear Plumbirig, Ina. Cliff y: Rcirt RiEmae Il atEi: RL Address: E1959 1 a3Rd Ave aip Cace: 31499'1 Fax: City: Vera Beach Stale: RL Rhoric Na. Zip CO( EI: 309671 Fax: E-Mail:.ialriEirrivl9@clrriail.com Plhorle No. 717.1-388-3321 Fill irl fele simple Title Holcer cini riext palle ( ill difllerciril E-Mail: littlEiteainpIL rritinclClivEl.aam from the Clwrier listec above) 'l1 atEl or Cou r 1 y LiceinsE1: C RC'14 218,116 If r alu a of ccinstru ctior is ; a9C10 au rricir(i, a F E(IORDED A atice cilCcirrirrcinic(irrienl is reiqu inec . SLPPLEMEINTALCCNSTiRI:aw LION 0W INKRIMATION: NamEI:_ A c dress : city: _ Zi pl: NG (NEER: _ Not Applicat IEII MORTGAC 8 COM RANINI: _ Ncll A r1pliaable Name: Rh one StcltEl: FEET SIMPIIE TITL8 HOEDIER: _ Not Aplpilicable Narr Er A c dress: 855:1 103RdPve City: Zipl: F h one: Ac c ress: City: State: sip: Rh carie: BONDING COMPANY: Names: Ac c ress: City: aipl: Rhone: _Not Aplpllicat le OWN EIR/ CC NTRPICTC R AFRIDV IT: Appliaa 1 icin is hEmEiby mace to abl ain a penmit to do the "ark anc inll allation as inc icatElc . certify that na wank cIr ins) a llation has camrrenaec pinior i a the issuancEl of a pEinmit. 9t. LuciEi Clounty makEls nc1 iieppresElnl al ian that is granl inji a pEinmit mill autharizel 1 he anmit I cllc en lo H uild the sutjelct stnucturle which is in conflict m i1 h any appllicad 16F amu OH news Assoaal ion nuIcs, bylaws cm and ca%ena nts that rrlay nElli nict cm plrclhibit suah s1 nucl urEl. Please ccinsult w ith youn Fame Ow neris Assaciaticln and n(MEiw youn doled for any nestrictians whish may aplply. In cansidelrlation of 1 he ®rant inji cif this requested pemmit, I do helrEiby agree l hal I w ill, in all resplects, penfarm them ark in accorc ance m it h the appinoveid plans, the Alanida Eluilc ing (la( Els and St. Lucie) County Arrend mants. llhEl fcillclwing built inEl peurriil a p pllical ions ane ex(lrriplt from undElrlplainEl a ilull aancutmElncy neviElw: nelclrri ac c it ians, accessciry ltrualunes, swimming pcials, seances), malls, signs, screan nooms and accessory uses to anathelr nan-residelntial use WARNING TO OWN EIR: Yau n failurei to Record a Nal ice of Commeiriaemerlt may reisc It ir1 y au n Flaying twice) for improvements lo your rlroperty. A Nol ice of CommenaElmerit mI. st L EI rec arded arc posl ec ori 1 h EI jabsil EI before the first inspacitiarl. If you interic to cit 1 ain firiarloinij, cions). It with lender) or an all carne) before nnmmanrlina wnrk nr rorinnc inL7 vourl Ncil icle Of COmmenciElmEril . Rev. 8/:I/]la 9ignalure of 01n nem/ I essce/Clans naclor as AElenl fan OwnEin SliOnatune cd Cantnactcm/License Holder STATS OR Rll DPI STATE OF FLCIF�QA COUNTY CIRYLD QICQ c CCIU NTY OFT�YI���C lhel ioxgclinEl instrurrieni was a cknawlEidElec Blore mel The fc�going ansa ent this � c ay of, s a knoN lest gbElfcme me 20 by this) day cd , 20 by JEhUl P11 N amu cif Alen inEl sl al errienl ✓ N a of pl on making atElment / Pensonall Knciwn OR Pita ficatian V Rensonally Knaw n OR PnocucEid IdElntili Tian Ty pe of c e Ai 1 is 1 Type of Ice ' ' a ' n rclduaelc 'e �L Z Praduc c (Signaturle cif c- t tel f Ioric a) (Si urEl of Ncll ar)l Rud I' ;, 11 d Camrrissian Ncl. LIE.I SBIIIIIETS } clfTlrr l!llCln �a. NA IN j� CrJLSBAIlIETS Nol:u r7b�i 9t�t'.afFlorida ar)l Public - State of f lorida Commission Al CIC 189743 :;` �' Carnmi..iion AICIG 1119;43 My Ca mm. a xpiref Feb ] !, 202:1 N), Comrni. Lxpire� Fab 79, 20:1: REVIEWS :r FRC NT 9URORV19CIR RW S V9GETA11K N !IEA 11L RTLE MANGRCIVE ZC NIIN G CCL NTER REVIEW REVIOW REVI9W REVIEW ROVIE\& REIVIEA DAVE RECIEIVEO DATE CC MRLETEI] Rev. 8/:I/]la